كتاب Petroleum Geology - From Mature Basins to New Frontiers
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Petroleum Geology - From Mature Basins to New Frontiers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Petroleum Geology - From Mature Basins to New Frontiers
Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference
Edited by
B. A. Vining and S. C. Pickering
DVD Contents xi
The Technical and Editorial Committee xiii

كتاب Petroleum Geology - From Mature Basins to New Frontiers P_g_f_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface xv
Global petroleum systems in space and time
S. May, R. Kleist, E. Kneller, C. Johnson & S. Creaney
The GeoControversies debates
J. R. Underhill
Virtual fieldtrips for petroleum geoscientists
K. J. W. McCaffrey, D. Hodgetts, J. Howell, D. Hunt, J. Imber, R. R. Jones, M. Tomasso,
J. Thurmond & S. Viseur
Colin Oakman core workshop
G. J. Hampson, J. D. Collinson & P. Gutteridge
Session: Europe
Europe overview
G. Goffey
North Sea hydrocarbon systems: some aspects of our evolving insights into a classic hydrocarbon province
D. Erratt, G. M. Thomas, N. R. Hartley, R. Musum, P. H. Nicholson & Y. Spisto
The search for a Carboniferous petroleum system beneath the Central North Sea
R. Milton-Worssell, K. Smith, A. McGrandle, J. Watson & D. Cameron
Channel structures formed by contour currents and fluid expulsion: significance for Late Neogene development
of the central North Sea basin
P. C. Knutz
Source rock quality and maturity and oil types in the NW Danish Central Graben: implications for petroleum
prospectivity evaluation in an Upper Jurassic sandstone play area
H. I. Petersen, H. P. Nytoft, H. Vosgerau, C. Andersen, J. A. Bojesen-Koefoed & A. Mathiesen
From thrust-and-fold belt to foreland: hydrocarbon occurrences in Italy
F. Bertello, R. Fantoni, R. Franciosi, V. Gatti, M. Ghielmi & A. Pugliese
Upper Jurassic reservoir sandstones in the Danish Central Graben: new insights on distribution and depositional
P. N. Johannessen, K. Dybkjær, C. Andersen, L. Kristensen, J. Hovikoski & H. Vosgerau
Architecture of an Upper Jurassic barrier island sandstone reservoir, Danish Central Graben: implications
of a Holocene–Recent analogue from the Wadden Sea
P. N. Johannessen, L. H. Nielsen, L. Nielsen, I. Møller, M. Pejrup & T. J. Andersen
Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Hugin Formation, Quadrant , Norwegian sector,
South Viking Graben
R. L. Kieft, C. A.-L. Jackson, G. J. Hampson & E. Larsen
Reappraisal of the sequence stratigraphy of the Humber Group of the UK Central Graben
P. J. SansomThe Huntington discoveries: efficient exploration in the UK Central North Sea
J. M. Hollywood & R. C. Olson
The Jasmine discovery, Central North Sea, UKCS
S. Archer, S. Ward, S. Menad, I. Shahim, N. Grant, H. Sloan & A. Cole
Prospectivity of the T sequence in the Northern Judd Basin
J. M. Rodriguez, G. Pickering & W. J. Kirk
Can stratigraphic plays change the petroleum exploration outlook of the Netherlands?
F. F. N. Van Hulten
Field Development and Production
Laggan; a mature understanding of an undeveloped discovery, more than years old
A. Gordon, T. Younis, C. Bernard-Graille, R. Gray, J.-M. Urruty, L. Ben-Brahim, J.-C. Navarre,
B. Paternoster & G. Evers
Managing the start-up of a fractured oil reservoir: development of the Clair field, West of Shetland
A. J. Witt, S. R. Fowler, R. M. Kjelstadli, L. F. Draper, D. Barr & J. P. McGarrity
Overcoming multiple uncertainties in a challenging gas development: Chiswick Field UK SNS
R. Nesbit & K. Overshott
The Ensign enigma: improving well deliverability in a tight gas reservoir
K. Purvis, K. E. Overshott, J. C. Madgett & T. Niven
Maximizing production and reserves from offshore heavy oil fields using seismic and drilling technology:
Alba and Captain Fields, UKNS
J. M. Hampson, S. F. Walden & C. Bell
Locating the remaining oil in the Nelson Field
C. E. Gill & M. Shepherd
The Buzzard Field: anatomy of the reservoir from appraisal to production
F. M. Ray, S. J. Pinnock, H. Katamish & J. B. Turnbull
The Scott Field: revitalization of a mature field
G. R. Brook, J. R. Wardell, S. F. Flanagan & T. P. Regan
Predicting production behaviour from deep HPHT Triassic reservoirs and the impact of sedimentary architecture
on recovery
S. Kape, O. Diaz De Souza, I. Bushnaq, M. Hayes & I. Turner
Sedimentology and unexpected pressure decline: the HP/HT Kristin Field
J. G. Quin, P. Zweigel, E. Eldholm, O. R. Hansen, K. R. Christoffersen & A. Zaostrovski
An old field in a new landscape: the renaissance of Donan
R. R. A. Reekie, E. L. Davies, N. J. Hart, A. T. McInally, J. R. Todd, J. R. McAteer, L. Franoux &
E. L. M. Ferguson
Techniques in Exploration and Exploitation
A road map for the identification and recovery of by-passed pay
P. F. Worthington
Tilting oil–water contact in the chalk of Tyra Field as interpreted from capillary pressure data
I. L. Fabricius & M. A. Rana
A holostratigraphic approach to the chalk of the North Sea Eldfisk Field, Norway
M. J. Hampton, H. W. Bailey & A. D. Jones
Role of the Chalk in development of deep overpressure in the Central North Sea
R. E. Swarbrick, R. W. Lahann, S. A. O’Connor & A. J. Mallon
Investigating fault-sealing potential through fault relative seismic volume analysis
J.-F. Dutzer, H. Basford & S. Purves
D acquisition and processing: a North Sea case study on the relative contributions to improved D repeatability
E. C. Rushmere, M. Dyce, S. Campbell & A. J. Hill
vi CONTENTSApplying time-lapse seismic methods to reservoir management and field development planning at South Arne,
Danish North Sea
J. V. Herwanger, C. R. Schiøtt, R. Frederiksen, F. If, O. V. Vejbæk, R. Wold, H. J. Hansen,
E. Palmer & N. Koutsabeloulis
D seismic mapping and porosity variation of intra-chalk units in the southern Danish North Sea
T. Abramovitz, C. Andersen, F. C. Jakobsen, L. Kristensen & E. Sheldon
Seismic imaging of variable water layer sound speed in Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic and implications for
seismic surveying in deep water
S. M. Jones, C. Sutton, R. J. J. Hardy & D. Hardy
New aeromagnetic and gravity compilations from Norway and adjacent areas: methods and applications
O. Olesen, M. Bro¨nner, J. Ebbing, J. Gellein, L. Gernigon, J. Koziel, T. Lauritsen, R. Myklebust,
C. Pascal, M. Sand, D. Solheim & S. Usov
Session: Russia, Former Soviet Union and the Circum-Arctic
Russia, FSU and the Circum-Arctic: ‘the final frontier’
J. R. Maynard, A. J. Fraser, M. B. Allen, R. A. Scott & S. Drachev
Tectonic history and petroleum geology of the Russian Arctic Shelves: an overview
S. S. Drachev, N. A. Malyshev & A. M. Nikishin
Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the north and east margins of the Siberian craton
north of the Arctic Circle
T. R. Klett, C. J. Wandrey & J. K. Pitman
Synchronous exhumation events around the Arctic including examples from Barents Sea
and Alaska North Slope
P. F. Green & I. R. Duddy
Offset and curvature of the Novaya Zemlya fold-and-thrust belt, Arctic Russia
R. A. Scott, J. P. Howard, L. Guo, R. Schekoldin & V. Pease
Charging the giant gas fields of the NW Siberia basin
E. Fjellanger, A. E. Kontorovich, S. A. Barboza, L. M. Burshtein, M. J. Hardy & V. R. Livshits
Session: North Africa and Middle East
Middle East and North Africa: overview
J. Redfern & J. Craig
From Neoproterozoic to Early Cenozoic: exploring the potential of older and deeper hydrocarbon plays across
North Africa and the Middle East
J. Craig, D. Grigo, A. Rebora, G. Serafini & E. Tebaldi
Palaeohighs: their influence on the North African Palaeozoic petroleum systems
R. Eschard, F. Braik, D. Bekkouche, M. Ben Rahuma, G. Desaubliaux, R. Deschamps & J. N. Proust
Stratigraphic trapping potential in the Carboniferous of North Africa: developing new play concepts
based on integrated outcrop sedimentology and regional sequence stratigraphy
(Morocco, Algeria, Libya)
S. Lubeseder, J. Redfern, L. Petitpierre & S. Fro¨hlich
Integrated petroleum systems and play fairway analysis in a complex Palaeozoic basin: Ghadames–Illizi Basin,
North Africa
R. J. Dixon, J. K. S. Moore, M. Bourne, E. Dunn, D. B. Haig, J. Hossack, N. Roberts, T. Parsons & C. J. Simmons
Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and thermal maturity of the A -NC exploration well in the Kufra Basin,
SE Libya
S. Lu¨ning, N. Miles, T. Pearce, E. Brooker, P. Barnard, G. Johannson & S. Scha¨fer
CONTENTS viiExploring subtle exploration plays in the Gulf of Suez
P. N. Dancer, J. Collins, A. Beckly, K. Johnson, G. Campbell, G. Mumaw & B. Hepworth
The hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Egyptian North Red Sea basin
G. Gordon, B. Hansen, J. Scott, C. Hirst, R. Graham, T. Grow, A. Spedding, S. Fairhead, L. Fullarton & D. Griffin
A regional overview of the exploration potential of the Middle East: a case study in the application of play
fairway risk mapping techniques
A. J. Fraser
Appraisal and development of the Taq Taq field, Kurdistan region, Iraq
C. R. Garland, I. Abalioglu, L. Akca, A. Cassidy, Y. Chiffoleau, L. Godail, M. A. S. Grace, H. J. Kader,
F. Khalek, H. Legarre, H. B. Nazhat & B. Sallier
Sedimentology, geochemistry and hydrocarbon potential of the Late Cretaceous Shiranish Formation in the
Euphrates Graben (Syria)
S. Ismail, H.-M. Schulz, H. Wilkes, B. Horsfield, R. di Primo, M. Dransfield, P. Nederlof & R. Tomeh
Session: Passive Margins
Passive margins: overview
B. Levell, J. Argent, A. G. Dore´ & S. Fraser
Constraints on volcanism, igneous intrusion and stretching on the Rockall–Faroe continental margin
R. S. White, J. D. Eccles & A. W. Roberts
Properties and distribution of lower crustal bodies on the mid-Norwegian margin
R. F. Reynisson, J. Ebbing, E. Lundin & P. T. Osmundsen
The breakup of the South Atlantic Ocean: formation of failed spreading axes and blocks of thinned continental
crust in the Santos Basin, Brazil and its consequences for petroleum system development
I. C. Scotchman, G. Gilchrist, N. J. Kusznir, A. M. Roberts & R. Fletcher
Structural architecture and nature of the continent–ocean transitional domain at the Camamu and
Almada Basins (NE Brazil) within a conjugate margin setting
O. A. Blaich, J. I. Faleide, F. Tsikalas, R. Lilletveit, D. Chiossi, P. Brockbank & P. Cobbold
New compilation of top basement and basement thickness for the Norwegian continental shelf reveals the
segmentation of the passive margin system
J. Ebbing & O. Olesen
Some emerging concepts in salt tectonics in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: intrusive plumes,
canopy-margin thrusts, minibasin triggers and allochthonous fragments
M. P. A. Jackson, M. R. Hudec & T. P. Dooley
Source-to-sink systems on passive margins: theory and practice with an example from the Norwegian continental
O. J. Martinsen, T. O. Sømme, J. B. Thurmond, W. Helland-Hansen & I. Lunt
An integrated study of Permo-Triassic basins along the North Atlantic passive margin: implication for future
J. Redfern, P. M. Shannon, B. P. J. Williams, S. Tyrrell, S. Leleu, I. Fabuel Pe´rez, C. Baudon, K. Sˇtolfova´,
D. Hodgetts, X. van Lanen, A. Speksnijder, P. D. W. Haughton & J. S. Daly
Sedimentology, sandstone provenance and palaeodrainage on the eastern Rockall Basin margin:
evidence from the Pb isotopic composition of detrital K-feldspar
S. Tyrrell, A. K. Souders, P. D. W. Haughton, J. S. Daly & P. M. Shannon
Cretaceous revisited: exploring the syn-rift play of the Faroe–Shetland Basin
M. Larsen, T. Rasmussen & L. Hjelm
Timing, controls and consequences of compression in the Rockall–Faroe area of the NE Atlantic Margin
A. Tuitt, J. R. Underhill, J. D. Ritchie, H. Johnson & K. Hitchen
Episodic uplift and exhumation along North Atlantic passive margins: implications for
hydrocarbon prospectivity
P. Japsen, P. F. Green, J. M. Bonow, E. S. Rasmussen, J. A. Chalmers & T. Kjennerud
viii CONTENTSNew methods of improving seismic data to aid understanding of passive margin evolution: a series of case
histories from offshore west of Ireland
R. J. J. Hardy, E. Querendez, F. Biancotto, S. M. Jones, J. O’Sullivan & N. White
WATS it take to image an oil field subsalt offshore Angola?
E. Ekstrand, G. Hickman, R. Thomas, I. Threadgold, D. Harrison, A. Los, T. Summers, C. Regone & M. O’Brien
Sub-basalt hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Rockall, Faroe–Shetland and Møre basins, NE Atlantic
I. Davison, S. Stasiuk, P. Nuttall & P. Keane
Intra-basalt units and base of the volcanic succession east of the Faroe Islands exemplified by
interpretation of offshore D seismic data
M. Ellefsen, L. O. Boldreel & M. Larsen
Exploring for gas: the future for Angola
C. A. Figueiredo, L. Binga, J. Castelhano & B. A. Vining
Session: Unconventional Hydrocarbons Resources
Unconventional oil and gas resources and the geological storage of carbon dioxide: overview
H. Johnson & A. G. Dore´
Bulk composition and phase behaviour of petroleum sourced by the Bakken Formation of the
Williston Basin
P. Kuhn, R. Di Primio & B. Horsfield
Shale gas in Europe: a regional overview and current research activities
H.-M. Schulz, B. Horsfield & R. F. Sachsenhofer
UK data and analysis for shale gas prospectivity
N. Smith, P. Turner & G. Williams
The Western Canada Foreland Basin: a basin-centred gas system
D. J. Boettcher, M. Thomas, M. G. Hrudey, D. J. Lewis, C. O’Brien, B. Oz, D. Repol & R. Yuan
Tight gas exploration in the Pannonian Basin
A. Kira´ly, K. Milota, I. Magyar & K. Kiss
Natural fractures in some US shales and their importance for gas production
J. F. W. Gale & J. Holder
Athabasca oil sands: reservoir characterization and its impact on thermal and mining opportunities
M. J. Peacock
Resource potential of gas hydrates: recent contributions from international research and
development projects
T. S. Collett
King coal: restoring the monarchy by underground gasification coupled to CCS
P. L. Younger, D. J. Roddy & G. Gonza´lez
Geological storage of carbon dioxide: an emerging opportunity
W. J. Senior, J. D. Kantorowicz & I. W. Wright
History-matching flow simulations and time-lapse seismic data from the Sleipner CO plume
R. A. Chadwick & D. J. Noy
Differences between flow of injected CO and hydrocarbon migration
C. Hermanrud, G. M. G. Teige, M. Iding, O. Eiken, L. Rennan & S. Østmo
Preparing for a carbon constrained world; overview of the United States regional carbon sequestration
partnerships programme and its Southwest Regional Partnership
R. Esser, R. Levey, B. McPherson, W. O’Dowd, J. Litynski & S. Plasynski
Page numbers in italic denote figures. Page numbers in bold denote tables.
AAPG. See American Association of
Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
a˚ Basin area
Abolag- well
stromatolitic carbonates
Taoudenni Basin
Abu Zenima
Acacus Formation
acoustic impedance (AI)
Chalk units ,
juxtaposition difference value of zero
PHIT relationship
South Arne ,
v. total porosity
acoustic pull-ups
acquisition and processing. See Four
dimensional acquisition and processing
acquisition plan
ISROCK- seismic survey
Rockall Trough
active rifting
Adriatic basin
geological sections
hydrocarbon occurrences
Porto Corsini East gas field
Adriatic Sea
aeolian sandstones
aeromagnetic compilations
average density –
basement rocks magnetic properties
basement structure map
bathymetry and topography map
datasets –
bathymetric –
gravity –
petrophysical –
topographic –
Greenland –
magnetic data
methods and applications –
Norway –
Norwegian–Greenland Sea
results –
basement structures –
North Atlantic oceanic spreading

quaternary sand channels –
salt-related magnetic anomalies

sedimentary subcrop pattern –
rocks magnetic properties
surveys ,
susceptibility log
aeromagnetic data acquisitions
aeromagnetic modelling
Africa. See also specific areas e.g. North
exploring older and deeper hydrocarbon
plays –
heritage palaeohighs
AFTA. See apatite fission track analysis
aggradational prism
aggrading channels
central North Sea basin Late Neogene
below Horizon , –
geological controls –
Ægir ridges
spreading rates
Ahara High –
Algeria –
interpretation –
stratigraphic architecture –
Cambro-Ordovician succession
stratigraphic pinchout
chronostratigraphic chart
Devonian succession
interpretation –
stratigraphic architecture – ,
Ahara uplift
Ahnet Basin , , ,
Azzel Matti Ridge
chronostratigraphic chart
Fammenian sediments
Palaeozoic petroleum system
AI. See acoustic impedance (AI)
airborne laser scanner
Airy–Heiskanen root
Ajjer Tassil outcrops
Palaeozoic succession stratigraphic column

Alaminos Canyon area
roof-edge thrust
Alaminos Canyon site –
Amethyst State- well , , ,
Brookian sequence
exhumation episodes
Mount Elbert Prospect
North Slope
burial/uplift history
gas hydrates occurrence
individual episode magnitude
location map
sedimentary rocks magnetic properties
Alba Field –
Alba drilling technology –
cartoon geological models
D data showing water cones
D seismic results
D seismic showing OWC
EOR mechanisms
fault baffling
fault interpretation
field edge seismic tuning
first step-change
injected sands
lithology distribution
pilot hole-attic oil capture
reservoir level
seismic data history
seismic datasets
seismic technology –
shear impedance inversion
UKNS maximizing offshore heavy oils
fields –
field history – , –
viscous oil
Alba Northern Platform (ANP)
drilling slots
Al Basin
wells VR trends
BCG stratigraphic summary
British Colombia border
Cold Lake Field
D seismic steam conformance
Cretaceous section
Early Cretaceous
heavy oil deposits
Lower Cretaceous McMurray
sandstone v. conglomerate
Albian age
Wabiskaw Formation
hydrocarbon occurrences
Albian Pinda carbonate play
Albian Wabiskaw Formation
Albo-Aptian Kopervik Sandstone
algal-derived fluorescent amorphous organic
matter (AOM)
Algeria , , , , , ,
Ahara High, Illizi, and Berkine basins
– Algeria (Continued)
Early Silurian Tannezuft hot shale thermal
field map
Neoproterozoic geology
platform sub-basins –
tectonic events
Tihemboka High, Illizi and Murzuq basins

Allen, Mark
allochthonous biofacies
North Sea Eldfisk Field
Allochthonous Complex
Almada Basin
conjugate margin evolution –
data –
D gravity modelling outline
margin setting –
nature of crust transitional domain

salt diapirs
total rift setting –
Almada–Gabon margin
Alpin Anticline
seismic profile ,
Alpine Foredeep
Alpine foreland
petroleum geoscientists virtual fieldtrips
Alportian–Pendleian mudstones
Villafortuna–Trecate oil field
Alston Block ,
Altay mountains
amalgamated turbidites
Amerasia Basin ,
American Association of Petroleum
Geologists (AAPG)
Amethyst State- well, Alaska , , ,

amplitude variation with offset (AVO) ,
applied time-lapse seismic methods

compaction monitoring on northern crest

fault control of injected water –
reservoir depletion of northern crest

Donan Field , ,
Forties response with gas v. oil
gas sand calculation
gas sand thickness uncertainty
Laggan , , , ,
Lochranza field development
net gas sand map
rock physics analysis
structural map
Tormore ,
time-lapse rock physics –
analogue models
Andrew fan axis
Andrew Formation
interbedded turbidites
Aneth Field
location map
Angola. See also specific location
active rifting
biogenic source rocks TOC
thermogenic petroleum systems post-salt

post-salt gas plays
block ,
block zero seismic amplitude gas
deepwater ,
direct gas indicators
estimated methane solubility
future gas exploration –
biogenic gas unconventional petroleum
system –
conceptual Neoproterozoic petroleum
system –
regional framework –
thermogenic petroleum systems

Post-Aptian salt plays –
Pre-Aptian salt plays –
gas discoveries
gas generation schematic
generalized basal heat flow
hydrocarbon maturation studies
methane generation microbial ecosystem
oil exportation
oil production
possible biogenic gas play
pre-salt gas plays
sedimentary basins ,
syn-rift areas
ANP. See Alba Northern Platform (ANP)
Antrim Shale-analogues with biogenic
methane in Europe
AOM. See algal-derived fluorescent
amorphous organic matter (AOM)
apatite fission track analysis (AFTA) ,
Amethyst State- well , ,
burial history reconstruction
Carboniferous sandstones
detailed analysis
Eocene palaeogeothermal gradients
Gro- well in Nuussuaq Basin
Norwegian wells
palaeotemperatures characterizing
Trail Island
Eocene to Pliocene times
frontal thrusts
geological sections
hydrocarbon occurrences
mountain chains
Pliocene times
Porto Corsini East gas field
Settala gas field
Val d’Agri oil field
Villafortuna–Trecate oil field
Appalachian Basin
applied time-lapse seismic methods

reservoir management –
South Arne –
time-lapse rock physics AVO inversion

compaction monitoring on northern crest

fault control of injected water on SW
flank –
reservoir depletion of northern crest

time-lapse seismic data acquisition
– ,
AVO inversion –
time shifts –
time-lapse time shift observations –
coal-bearing muddy sediments
Apulian Platform
Cretaceous age
geological sections
hydrocarbon occurrences
Val d’Agri oil field
saline ,
seal capacity
v. holes
Arab Field
Jurassic GDE map
Arab Formation
carbonate grainstone
Arabian Palaeozoic petroleum
Arabian Plate ,
Middle East exploration potential –
Ara Group
Arctic . See also Russian Arctic shelves
(RAS) geology
assessment of undiscovered petroleum
resources –
frontier margins
offset and curvature of Novaya Zemlya

sedimentary basin
Areoligera gippingensis biomarker
Argana Basin
location map
Argana Valley
Arkitsa fault, Greece
petroleum geoscientists virtual fieldtrips

Arne–Elin Graben
Arnsbergian Sabden Shale
general characteristics –
A sandstones
Dooish area
INDEXRockall Basin ,
Rockall Basin palaeodrainage ,
Ashgill aged glacial valleys
Askrigg Block ,
Asl Sandstone ,
Asmari carbonate reservoir
Cenozoic age
facies core photos
Asti Formation
foreland ramp
Atar Group
Lower Cretaceous McMurray
Athabasca Basin
heavy oil deposits
surface mining map
Athabasca Oil Sands
Lower Cretaceous McMurray
reservoir characterization –
Athabasca reservoir characterization impact

managing large well datasets –
regional setting –
reservoir heterogeneity –
stratigraphy –
Atlantic. See also specific areas e.g. North
location map
crustal thickness map
lead space plots
pre-drift reconstruction
Atlantic basins
base basalts
Mesozoic –
seismic section
Atlantic Margin
basin inversion
bathymetric map
Cenozoic unconformities
geological and structural features
imaged sub-basalt strata
Ireland thick sediments
Mesozoic –
Permo-Triassic Basin evolution –
Central High Atlas Basin, Morocco

developing analogue depositional

Fundy Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada

geological framework – ,
– , –
integrated regional study
provenance studies –
structural and terrane map
Atlantic sub-basalt hydrocarbon prospectivity

Faroe–Shetland and Møre basins

Rockall –
seismic data acquisition and
Atlantis Field
OBS nodes
Atlas Basin
Atwater Valley
Auðhumla Basin
bathymetric gorge
Auðhumla Basin Syncline ,
seismic profile
Auk–Argyll–Flora area –
Auk–Argyll region ,
Auk–Flora Ridge
seismic profile
along crest
crossing northern flank
Dogger Granite
southern flank
Auk Terrace
remnant topography
Australia. See also specific location
Jackson Field
petroleum systems
Austria. See also specific location
Austrian Unconformity
AVO. See amplitude variation with
offset (AVO)
Avon shale
Awanat Wanin I formation
incised valleys
Axial Structural Domain
Novaya Zemlya
axis-perpendicular sub-regional correlation
Dagny area
Sigrun–Gudrun area –
Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli (AGIP)

AZIP. See Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli
Azzel Matti Ridge
chronostratigraphic chart
Silurian sediments
back-barrier sediments
Gert- well
Upper Jurassic barrier island system of
Freja discovery –
deepwater marine shales
Baghewala Oil Field
Rajasthan, India
Bai Hassan
Bakken Fairway
Bakken Formation ,
bulk kinetic parameters
computed transformation ratios
Devonian age
gas chromatography analysis
GOR , ,
maturity map
oil gravity data ,
petroleum generation threshold
petroleum migration
phase distribution map
Rock-Eval pyrolysis , ,
stratigraphic column
upper v. lower
Williston Basin –
Bakken hydrocarbon pools
oil gravity data
Bakken member
pseudo van Krevelen diagram
Bakken petroleum system –
analytical techniques
data sources
geological overview –
results –
bulk geochemical signature –
gas–oil ratio –
oil density –
phase behaviour –
pyrolysis gas chromatography

source rock kinetics
Bakken shales
Balder Field
Balder Formation
Eocene age
maturity map
Balder Sand Formation
Balmoral. See also Lower Balmoral
sandstone system
Baltica Craton
Baltica Timanide sources
banked oil
Barents Basin
geological cross-sections
plate-tectonic setting
Barents–Kara region ,
areal occurrence
depth-to-basement map
petroleum play elements chart
Barents Megabasin
Barents–Pechora Shelf
Barents Province – , ,
Barents region
gas trap formation
Barents Sea , ,
basement thickness
Cenozoic exhumation
exhumation episodes ,
exhumation histories –
free-air gravity field
high-resolution aeromagnetic
individual contributions to basement depth
individual episode magnitude
Moho map
Paleocene cooling
Barents Shelf ,
basinal connections
fold-and-thrust belt ,
palaeogeography maps
INDEX Barents Shelf (Continued)
pre-Permian subsidence events
structural curvature –
structural pattern
subsidence history –
Barnett Shale ,
bedding-parallel fractures
Fort Worth Basin ,
gas production
mudrock cores
mudrock sample
subcritical crack index measurements
tall calcite-sealed fractures
thermal maturity
UK shale gas
barrier island sandstones
Freja discovery area
reservoir architecture –
basal heat flow
basal Silurian hot shale source rock
Murzuq Basin
basal Silurian succession
basal Triassic Bunter Shale
escarpments ,
NE Atlantic basins
Palaeogene age
Rockall–Faroe area ,
basal Volgian–Ryazanian megasequence
unconformity (BVRU) ,
broad log character motifs
tectonic reconfiguration events
well correlation ,
Base Balder unconformity
Faroe–Shetland Basin
base basalts
NE Atlantic basins
Base Buzzard
Base Chalk
Central North Sea Chalk role
hydrocarbon discoveries v. aquifer seal
Base Cretaceous
prospect map
Base Cretaceous Unconformity (BCU) ,
, ,
aquifer gradient
hydrocarbon discoveries v. aquifer seal
Caledonian or Precambrian –
Base Permian Saalian Unconformity
base salt maturity present day
Bucomazi Formation
base volcanic reflector
Base Zechstein
fault trends
Basilicata–Calabria accretionary arc
Val d’Agri oil field
basin architecture
deepwater reservoirs Palaeogene v. Late
basin-centred gas (BCG) ,
D structure
gas expulsion
gas–water transition zone schematic
seismic profile
structural geometry at thrust
tight gas
Western Canada –
Cadomin Formation –
depositional model –
rock properties –
deep basin stratigraphy –
fractures –
Gething Formation
interpreting internal fold structure
megascale structure
Nikanassin Formation –
depositional model –
rock properties –
reservoir –
seismic stratigraphic mapping

Spirit River Formation –
Cadotte Member –
Falher Member –
Notikewin Member
structural style –
water saturation –
Western Canadian BCG basin model

basin modelling
basin setting/sea-level response
deepwater reservoirs –
Bastrup delta
bathymetric gorge
Auðhumla Basin
North Ymir Ridge anticlines
Bayesian Belief Networks
global petroleum systems –
wireline-log cross-plot
Bay Fill Facies Association
Hugin Formation sedimentology –
interpretation –
sequence stratigraphy
wireline-log character –
bay-fill mudstones
gamma ray logs
Bazhenov Formation
gas yield
source rocks
BCG. See basin-centred gas (BCG)
BCU. See Base Cretaceous Unconformity
beach ridges
Beatrice Oilfield
Bechar Basin ,
bedding-parallel fractures
carbonate concretions
Belayim Land Field
Bennett Island – , ,
benthic biofacies
Eldfisk Field
Bergman, Steve
Berkine Basin , , – ,
burial history
Cambro-Ordovician configuration
chronostratigraphic chart
Devonian succession
Frasnian source rocks
interpretation –
isopach map
Palaeozoic succession stratigraphic
stratigraphic architecture – ,
tectonic events
Triassic reservoirs
Berry, John
Beryl Embayment area
Besano Shales
hydrocarbon occurrences
BGS. See British Geological Survey (BGS)
Bighorn Basin
Big Sandy shale gas field
Bill Bailey’s Bank –
Billund delta
Early Maastrichtian Tor
Eldfisk Field
Late Campanian Magne Formation
Late Danian Middle Ekofisk Formation
Late Danian Upper Ekofisk Formation
Late Maastrichtian Tor Formation Subzone
Mid-early Danian Lower Ekofisk
North Sea Eldfisk Field –
Upper Ekofisk Formation
biogenic gas
Angola future gas exploration –
conceptual Neoproterozoic petroleum
system –
Netherlands petroleum exploration
unconventional petroleum system

A -NC exploration well in Kufra Basin,
SE Libya –
Balmoral sandstone system
Buzzard Field
Central Graben
Eldfisk Field ,
Hugin Formation
Laggan wells
Lower Balmoral sandstone reservoir
Middle Ekofisk Formation
Pentland succession
turbidite lobe
bioturbated shale-prone interval
Kristin Field
Bivrost Lineament ,
INDEXblack shales
Carboniferous age
Dniepr-Donets Basin
principal source rocks –
UK shale gas –
Early Jurassic age
Infracambrian age
Jurassic age –
Kimmeridge Clay
Lower Bowland
Lower Palaeozoic age
Silurian age ,
UK shale gas –
Bled el Mass area
Djebel Tamamat –
dynamic modelling study
post-salt thermogenic petroleum
post-salt gas plays
location ,
petroleum geology
RMS amplitude extractions
salt coverage
salt geometries
subsalt areas
WATS survey acquisition area
block zero seismic amplitude gas indications

Blodøks Formation
Blomidon Formation , ,
Bo Member
depth range
hopane:sterane ratio
oil-prone shales
sapropelic kerogen photomicrographs

source rock potential
thermal maturity map
wells GR
Book Cliffs of Utah ,
Boreal Ocean
borehole Leak Off Test
Central North Sea
Bossier sandstones
East Texas Basin
bottom-simulating reflectors (BSR)
gas hydrate
Nankai Trough
bottom-water currents
Cenozoic compressional structures
Faroe Bank Anticline
Hatton–Rockall Basin
North Rockall Trough
Rockall–Faroe – ,
Wyville–Thomson Ridge
Bouguer anomaly
Norwegian continental shelf
Bouguer gravity
Bovanenkovskoye fields ,
Bovanenkovskoye gas charge
Bowland Shale
black shale
mudstones thickness
Brazil. See also Almada Basin; Camamu
Basin; Santos Basin
Bouguer-corrected gravity anomaly field
COB , , , ,
conjugate margins
conjugate transects
continental lithosphere thinning
crustal extension
crustal-scale gravity modelling
geological map
gravity modelled transect
gravity modelling ,
gravity modelling transect
MCS profile ,
plate reconstructions
rifted , ,
subsidence analysis using flexural
tectonomagmatic evolution
Bream Field
Brent Delta systems
Jurassic age
Brent Field
Brent Formation sandstones
Bridge Anticline –
Cenozoic sediments
seismic profile
British Columbia
Alberta border
Alberta sandstone v.
BCG stratigraphic summary
Horn River Basin
British Geological Survey (BGS)
British Sedimentological Research Group
Broad Fourteens Basin
Brookian sequence
Brooks, Jim
Brown Shale
B sandstones
Rockall Basin
palaeodrainage – ,
BSR. See bottom-simulating reflectors (BSR)
BSRG. See British Sedimentological
Research Group (BSRG)
Buah Formation ,
Buchan Graben ,
Bucomazi Formation
generalized base salt maturity present day

Bunter Shale
Triassic age ,
burial anomaly
burial history modelling
coal-measure source rocks
Burns reservoir
Bush Formation petroleum system
Buzzard discovery
Buzzard Field ,
appraisal well correlation
biostratigraphy markers
bottom hole pressure
B reservoir
Central Panel wells
chemostratigraphic sand
data acquisition
depositional sequence compensational
development area location map
downhole gauge data
end , –
geochemical data interpretation
interference data plot
late to end , –
consistent biostratigraphic interpretation

pre-development drilling results

pre-development geological model
mid , –
geological model at field sanction

reservoir stratigraphy –
seismic interpretation
mid reservoir stratigraphy –
planar laminated shales
pressure measurements –
reservoir from appraisal to production

Southern Panel wells
today mid , –
Buzzard chemostratigraphy integration

reservoir connectivity current
understanding –
revised geological model –
top reservoir depth map
Buzzard Field Development Plan
appraisal drilling
Buzzard reservoir
geological model
Buzzard Sandstone Member
BVRU. See basal Volgian–Ryazanian
megasequence unconformity (BVRU)
bypassed oil
locating ,
Nelson Field
T unit
INDEX bypassed pay
case histories –
Type Scenario A –
Type Scenario B –
Type Scenario C
Type Scenario A
Type Scenario B –
Type Scenario C –
classification ,
evolution –
identification –
resources estimation
identification –
net pay
pay –
types –
Type Scenario A
Type Scenario B
Type Scenario C
Type Scenario A
Type Scenario B
Type Scenario C
Cadomin Formation – ,
basin-centred gas in Western Canada

depositional model –
rock properties –
dip and strike seismic profile
Lower Cretaceous age
outcrop photograph
porosity–permeability cross-plot
pressure–depth plots
Cadotte Member
basin-centred gas in Western Canada

dip and strike seismic profile
permeability v. porosity cross-plots
upper shoreface sandstones isopach
calcite-sealed fractures
Barnett Shale
hydraulic fracture treatments
New Albany Shale
Caledonian basement , , –
mid-Norwegian margin
Vøring margin
Caledonian erosion
Temis D model
Caledonian event
Caledonian gravity collapse
Caledonian Høybakken detachment
Caledonian nappes ,
Caledonian orogeny
Caledonian unconformity
Upper Silurian age
Caledonoid granite core
potential field modelling
calibrated difference reflectivity (CDR)
D acquisition and processing
additional D noise reduction
processing flow improvements
processing and acquisition
calibrated INSAR satellite images
surface elevation changes
Callovian age
Kimmeridgian basin breakup
Kimmeridgian erosion
Kimmeridgian megasequence ,
Humber Group –
regional sequence stratigraphic
correlation of wells
well correlation
Ryazanian interval
sequence stratigraphic schemes
tectonostratigraphic succession
Caltanissetta accretionary arc
Gela oil field
Camamu Basin
conjugate margin evolution –
data –
margin setting –
continent–ocean boundary –
crustal architecture –
Northeast Brazil –
structural inheritance –
nature of crust transitional domain

crustal extension mode –
exhumed mantle –
S-reflector resemblance
total rift setting –
transect construction –
D gravity modelling outline
Camamu margin
Cambrian age
basin remnant
Novaya Zemlya
plays in North Africa
succession –
fluvial sandstones
North Africa
Cambro-Ordovician age
Ahara High
black shales in Europe
configuration and Berkine Basin
North Africa stratigraphy
– ,
succession stratigraphic pinchout
Campanian age
Magne Formation biofacies map
Canada. See also specific location
gas hydrates occurrence in Mallik
heavy oil deposits
Mackenzie River Delta
ultra-heavy oil
Williston Basin
canopy-margin thrust systems
salt tectonics emerging concepts –
Captain Field –
attic oil map
Captain pilot holes –
cross section showing reservoirs
drainage schematic
drilling technology –
D seismic data acquisition
dual-lateral wells
geosteering LWD tools
phased development areas
pilot well example
showing main reservoir intervals
UKNS maximizing production –
Alba Field development –
drilling technology –
field history –
pilot holes –
pilot well example
Well A pilot holes
Captain Sand
Caradocian Qasim Formation
Albian Pinda play
Alpine foreland
methane gases
petroleum geoscientists virtual fieldtrips
slump Eldfisk Field
carbon capture and storage (CCS) ,
rationale –
scale –
underground gasification –
carbon constrained world
preparation –
anticipated carbon storage capacity
commercial-scale deployment project
overview –
completed and ongoing validation
Gordon Creek Field –
medium-scale validation project impacts

Paradox Basin
Permian Basin –
San Juan Basin –
SWP terrestrial pilot test –
terrestrial Riparian Restoration Project

carbon dioxide . See also Sleipner carbon
dioxide plume
flow characteristics –
geological storage –
options –
depleted oil and gas fields –
experience at In Salah project

monitoring demonstration –
saline formations
satellite imagery
unconventional oil and gas resources

history-matching flow simulations

INDEXinjected hydrocarbon migration

carbon dioxide flow characteristics

implications –
Utsira Formation –
Sleipner Field
Sleipner plume –
UCG with CCS –
Utsira Formation ,
well integrity
carbon dioxide water contacts (CWC)

structural analysis
Carboniferous age ,
basin configuration
black shales
Dniepr–Donets Basin
principal source rocks –
UK shale gas –
block and basin structure
Central North Sea petroleum system –
geophysical methods synthesis –
hydrocarbon prospectivity implications

play types and traps –
source rocks –
potential field modelling –
input model construction data –
sub-Permian basin architecture –
three-dimensional forward –
three-dimensional inversion
seismic interpretation –
Auk–Argyll–Flora area –
Jaeren high area
Mid North Sea High area
sub-Zechstein relationships –
West Central Shelf –
source rocks –
sub-Zechstein well sections –
Chiswick Field UK SNS reservoir
– ,
Krechba reservoir
Netherlands petroleum exploration
palaeogeography maps
North Africa
outcrops ,
sequence frameworks
petroleum system
sandstone ,
shallow marine
Shannon Basin
source rock ,
source rocks elevated structural
stratigraphic traps –
Early Bashkirian regression

Early to Middle Tournaisian
global transgressive–regressive cycles

Late Carboniferous
Late Devonian regression –
Latest Vise´an to Serpukhovian
Late Tournaisian regression
Late Tournaisian to earliest Vise´an
potential stratigraphic trapping types

Carbonate buildups
depositional pinchout –
incised valley-fills
Serpukhovian–Bashkirian incised
Strunian to Tournaisian incised valleys

truncation traps
Vise´an incised valleys
Vise´an transgressive–regressive cycles

subcrop , ,
total organic content (TOC),
Unayzah formations
Variscan Foreland Basin –
Catskill Mountains
gas-generated hydraulic fractures
CCS. See carbon capture and storage (CCS)
CDR. See calibrated difference reflectivity
Celtic Sea basins
location map
Cenomanian age
deltaic coals
fluvial-deltaic deposits
gas charge , ,
gas fields
gas volumes
Iabe Formation
play , ,
Pokur Formation , ,
traps ,
Cenozoic age . See also Early Cenozoic age
Arctic synchronous exhumation –
Asmari carbonate reservoir
Barents Sea
Bridge Anticline
clastic input
compression ,
compressional structures
deep Oligocene play –
deepwater reservoirs Palaeogene v.
Late Jurassic –
Early ,
East Greenland continental margin
intraplate inversional swells areal
Middle East exploring potential of
hydrocarbon plays –
Mordor Anticline
NE Atlantic Margin unconformities
Netherlands petroleum exploration with
stratigraphic plays
North Africa exploring potential of
hydrocarbon plays –
North Africa volcanic centers
rifted continental margin seismic
Rockall–Faroe area ,
Slyne Basin
structural elements
thrust-and-fold belts
Val d’Agri oil field
Viera Anticline
Central Europe
Pannonian Basin ,
Central Graben . See also Danish Central
Graben (DCG)
biostratigraphic records
chalk lithostratigraphic nomenclature
East ,
high-amplitude reflector
shoreface deposition
horizon between four wells
horizon characteristics
Humber Group –
seismic profile
seismic profile perpendicular to basin axis
sequence stratigraphic schemes
tectonic reconfiguration evidence
– , –
Central High Atlas Basin, Morocco
Atlantic margin Permo-Triassic Basin
evolution –
location map
Permian section
Central North Sea (CNS) ,
aquifer seal capacity
borehole Leak Off Test
Carboniferous basin configuration
Carboniferous petroleum system
– ,
crystalline basement surface
diapir flank structure
direct pressures in chalk
discoveries analysis
dry holes ,
Gannet Area
Huntington discoveries –
hydrocarbon discoveries
v. aquifer seal capacity ,
v. aquifer seal capacity histogram
hydrocarbon leakage
hydrocarbon seal capacity calculations

Jasmine discover –
lithostatic stress
long-offset seismic data
pressure-depth plot
retention capacity
stratigraphic thicknesses control
Tay formation fan system
Triassic strata truncation
Central North Sea Basin
aggradational channels
channel troughs traces
depositional model
erosive trace along channel base
INDEX Central North Sea Basin (Continued)
Late Neogene development contour
currents –
aggrading channels geological controls

channels and salt diapir leakage zones

contour current depositional setting
evidence –
geophysical data and methods
Late Neogene basin development
implications –
regional background –
results –
aggrading channels below Horizon ,

channel features detailed mapping
Late Neogene succession
seismic-stratigraphy –
Merganser leakage zone
three channel pathways
time-sliced map
Central North Sea Chalk
aquifer seal capacity –
methods comparison
deep overpressure
comparisons of dry holes and discoveries

base Chalk
base Cretaceous unconformity
top reservoir/base seal –
low porosity and low permeability
pressure transition zone –
mud pressure profiles –
non-reservoir characteristics
role as regional seal
Upper Cretaceous pressures
role in development of deep overpressure

seal breach analysis –
Central Panels
Buzzard Field
high-density turbidites
injection well
Central Structural Domain
Novaya Zemlya
Central Taimyr Fold Belt
crustal tectonic
Central Trough , ,
deepwater reservoirs Palaeogene v. Late
salts regional traverses
central Utah deltaic reservoir analogues
petroleum geoscientists virtual fieldtrips
central West Siberian basin ,
Central Ymir Ridge Anticline
seismic profile
Cervia Mare
Porto Corsini East gas field
acoustic impedance v. total porosity
biostratigraphic analysis
Central Graben
composite seismic section
Ekofisk Formation
Eldfisk Field
holostratigraphic approach –
holostratigraphic study
hydrocarbon seal
inversion results
Late Cretaceous age
Inoceramid bivalves
Netherlands petroleum exploration with
stratigraphic plays –
lithostratigraphic nomenclature
North Sea
well correlation diagram
PHIE v. true vertical depth
reflector D seismic monitoring
reservoir and non-reservoir
Tor Formation
units ,
Chalk Group
AI-PHIT relationship
hydrocarbon producing
petrophysical log analysis
time isochore map
well log correlation
Chalk Sea
channel axis drainage cells
channel features detailed mapping
central North Sea basin Late Neogene
channelized turbidites
geological characteristics
channel troughs traces
Central North Sea basin
chaotic hummocky basin floor facies
chaotic hummocky mounded facies
charging giant gas fields
Siberia Basin –
A -NC exploration well, Kufra Basin,
material and methods
results –
study objective
Buzzard Field
Chimney Rock Shale
Drilling Expedition GMGS- , –
Chiswick Field
appraisal well results
BP drilled appraisal well
Carboniferous depth structure map
Carboniferous rocks
Carboniferous subcrop ,
gas producers
geological well section
hydraulic fracture locations
intra-Carboniferous reflectors
LASMO drilled well
location map
seismic section
stratigraphic column
UK SNS overcoming multiple uncertainties

Carboniferous reservoir –
Westphalian B
field history –
phase I field development –
development plan
drilling results
Gamma well
phase II field development –
Rotliegend reservoir
seismic interpretation –
depth conversion
interpretation –
stratigraphy –
structural history and stratigraphy

Venture Production’s involvement
wells penetration
Laggan , ,
porosity and permeability preservation
Chondrites facies core photos
Chukchi Basin
HC play elements
internal structure
Chukchi Peninsula
Chukchi Sea , ,
RAS sedimentary basins and petroleum
geology –
Chukchi Shelf
structural elements
Cimmerian age
rift architecture and stratal geometries

tectonics and fault geometries
North Sea hydrocarbon systems –
reservoir distribution controls –
rifting seismic line
Clair Field , –
core segment
data acquisition packages
depletion lack
development –
fault juxtaposition
field pressure decline graph
first water injector well data
formation pressure tests
D difference map
D seismic data
fractured oil reservoir –
fractures azimuth establishment
Graben segments
granulation seams
horst segments
injector positioning and timing

location and seismic data coverage
managing field start-up –
data acquisition strategy –
early well results –
producer-led start-up –
INDEXOBC dataset
oil and water production data
original field development plan
petrographic analysis
play in Yell Basin
pre-development appraisal –
reservoir communication
reservoir pressure
reservoir quality
seismic line and crossline
start-up, oil production profile
streamer dataset
structure and stratigraphy –
D seismic data
Top Unit V
Top Unit V map
uninterpreted seismic data
water breakthrough –
water injector well data
well data ,
well interference testing
Witch’s Hat segment ,
Clair Group
stratigraphy and matrix properties
Clair Unitization and Field Operating
Clare Shale
clastic basin fill
stratigraphic traps
Clavering Island
Clavering Ø
thermal history solutions
clay mineral
Shiranish Formation
Claymore Field
claystone packages
Buzzard Field
Clearwater Formation
Cleo- wells
Clyde Field
CNS. See Central North Sea (CNS)
Cenomanian deltaic
gas content
gasifying in situ
Pennine Basin
source rocks
underground gasification –
coal mines
coastal plain
facies ,
Hugin Formation sedimentology
sequence stratigraphy
wireline-log character
sequence stratigraphic surfaces
Cockburn Basin
geoseismic profile
Coffee Soil Fault
Cold Lake development
Cold Lake Field, Alberta
D seismic steam conformance maps
D seismic surveys
Colin Oakman core workshop –
commercial-scale injection test
Gordon Creek Field, Utah –
common risk segment (CRS) mapping
play fairway
compressional structures
Rockall–Faroe area compression
Hatton Bank Anticline –
conceptual play model
Lower Cretaceous early syn-rift stage
Lower Cretaceous rift initiation
Middle Jurassic pre-rift sandstone
West Shetland Platform
conceptual stratigraphic architecture
Judy Member
conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD)
Rockall Trough ,
Congo Basin
D seismic survey
gas discoveries by play
conjugate continental margins
bathymetry contours
crust deformations
rifting and crustal thinning
continental crust
continental epeiric sea basins
continental margin
deeper structure
petroleum plays
post-rift evolution
subsidence and heat flow history
continental red beds
continental shelf
Norway sedimentary rocks properties
continental uplift
continent–ocean transition (COT) ,
Faroe Islands ,
HVLC P-wave velocities
controlled retractable injection point (CRIP)

controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM)
survey , ,
Northern Judd Basin T sequence
prospectivity –
T anomaly
Cooles Farm borehole
cooling episodes
core intervals
Corrib gas field
Dooish K-feldspars
Pleistocene age Golo turbidite system
COT. See continent–ocean transition (COT)
counter-depositional dip
Crag Formation
Craven Basin
southern margins analogue
Craven Group
black shale
Pennine Basin –
Creaney, Steve
Cretaceous age . See also Early
Cretaceous age; Late Cretaceous age
Alpine orogen
Apulian Platform succession
chalk Tor Formation
Early ,
Faroe–Shetland Basin syn-rift play

gas yield
Khaz Dumi and Garau major play
Late –
Lewis Shale
early syn-rift stage mature
Faroe–Shetland syn-rift play –
relay ramps
stratigraphic interpretation
Møre Basin
petroleum system –
reservoir ,
Faroe–Shetland syn-rift play –
early syn-rift
Greenland analogues –
Jurassic rift stage
rift initiation –
structural control on sedimentation

syn-rift plays –
Rockall Basin sandstones
stratigraphic interpretation
syn-rift play models
tight gas sandstones
Vøring Basin
wedge –
crew change
CRIP. See controlled retractable injection
point (CRIP)
Cromer Knoll
Cromer Knoll Group ,
cross-bedded sandstone
Garn Formation
CRS. See common risk segment (CRS)
mapping process
crustal scale deformation
North Sea hydrocarbon systems –
crustal thinning
Cruziana ichnofacies
Cryogenian age
Dar Cheikh Group
crystalline basement
Devil’s Hole Granite
Devono-Carboniferous basin
lead space plots
overlain with gas chimneys
INDEX crystalline basement (Continued)
sub-Zechstein composite layer
three dimensional model
C sandstones
Rockall Basin
Rockall Basin palaeodrainage ,
CSEM. See controlled-source
electromagnetic (CSEM) survey
CTD. See conductivity–temperature–depth
(CTD) probe
Curlew area
well correlation
Curlew Embayment
deltaic conditions
CWC. See carbon dioxide water contacts
Czech Republic
Dagmar Field ,
Dagny area
axis-perpendicular sub-regional correlation

well-log correlation panel
Dakhla source rock
Dan Field
Danian age
Chalk Group deposition
Ekofisk Formation ,
biofacies map ,
Danish Basin ,
individual contributions to basement depth
map –
potential field
Precambrian basement
Danish Central Graben (DCG)
barrier island sandstone reservoir
architecture –
Freja discovery –
back-barrier sediments –
depositional environments –
shoreface sandstones
thick stacked –
Holocene–Recent Rømø –
morphology and depositional
palaeogeographic reconstruction
vertical section trough Rømø barrier
island –
biomarker ratios for oils and source rocks

chronostratigraphic scheme
cores sedimentology
facies distributions and basin evolution
Late Kimmeridgian palaeogeographic map

Late Kimmeridgian to Ryazanian
log correlation panel , ,
Lower Cretaceous succession
oil types –
potential kitchen areas
reactive kerogen wells
reservoir sandstones –
depositional environments –
distribution –
Lower Volgian shoreface sandstones

depositional environment
reservoir characteristics
palaeogeography –
reservoir characteristics –
structural setting –
Upper Kimmeridgian shallow marine
sandstones –
depositional environment –
reservoir characteristics
Upper Kimmeridgian to Lower Volgian
sandstones –
depositional environment –
reservoir characteristics
Upper Middle Volgian to Ryazanian
sandstones –
depositional environment –
reservoir characteristics
sandstone play area –
methods –
oil composition and source
petroleum evaluation –
regional setting
sedimentological and biostratigraphical
sedimentological core log
simplified structural profile
source rock maturity and quality –
generative kerogen estimation –
kerogen composition –
source rock potential
steranes in oils and source rocks
structural elements
structural map
structural section
syn-rift sedimentary fill
time stratigraphic chart
Upper Jurassic
barrier island sandstone –
isochore map
reservoir sandstones –
sandstone play area –
wells , , ,
Danish North Sea
location map
time isochore map
Danish Wadden Sea , ,
Darag sub-basin
seismic profile
Dar Cheikh Group
Late Cryogenian age
Dawn Anticline –
bathymetric gorge
DCG. See Danish Central Graben (DCG)
DDB. See Dniepr–Donets Basin (DDB)
Dead Sea fault system
coal mines
GeoControversies –
Deep Joanne model –
gas and oil recovery factors
model data
parameter sensitivities
porosity–depth realization
reservoir depth
results –
Deep Judy model results
initial gas rate v. CGR
model data
parameter sensitivities
porosity-depth realization
reservoir depth
deep Triassic reservoirs
porosity–depth relationships
production behaviour
Angola ,
Badenian marine shales
far-outboard areas
fold belts
Gulf of Mexico
Ormen Lange system , ,
deepwater reservoirs
basin architecture
ESB and Jameson Land
Late Jurassic v. Palaeogene age
North Sea hydrocarbon systems – ,
basin setting/sea-level response

Cenozoic examples and play
considerations –
Central Trough Upper Jurassic
sandstone injectites
Upper Jurassic deepwater depositional
systems –
Palaeogene v. Late Jurassic –
salt withdrawal role
Default Thermal History , ,
Delaware Formation
De Long Massif
central Utah reservoir analogues
DEM. See digital elevation model (DEM)
Denmark . See also Danish Central
Graben (DCG)
basin , , – ,
Danish–German basin
Felicia- wells AFTA data
North Sea ,
Norwegian Basin
petrophysical samples locations
potential field anomalies
sedimentary rocks magnetic
Wadden Sea , ,
depositional architecture
tectonic and climactic influence
depositional shoreline break (DSB)
depth velocity plots
compaction depth–velocity
Desana Formation
Settala gas field
desiccated reservoir
INDEXdetrital potassium feldspars
isotope analysis
isotopic composition
detrital zircon
global database
plate reconstruction
Devil’s Hole Granite
crystalline basement output
depth contours
D model showing granite morphologies
Devil’s Hole High wells
Devonian age . See also Early Devonian
Ahara High
Bakken Formation
basin development
Berkine Basin
Brown Shale
Carboniferous basins
D display of crystalline basement
chronostratigraphic diagram
depth velocity plots
Exshaw Western Canada Basin
Ghadames Basin
Ghadames–Illizi Basin
Horn River Basin, British Columbia
hot shale
hydrocarbon prospectivity –
Jaurf Formation
Kyle Limestone
Late – ,
GDE map
Mississippian Bakken Formation
Muskwa Shale
Netherlands petroleum
North Africa stratigraphy –
palaeogeography maps
regional-scale synthesis
stratigraphic succession
stratigraphic wedges ,
succession – , ,
unconformities types
Williston Basin
diagenetic trapping
diapiric salt
Gulf of Mexico
intrude downwards
Niendorf II diapir
diapirs . See also Salt diapirs
Central North Sea
flank structure
Gulf of Mexico ,
Hildesheimer Wald ,
intrude salt plumes
Niendorf II
digital elevation model (DEM)
digital outcrop model (DOM)
Dinantian palaeogeography United
direct gas indicators
Djebel Tamamat area –
interpretation –
stratigraphic architecture –
wedge geometry
Djebel Tebaga
Austrian Unconformity
Dniepr–Donets Basin (DDB)
Carboniferous black shales
Dogger Granite
crystalline basement output
depth contours
D model showing granite morphologies
DOM. See digital outcrop model (DOM)
Donan Field ,
appraisal well location ,
AVO , ,
data summary
discovery and appraisal of well results
drilling efficiencies
full stack seismic data
geological model
high-resolution biostratigraphy
high-resolution dinocyst-based
biostratigraphy study
historical behaviour analysis
infill locations ,
lithology impedance volume
location map
oil price trends chart
overburden canyons
OWC behaviour
polarity flip
post-well analysis
production history
production plot
renaissance old field in new landscape

beyond second oil Donan –?,

drilling campaign –
infill well performance
preparing for infill drilling
well performance
first life Donan – –
Donan changing geological view

Donan discovery and appraisal

Donan field development
early field performance –
infill drilling –
location and block history
future challenges
identifying remaining potential
Lochranza birth
new beginning prospects Donan
– –
development drilling
Dumbarton Project birth –
field redevelopment plan
leveraging technology –
reappraisal –
reservoir modelling –
technologies influencing appraisal

residuals map
rock physics model
structure map
time slice
wedge modelling
Donan model
Donan reservoir
pressure plot showing depletion
Dooish A sandstones
Dooish gas condensate discovery, Eastern
Rockall Basin
palaeodrainage –
Dooish potassium feldspars
Corrib gas field
Porcupine Basin
Rockall Basin margin
Slyne Basin
Dooish sandstones
lead space plots
potassium feldspar
Dooish well
lead concentration –
Downey, Marlan
motion National Oil Companies petroleum
industry future
Drachev, Sergey ,
drainage cells ,
number and location
Drauppe Formation
Drilling Expedition
GMGS- , China –
UBGH , South Korea
drilling technology –
drill stem tests (DST) ,
dry holes v. aquifer seal capacity
DSB. See depositional shoreline break (DSB)
DSDP Leg ,
DST. See drill stem tests (DST)
Duffield borehole
Dumbarton Project , , , ,
birth –
development wells
production performance
Dutch Central Graben
earliest Volgian
Early Albian age
Wabiskaw Formation
Early Cambrian age
basin remnant
North Africa plays
Early Carboniferous age
North Africa
Early Cenozoic age
Laramide Orogeny genetic basin analysis
magmatic underplating ,
INDEX Early Cenozoic age (Continued)
Middle East exploring hydrocarbon plays

North Africa exploring hydrocarbon plays

Early Cretaceous age
Cadomin Formation
conceptual play model
Faroe–Shetland syn-rift play
faults analytic signal shaded relief map
McMurray Formation
Athabasca Oil Sands
fluvial estuarine point bar sequence
isopach map

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 مواضيع مماثلة
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» كتاب The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum

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