كتاب Hornet - Sport Gyroplane Documentation
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Hornet - Sport Gyroplane Documentation

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19027
التقييم : 35581
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Hornet - Sport Gyroplane Documentation

كتاب Hornet - Sport Gyroplane Documentation H_s_g_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table Of Contents
1. Safety Notice 6
2. Copyright Notice And Terms Of Use 7
3. Purpose .9
4. Acknowledgments And Sources 9
4.1 The GyroBee 9
4.2 Internet Resources 9
5. General 9
5.1 Events leading up to the Hornet 9
5.2 Limitations .10
6. Design Considerations 10
6.1 Hornet Specific Components 10
6.2 Static Stability .11
6.2.1 Forces Acting On A Gyro .11 Center Of Gravity .11 Center Of Drag .11 Rotor Lift Vector .11
6.2.2 Lift To Drag Ratio .12 HORNET Release 12.0
- Donald T. Shoebridge 3
6.2.3 Thrust Line .12
6.2.4 Centerline Thrust .12
6.2.5 Horizontal Stabilizer .13
6.2.6 Final CG Location 15
7. Fabrication 17
7.1 Craftsmanship .17
7.2 Materials .17
7.3 Cutting Tubing and Angle Stock 17
7.4 Drilling .17
7.5 Welding .18
7.6 Machined Parts .18
7.7 Wet Lay-up Composites 18
7.8 Getting Help 19
7.9 Finshing 19
7.9.1 Clear Urethane .19
7.9.2 Anodizing .19
7.9.3 Painting 20
7.9.4 Powder Coating .20 HORNET Release 12.0
- Donald T. Shoebridge 4
7.10 Purchasing Hornet Parts .20
7.11 Workspace 20
7.11.1 General Workspace .20
7.11.2 Environmental Health And Safety Considerations .21
7.11.3 Composite Fabric Cutting Table .21
7.11.4 Composites Lay-Up Table 22
8. The Drawings 23
8.1 General .23
8.2 SolidWorks 23
8.3 Drop Keel Airframe .24
8.4 Landing Gear 38
8.4.1 Mains .38
8.4.2 Nose Wheel Assembly .62
8.4.3 Tail Wheel Assembly .66
8.5 Composite Seat 72
8.5.1 Hard Points 72
8.6 Flight Controls .79
8.6.1 Floor Plate 79 HORNET Release 12.0
- Donald T. Shoebridge 5
8.6.2 Rudder Pedals .83
8.6.3 Joystick Assembly 92
8.6.4 Rotor Control 101
8.7 Tail Feathers .109
8.8 Fuel Tank 119
8.9 Engine and Propeller 125
8.10 Rotor Blades .125
9. Final Assembly Sequence .126
9.1 DXF Files 126
9.1.1 Aluminum Plate .120 Thick 6061-T6 126
9.1.2 Misc. Steel Plate .065 Thick .126
9.1.3 Steel Plate .090 Thick 4130 .126
9.1.4 Steel Plate .120 Thick 4130 .126
9.2 Phase 1 .127
10. Index

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