بحث بعنوان Analysis of a New Switched Reluctance Motor with Two Sets of Embedded Permanent Magnets
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 بحث بعنوان Analysis of a New Switched Reluctance Motor with Two Sets of Embedded Permanent Magnets

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18962
التقييم : 35392
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Performance Analysis of a New Switched Reluctance Motor with Two Sets of Embedded Permanent Magnets
Mohammad Amin Jalali Kondelaji, Ehsan Farmahini Farahani, and Mojtaba Mirsalim, Senior Member, IEEE

بحث بعنوان Analysis of a New Switched Reluctance Motor with Two Sets of Embedded Permanent Magnets  P_a_o_15
و المحتوى كما يلي :

This paper proposes an enhanced-torque switched reluctance motor with two sets of permanent magnets (PMSRM) embedded inside the stator yoke and the end teeth of the neighboring modules. The PMs contribute to intensify the air-gap flux density and reduce the magnetic saturation in the stator poles. As a result, the output torque can be enhanced to a significant extent. The working principle of the proposed PM-SRM is clarified using its magnetic circuit model (MCM). The characteristics of the PM-SRM are obtained and compared with classical 12/8 and 6/5 SRMs and hybrid reluctance motors (HRMs) in terms of static and average torque and average torque per PMs volume. The steady-state performance of the PM-SRM in terms of current and torque waveforms is carried out, and the PM-SRM is compared with considered SRMs and HRMs in terms of output torque, power, and efficiency. All the comparisons demonstrate the out-performance of the proposed PM-SRM over other SRMs and HRMs. To validate the simulation results, a prototype of the PM-SRM is manufactured and the experimental results are obtained. Both the simulation and experimental results are indicative of the fact that the proposed PM-SRM can gain high torque and high PM utilization factor, simultaneously.
Index Terms
High torque density, magnetic circuit model, permanent magnets, switched reluctance motor
This paper introduced a new enhanced-torque switched reluctance motor (SRM) with two sets of permanent magnets (PMs) embedded inside the stator yoke and the end teeth of the neighboring modules. The working basics of the proposed motor, namely PM-SRM, were clarified with predicted flux patterns. The magnetic circuit model (MCM) of the PM-SRM was also analyzed to illustrate the working principle of the motor theoretically. The electromagnetic characteristics of the motor were obtained using a 2-D FEA. A comprehensive comparison was drawn in terms of the static torque and average torque considering three other SRMs. Additionally, the outperformance of the PM-SRM over other PM-SRMs in terms of the average torque and PMs effectiveness was elucidated based on a comparison with two other well-established hybrid reluctance motors (HRMs); a 12/8 HRM and a 6/5 HRM. The steady-state performance of the PM-SRM under low and high speeds was obtained, and the proposed PM-SRM was compared with other SRMs and HRMs in terms of output torque, power, efficiency, and torque per PMs mass. Finally, the proposed PM-SRM was constructed and the test results were obtained to validate the theoretical and simulation results.

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بحث بعنوان Analysis of a New Switched Reluctance Motor with Two Sets of Embedded Permanent Magnets
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