كتاب Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Science
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Science

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Science
A solid foundation of sound engineering principles, analysis and technical problem-solving skills.
Bolakale Aremu
Ojula Technology Innovations  

كتاب Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Science  I_t_m_15
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Preface to First Edition 1
Purpose 1
Approach and Content 1
About the Author 4
1. Statics 5
1.1 Introduction to Mechanics 5
1.1.1 Representation of Vectors 6
1.2 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors 7
1.2.1 Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition 8
1.3 Resolution of Vectors 9
1.4 Force 11
1.5 Equilibrium and Stability 12
1.5.1Types of Equilibrium 13
1.6 Triangle of Forces 14
1.6.1 Experiment to Verify Triangle of Forces 14
1.7 Coplanar Forces, Concurrent Forces and Couple 21
1.7.1 Conditions of Equilibrium 21
1.7.2 Equilibrant and Couple 21
1.8 Polygon of Forces 22
1.9 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass 24
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | v1.9.1 How to Locate the Center of Gravity of a Non-uniform Body 24
1.10. Types of Supports, Joints and Reactions 26
1.11 Tension, Compression, Stress and Strain 26
1.11.1Tension and Compression 28
1.11.2 Hooke’s Law 33
2. Dynamics 38
2.1 Rectilinear Motion of a Particle 38
2.1.1 Uniform Rectilinear Motion 39
2.2 Newton’s Laws of Motion 47
2.3 Air Resistance and Terminal Velocity 54
2.4 Impulse and Momentum 54
2.5 Work, Energy and Power 61
2.6 Kinetic and Potential Energy 64
2.7 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions 69
3. Moments and Frictional Forces 74
3.1 Moment of a Force 74
3.1.1 Moment of a Couple (Torque) 75
3.1.2 Equilibrium of Coplanar Forces 76
3.2 Friction 79
3.2.1 Laws of Friction 79
3.2.2 Coefficients of friction 80
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | vi3.2.4.
3.2.3 Nature of friction 83
Applications and Methods of Reducing Friction 84
4. Circular Motion 87
4.1 Introduction to Circular Motion 87
4.2 Centripetal Force 90
4.2.1 Rounding a Bend 91
4.3 More Examples of Circular Motion 94
4.3.1 The Rotor 94
4.3.2 Looping the Loop 96
4.3.3 Centrifuges 97
4.3.4. Moment of Inertia 98
5. Mechanical Oscillations 101
5.1. Introduction 101
5.2 Simple Harmonic Motion 104
5.2.1 Equations of S.H.M 107
5.2.2 Mass on a Spring 112
5.2.3 Simple Pendulum 114
5.2.4 Energy of S. H. M 118
5.3 Damped and Undamped Oscillations 121
5.4 Forced Oscillation and Resonance 123
5.4.1 Barton's Pendulums 123
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | vii5.4.2 Hacksaw blade oscillator 125
5.4.3 Examples of Resonance 126
5.4.4 Quality Factor Q 127
6. Machines 128
6.1 Mechanical Advantage of Simple Machines 128
6.2 The Lever 129
6.2.1 Mechanical Advantage of a Lever 129
6.2.2 Types of Levers 130
6.2.3 Applications and Uses of Levers 131
6.3 Pulleys 134
6.3.1 Real-life Applications of Pulleys 135
6.3.2 Types of Pulleys 137
6.3.3 Belt Drives: Tension and Slip 141
6.4 Velocity Ratio of Simple Machines 142
6.5 Efficiency of Simple Machines 143
6.6 The Inclined Plane 144
6.7 The Screwjack 146
6.8 The Wheel and Axle 148
6.9 Gears and Gear Trains 149
6.9.1Simple Gears 150
6.9.2 Bevel gears 152
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | viii6.9.3 Worm Gears 153
6.9.4 Rack and Pinion 154
6.10 The Hydraulic Press 154
6.10.1The Working Principle of the Hydraulic Press Machine 155
7. Fluids at Rest 158
7.1 Pressure in a Liquid 158
7.1.1 Expression for Liquid Pressure 159
7.1.2 Transmission of Pressure: The Hydraulic Principle 160
7.1.3 High-Pressure Water-Jet Cutting 161
7.2 Liquid Columns 161
7.2.1 U-tube Manometer 161
7.2.2 Balancing Liquid Columns 163
7.3 Archimedes' Principle 164
7.3.1 Floating Bodies 165
7.3.2 Hydrometer 166
7.4 Atmospheric Pressure 167
7.5 Pressure Gauges and Vacuum Pumps 167
7.5.1 Bourdon Gauge 168
7.5.2 Rotary Vacuum Pump 168
7.6 Surface Tension 169
7.6.1Some Effects of Surface Tension 169
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | ix7.6.2 Definition and Unit 170
7.6.3 Molecular Explanation 172
7.7 Liquid Surfaces 173
7.7.1Shape of Liquid Surfaces 173
7.7.2 Practical Applications of Spreading 176
7.8 Capillarity 176
7.9 Bubbles and Drops 179
7.10 Surface Energy 182
8. Fluids in Motion 183
8.1 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 183
8.2 Viscosity 183
8.3 Steady and Turbulent Flow 184
8.4 Motion in a Fluid 186
8.5 Bernoulli's Equation 189
8.6 Applications of Bernoulli 192
8.6.1 Jets and Nozzles 192
8.6.2 Spinning Ball 193
8.6.3 Aerofoil/Airfoil 194
8.7 Flowmeters 196
8.7.1Venturi Meter 196
8.7.2 Pitot Tube 197
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | x8.8 Fluid Flow Calculations 198
9. Energy and its Uses 201
9.1About Energy 201
9.1.1 Conservation of Energy 201
9.1.2 Energy Degradation 202
9.1.3 Units of Energy 202
9.2 Energy Sources 203
9.2.1 Finite Sources of Energy 203
9.2.2 Renewable Sources 204
9.2.3 Energy Density 204
9.2.4 Energy Source Availability 204
9.3 Energy Transfer 204
9.4 Energy Consumption 206
9.4.1 Patterns of Consumption 206
9.4.2 Growth of Demand 207
9.5 Energy Use in the UK 207
9.6 Thermal Power Stations 209
9.6.1Action 210
9.6.2 Efficiency 211
9.6.3 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) 213
9.7 Fuels and Pollution 213
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | xi9.7.1 Fossil-fuel Power Stations 213
9.7.2 Nuclear Power Stations 213
9.8 Hydroelectric Power Stations 215
9.8.1Action 215
9.8.2 Efficiency 215
9.8.3 Pumped Storage 215
9.8.4 Further Points 217
9.9 Solar Energy 217
9.9.1 Nature 217
9.9.2 Solar Constant 218
9.10 Solar Devices 218
9.10.1 Passive Solar Heating 219
9.10.2 Active Solar Heating 219
9.10.3 Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells) 222
9.11 Wind Energy 224
9.11.1 Power of the Wind 225
9.11.2 Wind Turbines 225
9.12 Water Power 227
9.12.1 Wave Energy 227
9.12.2 Tidal Energy 228
9.13 Biofuels 231
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | xii9.13.1 Biomass 231
9.13.2 Biofuel Production 231
9.13.3 Biofuels and their Uses 233
9.14 Geothermal Energy 233
9.14.1 Hot aquifers 234
9.14.2 Hot Dry Rocks 235
9.15 Energy Losses from Buildings: U-Values 236
9.15.1 U-value 237
9.16 Ventilation 238
10. More Training Resources 240
10.1 Download Practice Exercises and Solutions 240
11. Congrats and Next Steps 241
Ojula Technology Innovations Page | xiii

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