كتاب Gas Turbines Design & Operation
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Gas Turbines Design & Operation

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عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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كتاب Gas Turbines Design & Operation  G_t_d_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Content
Gas Turbines General Notes 10
Gas Turbine Air Intake System 34
Gas Turbine Compressor 40
Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers 69
Gas Turbine – Turbine Section 94
Gas Turbine Blade Cooling Technique 108
General Notes in Shaft Design 121
Gas Turbine - Start Up Unit 133
Gas Turbine Operation, Control & Protections 138
Gas Turbine Efficiency & Optimization . 158
Appendix - a 182
References 18
What is the Operating Principal of Gas Turbine?
Gas Turbine History & Stages of Development?
What Are the Main Types of Internal Combustion Engine?
How Can Gas Turbine Classified?
How Aircraft Gas Turbines is Classified?
How Can Land Base Gas Turbines Classified?
What is the Difference Between Internal & External Combustion Engine?
What is the Difference Between Gas Turbines & Steam Turbines?
What Are Most Common Examples of External Combustion Engines?
What is the Difference Between Gas Turbines & Reciprocating Engines?
Where Are Land Base Gas Turbines Used?
Why Gas Turbine Doesn't Used as Car Engine?
Why Gas Turbines Are More Expensive Than Reciprocating Engines?
Why Reciprocating Engines Are Not Made From Same Materials That Gas Turbine is
Made Although They Are Suffer From Very High Temperature Just Like Gas Turbines?
How Could Weather Conditions Affect Gas Turbines?
What is the Main Deference Between Land Base Gas Turbines & Gas Turbine Used in Aircrafts?
Explain Air Intake Filter House in Details?
What is the Main Purpose of a Compressor?
Why Do We Need to Compress Air Before It is Enter to the Combustion Chamber?
What Are the Main Types of Compressors Which Are Used in Gas Turbine Engines?
Why Reciprocating Compressors Are Not Used in Gas Turbine Engines?
Centrifugal Compressor
What Are the Operating Principals of Centrifugal Compressor?
Axial Compressor
What Are the Operating Principals of Axial Compressor?
What is Compressor Washing Process?
What Are the Alternative Methods Used for Compressor Cleaning?
What is the Difference Between Axial & Centrifugal Compressors?
Axial Compressor Design
Explain Axial Compressor in Details?
What Are the Advantages of Using Blow Off Lines in Axial Compressor?
What Are the Main Design Considerations in Axial Compressor?
What Are the Types of Air Effects During Compression Process in Axial Compressor?
List of Questions
What is the Definition of Compressor Surge?
Axial Compressor
What Are the Main Reasons of Compressor Surge?
Axial Compressor
How Can Compressor Surge Be Avoided by Improving Compressor Design?
Compressor Surge Protection
What is Compressor Surge Protection?
What Are the Main Principals for Combustion?
What is the Requirement for a Good Combustion?
What Are the Important Factors for Combustion to Start?
What Are the Main Types of Combustion Chamber Which Are Used in Gas Turbines?
What Are the Main Parts of Combustion Chamber?
What is the Importance of Good Mixing Between Fuel & Air During Combustion Process?
What Are the Important Points to Be Considered in a Combustion Process?
What Are the Factors That Affect Combustion Process?
What Are the Different Configurations of the Flame During Combustion Process?
What is the Difference Between Premix Flame & Diffusion Flame?
What is the General Configuration of the Hybrid Burner?
What is Flame Humming & Why It is Important to Measure It?
What Are the Stages of the Air During Combustion?
List of Questions  
What Are the Various Methods Used to Educe Nox Emission Form Gas Turbines?
What Are the Various Methods Used to Reduce Sox Emission From Gas Turbines?
How Can Turbines in General Are Classified?
Which Types of Turbines is Most Common Radial or Axial Turbine?
What Are the Main Principals of Impulse &reaction Turbines?
What Are the Main Considerations That Used in Turbine Design?
What is the Main Difference Between Impulse & Reaction Turbines?
What Are the Different Configurations of Impulse Turbine?
Which Type of Turbines is Used in Gas Turbines?
Explain Gas Turbine Design?
What Are the Methods Used to Cool Turbine Fixed & Moving Blades?
What is the Main Deference Between Air Cooled Blades & Water Cooled Blades?
How Blade Cooling Effectiveness is Measured?
What is the Definition of Corrosion & Erosion for Gas Turbine Blades?
Which Part in Gas Turbine is Suffered From the Highest Thermal Stress?
What Are the Main Causes of Erosion & Corrosion on Turbine Blades?
What Are the Methods Used to Reduce Corrosion & Protect Turbine Blades?
What Are the Types of Loads That Exerted on Rotating Turbine Blades?
How Does Deposits Formation on Turbine Blade Affect Turbine Efficiency?
How Does the Damage to Turbine-blades Tell Upon the Efficiency of the Unit?
Why Shaft Alignment Process is Important & How Can We Perform This Process Correctly?
Why Journal Bearings Are Used in Large Turbines?
Why Lifting Oil is Used in Some Turbines to Lift Their Shafts?
Why We Use Only One Axial Bearing in Turbine Shaft Instead of Multiple Bearings?
What Are the Main Deference Between Gas Turbine Shaft & Steam Turbine Shaft?
Why Gas Turbine is Larger Than Steam Turbine for the Same Power Output?
What is Critical Speed for Turbine Rotor & Why Do We Have to Avoid It?
What Are the Main Reasons for Shaft Hogging & Sagging?
What Are the Main Reasons of Shaft Vibration in Turbine?
How is the Torque, Pressure & Temperature Distribution on Gas Turbine
What Are the Methods Used to Reduce Vibrations at Last Stage of Turbine?
Why the Number of Steam Turbine Stages is Larger Than Gas Turbines Stages?
What is the Importance of Turning Gear Operation for Turbine Rotor?
Why Are Gas Turbines Needs Start Up Unit?
What Are the Most Common Starters Which Are Used in Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines?
What Are the Most Common Starters Which Are Used Land Base Gas Turbines?
What is the Main Purpose of Control System?
What Are the Main Types of Speed/load Controller That Used in Steam Turbines?
What Are the Main Types of Speed/load Controllers?
Why It is Preferred to Make Speed Droop Setting Same for All Turbines Which Are Connected to the Same Network?
What Are the Types of Governors Which Are Used in Gas Turbine?
Describe the Process of Increasing Gas Turbine Load?
Could We Increase the Gas Turbine Load Even if Compressor Inlet Guide Vanes Are Fully Open?
What Are Some of the Factors That May Determine the Service Life of Gas Turbine Components?
What is the Method Used to Calculate Gas Turbine Service Life?
What is the Effect of Compressor Inlet Temperature on Gas Turbine Output Power?
What is the Start Up Sequence of Land Base Gas Turbine?
What Are the Most Important Protections Used in Land Base Gas Turbines?
What Are the Losses in Gas Turbine?
What Are the Methods Used to Improve Land Base Gas Turbine Efficiency?
Why Compressor Intercooling is Not Wildly Used in Axial Compressors?
What Are the Main Advantages & Disadvantages of Cooling Systems Which Are Used
For Compressor Inlet Cooling?
How Combined Cycles Are Classified?
What Are the Main Configurations of Heat Recovery Steam Generator?

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