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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Practical Hydraulic Systems - Operation and Troubleshooting for Engineers & Technicians الأربعاء 06 يونيو 2018, 12:30 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Practical Hydraulic Systems - Operation and Troubleshooting for Engineers & Technicians Ravi Doddannavae, Andries Barnard
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents 1 Introduction to hydraulics 1 2 Pressure and flow 16 3 Hydraulic pumps 37 4 Hydraulic motors 69 5 Hydraulic cylinders 83 6 Control components in a hydraulic system 93 7 Hydraulic accessories 132 8 Hydraulic fluids 167 9 Applications of hydraulic systems 175 10 Hydraulic circuit design and analysis 181 11 Maintenance and troubleshooting Index Absolute pressure, 18 Absolute viscosity, 12 Absorbent filters, 141 Acceleration, 6-7 due to gravity, 7 Accumulators, 146-55 as auxiliary power source, 153 as hydraulic shock absorbers, 154-5 as leakage compensators, 154 gas-loaded, 148 non-separator, 148-9 separator, 149-53 spring-loaded, 147-8 weight-loaded, 147 Adjustable flow control valves, 115 Adsorbent filters, 141 Air-pressurized reservoir, 135 Air-to-hydraulic pressure booster, 2 3 ^ American National Standards Institute, 159, 181 Applications: bendix hydro-boost brake system, 178-9 bridge maintenance, 180 high wire hydraulically driven overhead tram, 177-8 power steering, 179 welding, 179-80 Atmospheric pressure, 18 Axial piston motors, 76-9 bent-axis, 78 in-line, 78 principle of working, 78-9 Axial piston pumps, 53-5 Balanced vane pumps, 49-50 Ball valve, 117-18 Bendix hydro-boost brake system, 178-9 Bent-axis piston pumps, 53-4 Bernoulli's equation, 30-2 Beta ratio filters, 138 Boiling point, effect of pressure on, 18-19 Bourdon pressure gage, 19-20 Bourdon tube-type sensing element, 128 Brake power, 82 Brake valve, 106, 114 Bramah's press, 2 Bridge maintenance, 180 Bulk modulus, 11 Butterfly valve, 116-17 Check valves, 99-100 Circuit design, 181-9 control of double acting hydraulic cylinder, 183 counterbalance valve application, 185-6 fail-safe circuit, 187-8 hydraulic cylinder sequencing circuit, 186-7 mechanical hydraulic servo system, 189 pump unloading circuit, 185 regenerative circuit, 183-5 speed control of hydraulic motor, 188-9 symbols of hydraulic components, 181-2 Classification, 3 Cleanliness, 193 Compensator spring, 52 Continuous rotation hydraulic motors, 72-9 axial piston motors, 76-9 balanced and unbalanced-type vane motors, 74-5226 Index Continuous rotation hydraulic motors (Continued) gear motors, 72-3 piston motors, 75-6 radial piston motors, 76 vane motors, 73-4 Control valves, 94-123 direction control, 94-105 flow control, 94, 114-23 pressure control, 95, 106-7 Counterbalance valve, 106, 113-14 Darcy' s equation, 31 Density, 5-6 relative see Specific gravity Diaphragm pressure switch, 127 Direction control valves, 94-105 direct acting and pilot-operated, 95-7 normally open and normally closed, 95 open and closed center hydraulic circuits, 97-100 shuttle valves, 104-5 spool-type, 101-4 Discharge, 27-9 Displacement volume, 38 Double-acting hydraulic cylinders, 85-8 Drive shaft, 41 Duplex-type filters, 141-2 Eccentricity, 51 Edge-type filters, 142 Electro-hydraulic servo valves, 125-6 Electro-hydraulic stepping motors, 82 Elevation (potential) head, 31 Energy, 9 Energy head, 31 Eulerian method, 25 Excessive heat, 198, 201 Excessive noise, 198, 200 Expansion joints, 162 External gear pump, 41-5 internal leakage of oil, 44-5 theoretical flow rate, 44 volumetric displacement, 43 principle of working, 143-5 tell-tale, 142-3 Fire-resistant fluids, 171-2 Fixed flow valves, 115 Flexible hoses, 165-6 see also Pipes and hoses Flow, 24-33 incorrect, 198, 202-3 laminar, 26, 32 mass, 25 meaning of, 25 non-rotational, 27 non-uniform, 26 rate, 27-9 rotational, 27 steady, 26 turbulent, 27, 32 uniform, 26 unsteady, 26 velocity, 25 volumetric, 25 Flow control valves, 94, 114-23 adjustable flow, 115 ball valve, 117-18 butterfly valve, 116-17 fixed flow, 115 globe valve, 116 meter-in/meter-out functions, 120-3 pressure-compensated, 116, 118-20 throttling valve, 115, 118 valve characteristics, 122-3 Flow measurement, 33-6 orifice plate-type flowmeter, 35-6 rotameter, 33-4 turbine-type flowmeter, 34-5 Flowmeters, 130 Fluids, 4-5, 36 pressure in, 17 Foam-resistant fluids, 172-3 Force, 7 Forced balanced pressure transducer, 21 Foreign particles in hydraulic pumps, 65 Filters, 136-45 absorbent, 141 beta ratio, 138 duplex-type, 141-2 edge-type, 142 filter location, 140 fluid cleanliness level, 138-40 mechanical, 140 micron, 137 number particles/ml, 139-40 Gage pressure, 18 Gas-loaded accumulators, 148 Gases, 5 Gaskets, 68 Gear motors, 72-3 Gear pumps, 40-7 external, 41-5 gerotor pump, 46 inspection of gears, 67 internal, 45-6Index 227 lobe pumps, 46, 47 principle of operation, 47 Gerotor pump, 46 Globe valve, 116 Hagen-Poiseuille equation, 32 Heat, 13 Heat dissipation, 4 Heat exchangers, 155-7 air-cooled, 155-6 water-cooled, 156-7 Herringbone gears, 45 High wire hydraulically driven overhead tram, 177-8 Horsepower, 11 Hydraulic cylinders, 83-92 cylinder cushioning, 89 cylinder mountings, 89-92 double acting, 85-8 single acting, 84-5 Hydraulic fluids, 3-15, 167-74 air, 173-4 contamination, 136, 207 entrained gas in, 191-2 fire-resistant, 171-2 foam-resistant, 172-3 functions of, 3-4 incorrect viscosity, 207 lubricating oils, 173 neutralization number, 170-1 oxidation and corrosion prevention, 168-70 petroleum-based fluids, 173 properties of, 174 HydrauUc fuses, 126-7 Hydraulic jack, 22-3 Hydraulic motors, 69-82 basic principles, 69-70 continuous rotation, 72-9 electro-hydraulic stepping motors, 82 limited rotation, 70-2 performance, 79-82 Hydraulic power, 82 HydrauUc pumps, 37-68 capacity, 61-2 gear pumps, 40-7 maintenance, 64-6, 67-8 mechanical efficiency, 59-61 noise, 63-4 non-positive displacement pumps, 38-40 performance curves, 62-3 performance of, 58 performance parameters, 63, 66 piston pumps, 53-8 positive displacement/hydrostatic pumps, 40 principle of operation, 37-8 selection of, 66-7 vane pumps, 47-52 volumetric efficiency, 59 Hydraulic rams, 83-4 Hydraulic systems: advantages of, 176 components of, 176-7 Hydrodynamics, 3, 25 Hydrokinetics, 25 Hydrostatic law, 17 Hydrostatics, 3 Ideal fluids, 36 Industrial hydraulics, 2 Internal energy, 9-10, 29-30 Internal gear pumps, 45-6 Kinematic viscosity, 12 Kinetic energy, 9, 29 Lagrangian method, 25 Laminar flow, 26 frictional losses in, 32 Law of conservation of energy, 29 Limited rotation hydraulic motors, 70-2 Linear actuators, 83 Lobe pumps, 46, 47 Lubricating oils, 173 Lubrication, 3, 14-15 Maintenance, 190-207 causes of system breakdown, 190-1 cleanliness, 193 entrained gas in fluids, 191-2 preventive, 193-7 safety, 192-3 wear due to fluid contamination, 191 Manifolds, 130-1 Mass, 5 Mass flow, 25 Mechanical efficiency, 59-61 hydraulic motors, 79-80 Mechanical filters, 140 Mechanical servo valves, 125 Metal piping, 157-8 Micron filters, 137 Motor head, 31 Neutralization number, 170-1 Newtonian fluids, 36 Non-Newtonian fluids, 36 Non-positive displacement pumps, 38-40228 Index Non-rotational flow, 27 Non-separator accumulators, 148-9 Non-uniform flow, 26 0-Rings, 68 Oil: foamy, 65 hydraulics, 2 overheating, 65 viscosity, and pump capacity, 61 wrong selection, 65 Orifice plate-type flowmeter, 35-6 Pascal'slaw, 2, 3, 21-2 application of, 22-4 Petroleum-based fluids, 173 Pilot-operated check valve, 100-1 Pilot-operated control valves, 95-7 Pilot-operated relief valves, 108 Pipes and hoses, 157-62 color identification code, 159 metal piping, 157-8 pipe fittings, 160 pipe joints, 160-2 schedules and codes, 158-60 steel piping, 157 Piston cup packings: non-metallic, 196-7 preventive maintenance, 195-7 Piston motors, 75-6 Piston pumps, 53-8 axial, 53-5 radial piston pump, 57-8 swash plate inline piston pump, 54-7 Positive displacement/hydrostatic pumps, 40 Potential energy, 9, 29 Power, 10-11 Power steering, 179 Power transmission, 3 Pre-commissioning, 205 Pressure, 16-17 absolute, 18 atmospheric, 18 effect on boiling point, 18-19 in fluids, 17 gage, 18 incorrect, 198, 203 measurement, 19-21 at point in liquid, 17 Pressure-compensated flow control valves, 116, 118-20 Pressure control valves, 94, 105-14 brake valve, 106, 114 counterbalance valve, 106, 113-14 reducing valve, 105, 108-10 sequencing valve, 106, 111-14 simple pressure relief valve, 106-7 unloading valve, 105, 110-11 Pressure-flow relationship, 32-3 Pressure head, 31 Pressure relief valves: compound, 108 simple, 106-7 Pressure switches, 127-8 Preventive maintenance, 193-7 piston cup packings, 195-7 sealing devices, 194-5 V-ring packings, 195 Pump head, 31 Pump slippage, 45 Radial piston motors, 76 Radial piston pump, 57-8 Real fluids, 36 Reducing valve, 105, 108-10 Relief valve, 45, 105 Reservoir system, 132-5 air-pressurized, 135 non-pressurized, 133-5 pressurized, 135 Reynolds number, 26-7 Rotameter, 3 3 ^ Rotary actuators, 69, 83 Rotary four-way control valves, 103-4 Rotational flow, 27 Running clearance, and capacity, 61 Safety, 192-3 Seal rings, 68 Sealed piston-type sensing element, 128 Sealing, 4 Seals: cleaning of, 67-8 installation, 68 Separator accumulators, 149-52 bladder-type, 152 diaphragm-type, 149-51 piston-type, 149, 150 Sequencing valve, 106, 111-13 Servo cylinders, 124 Servo motors, 124 Servo transducers, 124 Servo valves, 123-6 components, 124 electro-hydraulic type, 125-6 mechanical-type, 125Index 229 Shock absorbers, 129-30 Shuttle valves, 104-5 Single acting hydrauUc cylinders, 84-5 Snubber restrictions, 20 Solenoid-operated control valves, 102-3 Specific gravity, 6 Specific weight, 8 Spool-type control valves, 1 0 1 ^ rotary four-way, 103-4 solenoid-operated, 102-3 three-way and four-way, 101-2 two-way, 101 Spring-loaded accumulators, 147-8 Spur gears, 45 Steady flow, 26 Steel piping, 157 Steel tubing, 162-4 Strainers, 145 see also Filters Supply pumps, 124 Swagelok fitting, 163-4 Swash plate inline piston pump, 54-7 Tell-tale filters, 142-3 Temperature switch, 128-9 Throttling valve, 115, 118 Torque, 14 Troubleshooting, 197-207 commissioning, 205-6 excessive heat, 198, 201 excessive noise, 198, 200 fault finding process, 197 faulty operation, 199, 203 fluid contamination, 207 high fluid temperature, 206 incorrect commissioning/adjustment, 207 incorrect flow, 198, 202-3 incorrect fluid viscosity, 207 incorrect pressure, 198, 203 instruments for, 204 investigation of failure, 207 pre-commissioning, 205 prevention of premature failure, 206-7 see also Maintenance Turbine-type flowmeter, 34-5 Turbulent flow, 27 frictional losses in, 32 Uniform flow, 26 Unloading valve, 105, 110-11 Unsteady flow, 26 Vacuum, 18 Vane motors, 7 3 ^ balance and unbalanced-type, 74-5 Vane pumps, 47-52 balanced, 49-50 classification, 49 pump operation, 48-9 vane loading, 50 variable displacement, 50-2 Variable displacement vane pumps, 50-1 pressure compensation in, 52 Velocity, 6 Velocity head, 31 Velocity of flow, 25 Viscosity, 12-13 Viscosity index, 13 Volume, 5 Volumetric displacement, external gear pump, 43 Volumetric efficiency, 45 hydraulic motors, 80 hydraulic pumps, 59 Volumetric flow, 25 Water-glycol solutions, 172 Water hydraulics, 2 Water-in-oil emulsions, 172 Weight, 7-8 Weight-loaded accumulators, 147 Welding, 179-80 Work, 8-9
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