كتاب Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design    كتاب Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design  Emptyالسبت 11 أغسطس 2018, 11:56 pm

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Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design
How to Design, Install, and Recognize Proper Systems in Boats
Dave Gerr

كتاب Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook - How to Design  B_m_s_10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Lists of Figures, Tables, and Formula x
Acknowledgments xvii
Author’s Notes xix
Introduction xxi
1. Propellers and Shafts 1
Proper Prop Nuts 1
Blade Area 2
Common Causes of Vibration and Noise 5
Propeller Shafts: Diameter, Bearing Spacing, and Bearings 9
Shaft Couplings and Keyways 15
2. Struts, Propeller Apertures, and Shaft Angle 18
Propeller Struts 18
Propeller Apertures and Shaft Angle 25
3. Transmission Geometry, CV Joints, Stuffing Boxes,
and Engine Mounts and Beds 32
Selecting Inboard Transmission Geometry 32
4. Fuel Piping and Fuel System Bonding 46
Running Pipe 47
5. Fuel Tanks and Fittings 66
Hold That Tank 66
Tank Location 69
Tank Openings and Penetrations 73
Tanks Under Pressure 82
Level Gauging 83
Tank Materials 83
6. Tank Capacity and Range: The Free-Surface Effect 90
Required Tankage for Range 90
Estimating Cruising-Speed Fuel Consumption 91
Finding the Capacity of a Tank 92
7. Wet Exhaust Systems 100
Breathing Easy 101
Watering the Exhaust 102
Support Your Local Exhaust 106
Make Room for Exhausts 108
The Low-Engine Exhaust Problem 109
The “Other” Exhaust Systems 114
Going Underwater 119
Avoiding the Silent Killer 125
Summary of Requirements for a Reliable Wet Exhaust System 126
Review of Requirements 126
. Engine Cooling Systems and Their Exhausts 128
Engine Cooling 128
9. Dry Exhaust Systems 142
The Basic Drystack Configuration 142
Drystack Exhaust Trunks 153
More on Mixing and Matching Exhaust Types 159
Drystack Versus Wet Exhaust 161
10. Rudder Geometry, Shape, and Size 163
Putting the Rudder to Work 163
Types of Rudders 165
Sizing Up the Rudder 168
The Rudder in Cross Section and Basic Scantlings 170
Rudder Profile or Planform 177
Boat Behavior in Turns 180
11. Rudder-Stock Size, Construction, and Bearing Specification 182
Rudder Stock, Bearing Calculations, and Construction 182
Rudder Bearings and Rudder Ports 189
Roller Bearings 194
12. Rudder-Stock Angle, Control, and Installation Considerations 197
Rudder-Stock Angle and Planing-Boat Rudder Configuration 197
Steering Systems: Controlling the Rudder 198
Fluid Power: Hydraulic Steering 202
Backup Steering Gear: Emergency Steering 208
Steering Refinements and Installation Considerations 211
Rudder Installation: Shaft and Propeller Removal 212
13. Unusual and Special Rudders: High-Lift Rudders 216
Ring-Form Rudders 216
High-Lift Rudders 219
Comparing Fishtail and Articulated Rudders (Flap Rudders) 226
14. Ventilation of Passenger and Storage Areas 229
Ventilation of Passenger Compartments 231
Ventilation of Storage Spaces: Forepeak, Lazarette, Lockers 241
15. Air-Conditioning and Heating with Notes on Refrigeration 242
Air-Conditioning 242
Notes on Refrigeration 250
Cabin Heating 253
Thoughts on Heating and Air-Conditioning Installations 260Contents
16. Ventilation of Machinery Spaces 262
Ventilation for Heaters 262
Ventilation of Engine Spaces 263
Vent Requirements for Inverters, Converters, and Transformers 269
Battery Venting and Considerations for LPG (Propane) and CNG 270
Venting of Gasoline Boats 272
17. Sea Suction 278
Seacocks 278
Hose Clamps, Sea Strainers, and Sharing Seacocks 282
18. Bilge Systems, Fire Mains, and Fire Extinguishers 288
Bilge Systems 288
Thoughts and Recommendations on Bilge Systems for Boats 295
Fire Mains and Fire Suppression 297
19. Selecting and Sizing Pumps 302
Types of Pumps 302
Understanding Head 306
Total Apparent Head 309
Acceptable Flow Speeds 311
Finding Required Pump Power 312
Pressure Drop 313
20. Freshwater Systems 314
Freshwater Tanks and Water Tank Capacity 315
Freshwater Supply Piping 316
Freshwater Delivery Piping 318
Draining Away - Handling Gray Water 319
Running Pipe 320
21. My Favorite Head: Thoughts and Recommendations on
Marine Toilets and Installations 322
My Favorite Head - The Blakes Lavac Toilet 323
Head Installation Plumbing 325
Pumping Sludge - Handling Sewage 326
Types of Marine Toilets (Heads) 327
22. Anchoring Systems, Anchor Types, and Anchor Selection 331
Anchoring Systems 331
Anchor Types 332
Anchor Size and Designation 346
Anchor Selection Recommendations 346
23. Anchor Rode 348
Chain 348
Chain Fittings 353
Rope 358
Wire Anchor Rode 363
24. Sizing the Anchor and Rode and Selecting Anchor-Handling Gear 365
Sizing the Anchor 365
Sizing the Rode 366
Selecting a Windlass 370
Anchor-Launching Considerations 376
Chain-Locker Requirements 381
Snubbing Up 383Appendix A. Calculating Areas of Plane Figures 386
Appendix B. International Pipe Standards and Pipe-Size
Tables - Pipe-to-Hose Connections 388
U.S. ISO Pipe Designations - DN Pipe Sizes 390
U.S. Pipe Thread Standards 390
Hose-to-Pipe Size Considerations 391
Appendix C. Measure and Unit Conversion Tables 396
Appendix D. Insulation Products and Sources 401
Bibliography 403
Index 40

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