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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Hardcore Programming for Mechanical Engineers الأحد 01 أغسطس 2021, 12:19 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Hardcore Programming for Mechanical Engineers Build Engineering Applications from Scratch by Ángel Sola Orbaiceta
و المحتوى كما يلي :
BRIEF CONTENTS Acknowledgments xxi Introduction xxiii PART I: BASICS Chapter 1: A Short Python Primer 3 Chapter 2: Two Python Paradigms . 23 Chapter 3: The Command Line . 49 PART II: 2D GEOMETRY Chapter 4: Points and Vectors . 65 Chapter 5: Lines and Segments 101 Chapter 6: Polygons 131 Chapter 7: Affine Transformations 171 PART III: GRAPHICS AND SIMULATIONS Chapter 8: Drawing Vector Images . 203 Chapter 9: Building a Circle from Three Points . 233 Chapter 10: Graphical User Interfaces and the Canvas . 265 Chapter 11: Animations, Simulations, and the Time Loop . 287 Chapter 12: Animating Affine Transformations . 307 PART IV: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS Chapter 13: Matrices and Vectors 337 Chapter 14: Linear Equations 359 PART V: TRUSS STRUCTURES Chapter 15: Structural Models . 387 Chapter 16: Structure Resolution . 427 Chapter 17: Reading Input from a File 465Chapter 18: Producing an SVG Image and Text File 493 Chapter 19: Assembling Our Application . 529 Bibliography . 547 Index 549 x Brief ContentsCO N T E N T S I N D E T AI L ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxi INTRODUCTION xxiii Who This Book Is For xxiii What You’ll Learn . xxiv About This Book . xxiv What Is the ”Hardcore” About? xxv Why Python? . xxv Contents at a Glance xxvii Setting Up Your Environment xxix Downloading the Book’s Code . xxix Installing Python xxx Installing and Configuring PyCharm . xxxi PyCharm Introduction xxxiv Creating Packages and Files . xxxv Creating Run Configurations . xxxvi Debugging Python Code . xxxix Summary . xliv PART I BASICS 1 A SHORT PYTHON PRIMER 3 Python Packages and Modules 3 Modules . 4 Packages 4 Running Files 5 Importing Code . 5 Different Import Forms . 6 Documenting the Code with Docstrings 9 Collections in Python . 11 Sets . 11 Tuples . 12 Lists 15 Dictionaries 18Destructuring 20 Summary . 21 2 TWO PYTHON PARADIGMS 23 Functional Programming . 23 Pure Functions 24 Immutability 25 Lambdas . 26 Higher-Order Functions 27 Functions Inside Other Functions 28 Filter, Map, and Reduce . 29 List Comprehensions . 35 Object-Oriented Programming 36 Classes 37 Magic Methods . 43 Type Hints 45 Summary . 47 3 THE COMMAND LINE 49 Unix and Windows 49 Finding Your Shell . 50 Installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux 50 Taking a First Look at the Shell . 51 Files and Directories . 51 Moving Around . 52 Creating Files and Directories 53 Deleting Files and Directories . 54 Commands Summary 55 Using Windows Subsystem for Linux 55 Running Python Scripts . 56 Passing Arguments to the Script . 57 Standard Input and Output . 58 Redirecting the Output to a File . 58 Redirecting the Input from a File 58 Using PyCharm’s Python Console . 59 Summary . 61 xii Contents in DetailPART II 2D GEOMETRY 4 POINTS AND VECTORS 65 The Point Class 67 Calculating Distance Between Points 68 Addition and Subtraction Operators 69 The Vector Class 71 Addition and Subtraction Operators 72 Scaling Vectors . 73 Displacing Points 73 Vector Norms . 74 Immutable Design . 76 Naming Convention . 77 Dot Product . 77 Projecting Vectors . 78 Cross Product . 79 Parallel and Perpendicular Vectors 80 Angles Between Vectors . 81 Rotating Vectors 83 Sine and Cosine 84 Completing Our Classes . 85 Checking Equality . 85 String Representation 88 Vector Factories . 89 Unit Testing . 90 Testing Distances 91 Testing Vector Plus and Minus Operations . 94 Testing Vector Product Operations 95 Testing Vector Parallelism and Perpendicularity . 96 Three Golden Rules for Unit Testing . 97 Summary . 99 5 LINES AND SEGMENTS 101 Segment Class 101 The Segment’s Direction . 103 The Segment’s Length 105 The t Parameter and Middle Points 107 Closest Point 114 Distance to a Point 117 Segment Intersections 117 Equality and String Representation 121 Contents in Detail xiiiLine Class 124 Line Intersections 126 Segment’s Bisector . 128 Summary . 129 6 POLYGONS 131 Polygon Class . 132 Sides 133 Centroid . 137 Contains Point 139 Polygon Factory . 144 Polygon Equality 146 Circle Class . 148 Contains Point 149 Circle to Polygon 150 Equality and String Representation 152 Circle Factories . 153 Rect Class 155 Contains Point 158 Intersections 158 Convert to Polygon 164 Equality 165 Rectangle Factories 167 Summary . 169 7 AFFINE TRANSFORMATIONS 171 Affine Transformations . 172 Examples of Affine Transformations . 174 The Affine Transformation Class . 177 Testing the Transformation of Points . 178 Transform Segments and Polygons 179 Concatenating Transformations . 181 Inverting Affine Transformations 184 Scaling 187 Rotating 189 Interpolating Transformations . 192 Motivating Interpolation . 192 Implementing Interpolation . 195 Geom2D Final Touches 197 Test Files . 197 Running All Tests 197 Package Imports 198 Summary . 199 xiv Contents in DetailPART III GRAPHICS AND SIMULATIONS 8 DRAWING VECTOR IMAGES 203 Bitmaps and Vector Images . 204 The SVG Format . 204 The viewBox 207 Space Transformation . 208 The svg Package 210 Templates 210 Loading Templates 212 Image Templates 213 Attributes . 215 The SVG Primitives 217 Lines . 217 Rectangles . 219 Circles . 221 Polygons . 222 Polylines . 223 Text . 224 Groups 225 Arrows . 226 Primitives Result . 229 Package Imports . 231 Summary . 231 9 BUILDING A CIRCLE FROM THREE POINTS 233 Application Architecture 234 Setup 235 Creating a Run Configuration 236 Why Use a Run Configuration? . 239 Reading the Input and Configuration Files 239 Regular Expressions . 241 Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet . 246 Matching Points . 246 The Configuration File . 248 Problem Model and Resolution 249 Generating Output 250 Drawing the Output Circle . 251 Drawing the Input Points . 254 Result 256 Flip the Y-Axis 258 Contents in Detail xvDistributing Our Application 258 Understanding the Problem 259 Finding a Solution . 260 Running the App Without an Input File 263 Summary . 263 10 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACES AND THE CANVAS 265 Tkinter 266 Our First GUI Program . 266 The Canvas 270 Drawing Our Geometric Primitives 276 The Canvas Wrapper Class 276 Drawing Segments 278 Drawing Polygons . 279 Drawing Arrows 281 Summary . 285 11 ANIMATIONS, SIMULATIONS, AND THE TIME LOOP 287 Defining Terms 288 What Is an Animation? 288 What Is a System? 288 What Is a Simulation? . 289 What Is the Time Loop? 291 Our First Animation 292 Setup 292 Adding a Frame Count Label . 294 Updating the System 296 Creating Motion 297 Abstracting the Main Loop Function . 299 Refactoring Our Simulation . 301 Playing with the Circle Divisions 302 Playing with the Affine Transformation . 303 Cleaning Up the Module . 305 Summary . 305 12 ANIMATING AFFINE TRANSFORMATIONS 307 Application Architecture and Visibility Diagrams 308 Setting Up 309 Creating a Run Configuration 310 Creating a Bash Script . 310 Reading the Configuration File 311 xvi Contents in DetailReading Input . 312 Formatting the Input . 312 Adding Example Input . 313 Parsing the Affine Transformation . 315 Parsing the Geometric Primitives 317 Running the Simulation . 325 Building the User Interface . 325 Implementing the Simulation Logic 327 Drawing the Axes . 329 Summary . 334 PART IV SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 13 MATRICES AND VECTORS 337 List Utils 338 Setup 339 Vectors . 340 Implementing the Vector Class 340 Testing the Vector Class . 344 Matrices 346 Setting Values 347 Getting Values 349 Scaling Values 350 Matrix Equality . 351 Testing the Matrix Class . 354 Summary . 358 14 LINEAR EQUATIONS 359 Systems of Linear Equations 359 Numerical Methods 361 Cholesky Decomposition . 361 LU Factorization Methods 362 Understanding Cholesky . 365 A Factorization by Hand . 366 A Resolution by Hand . 367 Implementing Cholesky 370 Testing Cholesky: An Integration Test . 381 Summary . 382 Contents in Detail xviiPART V TRUSS STRUCTURES 15 STRUCTURAL MODELS 387 Solving Structural Problems . 388 Structural Member Internal Forces . 388 Elastic Bodies Subject to External Forces . 389 Axial and Shear Forces 390 Bending and Torsional Moments 391 Tension and Compression 392 Hooke’s Law . 392 Stress-Strain Diagrams . 393 Plane Trusses 394 Two-Force Members . 396 Stiffness Matrices in Global Coordinates . 397 Original Structure Model . 400 The Node Class 400 The Bar Class . 404 The Structure Class 408 Creating a Structure from the Python Shell . 410 The Structure Solution Model . 411 The Solution Nodes . 411 The Solution Bars . 414 The Structure Solution 421 Summary . 426 16 STRUCTURE RESOLUTION 427 Structure Resolution 428 Interpreting the Stiffness Matrix Terms . 429 Structure Initialization 429 The Main Structure Resolution Algorithm . 430 Numbering Degrees of Freedom 432 Assembling and Resolving the System of Equations . 433 Creating the Solution 441 The Result 443 Advanced Unit Testing: Test Doubles 447 Test Doubles 447 The unittest.mock Package . 448 Testing the Structure Solution Class 453 Testing the Structure Resolution Process 457 Summary . 463 xviii Contents in Detail17 READING INPUT FROM A FILE 465 Defining the Input Format . 465 The Nodes Format 466 The Loads Format . 466 The Bars Format 467 The File Format . 467 Finding the Regular Expressions . 468 The Nodes Regex . 468 The Loads Regex 469 The Bars Regex . 470 Setup 471 Parsing Nodes 471 Testing the Node Parser . 473 Parsing Bars 474 Testing the Bar Parser . 475 Parsing Loads . 476 Testing the Load Parser 477 Parsing the Structure . 478 Overview 479 Setup 480 Ignoring Blank Lines and Comments . 480 Parsing the Lines 481 Splitting the Lines and Instantiating the Structure 483 The Result 484 Testing the Structure Parser . 487 Summary . 492 18 PRODUCING AN SVG IMAGE AND TEXT FILE 493 Setup 494 From Structure Solution to SVG . 494 The Configuration File . 495 The Settings 496 The Solution Drawing Function . 497 Captions . 499 The Bars . 501 The Nodes . 509 The Node Reactions . 511 The Loads 517 Putting It All Together 518 The Final Result . 519 From Structure Solution to Text 521 Structure Solution’s String 522 The Nodes . 523 The Bars . 525 Contents in Detail xixThe Unicode Characters . 526 Putting It All Together 527 Summary . 528 19 ASSEMBLING OUR APPLICATION 529 A General Overview . 529 Setup 530 Input Arguments . 531 Generating the Output . 534 The Main Script . 535 Trying the App 536 Playing with the Arguments 540 Solving a Large Structure 542 Summary . 546 BIBLIOGRAPHY 547 INDEX 54 I N D E X Symbols ** (dictionary unpacking), 498 % (modulo), 134, 296 ** (power), 69 P (summation), 366 A abstraction, 299 affine space, 172 affine transformation, 172–174 augmented matrix, 173 concatenation, 181 identity transformation, 174, 193 inverse, 185 rotation, 190 scaling, 187 analytic solution, 290 animation, 288 frame, 288 architecture, software, 234 attribute, class, 37 attribute chaining, 104 B backward substitution, 364, 377 balanced system of forces, 389 binary operator intersection, 160 bisector, 128 bitmap image, 204 browser developer tools, 205 byte string, 213 C Cholesky decomposition, numerical method, 365 circle center, 148 chord, 155 radius, 148 class, 37 __dict__, 69 __init__, 38 instantiation, 37 self, 38 clean code, 155 coefficient matrix, 360 collections, 11–20 dictionary, 18 list, 15 set, 11 tuple, 12 collinear forces, 397 color #rrggbbaa, 206 column vector, 340 command cat, 54 cd, 52 chmod, 262 echo, 53 ls, 52 mkdir, 53 pwd, 51 rm, 54 sudo, 56 touch, 53 whoami, 51 command line, 49 absolute path, 52 argument, See option option, 54 processor, 49 program, 233 relative path, 52 standard input, 58 standard output, 58 compound inequality, 158 cross product, 79 Crout, numerical method, 363D debugger, xxxix–xliii breakpoint, xl console, xliii run configuration, xli stack frame, xlii Step into, xli Step over, xli decoding, 213 decorator property, 39 decoupled, 308 degrees of freedom, 397 Demeter, law of, See principle of least knowledge destructuring, 20–21 deterministic, 99 differential equation, 290 direction vector, 103 direction versor, 103 docstring, 9 documentation Sphinx, 10 domain logic, 233 domain of knowledge, 160 Doolittle, numerical method, 363 dot product, 77 dunder methods, See magic methods duplication of code, See knowledge duplication dynamic dispatching, 42 E edge case, 143 eigenvalues, 362 environment variable, 262 PWD, 262 PYTHONPATH, 262 errors AttributeError, 41 EOFError, 317 IndexError, 15, 341 ValueError, 133 ZeroDivisionError, 143 Euler’s numerical method, 290 event driven, 267 event handler, 267 exception userdefined, 111 F fstrings, 89 factory function, 89 fail fast, 109 force axial, 390 axial component, 78 compression, 390, 393 normal, See axial shear, 391 shear component, 83 tangent, See shear tensile, 393 tension, 390 forward substitution, 364, 375 fracture strain, 394 frames per second (FPS), 290 free body diagram, 288 frictionless union, 396 function access modifiers, 29 higherorder, 27–29 inside function, 28 lambda, 26–27 predicate, 30 pure, 24–25 reducer, 32 shared state, 25 side effect, 25 functional programming, 23–36 functools reduce, 32–35 G geometry t parameter, 107 circle, 148–149 line, 124 parallelogram, 164 point, 67–71 polygon, 132–133 rectangle, 155–157 segment, 101 vector, 71–85 versor, 75, 90 Git, xxix GitHub, xxix global dict, 18 550 Indexenumerate, 14, 16 filter, 30–31 help, 10 len, 11, 13, 15 list, 15 map, 31–32 range, 146 set, 11 str, 88 tuple, 13 H hardcoding, 248 Hooke’s law, 392 I IDE, See integrated development environment immutability, 23, 25–26 immutable, 12, 219 import alias, 8, 430 relative, 9, 240, 4 InkStructure, application, 188 integrated development environment, xxxi integration test, 381, 447 internal forces, 389 interpolation, 192 easeinout, 194 iterator, 30 J JSON format, 248 K keyword class, 37 def, 24 lambda, 26 None, 120 knowledge duplication, 160 L lambda calculus, 26 linear equation, 359 coefficients, 360 free term, 360 unknown, 360 linear interpolation, 193 linear transformation, 172 Linux distro, 50 superuser, 56 list append, 16 flatten, 280 slice, 16–17 list comprehension, 35–36 LU factorization, 362 M magic methods, 43 __add__, 44, 70 __eq__, 45, 86 __str__, 88 __sub__, 44, 70 magic numbers, 110, 430 __main__, 4 main loop, See time loop markdown, xxx matrix, 337 identity, 184 lowertriangular, 362 main diagonal, 361 nonsingular, 363 positive definite, 362 square, 346, 361 symmetric, 361 transposed, 349 uppertriangular, 362 mechanical stress, 390 model space, 184 modular arithmetic, 135 module, 4 argparse, 531 add_argument, 533 ArgumentParser, 532 import, 5–9 json, 249 loads, 249, 496 math, 66 copysign, 82 fabs, 66 Index 551operator, 34 os getcwd, 261 os.path normpath, 261 sys path, 259 Tkinter, 266 unittest, 92 assertAlmostEqual, 92 assertEqual, 95 assertFalse, 97 assertIsNone, 121 assertRaises, 112 assertTrue, 97 TestCase, 92 moment bending, 392 normal to section, 391 tangent to section, 391 torsional, 391 multiple assignment, 120 mutable, 219 N __name__, 4 Newton’s third law, 423 nonlinear equation, 360 normal (perpendicular) versor, 104 number floating point, See real real, 65 numerical method, 359, 361 direct, 361 iterative, 361 O object, 36 encapsulation, 346 method, 40–43 signature, 43 property, 39–40 state, 277 objectoriented programming, 36–45 open interval, 160 open source, 98 operator ** (dictionary unpacking), 498 % (modulo), 134, 296 ** (power), 69 in, 11, 14, 19 overloading, 43, 70 ternary, 349 out of bounds, See errors: IndexError P package, 4 parser, 468 parsing, 483 pascal case, 37 pass, 293 PEP 238, 240 plaintext file, 235 plane truss, 394 point projections, 67 polygon centroid, 137 perimeter, 133 side, 132, 133 vertex, 132 polygonal chain, 132 principle of least knowledge, 125 proportional limit, 394 Python Enhancement Proposal, See PEP Python Standard Library, xxvi R raise exception, 111 raster image, See bitmap image raw string literal, 245 ray casting algorithm, 139 reaction force, 412 readme, xxix rectangle origin, 155 overlap, 158 size, 155 refactoring code, 301 regex, See regular expression regression, 91 regular expression, 241–246 capture group, 245 character set, 242 quantifier, 243 552 Indexresistant element, 388 reusability, 308 richtext editor, 205, 235 rotation pivot, 189 row vector, 340 run configuration, xxxvi, 236 S Scalable Vector Graphics, See SVG scientific notation, number, 526 screen space, 184 script, 4 segment direction, 103 set add, 12 difference, 12 remove, 12 union, 12 side effect, 24 silent fail, 109 simulation, 289 ahead of time, 290 motion, 297 real time, 290 system, 288 time delta, 291 static equilibrium, 389, 417 stiffness, 397 stiffness matrix, 398 strain ϵ, 393 stress σ, 393 stressstrain diagrams, 393 string, 211 join, 214 structure, 388 external constraint, 395 external support, See external constraint node, 395 twoforce member, 397 SVG, 204 attributes, 206, 215 circle, 221 group, 225 line, 217 polygon, 222 polyline, 223 rect, 219 text, 224 transform, 208 viewBox, 207 system of equations matrix form, 337, 360 T TDD, See TestDriven Development template, 210 placeholder, 210 test assertion, 91 fixture, 98 subject, 91, 98 test double, 447 dummy, 447 fake, 447 mock, 448 stub, 448 testdriven development, 371 time loop, 291 Tkinter Button, 269 Canvas, 270 Entry, 268 Label, 268 main loop, 267 widget, 266 traceback, 94 truss structure, 388 tuple count, 13 index, 14 type hints, 45–46 float, 46 int, 46 str, 46 U ultimate strength, See ultimate stress ultimate stress, 394 Unicode characters, 525–526 unit testing, 90–91 three golden rules, 97–99 Controlled Environment, 98 One Reason to Fail, 98 Test Independence, 99 Index 553Unix prompt, See terminal shell, See terminal terminal, 50 unpacking, See destructuring UTF8 encoding, 213 utils package, 134 V vector angle, 81 norm, 74 normal, 75 normalize, 75 parallelism, 81 perpendicularity, 81 unit, 75 vector image, 204 version control system, xxix
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Hardcore Programming for Mechanical Engineers رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Hardcore Programming for Mechanical Engineers