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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Thermodynamics الإثنين 16 سبتمبر 2019, 10:35 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Thermodynamics By J. E. Emswiler Professor of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan First Edition Mcgraw-hill Book Company, Inc. New York: 370 Seventh Avenue London: 6 & 8 Bouverie St.t E. C. 4
و المحتوى كما يلي :
1 9 2 contents Page Preface V Abt. Chapter I.—thermodynamics and Energy 1. Definition of Thermodynamics. 2. Sources of Energy 3. The Study of Thermodynamics Chapter Ii.—the Steam Power Plant Considered As a Heat Engine 4. The Steam Power Plant 5. Power Plant Diagrams 6. The Power Plant is a Heat Engine 7. The Essential Elements of a Heat Engine Chapter Iii.—the Working Substance 8. The Properties of the Steam 9. Observations of the Condition of Steam.. 10. Other Properties Not Directly Observable 11. The Steam Tables 12. Saturated Steam and Superheated Steam Chapter Iv. —pressure-volume and Temperatureentropy Diagrams 13. Graphical Representation of the Properties of Steam , 14. The Pressure-volume Diagram 15. The Pressure-volume Diagram Neglecting Water Volumes 16. Significance of Area on Pv Diagram 17. Entropy 18. The Temperature-entropy Diagram 19. Representation of the Changes of State of the Steam 20. The Zero of Heat and Entropy 21. Structure of the Temperature Chart 22. Values and Representation of Heat Quantities 23. Efficiency 24. The Expression for Entropy 25. The Unit of Entropy 26. The Specific Heat of Superheated Steam 27. The Structure of the Heat Chart 28. The Working Mollier Diagram Chapter V. —the Effects of Heat—how Steam Does Work 29. Heat and Work 30. The Effects of Heat 31. Heat Effects During Heating of Liquid I 32. Heat Effects During Vaporization 33. Heat Effects During Superheating. . .. 34. Summary of Heat Effects 35. How Steam Changes Heat Into Work.—external Work Equivalent. 39 36. The Restoration Process and Cyclic Operation 37. Possibilities of Useful Work From the Intrinsic Energy 38. How Heat Effects Are Utilized in a Steam Turbine Chapter Vi. —what Maximum Portion of the Steam Supplied Could an Ideal Heat Utilizer Convert Into Work 39. Actual Performance of a Turbine or Engine 40. What Efficiency Could an Ideal Steam Engine or Turbine Develop. 48 41. Constant Entropy Expansion 42. The Rankine Cycle 43. The Rankine Cycle on the Pv Diagram 44. The Rankine Cycle on the Heat-entropy Diagram.. 45. Heat Available for Work.—rankine Cycle 46. Thermal Efficiency of Rankine Cycle 47. 'the Rejected Heat 48. The Use of the Heat-entropy Chart 49. Heat Content, External Work, and Intrinsic Energy 50. The Rankine Cycle is Not the Most Efficient Cycle Chapter Vii. —available, Unavailable, Utilized, And Waste Energy.—losses 51. Available and Unavailable Energy . ....' 52. What Determines the Amount of Available ' and Unavailable Energy? 53. Utilized and Waste Energy 54. Ultimate Disposition of Waste Energy 55. How May Heat Pass From the Available to the Unavailable State? 60contents Xl Abt. 56. The Throttling Calorimeter 57. Throttling Destroys Availability of Energy 58. Throttling, Steam Friction, Wire Drawing, Pressure Reducing 59. How Throttling Destroys Availability of Energy 60. Representation of Throttling Process 61. Losses in a Steam Turbine 62. Losses in a Reciprocating Engine 63. Initial Condensation and Reevaporation 64. Why Initial Condensation and Reevaporation Results in a Loss of Availability of Energy. Fagb Chapter Viii.—vapor Refrigeration 65. The Ammonia Compression Machine 66. The Properties of Ammonia 67. Representation of Cycle on the Temperature-entropy Plane. 68. Heat Quantities 69. Refrigerating Capacity 70. The Refrigerating Coil is an Ammonia Boiler 71. Pressures in the System 72. Other Working Substances for Refrigerating Machines 73. The Ammonia Absorption Machine —the Compression and Expansion of Permanent Gases. Conditional Relations 74. A Compressed Air System 75. Distinction Between a Permanent Gas and a Vapor 76. The Compression of Air 77. Adiabatic Compression 78. Relation Among the Properties of Gases. Boyle’s and Charles9 Laws 79. Graphical Representation of Charles’ Law. Absolute Zero of Temperature 80. Characteristic Equation of a Gas 81. The Value of R 82. Perfect Gas 83. The Initial Specific Volume at a (Fig. 43), the Beginning of Compression 84. The Equation of the Adiabatic 85. Specific Heat at Constant Volume and at Constant Pressure 86. Constant Volume and Constant Pressure Lines on the Te Plane... 96 87. Values of Cp, C, K, R, and V for Some Gases 88. Derivation of the Equation of the Adiabatic.—pvt—c 89. Final Specific Volume After Adiabatic Compressipn 90. Final Temperature After Adiabatic Compression — 91. Isothermal Compression Ast. 92. Polytropic Changes 93. Actual Compression Line for an Air Compressor 94. Determination of the Value of N From an Actual Compression Line 103 95. Suction and Delivery Operations of an Air Compressor Chapter X.—the Compression and Expansion of Permanent Gases. Energy Relations 96. The General Energy Equation 97. Joule’s Law J98. Deviations From Joule’s Law 99. Working Expressions for the Energy Quantities 100. Constant Volume Change 101. Constant Pressure Change 102. Constant Temperature Change.—isothermal 103. Constant Entropy Change.—adiabatic 104. Polytropic Change 105. Specific Heat.—polytropic Change 106. Energy Quantities of a Cycle 107.“ Suction ” of a Compressor 108) Compression 109. Delivery of the Compressed Air 110. The Net Work of the Cycle 111. Expressions for Net Work 112. Water Jacketing of Air Compressors 113. Interstage Cooling of Air Compressors 114. Clearance in Air Compressors 115. The Air Refrigerating Machine 116. Diagrams for the Air Refrigerating Machine 117. The Zero of Entropy for a Perfect Gas Chapter Xi. —intrinsic Energy and Heat Content —throttling of Gases 118. Net Work of the Cycle for an Air Compressor or Air Engine. . . . 119. Heat Content of Gases 120. Throttling of Gases 121. Expansion of Compressed Air From a Reservoir 122. Final Temperature of Air Remaining in the Tank 123. Average Temperature of Escaped Air 124. Example Chapter Xii.—mixtures of Gaseous Substances 125. Occurrence of Gaseous Mixtures in Engineering Work 126. Weight and Volume Relations 127. Densities and Molecular Weights 128. Determination of R for Mixtures 147contents Xm Art. Page 129. The Universal Gas Constant. . .. 130. The Properties of Common Gases 131. Specific Heat of Mixtures 132. The Variation of Specific Heats.. 133. Mixture of Air and Water Vapor. 134. Dew Point 135. Relative Humidity 136. Determination of Weight of Steam and Air in a Cubic Foot of the Mixture 137. Specific Heat of Gas and Vapor Mixture 138. Effect of Compression Upon Humidity.—isothermal Compression. . 157 139. Effect of Compression Upon Humidity.—adiabatic Compression Chapter Xiii. —the Air Heat Engine 140. The Internal Combustion Engine is an Air Engine 141. The Otto Cycle 142. Pv and Te Diagrams of the Otto Cycle 143. Heat Quantities of the Otto Cycle 144. Efficiency of the Otto Cycle 145. The Diesel Cycle 146. The Brayton Engine 147. The Lenoir Cycle 148. The Stirling Hot Air Engine 149. The Cycle of the Stirling Engine 150. The Ericsson Hot Air Engine 151. Cycle of the Ericsson Engine Chapter Xiv. —the Energy Laws of Thermodynamics 152. The Definition of Thermodynamics 153. The First Law of Thermodynamics 154. Insufficiency of the First Law of Thermodynamics 155. The Thought Underlying the Second Law of Thermodynamics 156. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 157. Derivation of the Expressions — 158. Reversible and Irreversible Operations 159. Direct Transfer of Heat From a Hot Body to a Cold One 160. Isothermal Expansion 161. Adiabatic Expansion.—throttling 162. Mechanical Illustrations of Reversibility and Irreversibility . 163. An Irreversible Operation Means Loss of Available Energy.. 164. The Carnot Cycle 165. The Carnot Cycle Represents the Highest Possible Efficiency 166. Other Reversible Cycles Chapter Xv.—the Decrease of Available Energy Abt. 167. Available Energy is Continually Decreasing 168. Illustration of the Continual Decrease of Available Energy 169. The Heat of Combustion.—zero Air Excess 170. The Heat of Combustion.—60 Per Cent Air Excess 171. Stack Loss 172. The Heat in the Steam 173. Transformation of Heat Into Work 174. The Heat in the Condenser Cooling Water 175. Dissipation of Heat to the Atmosphere 176. Entropy is Continually Increasing Chapter Xvi.—the Flow of Fluids 177. Working Media in Motion 178. The Equation of the Continuity of Energy 179. The Equation of the Continuity of Mass 180. Contour of a Nozzle Passage in Longitudinal Section 181. Pressure in the Throat of a Nozzle.—example, Air Nozzle 182. Pressure in the Throat of a Steam Nozzle 183. Derivation of the Relation 184. Significance of the Throat Pressure Relation 185. Contour of Nozzle Passage as Affected by the Back Pressure 186. The Straight Nozzle 187. Usual Shape of Nozzle 188. Weight of Discharge Through a Nozzle.—fliegner’s Formula 189. Discharge of Steam Through Nozzles.—grashof’s and Napier’s Equations 190. Discharge Formulas Summarized 191. Influence of Back Pressure Upon Rate of Discharge. 192. Nozzle Calculations 193. Flow Through Orifices Chapter Xvii.—kinetic Engines.—the Steam Turbine and the Injector 194. Kinetic Vs. Direct Pressure Engines 195. Types of Turbines 196. Classes of Impulse Turbines 197. Heat Changes in a Single Pressure Stage Turbine 198. Heat Changes in a Multiple Pressure Stage Turbine 199. The Reaction Turbine 200. The Steam Injector 201. Impact 202. Efficiency of the Injector Chapter Xviii.—the Kinetic Theory of Heat And Miscellaneous Art. Paob 203. The Foundations of Thermodynamics 204. Theories of Heat 205. Kinetic Theory of Heat 206. Combustion 207. Vapors and Specific Heat 208. Perfect Gas 209. The Equation of an Imperfect Gas.. . 210. The Joule-thomson Effect 211. Critical Point of Gases 212. The Liquefaction of Gases
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