كتاب دليل اصلاح اللاب توب - Laptop Repair Complete Guide; Including Motherboard and Component Level Repair!
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 كتاب دليل اصلاح اللاب توب - Laptop Repair Complete Guide; Including Motherboard and Component Level Repair!

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
دليل اصلاح اللاب توب
Laptop Repair Complete Guide; Including Motherboard and Component Level Repair!
Author: Garry Romaneo

كتاب دليل اصلاح اللاب توب - Laptop Repair Complete Guide; Including Motherboard and Component Level Repair! L_r_c_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
- Basic Troubleshooting Used By A Laptop Technician
- Common Parts And Functions Of The Average Laptop
- Installing Operating Systems On Laptops And Netbooks
- Complete Disassembly / Taking Apart The Laptop
- Laptop Screen Disassembly Instructions
- Laptop Screen Types, Including Bulb/Inverter Repair
- Laptop Not Powering On Issues & Resolutions
Liquid Spill Discussion Cleaning The Motherboard DiscussionChapter 8 - Laptop Not Powering On Issues; Part 2: Video Related Cleaning The Fan And HeatSink Assembly Discussion Thermal Paste Usage & Removal Discussion Chipset Discussion
Chapter 9 - Reflowing The GPU Coin-stack Use Discussion BGA Explanation Heat Gun Use/Hot
Air Gun/ Tips and Nozzles Monitoring The Temperature Tips For A Successful Reflow Chip Sealant /
Epoxy Removal Preheating the PCB Use Of Flux Fan Modification/Thermal Controller Thermal Pads
Verses Shims Use Of Thermal Paste
Chapter 10 - Laptop Not Powering On Issues; Part 3: Motherboard Related Blown Voltage Regulator
Types Of Voltage Regulators/ Images/Vectors Blown Capacitors Tantalum & Electrolytic
Laptop Repair Complete Guide iii
Chapter 10 - continued Motherboard Testing Procedures Motherboard Testing Tools
Methods To Testing Capacitors Identifying Components On The Laptops Motherboard
Motherboard Flex Issue Discussion Schematic Discussion Motherboard Repairing Discussion
Chapter 11 - Soldering Micro Components De-soldering Process Tools Used In Soldering
Soldering Process Explained Diagnosing And Repairing A Failing Hard Drive
This book was written to allow a better understanding as to how exactly
a Laptop can fail and how an individual such as yourself, can troubleshoot,
diagnose and properly repair the faulty issue(s) that may arise while saving a
ton of money rather than sending it to a repair facility or buying new
replacement parts.
Great for current Students enrolled in Technology related courses, as this
information is not taught in classes.
DIY (Do It Yourself) Laptop Repair Guide
Please take the time to read this book in its entirety, then re-read it again
to ensure you get a clear understanding of all its content. I also recommend
that you purchase my First book release entitled: World’s First Complete
Guide to Laptop & Notebook Repair.
– Suitable for all age groups and learning levels – this book will teach
you without all the technical terms used, and will explain, step by step, in
great detail. I will not include all the arithmetic equations used, or the
specific detailed component schematics, rather, I will replace those
confusing terms with easily understandable replacement terms for your
convenience and to allow a better understanding for the Beginner or
inexperienced technician.
Garry Romaneo
Laptop Repair Complete Guide vChapter 1

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كتاب دليل اصلاح اللاب توب - Laptop Repair Complete Guide; Including Motherboard and Component Level Repair!
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