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عدد المساهمات : 18940 التقييم : 35326 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: بحث بعنوان Review of Impact Damages Modelling in Laminated Composite Aircraft Structures الثلاثاء 05 يناير 2021, 1:13 am | |
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و المحتوى كما يلي :
Laminated composites have an important application in modern aeronautical structures. They have extraordinary properties, like high strength, stiffness and lightweight. Nevertheless, a serious obstacle to more widespread use of those materials is their sensitivity to impact loads. As a consequence of that, impact damage initiation and growth are appearing in them. Failures that occur in laminated composite structures can be intralaminar and interlaminar. To date a lot of models for impact damages in laminates have been developed with higher or lower accuracy. Those models can replace real and expensive testing in laminated structures with some approximation. By using specialized software the damage parameters in laminate aircraft structures can be predicted (at certain conditions). In that way numerical simulation of impact on certain laminates can be done and the obtained results from the simulations presented in a form of graphic damage distributions. Keywords: damages, impact, laminated composite structures. Conclusion Impact damages in aircraft structures from laminated composites are very complex and the most common are: matrix cracking, fibre failure and delamination. The ability to predict the initiation and growth of damage is crucial for predicting performance and developing reliable and safe designs of composites. By using simulation in modelling the impact damage the test costs of aircraft structures from composite laminates will be reduced. Due to the wide use of composite materials in different aircraft structures, it is necessary to introduce new approaches for impact damage modelling. Efficient methodologies are modelling composite structures with specialized finite element methods that take into account macromechanical structural properties and by use of numerical methods with complicated analysis codes. In order to validate those methodologies, for further use in the strength structures design, verification of the numerical model is necessary. A comparison of the obtained experimental and numerical results is further made in order to establish if the proposed models are accurate and valid. Composite damages exist at the microscale level, while impact loads are applied at the structural level. Because of that it is needed to consider multiscale approach for that kind of problem. The development of suitable constitutive laws for modelling composite laminate failures and material models with finite element codes under impact provides significant assistance in the design and exploitation phases of specified structures. The most known failure criteria (2D, 3D) for composite materials are: Tsai-Wu, Chang-Chang and Hashin. They are used in order to predict the level or degree of damage, fracture and failure of composite structures. The development of the computational models and simulations are needed in studying the onset and growth of impact damages. In numerical simulation of impact on composite structures two- or three-dimensional models exist. For impact damage analysis of composite laminates commercial software ABAQUS and LS-DYNA is most frequently used. Pro/ENGINEER, ANSYS and some noncommercial software is also suitable for the same purpose. By using it at some circumstances (geometry, boundary conditions, mesh, load etc.) distribution of damage, stress, strain, deformations can be analysed and presented. Essentially in considering impact damages modelling in laminated composites of aeronautical structures is to investigate the dynamic response of composite laminates under impact and predict the damage initiation/growth in such structures. For that analysis numerical modelling and simulations provide important and valuable results.
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