بحث بعنوان Constructive Methods to Ensure the Accuracy of Technological-Quality Indicators Gears
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 بحث بعنوان Constructive Methods to Ensure the Accuracy of Technological-Quality Indicators Gears

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم
بحث بعنوان
Constructive Methods to Ensure the Accuracy of Technological-Quality Indicators Gears
Sergiu Mazuru, Vitali Metelski
Technical University of Moldova, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology
Corresponding author: Sergiu Mazuru, s_mazuru@mail.utm.md

بحث بعنوان Constructive Methods to Ensure the Accuracy of Technological-Quality Indicators Gears  C_m_t_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Abstract: One of the problems of modern engineering is to
increase the reliability of critical machine parts, which is
largely determined by their performance characteristics
and quality of the surface layer. Due to the increasing
quality requirements of such devices increasingly
important in the final stage of the process giving billet
smearing, allotment of her material handling, heat etc. The
efficiency process of machining metals, the wear of cutting
tools, the surface quality and other characteristics of the
process accompanying cutting depends on the properties of
the environment in which the cutting develops. Forced
changes in the properties of this medium are a way to
manage the process of cutting and the wear of cutting
tools, the optimization of the machining of metals. The
technological environment has lubricating, cleaning and
cooling action. The value of each of these actions depends
on the properties of materials and details of the tool and the
type of machining operation.
Key words: processing, reliability increase, lubricating coolant
The parabolic finite elements should be used for
computational mesh, because only for changing
the type of finite elements from linear to
parabolic, the global error rate has been improved
with around 60%. Further improvements can be
achieved by using the adaptive method for mesh
generation. However, an improvement of the
global error rate with only 10% by using the
adaptive mesh will increase the computation time
required from 10 s CPU to 800 s CPU.
Both the stress and the displacements will increase
with the torque increasing. The stresses are higher
for the shaft keyway; meanwhile the
displacements are higher for the flange hub. For
this case study, all the maximum stresses are
smaller than the yield strength of the material,
which is steel with 250 MPa.
The stress concentrations are distributed around the
key, but also around the shaft and hub keyways.
During the torque action, the deformation of the
keyway from shaft and flange hub has been
observed. Moreover, the key will be modified as
general shape, but also as the relative position
with respect to the shaft and the hub.

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بحث بعنوان Constructive Methods to Ensure the Accuracy of Technological-Quality Indicators Gears
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