حل كتاب Finite Element Analysis Theory and Applications With ANSYS 3rd Edition Solution Manual
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 حل كتاب Finite Element Analysis Theory and Applications With ANSYS 3rd Edition Solution Manual

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عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم حل كتاب
Finite Element Analysis Theory and Applications With ANSYS 3rd Edition Solution Manual
Saeed Moaveni
Minnesota State University, Mankato

حل كتاب Finite Element Analysis Theory and Applications With ANSYS 3rd Edition Solution Manual  F-e-a-10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface, XI
1 Introduction, 1
1.1 Engineering Problems, 2
1.2 Numerical Methods, 2
1.3 A Brief History of the Finite Element Method and ANSYS, 5
1.4 Basic Steps in the Finite Element Method, 6
1.5 Direct Formulation, 6
1.6 Minimum Total Potential Energy Formulation, 33
1.7 Weighted Residual Formulations, 38
1.8 Verification of Results, 43
1.9 Understanding the Problem, 44
Summary, 44
References, 45
Problems, 45
2 ~sses, 54
2.1 Definition of a Truss, 54
2.2 Finite Element Formulation, 55
2.3 Space Trusses, 71
2.4 Overview of the ANSYS Program, 73
2.5 Examples Using ANSYS, 79
2.6 Verification of Results, 110
Summary, 112
References, 112
Problems, 112
3 One-Dimensional Elements, 121
3.1 Linear Elements, 121
3.2 Quadratic Elements, 127
3.3 Cubic Elements, 128
3.4 Global, Local, and Natural Coordinates, 131
3.5 Numerical Integration: Gauss-Legendre Quadrature, 136
...viii Contents
3.6 Examples of One-Dimensional Elements in ANSYS, 139
Summary, 139
References, 140
Problems, 140
4 Analysis of One-Dimensional Problems, 145
4.1 Heat Transfer Problems, 145
4.2 Solid Mechanics Problems, 162
4.3 An Example UsingANSYS, 166
4.4 Verification of Results, 180
Summary, 182
References, 182
Problems, 183
5 Two-Dimensional Elements, 189
5.1 Rectangular Elements, 189
5.2 Quadratic Quadrilateral Elements, 193
5.3 Linear Triangular Elements, 198
5.4 Quadratic Triangular Elements, 202
5.5 Isoparametric Elements, 206
5.6 Two-Dimensional Integrals: Gauss-Legendre Quadrature, 207
5.7 Examples ofTwo-Dimensional Elements in ANSYS, 209
Summary, 210
References, 210
Problems, 210
6 More ANSYS, 216
6.1 ANSYS Program, 216
6.2 ANSYS Database and Files, 217
6.3 Creating a Finite Element Model With ANSYS: Preprocessing, 218
6.4 Applying Boundary Conditions, Loads, and the Solution, 231
6.5 Results of Your Finite Element Model: Postprocessing, 234
6.6 Selection Options, 237 r , ·,,
6.7 Graphics Capabilities, 238
6.8 An Example Problem, 241
Summary, 254
References, 255
7 Analysis ofl\vo-Dimensional Heat Transfer Problems, 262
7.1 General Conduction Problems, 262
7.2 Formulation With Rectangular Elements, 268
7.3 Formulation With Triangular Elements, 275
7.4 Conduction Elements Used by ANSYS, 2867.S An Example Using ANSYS, 287
7.6 Verification of Results, 304
Summary, 304
References, 306
Problems, 306
Contents ix
8 Analysis ofTwo-Dimensional Solid Mechanics Problems, 315
8.1 Torsion of Members With Arbitrary Cross-Section Shape, 315
8.2 Beams and Frames, 320
8.3 Plane Stress Formulation, 338
8.4 Basic Failure Theory, 352
8.5 Examples UsingANSYS, 353
8.6 Verification of Results, 378
Summary, 380
References., 382
Problems, 383
9 Analysis of Fluid Mechanics Problems, 395
9.1 Direct Formulation of Flow Through Pipes, 395
9.2 Ideal Fluid Flow, 401
9.3 Groundwater Flow, 405
9.4 Examples Using ANSYS, 408
9.5 Verification of Results, 429
Summary, 430
References, 431
Problems, 431
10 Three-Dimensional Elements, 437
10.1 The Four-Node Tetrahedral Element, 437
10.2 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Solid Problems Using
Four-Node Tetrahedral Elements, 440
10.3 The Eight-Node Brick Element, 445
10.4 The Ten-Node Tetrahedral Element, 447
10.5 The Twenty-Node Brick Element, 447
10.6 Examples of Three-Dimensional Elements in ANSYS, 449
10.7 Basic Solid Modeling Ideas, 452
10.8 A Thermal Example UsingANSYS, 464
10.9 A Structural Example Using ANSYS, 481
10.10 Verification of Results: Error-Estimation Procedures, 495
Summary, 497
References., 497
Problems, 497x Contents
11 Design Optimization, 506
11.1 Introduction to Design Optimization, 506
11.2 The Parametric Design Language of ANSYS, 510
11.3 An Example Using ANSYS, 512
Summary, 519
References, 519
Appendix A: Mechanical Properties of Some Materials, 520
Appendix B: Thermophysical Properties of Some Materials, 521
Appendix C: Conversion Factors, 522
Index, 524

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