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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Plumbing - Mechanical Services Book 2 الخميس 25 مارس 2021, 9:28 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Plumbing - Mechanical Services Book 2 Fifth Edition G.J. Blower Eng Tech (CEI), MIP, LCGI, Technical Teachers Cert. Formerly Senior Lecturer, Plumbing Mechanical Services Section, College of North East London. Currently an NVQ Visiting Assessor
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Foreword viii Preface to fifth edition ix Acknowledgements x 1 Welding and brazing processes 1 Introduction 1 Welding safety 1 The flame 3 Set-up of welded joints 4 Lead welding 5 Defects in welds 7 Lap welds on lead sheet 8 Angle seams 10 Lead-welded pipe joints 10 Bronze welding 10 Brazing processes 13 Fusion welding low-carbon steel 17 Further reading 17 Self-testing questions 18 2 Gas installations 19 Legislation 19 Properties of natural gas 22 Combustion and gas burners 22 Combustion air 23 Installation of pipework 25 Gas meters 26 Testing appliance pressures and gas rates 27 Pressure 27 Gas pipe sizing 28 Testing for soundness 30 Purging domestic installations 33 Ventilation 33 Flues 35 Flue terminals 43 Gas controls 47 Ignition devices 57 Flame failure devices 57 Flame conduction and rectification 60 Gas fires and back boiler units 63 Servicing gas appliances 71 Decommissioning 72 Further reading 72 Self-testing questions 72 3 Cold water supply 74 The Water Regulations (1999) 74 Types of cold water supply 76 Large water storage cisterns and associated pipework 83 Noise in cold water systems 85 Pollution of water supplies 88 Backflow prevention 92 Non-mechanical backflow devices 93 Mechanical backflow protection 96 Application of backflow-prevention devices in domestic premises 100 Backflow protection in multi-storey public and commercial buildings 104 Sterilisation of cold water systems 107 Provision for fire-fighting in buildings 107 Water treatment 114 Base exchange water softening 114 Hydraulic pressure testing 118 Decommissioning 120 Distribution pipe sizing in hot and cold water services 120 Further reading 124 Self-testing questions 125 4 Hot water supply 126 Corrosion and scale formation in hot water systems 126 Supplementary storage systems 127 High-level flow systems 127 Dual boiler systems 128 Unvented hot water systems 130Combination boilers 137 Pumped systems 140 Storage vessels 140 Support and connections to horizontal hot storage vessels 142 Towel rails 144 Fuels used for hot water and central heating 146 Water heaters 147 Electric water heating 148 Introduction to solar heating 151 Heat pumps 155 Micro combined heat and power (micro CHP) 157 Legionnaires’ disease 157 Further reading 157 Self-testing questions 158 5 Hot water heating systems 159 Space-heating systems 159 Heat emitters 160 Central heating components 163 Boilers 166 Pipework systems used for heating 169 Heating systems 171 Mini-bore systems 174 Sealed heating systems 175 Heating controls 178 Central heating design 186 Domestic heating calculators 189 Under-floor central heating 194 Commissioning and maintaining central heating systems 197 Noise in hot water supply and heating systems 198 Corrosion in heating systems and its prevention 199 Further reading 200 Self-testing questions 201 6 Oil firing 202 Fuel oils 202 Oil-fired boilers 202 Oil storage tank accessories 208 Tank overfill prevention 211 Pipework systems for oil supply 213 Types of oil burner 217 Installation of oil-fired boilers 224 Digital combustion analysers 230 Flues for oil boilers 230 Servicing oil-fired boilers 231 Further reading 232 Self-testing questions 233 7 Sanitary appliances 234 Introduction 234 WC macerators 234 Flushing troughs 236 Ablutionary fittings 237 Anti-scald valves 239 Showers 242 Urinals 252 Disposal of chemical wastes 259 Hospital appliances (general) 260 Sanitary accommodation 260 Washing and WC facilities for the disabled 262 Further reading 262 Self-testing questions 265 8 Sanitary pipework 266 Building Regulations relevant to sanitary pipework 266 Standards relating to sanitary pipework 267 Sanitary pipe sizes 268 Trap seal loss 268 Ventilation of sanitary pipework 269 Compression and its prevention 269 Modern pipework systems 269 Branch positions in discharge stacks 274 Ventilation of branch discharge pipes to single appliances 275 Ranges of appliances 276 Special notes relating to ventilating pipes 278 Access for cleaning and maintenance 280 Pipe ducts 280 Inspection and testing 281 Maintenance 282 Further reading 283 Self-testing questions 284 vi CONTENTS9 Underground drainage materials, fittings and systems 285 Regulations relating to building drainage 285 Functions of drainage systems 285 Health and safety 286 Materials 286 Drainage fittings 286 Support for above-ground drains 295 Flexibility 297 Bedding for underground drains 297 Protection of drains near or above ground level or subject to imposed loads 298 Types of drainage system 300 Ventilation of drains 304 Access to drains 306 Connections to existing drains 307 Working principles of a good drainage scheme 308 Invert and soffit 309 Determining drain levels 310 Setting out the incline of a drain 310 Ramps and backdrops 312 Testing drains for soundness 312 Tracing drains 316 Maintenance of underground drainage systems 316 Decommissioning 316 Further reading 316 Self-testing questions 317 10 Sheet lead roof weatherings 318 Introduction 318 Contact with other materials 319 Metal lining of gutters constructed of timber 320 Gutter outlets 322 Covering large flat areas with lead sheet 322 Wood rolls 324 Hollow roll work 324 Dormer windows 327 Mansard roofs 334 Lead-welded details 335 Metal cladding of buildings with preformed panels 340 Patenation oil 342 Inspection and maintenance of sheet weatherings 343 Further reading 343 Self-testing questions 343 11 Electrical systems 345 Regulations governing the installation of electrical supplies 345 Distribution of electricity 346 Electrical units 347 Electrical safety 349 Earthing and bonding 351 Distribution of supplies in the property 354 Current-carrying capacity of conductors (cables) 359 Cables 360 Inspecting and testing electrical installations 365 Ancillary components 367 Regulations relating to electrical appliances in bathrooms 370 Further reading 371 Self-testing questions 372 Appendix A: Assignments 373 Appendix B: NVQ in plumbing — Levels 2 and 3 377 Appendix C: Central heating control systems 380 Appendix D: Whole house boilersizing method for houses 386 Index 38 Index 3, 4, 5 rule 333 ablutionary fittings 237–9 acetylene 1, 3, 6, 21 see also oxy-acetylene acid receiver 259 acrylic 242 air 177 air admittance 101 valve 279 air bricks 34–5 air conditions, unstable 268 air deflector plate 219 air elimination 166, 167, 178 air gap 92, 93–5 A6 102 AA 76, 94, 96, 100, 103, 104, 107, 113, 116 AB 94, 107, 113 AC 94 AD 94, 107, 113 AF 94 AG 94–5, 100, 259 AUK 95 AUK1 100 AUK2 102 AUK3 134 air purger 177 air requirements for combustion and ventilation 224 air testing 281, 312, 313–14, 315 air vents in series 34 alarms, audible 211 alloys 13–14 aluminium 3 cold water supply 116 gas installations 38 hot water heating systems 167, 186 hot water supply 127 radiators 160 sheet lead roof weatherings 319, 340 angle iron 296 angle seams 10 anti-corrosion paints 75 anti-flood fittings 291–2 anti-gravity valve 160 anti-scald valves 239–41 anti-vacuum valves (vacuum breaker) 100, 133–4 appliance pressures, testing of 27 Approved Document 74 B 21 F 21 G3 137 H 266, 285, 299 J 21 L 21 M 262 P 345–6 apron detail 329, 330 area of unburned gas 3 assignments 373–6 atomising burners (pressure jet burners) 218–20 AU2 type 243 BA device 80, 113 Bacharach scale 226 back boiler units see gas fires and back boiler units backdrops 312, 313 backfilling 298, 312 backfiring 3 backflow 89, 90–2, 94, 95 configurations 101 devices, non-mechanical 92, 93–6 prevention 92–3, 100–4 protection, mechanical 96–100 protection in multi-storey public and commercial buildings 104–7 secondary 106 balancing 164 ball test 315 base exchange 114–18 basins 238, 239, 276–7 connections, single 277 waste 268, 269 see also washbasins bathrooms 370–1 baths 275–6 bay sizes on roof pitches 319 bays in lead gutters, maximum superficial areas recommended for 319 bedding 298, 299 bench-mark, temporary 310 bends 269, 289, 290 bent bolt 14, 15390 INDEX bidets 102, 104–5, 238 bimetallic strip flame failure device 57, 59 bitumen 75 bituminous paints 208 blocking 181 blowholes 10, 11 blowpipes 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16 model ‘O’ 5–6 boilers 166–9 combination 137–40 condensing 167–9 dual 128–30, 131 energy manager 181–2 hopper-fed 129–30 interconnecting 130 low-water-content 166–7 oil fired 202–8 output rating 187 sizing 192 thermostats 179 bonding 351–4, 355 main 351 supplementary 351 wire, temporary 25 boning rods 310–11 boosters 82–3 borax 1, 12 bossed roll ends 325, 326 bottle traps 243, 259 branch discharge pipes 275–6 branch joints, working up in copper tubes using hand tools 15 brass 255 screws 332 brazing 3 hearth 16 see also welding and brazing processes breeching piece 109 brick relieving arch 300 bright steel rod 296 British Board of Agrément 137, 279 British Coal Utilisation Research Association 159 British Gas Transco 20 British Plumbing Employers Confederation 318 bronze: filter 222 hot water heating systems 178 -welded branch joints 15 welding 3 welding filler metals 13 Building Act 1984 232 Building Control Officers 232, 236, 285 Building Regulations 21 Building Regulations 1965 269, 270 Building Regulations 1985: Part H 266, 313 Building Regulations 2005 167 Building Regulations: hot water heating systems 159, 186, 187, 190, 195 hot water supply 137, 139 oil firing 203 Part G 260 Part H 271, 298 Part J 64, 69, 70, 204, 205, 230, 232 Part L 64, 137, 178 Part P 20, 185 sanitary appliances 243, 262 sanitary pipework 266–7, 279, 281 underground drainage 285, 299, 305, 306 see also Approved Document Building Standards 21 bunding (secondary containment) 204, 205 burners: efficiency 225–30 post-aerated 24 pre-aerated 24 pressure setting 27 burning in 10 burning velocity 23 butane 16 butt joint 5–7 butt weld 4, 337 butt-type bronze-welded joints 12 bypass valve 185 C2 (28) second oil 202, 208 cables 360–5 accidental damage 350 bell wire 361 conductors to components, termination of 363–4 cross-sectional area 359, 364 fixings and installation techniques 362–3 flat section 360–1 and flex sizes and ratings 362 flexible 362 multi-core 362 safe isolation 364–5 security at terminations 363 sheathed flexible 361–2 stripping 363 supports 363 three-core 362 cadmium 13, 14 calcium 116 carbonate 253 calorific value 22, 26, 146 cam-operated ignitor 57 capacitors 368–9 carbon dioxide 22, 23, 24 hot water heating systems 167 hot water supply 128 oil firing 227, 229, 230, 232 carbon monoxide 22, 24, 27, 28, 45, 63INDEX 391 carbonates 128 cast iron 11 hot water heating systems 167, 199 hot water supply 129 radiators 160 sanitary appliances 255 underground drainage 286–7, 289–92, 295–8, 300, 308 catchpit 322 category 5 risk 103 cathodic protection 129 cavitation 245–7 CE mark 20 cement products 167 central heating: components 163–6 design 186–9 systems: commissioning and maintaining 197–8 under-floor 178, 194–7 wet 159 centrifugal pump 221 ceramic-disc taps 86 certification 19 chambers, junctions used in 290 channel bends 291, 307 channel section cable cover 360 chase wedges 324 check and vacuum breakers 99 check valves 92, 98–9, 101, 133 A 98 B 98 C 98 double 98–9 single 98 chemical inhibitor 200 chemical tests 315 chemical waste disposal 259–60 chimney updraught 226 Chinaman’s hat 230, 231 chlorine 017 cholera 90 chute method 322 circuit: breakers, miniature 350–1 lengths 193 neutraliser 129, 130 protection devices 350–1 sizing 194 circulating head 143 clayware 167 sanitary appliances 239, 252, 260 underground drainage 286, 289, 290, 292, 297, 298, 308 coal tar substances 75 cobalt 116 coefficient of performance 156 cold water supply 74–125 assignment 373–4 backflow prevention 92–3 backflow prevention in domestic premises 100–4 backflow protection in multi-storey public and commercial buildings 104–7 base exchange and water softening 114–18 decommissioning 120 distribution pipe sizing in hot and cold water services 120–4 general requirements 75–6 hydraulic pressure testing 118–20 indirect boosting with a header 77–9 indirect hydropneumatic systems 79–80 indirect systems 77 large water storage cisterns and associated pipework 83–5 maintenance and inspection 82 mechanical backflow protection 96–100 noise 82–3, 85–8 non-mechanical backflow devices 93–6 pollution 88–92 pumped systems 76–7 pumps, pump components and siting 80–2 sterilisation of cold water systems 107 water fittings, requirements of 74 water fittings, restrictions on use of 74 Water Regulations 1999 74–6 water treatment 114 work, notification of 75 see also fire-fighting, provision for in buildings collar bosses 274 combustible materials 40 combustion: air 23–5 digital combustion analysers 230 gas 24 and gas burners 22–3 gas installation 52 incomplete 25 oil firing 224, 225–30 composite control 48 compression 268, 269 compressor 155 concrete and concrete products 167, 299, 300, 306, 316, 320 condensation 43 condenser 155 conductors 347 continuity 365, 366 conduit 360 conservancy system 286 constant pressure governors 55 constantan 59 consumer unit 354 consumption, undue 74392 INDEX control box 195, 220–1 Control of Pollution Regulations 204 convection 36 convector 160 heaters 162–3 copper 2, 11, 14 brazing processes 15 cold water supply 75, 88, 116, 121 gas installation 25, 28, 29, 68, 72 hot water heating systems 174, 194, 199 hot water supply 129, 141, 143, 151 oil firing 213 -phosphorus alloy 13, 14 pipe-sizing chart 122 sanitary appliances 235, 245, 255 sheet lead roof weathering 340 -tin 14 towel rail 144 -zinc 14 corner post 330 corrosion 126–7, 199–200 COSHH risk assessment 157 Council of Registered Gas Installers (CORGI) 19–20 cracking 202 creep 319, 343 creosote 75 current (symbol I) 347 current-carrying capacity of conductors (cables) 359–60 cylinder storage 2 cylinder thermostats 180 cylinder valves 2 D (35) second oil 202, 230 DA type 100 data tabulation 29 DB type 99, 100 decommissioning 72 cold water supply 120 drains 316 delayed optimum start feature 181 delta temperature 162 Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions 74, 89 Department of Health 157, 240 dew point 43, 167, 169 dezincification 75 digital combustion analysers 230 dilution 43 direct boosting 76–7 direct current 60 disabled people and sanitary appliances 262 discharge pipes 136–7, 235–6 showers 243 urinals 255 discharge stacks, branch positions in 274–5 discharge stacks, low connections on 279 distillation 202 distribution pipe sizing in hot and cold water services 120–4 diversity factor 356 diverter with automatic return 100 domestic heating calculators 189–94 dormer windows 327–34 cheek cladding 330 cheeks 329–33 gutters 334 sill details 329 tops 333–4 weathering assignment 373 weatherings 328–9 double entry radiator valve 176 double-pitched roof see mansard roof double-pole switch 357 downdraught diverters 45–7 downstream 90 drainage: above-ground, support for 295–7 chutes 290–1 combined system 303 partially separate system 304 pipelines, sizing of 309 separate system 303 suspended 296, 297 see also underground drainage materials, fittings and systems drainage fittings 286–95 anti-flood fittings 291–2 bends and junctions 289, 290 drain chutes 290–1 duck foot or rest bends 289–90 grease disposal 292–5 gulleys 287–8 intercepting traps 288–9 level invert open channel junctions 290 level invert taper pipe 291 rainwater shoes 288 rust pockets 291 stepped channel bends 290 draining down 96 drainpipe adaptor 286 draught gauge 227 draught stabilisers 217 draught sterilizers 218 draw-offs 119 drip plate 324, 337 drips in gutters 321–2 dry riser 110 duck foot or rest bends 289–90 E6 meters (ultrasonic meter) 27, 33 EA check valve 98 earthenware 252, 259 earthing 351–4, 355 eaves 339, 340INDEX 393 EB valve 98 EC valve 98 Economy Seven heating 147, 151 ED valve 99 electric instantaneous heater 251 electric water heating 148–51 electrical circuit, simple 349 electrical control 257–8 for dual boiler schemes 131 Electrical Equipment Regulations 346 electrical switches and controls in shower rooms 371 electrical switching 251 electrical systems 345–72 alternating current 347 capacitors 368–9 circuits supplying electric immersion heaters 357–9 current (symbol I) 347 current-carrying capacity of conductors (cables) 359–60 direct current 346–7 earthing and bonding 351–4 electromagnets 369 for fire safety control 214 inspecting and testing 365–7 power 348 regulations 345–6 regulations for bathrooms 370–1 resistance (symbol R) 347–8 resistors 368 ring circuits 354–6 safety 349–51 simple electrical circuits 348–9 single-phase supplies 346 transformers 370 voltage (symbol V) 347 see also cables Electrical Wiring Regulations 346 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 346 Electricity Supply Regulations 1988 21, 346 electrode assembly housed in blast tube 220 electrolysis 127 electromagnets 61, 369 electronic eye 63 electronic water conditioners 116–17 enamelled steel 38, 127 Energy Saving Trust 186 environmental pollution 204 environmental safety 3 equipotential bonding 353–4 evaporator 155 expanding plugs 312 expansion valve 134, 155 expansion vessel 134, 177–8, 179 explosion, avoiding dangers of 2 explosive materials 3 exposed conductive part 351 extraneous conductive parts 351, 353, 354 fail-safe equipment 220 fatigue cracking 343 fibreglass 252 filler metal 1 filler rods 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 flux-impregnated 11–12 fillet weld 4, 10, 17 fire, avoiding dangers of 2 Fire Officers Committee 114 fire risks 204–5 fire valves 212–13 fire-fighting, provision for in buildings 107–14 hose reels 107–8 sprinkler installations 111–14 wet risers 109–11 fireclay 260 fixing bays 319 flame 3–4 adjustment 5 bronze welding 10–11 carburising 3 characteristics 4 conduction and rectification 60–3 failure devices 57–60 neutral 3 oxidising 3, 10 reducing 4 setting 9 stabilisation 23 flammability, limits of 22–3 flammable materials 3 flat roof 323 flats 323 float-operated valves 86, 100 Aylesbury 80, 82, 83 delayed action 79–80, 81 Portsmouth 80 floating floor 194 flow rate testing 119 flueless appliances 35–6 flues 35–47 boxes 70 common gas 39 condensation 43 downdraught diverters 45–7 fitting appliances to existing flues 40–1 flueless appliances 35–6 function 35 gas temperature 37, 229, 230 height 37 insulation 43 lining details with flexible stainless steel flue linings 44 materials 37–8 for multi-storey buildings 39–41 for oil boilers 230–1394 INDEX flues (continued ): open flues (natural draught) 36–7 operation 36 passing through combustible materials 40 pipe disconnection for cleaning and maintenance 37 pipes and weathering 40 pre-cast flue blocks 39 restrictor plate 67 room-sealed appliances 47, 48 runs 37 terminals 43–7 testing for updraught 41–2 twin-wall piped 49–50 fluid fire valve, heat-sensitive 214 flushing cisterns 255–6 flushing troughs 236–7 flushing valves 258, 259 fluxes 2, 12 force pump 118 free-fall fire valves 215, 216 fresh air inlet 304 frost thermostats 185, 186 fuel contents gauge 212, 213 fuel oils 202 light, characteristics of 203 low-temperature effects 208 fuel storage 204–8, 209 fuels used for hot water and central heating 146–7 fully pumped systems 171–4 fume hazards 3 furring pieces 323 fuses 350 fusion welding 3, 4 galvanised steel 38, 75, 127, 236 galvanometer 59 Gas Act 1995 20, 22 gas appliance governor, simple 55 Gas Appliance Safety Regulations 20–1 gas carcass 30 gas controls 47–57 constant pressure governors 55 main burner controls 49 multifunctional controls 55–7 service governor 53–5 solenoid valves 49–50 thermostats 50–3 gas fires and back boiler units 63–71 decorative fuel effect (DFE) fires 69–70 flue boxes 70 flues, methods of sealing into chimneys 66 gas back boilers with combined fires 64–7 gas fires — conventional type 67–8 hearths for gas fires 70–1 live fuel effect (LFE) fires 68–70 room sealed gas fires 70 gas installations 19–73 appliance pressures and gas rates, testing of 27 combustion air 23–5 combustion and gas burners 22–3 decommissioning 72 flame conduction and rectification 60–3 flame failure devices 57–60 ignition devices 57 leaks 71–2 legislation 19–22 meters 26 natural gas, properties of 22 pipe sizing 28–30 pipework, installation of 25–6 pressure 27–8 pressure drops, permissible 32 purging domestic installations 33 ratings 29 servicing appliances 71–2 soundness, testing for 30–3 ventilation 33–5 see also flues; gas controls; gas fires and back boiler units Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 20 Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 20 Gas Safety Regulations 20, 21, 25, 27, 48 Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 20 gas storage heaters 148 gas-fired hot water storage heater 150 gauges 211–12 gear pump 221 Germany 254 glass 259, 260 enclosed fuel effect fire 69 goggles 3 gradient 308–9 incidence board 310 granular infill 298, 299 gravity, specific 22 grease converter 295 grease disposal 292–5 greywater 90 gulleys 287–8, 316 trapless 288 gutters 52, 320–2 box 320, 321, 323, 336 dormer 334 falls in 321 parapet wall 320 tapering 337 tapering valley 320, 321 HA valve 99 hammer 14, 15 hand bellows 312 hand punner 298 hand tools in brazing processes 15INDEX 395 hand-washing facilities, industrial 239 hard water 127 HC type 100 head loss 121 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 20, 119, 157, 346 Health and Safety Executive 19, 20, 21, 157 health and safety and underground drainage 286 hearths for gas fires 70–1 heat application methods for brazing 16 heat emitters 160–3 heat exchangers 155 heat leak 128, 129 heat loss 186–7, 188 Heat Pump Association 156 heat pumps 155–6 heat requirements tabulation 189 heaters, multi-point 147 heating controls 178–86 boiler energy manager 181–2 boiler thermostats 179 cylinder thermostats 180 delayed optimum start feature 181 frost thermostats 185 room thermostats 181 temperature control interlock 182 thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) 183–5 time control 179–80 weather-compensating controls 182–3 wiring electrical control systems 185–6 zone control 181 heating pump 166 heating requirements 187 heating systems, sealed 175–8 Heating and Ventilating National Joint Council 17 herringbone pattern 7 high-level flow systems 127–8, 129 high-velocity flow 88 holding down 324 hollow roll work 322, 324–7 horizontal lapped weld 9 hose reels 107–8 hose restraining ring 244 hose union taps — backflow protection 99 hoses, flexible 103–4 hospital appliances 260 hospital bedpan sluice 260 hot water heating systems 159–201 boilers 166–9 central heating components 163–6 central heating design 186–9 commissioning and maintaining central heating systems 197–8 corrosion 199–200 domestic heating calculators 189–94 fully pumped systems 171–4 heat emitters 160–3 mini-bore systems 174–5 noise 198–9 pipework systems 169–71 pumped heating, gravity hot water systems 171 sealed heating systems 175–8 space-heating systems 159–60 under-floor central heating 194–7 see also heating controls hot water services, connection of to pumped showers 246 hot water supply 126–58 assignment 373–4 combination boilers 137–40 corrosion and scale formation 126–7 dual boiler systems 128–30 electric water heating 148–51 fuels used for hot water and central heating 146–7 heat pumps 155–6 high-level flow systems 127–8 Legionnaires’ disease 157 micro combined heat and power 157 pumped systems 140 solar heating 151–5 storage vessel, unvented 136 storage vessels 140–2 supplementary storage systems 127 support and connections to horizontal hot storage vessels 142–4 towel rails 144–6 water heaters 147–8 see also unvented hot water systems HUK1 valve 99 hydraulic mean depth 309 hydraulic pressure testing 118–20 hydrocarbons 22, 23, 24 hydrogen 200 hydropneumatic boosted cold water system 78 hypotenuse 332 ignition devices 57 ignition temperature 22 immersion heaters 148–51, 152, 153, 357–9 electric 151, 359 impact type ignitor 57 inclination 308, 309, 310–12 inclined seam 8 inclined vertical weld 9 inclusion 8 index circuit 193 indirect boosting with a header 77–9 indirect hydropneumatic systems 79–80 indirect supply 76 indirect system of hot water supply 145 indirect systems 77 inflatable air bag or stopper 312, 313 inspection chambers 306, 307, 313, 316 installation tests 365 Institution of Electric Engineers 236 Regulations 25, 185, 250, 346, 354, 359, 371396 INDEX insulation 43 resistance test 365–7 intercepting traps 288–9, 304 interceptor 316 sizing 294 interlocking of controls 183 intermediate fixings 330 internal corners 338, 340 invert 309–10, 312 open channel junctions, level 290 taper pipe, level 291 iron 59, 116 black magnetic oxide 129 see also cast iron joint design for brazing 14–15, 16 kilowatts, conversion of meter reading to 26 L-shaped cleat 329 lap joints 322 lap weld 4 lead 3, 8, 17 burning 1 cold water supply 75, 114 strip casting mould 6 -welded drips in box gutters 336 -welded joints 322 -welded overcloaks 339 welding patterns 7 welding wood-cored rolls 338 see also sheet lead roof weatherings Lead Sheet Association 10, 318, 319, 326, 340 leftward method 6, 7 Legionnaires’ disease 157 lever locking stopper 289 lift-off 6, 23 light back 23, 24 light conduit 360 lime scale deposits 283 load 348 loading units 120–1, 124 lockout 63, 221 low-carbon steel 17 hot water heating systems 199 hot water supply 129 oil firing 205 underground drainage 296 low-temperature effects and fuel oils 208 macerators in WCs 234–6 magnesium 129 magnetic hydrodynamics (MHD) 116 Maguire’s rule 309 mains spark ignition 57, 59 manifolds 195 manometer 27 mansard roofs 326, 334–5 Mean Water Temperature 162 mechanical backflow 94 mechanical extractor 37 mechanical joints 274 ‘Mega’ 365 meniscus 30 mercury vapour flame safety valve 60, 62 metal cladding of buildings with preformed panels 340–2 micro combined heat and power 157 mid position valves 173 mini-bore systems 174–5 mirror test 315, 316 mixing valve 238 modified primary ventilated stack system (modified single stack system) 272–3 molten pool 7, 9 mortar 320 multifunction test meter 365, 366 multifunctional controls 48, 55–7 National Gas Emergency Service Provider 20, 21, 72 neutral point 165 nickel 116 nitric acid 167 nitrogen 22, 24, 134, 177 nitrous oxide 167 noise: cold water systems 85–8 from pumps or boosters 82–3 hot water supply and heating systems 198–9 reduction in pumping equipment 84 sanitary pipework 267 non-concussive valves 239 non-return valves 80 non-verifiable disconnector with different pressure zones (type CA) 80, 98 nozzle: assembly, incorrect positioning of 226 delivery pipe, effect on entrapping air in 225 in oil burners 222–3 size for welding 5–6 NVQ 318, 377–9 O H terminal 43 Office of Gas Supply (OFGAS) 22 OH cowl 231 Ohm’s law 347–8 oil burner, types of 217–24 atomising burners 218–20 control box 220–1 nozzles 222–3 oil pumps 221–2 preheaters 223–4 transformers 224 vaporising burners 217–18INDEX 397 oil filters 211 oil firing 202–33 assignment 374–5 boilers 202–8 digital combustion analysers 230 flues for oil boilers 230–1 fuel oils 202 oil pipe supplies to burners 216 oil storage requirements for public or commercial buildings 208 oil storage tank accessories 208–11 pipework systems for oil supply 213–17 pollution control 205 servicing oil-fired boilers 231–2 tank overfill prevention 211–13 see also oil burner, types of; oil-fired boilers, installation of Oil Firing Technical Education Council (OFTEC) 211 oil-fired boilers, installation of 224–30 air requirements for combustion and ventilation 224 commissioning and testing 224–5 pressure 226 testing combustion and burner efficiency 225–30 one-pipe system 169, 170 onion 17 outlet 250 oval conduit 360 over-gassing 27 overcloaks 8, 9, 337, 339 overcurrent 349 overflow pipes 85 overhand method 338 overlap 8 overloading 349 oxy-acetylene 4, 16 oxygen 1, 3, 4, 6, 10 barrier layer 197 deficiency 24 see also vitiation depletion valve 63 gas installation 23 hot water heating systems 177, 198, 199 hot water supply 128 P4 (D4) meter 32 parallel circuit 349 parent metal 1 patenation oil 342 patent boss for fitting immersion heaters 152 pattern staining 162 penetration 7, 8 perfect square 333 performance testing 282, 283 personal safety 2 petroleum products, oils and phenols 75 phosphoric acid 11 photo-electric resistor 63, 64 piezoelectric ignition 57, 58 pin-holing 199 pipe: adaptor, multi-discharge 274–5 ducts 280–1 interrupter 95–6 interrupter with vent and moving element 99–100 length calculation 124 lengths, equivalent 121 and oil supply 213 runs, diagrammatic layout of 192 sizes distribution 123 -sizing chart 122 sizing tabulation schedule 124 see also pipework pipeline switch 79 pipework: installation 25–6 schemes and showers 247 system and towel airers 145 systems for oil supply 213–17 systems used for heating 169–71 plaster sinks 260, 261 plastic: cold water supply 75 gas installation 25 gutters and protection from hot products of combustion 52 hot water heating systems 167, 178, 194, 197 oil firing 204, 205, 213 sanitary appliances 236 testing 119 see also polypropylene; polytetrafluoroethylene; polythene; PVC plug cock 86 plugs 198 Plumbing Joint Industrial Board 17 pluming 169 point heaters, single 147 polarity testing 367, 368 pollution: cold water supply 88–92 showers 243, 244 polypropylene 259 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 26, 116 polythene 205, 255, 260 ponding 323 power 348, 354 preheaters 223–4 pressure 27–8, 76 absolute 28 atmospheric 28 back 93, 98 control valves (hydraulic valve) 256–7 -flushing cisterns 259 gauge 28 -reducing valves 88, 89, 133398 INDEX pressure (continued): regulation of oil pump 222 standing 28 testing 118 working 28 primary ventilated stack system (single stack system) 270–1 primary winding 370 probability theory 120 programmers 179–80 progressive head 121 propane 16 Public Gas Transporters 20 pump duty selection graph 194 pumped heating, gravity hot water systems 171 pumped systems 76–7, 140 pumps, pump components and siting 80–3, 164–6 purge period 221 purging domestic installations 33 push-fit joint for single-wall stainless steel flue pipe 38 push-fit rubber ring joints 274 PVC: electrical systems 361 hot water heating systems 174 sanitary appliances 235, 255 underground drainage 286, 287, 290, 295, 296, 297, 298, 307, 308, 311 quarter-turn taps 86 radiant enclosed fuel effect fire 69 radiators 160–2 aluminium 160 cast iron 160 column 160, 162 emptying by air pressure 199 hospital 160 panel 160, 162 schedule 192 sizing chart 192 steel 160, 162 union with integral drain cock 199 valves 163–4 radio mark symbol 181 rainwater shoes 288 ramps 312 reciprocating pump 221 recovery chart 142 red oxide 208 red rust 129 reduced pressure zone (RPZ) backflow prevention valve 96–8, 107, 113 reinforcement 7 runs to strengthen joint 5 relays 369 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 21 residual current circuit breaker 352–3 resistance (symbol R) 347–8 resistors 368 respirator 11 right-angled triangle 332–3 ring circuits 354–6, 358 ripple effect 7 rocker pipes 299 rodding eye bend 306 roll ends 339, 340 roll inline method 324 rolls 324 roof pitch 319 room temperature and ventilation rates 187 room thermostats 181 room-sealed appliance terminals 51, 52 rotary thermometer 229 rubber 178 rust pockets 291, 316 S cleat 330 saddle 308 safety 1–3 controls 134–5 devices 178 electrical systems 349–51 salmonella 90 sanitary appliances 234–65 ablutionary fittings 237–9 anti-scald valves 239–41 chemical waste disposal 259–60 flushing troughs 236–7 hospital appliances 260 sanitary accommodation 260–2 washing and WC facilities for the disabled 262 WC macerators 234–6 see also showers; urinals sanitary pipework 266–84 access for cleaning and maintenance 280 basins 276–7 branch positions in discharge stacks 274–5 Building Regulations 266–7 compression and its prevention 269 inspection and testing 281–2 maintenance 282–3 modified primary ventilated stack system 272–3 pipe ducts 280–1 pipe sizes 268 primary ventilated stack system 270–1 requirements 267 secondary ventilated stack system 271–2 standards 267 stub stack system 271, 272 trap seal loss 268–9 urinals 278 ventilated system 273–4 ventilating pipes 278–80INDEX 399 sanitary pipework (continued ): ventilation 269 ventilation of branch discharge pipes to single appliances 275–6 WCs 277–8 sanitation and drainage assignment 375–6 scale: formation 126–7 prevention, chemical methods of 117–18 reducers 116, 117 scent tests 315 screw-down taps 86 SEDBUCK A or B rated 137 self-siphonage 267, 268 service governor 53–5 service tank system 217 set on method 17 set off method 17 set square 333 shave hook 5 Sheet Lead Manual 318 sheet lead roof weatherings 318–44 contact with other materials 319–20 covering large flat areas 322–3 gutter outlets 322 hollow roll work 324–7 inspection and maintenance 343 internal corners 338 mansard roofs 334–5 metal cladding of buildings with preformed panels 340–2 metal lining of gutters constructed of timber 320–2 patenation oil 342 setting out for welded joints 335–8 welded cleats 338–40 wood rolls 324 see also dormer windows sheet metal and brazed joints 15 sheet steel and hot water heating systems 199 shiplap boarded cheeks 334 shiplap hoardings 328 short circuit 349–50 showers 242–52, 275–6 cavitation 245–7 discharge pipes 243 electric 247–51 head arrangements 246 maintenance 251–2 mixing valves 244 pipework schemes 247 pollution risks 243, 244 pumped 245 shower trays 242–3 thermostatic controls, commissioning and testing of 244–5 trays 243 sight rails 310–11 silicon 12 silver brazing alloys 13 silver-copper alloy 13, 14 single-pole switch 357 sinks 276 siphonage 90–1 back 91, 93, 98 induced 268 see also self-siphonage skirting heating 162 small-bore principle 171–2 smoke match 41–2 smoke testing 42, 226–30 soakaways 302–4 sodium chloride 114, 116 soffit 308, 309–10 soft water 128, 129 solar heating 151–5 soldering 3 solenoid (magnetic) valve 49–50, 52, 59, 60, 61, 63, 369 soot 6 soundness testing 30–3, 281–2, 312–15 space-heating systems 159–60 spillage tests 42 splash laps 324 spray taps 277 spring-loaded non-return valve 83 sprinkler installations 111–14 stack system, single 269 staggered rolls 324 stainless steel: cold water supply 88 gas installations 37, 38, 43, 44 hot water heating systems 167 pipe-sizing chart 122 sanitary appliances 239, 245, 252, 255, 260 trough urinals 253–4 steel 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 17 enamelled 38, 127 galvanised 38, 75, 127, 236 gas installation 25, 28 hot water heating systems 199 hot water supply 133 low-carbon 17 mandrel, multi-diameter 14 oil firing 205, 213 radiators 129, 160, 162 see also low-carbon; stainless steel stelliting 3 step irons 316 step-by-step technique 9 stepped channel 290, 291 sterilisation of cold water systems 107 Stirling engines 157 stoichiometric mixture 22 storage systems, supplementary 127, 128400 INDEX storage vessels 140–2 straight channel 291 strainers 133 stratification 141–2 stub stack system 271, 272 studding 296 submerged inlets 102–3 sulphuric acid 230 sulphurous acid 167 surrey flange 140, 141 switches, types of 359 tank alarm unit 204 taps 237–9 Technical Standards 21 tees showing where allowances for resistance to flow must be allowed for 30 temperature: control of domestic hot water with motorised valve 180 control interlock 182 -controlled cut-outs 135 relief valves 135–6 terminations 364 test lamp 364 thermal storage systems 138–40 thermal transmittance (conduction) 187–9 thermistors 63 thermocouple lead 61 thermoelectric valve 57–60, 61 thermostatic controls in showers 244–5 thermostatic mixer valve for wash basins 241 thermostatic mixing valves 245 thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) 183–5 thermostatic temperature control 210 thermostats 50–3, 135 fluid expansion 53, 54 rod-type 50, 52, 53 three-pin plug 356 three-pipe system (reversed return system) 170 three-port motorised valve 173 thumbnail effect 7 Tiger Loop System 214, 216 tile hanging 328 tile-hung cheeks 334 timber 320–2 time control 179–80 time switches 179 tinning 338 TNCS system 353, 354 TNS system 352 towel rails 144–6 transformers 224, 370 step-down 370 step-up 370 trap seals 267, 268–9 depth checking 282 traps, internal diameter and depth of seal of 266 TT system 352–3 tumbling bay see backdrops tun-dish 98, 104, 134, 135 two-pipe system 169, 170–1 U gauge (manometer) 31, 32, 55, 312 U-values 187, 189, 190 U6 gas meter dial 26, 27, 32, 33 ullage 204 undercloak 5, 9, 337 undercutting 7–8, 10 underground drainage materials, fittings and systems 285–317 access 306–7 bedding 297–8 combined system 300–1 connections to existing drains 307–8 decommissioning 316 drain levels 310 flexibility 297 functions 285–6 health and safety 286 incline 310–12 invert and soffit 309–10 maintenance 316 materials 286 partially separate system 302–4 projection of drains near or above ground level or subject to imposed loads 298–300 ramps and backdrops 312 regulations 285 separate system 301–2 soundness testing 312–15 support for above-ground drains 295–7 tracing drains 316 ventilation 304–6 working principles of good drainage scheme 308–9 see also drainage fittings underlays 320 United States 254 unvented hot water systems 130–7 anti-vacuum valve 133–4 check valve 133 discharge pipes 136–7 expansion valve 134 expansion vessel 134 legislation 137 methods of heating 137 pressure-reducing valves 133 safety controls 134–5 strainers 133 system layout 132–3 temperature relief valves 135–6 temperature-controlled cut-outs 135 thermostats 135 updraught 41–2INDEX 401 upright joint 8 upstream 90 uric acid 253 urinals 252–9, 275, 278 automatic flushing cistern control 256 bowl 253 cleaning discharge pipes 255 electrical control 257–8 flushing cisterns 255–6 flushing valves 259 joints for slab and stall 252–3 pressure control valves (hydraulic valve) 256–7 pressure-flushing cisterns 259 slab 252 stainless steel trough 253–4 stall 252 waste fittings 254–5 waterless 254 vaporising burners 217–18 velocity (speed of flow) 308–9 vent pipe connections, incorrect 278 ventilation 33–5 adventitious 33 of branch discharge pipes to single appliances 275–6 drains 304–6 and draught-proof wall 36 oil firing 224 pipe terminations 85 pipes 278–80 sizing 279–80 sanitary accommodation 262 sanitary pipework 269 stack system, secondary 271–2, 273–4 WC compartments 261 viscosometer, diagrammatic 203 visual inspection 365 vitiation 3, 24, 43, 45, 63 sensing devices 65 vitrified china 252 Vokera instantaneous water heater 149 voltage drop 359 voltage (symbol V) 347 warning pipes 85 wash fountains 276 washbasins 241, 276 washing fountain 241 washing troughs 240, 276 waste discharge into gulley 287 waste fittings in urinals 254–5 Water Act 21 Water Advisory Service 119 Water Bylaws 1986 75, 86 hot water supply 131 sanitary appliances 239, 255 Water Bylaws 1996 102 water carriage system 286 water categories 1–5 89–90 Water Fittings and Materials Directory 74 water flow, reducing velocity of to float-operated valves 87 water hammer 80, 86–8 water hardness 126 water loss, permissible 314 Water Regulations 21, 85, 87, 90, 92, 93, 101, 102, 104, 119 Water Regulations 1996 132 Water Regulations 1999 74–6, 89, 259 Water Regulations: Guide 106 hot water supply 137, 139 sanitary appliances 243, 255 Water Research Centre 102 water softener 115, 250 water storage cisterns, large 83–5 water storage requirements 76 water supply to hose reels 108 water testing 282, 312, 313–14 water vapour 22, 23, 24 water-to-water heat exchange 138 WCs 275, 277–8 compartments 261 macerators 234–6 weather-compensating controls 182–3 welded cleats 338–40 welded drips in tapering gutters 337 welded joints 331, 335–8 welding and brazing processes 1–18 angle seams 10 brazing processes 13–16 bronze welding 10–13 defects in welds 7–8 flame 3–4 fusion welding low-carbon steel 17 lap welds on lead sheet 8–10 lead welding 5–7 lead-welded pipe joints 10 safety 1–3 set-up of welded joints 4–5 vertical welding 9 weld pool 3, 4, 8, 13 weld ripples 12 welding nozzle 9 welting 327, 332 wet risers 109–11 wetting 11 wind effect on natural draught (conventional) flues 41 winding, secondary 370 wiring electrical control systems 185–6 Wiring Regulations 365 wood rolls 324402 INDEX wood-cored rolls and drips 322, 323 work, notification of 75 yard gulley 288 zeolites 114, 116 zero potential 351 zinc 10, 11, 13, 14, 129 cold water supply 75 gas installations 38 oxide 10–11 zone control 181 zoned system of heating 182 zones 370–1
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