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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Theory of Structures الأربعاء 08 يناير 2025, 11:21 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Theory of Structures R.s. Khurmi [A Textbook for the students of B.E., B.Tech, B.Arch., B.Sc. Engg., Section ‘B’ of AMIE (I), UPSC (Engg. Services), Diploma Courses and Other Engineering Examinations] (SI UNITS)
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS PART - 1 STATICALLY DETERMINATE STRUCTURES 1. INTRODUCTION 3-12 1. Definition. 3 Units 3 2. Fundamental Units. 3 3. Derived Units. 3 4. Systems of Units. 5. S.I. Units (International Systems of Units). 4 6. Metre. 4 7. Kilogram. 4 8. Second. 4 9. Presentation of Units and Their Values. 5 10. Rules for S.I. Units. 5 Mathematical Review 5 11. Useful Data. 5 12. Algebra. g 13. Trigonometry. 7 14. Differential Calculus. 9 Basic Concepts jq 15. Applied Mechanics 10 16. Strength of Materials 11 17. Types of Structures 11 18. Statically Determinate Structures u 19. Statically Indeterminate Structures 12 20. Internally Indeterminate Structures 12 21. Externally Indeterminate Structures 12 2. ROLLING LOADS 13 _ 56 L Introduction 13 2. Effects of rolling loads. 13 3. Sign conventions. 14 4. A single concentrated load. 14 5. A uniformly distributed load, longer than the span. 17 0. A uniformly distributed load, shorter than the span. 21 7. Two concentrated loads. 26 8« Several concentrated loads. 33 Proposition for the maximum bending moment under any given load. 33 10. Absolute maximum bending moment. 36 11. Proposition for the maximum bending moment at any given section on the span. 40 12. Equivalent uniformly distributed load. 46 (xiii)J Principles for the influence lines for forces in the mcmbcnt of trussed bridges. 79 5’ Influence lines for a Pratt truss with parallel chords. 79 w14. combined dead load. 51 52 57 - 77 , INFLUENCE UNES 57 1, Introduction. • 57 2. 3. Uses of Influence lines. |cd |oad. Influence lines for a single d |ongcr than thc span. 58 61 4. Influence lines for a . ^bu|ed |oad shorter than the span. >■ 4. influence lines for TRUSSED BRIDGES 63 68 71 119 1. Introduction. /0 in 2. Through type trusses. 78 6. Influence lines for an inclined Pratt truss. 91 7. Influence lines for a deck type Warren girder. 100 8. Influence lines for a composite truss. 108 5. DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES 120 - 140 1. Introduction. 120 2. Eccentric Loading. 120 3. Columns with Eccentric Loading. 121 4. Symmetrical Columns with Eccentric Loading about One Axis. 121 5. Symmetrical Columns with Eccentric Loading about Two Axes. 126 6. Unsymmetrical Columns with Eccentric Loading. 129 7. Limit of Eccentricity. 133 8. Wind Pressure on walls and Chimneys. 136 6. DAMS AND RETAINING WALLS 141 - 188 1. Introduction. 141 2. Rectangular Dams. 141 3. Trapezoidal Dams with Water Face Vertical. 146 4. Trapezoidal Dams with Water Face Inclined. 153 S. Conditions for the Stability of a Dam. 156 6. Condition to Avoid Tension in the Masonry of the Dam at its Base. 157 7. Condition to Prevent the Overturning of the Dam. 157 8. Condition to Prevent the Sliding of Dam. 158 9. 10. Condition to Prevent the Crushing of Masonry at the Base of the Dam. Minimum Base Width of a Dam. 158 161 11. Maximum Height of a Dam. 166 11 Retaining Walls. 167 13. fl 4 14. Active Earth Pressure Earth Pressure. on a Retaining Wall. 167 167 15. Passive Earth Pressure. 167 Uh’) 16. Theories of Active Earth Pressure 17. Rankine's Theory for Active Earth Pressure 18. 19. Coulomb s Wedge Theory for Active Earth Pressure Graphical Method for Active Earth Pressure 20. Graphical Method for Rankine's Theory 21. 22. Rchbann's Graphical Method for Coulomb's Tlieorv Conditions for thc Stability of a Retaining wall 7. DEFLECTION OF BEAMS 189 1. Introduction. 2. Curvature of thc Bending Beam. 3. Relation between Slope, Deflection and Radius of Curvature 4. Methods for Slope and Deflection at a Section. 5. Double Integration Method for Slope and Deflection. 6. Simply Supported Beam with a Central Point Load. 7. Simply Supported Beam with an Eccentric Point Load. 8. Simply Supported Beam with a Uniformly Distributed Load. 9. Simply Supported Beam with a Gradually Varying Load. 10. Macaulay's Method for Slope and Deflection. 11. Beams of Composite Section. 8. DEFLECTION OF CANTILEVERS 217 1. Introduction. 2. Methods for Slope and Deflection at a Section. 3. Double Integration Method for Slope and Deflection. 4. Cantilever with a Point Load at the Free End. 5. Cantilever with a Point Load not at the Free End. 6. Cantilever with a Uniformly Distributed Load. 7. Cantilever Partially Loaded with a Uniformly Distributed Load. 8. Cantilever Loaded from the Free End. 9. Cantilever with a gradually Varying Load. 10. Cantilever with Several Loads 11. Cantilever of Composite Section. 9. DEFLECTION BY MOMENT AREA METHOD 235 1. Introduction. 2. Mohr's Theorems. 3. Area and Position of the Centre of Gravity of Parabolas. 4. Simply Supported Beam with a Central Point Load. 5. Simply Supported Beam with an Eccentric Point Load. 6. Simply Supported Beam with a Uniformly Distributed Load. 7. Simply Supported Beam with a Gradually Varying Load. 8. Cantilever with a Point Load at the Free end. 9. Cantilever with a Point Load at any Point. 10. Cantilever with a Uniformly Distributed Load. 11. Cantilever with a Gradually Varying Load. 252 10. DEFLECTION BY CONJUGATE BEAM METHOD 1. Introduction. 2. Conjugate Beam. 1. Introduction 272 1 Perfect frames 273 3. Types of deflections. 273 A Statical deflection. 273 5. 6. Horizontal deflection. Methods for finding out the deflection. 273 274 7. Unit load method for deflection. 291 8. Graphical method for deflection. 291 9. 10. 11. Williot diagram for deflects X5Z££"- join‘ “ of ,he 291 294 11 vXx diagram for the frames with only one joint fixed. 297 297 13. Mohr diagram. 12. CABLES AND SUSPENSION BRIDGES 302 -343 1. Introduction. 302 •> Equilibrium of cable under a given system of loading. 303 3. Equation of the cable. 304 4. Horizontal thrust on the cable. 304 5. Tension in the cable. 305 6. Tension in the cable supported at the same level. 306 7. Tension in the cable supported at different levels. 309 8. Anchor cables. 312 9. Guide pulley support for suspension cable. 312 10. Roller support for suspension cable. 313 11. Length of the cable. 316 11 Length of the cable, when supported at the same level. 316 13. Length of the cable, when supported at different levels. 319 14. Effect on the cable due to change in temperature. 322 15. Stiffening girders in the suspension bridges. 325 16. Suspension bridges with three-hinged stiffning girder. 325 17. Influence lines for moving loads over the suspension bridges with three-hinged stiffening girders. 327 18. 19. Influence lines for a single concentrated load rolling over the suspension bridge with three-hinged stiffening girders. 327 Influence lines for a uniformly distributed load rolling over the suspension bndge with three-hinged stiffening girders. 333 (xvi) 20. Suspension bridges with two-hinged stiffening girders. 337 21. Influence lines for a single concentrated load rolling over the suspension bridge with two- hinged stiffening girders. 337 13. THREE-HINGED ARCHES 344 - 377 1. Introduction. 344 2. Theoretical arch or line of thrust. 344 3. Actual arch. 345 4. Eddy’s theorem for bending moment. 346 5. Proof of Eddy’s theorem. 346 6. Use of Eddy’s theorem. 346 7. Types of three-hinged arches. 346 8. Three-hinged parabolic arch. 347 9. Three-hinged circular arch. 347 10. Horizontal thrust In a three-hinged arch. 348 11. Three-hinged parabolic arch supported at different levels. 356 12. Straining actions in a three-hinged arch. 360 13. Effect of change in temperature on a three-hinged arch. 364 14. Influence lines for the moving loads over three-hinged arches. 365 15 Influence lines for a concentrated load moving over three-hinged TAX circular arches. JOO 16. Influence lines for a concentrated load moving over three-hinged TAG parabolic arches. 17. Influence lines for a uniformly distributed load moving over three-hinged parabolic arches. PART - 2 STATICALLY INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES « XXI - 14. PROPPED CANTILEVERS AND BEAMS 403 381 1. Introduction. 381 2. Reaction of a Prop. 382 3. Propped Cantilever with a Uniformly Distributed Load. 389 4. Cantilever Propped at an Intermediate Point. 389 5 Propped Cantilever with a point load panned 6. W, Supponed .». U»d »d 397 at the Centre. 401 7. Sinking of the Prop. - 431 15. FIXED BEAMS 404 1. Introduction. 404 2. Advantages of Fixed Beams. 404 3. Bending Moment Diagrams for Fixed Beams. 406 4. 5. 6. 7. Fixing Moments of a Fixed Beam. Fixing Moments of a Fixed Beam Eccentric Point Load. Fixing Moments of a Fixed Beam 3071 । Distributed Load. Fixing Moments of a Fixed Beam Carrymg a Umformty 407 410 415 (xvf’O17. 432 458 SLOPE DEFLECTION METHOD Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Beams Beams 1. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . Beam MH• , nMMow* ’HZre al o« Ena 10 « „Sinking of a Suppon. 9 Fixing Moments of a Fixed t> THEOREM Of THREE moments Beams with a Sinking Support. Beams Subjected to a Couple. Introduction. f Continuous Beams. Typcs with Fixed End Supports. with End Span Overhanging. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction. Assumption in slope deflection method. Sign conventions. Slope deflection equations. Slope deflection equations when the supports arc at the same level. Slope deflection equations when one of the supports is at a lower level. Application of slope deflection equations. Continuous beams. 9. Simple frames. 10. Portal frames. 11. Symmetrical portal frames. 12. Unsymmetrical portal frames. 18. MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD 1. Introduction. 2. Sign Conventions. 3. Carry Over Factor. 4. Cany Over Factor for a Beam Fixed at One End and Simply Supported at the Other. 5. Cany Over Factor for a Beam. Simply Supported at Both Ends. 6. Stiffness Factor. 7. Distribution Factors. 8. Application of Moment Distribution Method to Various Types of Continuous Beams. 9. Beanes with Fixed End Suppons. 10. Beams with Simply Supponed Ends. 11. Beanes with End Span Overhanging. 12. Beams With a Sinking Support. 13. Simple Frames 14. Portal frames 15. Symmetrical portal frames Mii) 4jt 432 432 432 33.) 334 339 444 448 555 495 458 458 459 459 459 461 462 462 470 476 476 479 - 557 493 493 493 497 498 499 500 502 502 506 509 517 524 527 527 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Unsymmetrical portal frames Ratio of sway moments at the joints of column heads and beam Ratio of sway moments at the joints of column heads and beam, when both the ends arc hinged. Ratio of sway moments at the joints of column heads and beam, when both the ends are fixed. Ratio of sway moments at the joints of the column heads and beam, when one end is fixed and the oilier hinged. 19. COLUMN ANALOGY METHOD 1. Introduction. 2, Sign convention. 3, Theory of column analogy. 4. Application of column analogy method. 5. Fixed beams. 6. Portal frames. 7. Symmetrical Portal frames. g. Portal frame with hinged legs. 9. Unsymmetrical portal frames. 20. two-hinged ARCHES 583 - 1. Introduction. 2. Horizontal thrust in two-hinged arches. 3. Horizontal thrust by strain energy. 4. Horizontal thrust by flexural deformation. 5. Types of two-hinged arches. 6 Horizontal thrust in a two-hinged parabolic arch carrying a concentrated load. 7. Horizontal thrust in a two-hinged circular arch carrying a concentrated load. 8 Horizontal thrust in a two-hinged parabolic arch carrying a uniformly distributed load over the entire span. 9. Effect of change in temperature in a two-hinged arch. 10. Straining actions in a two-hinged arch. 11. Influence lines for moving loads over two-hinged arches 21. FORCES IN REDUNDANT FRAMES 614 1. Introduction. 2. Redundant frame. 3. Casligliano’s first theorem. 4. Proof of Castigliano’s first theorem. 5 Maxwell’s method for the forces in redundant frames. t pZX” 7. Frames with two —or mmore re redundant reg*-.members. —<•*•—“ 8. Trussed beams. _ 22. COLUMNS AND STRUTS 1. Introduction. 2. Failure of a Column or Strut. 3. Euler’s Column Theory. 4. Assumptions in the Euler’s Column Theory. 531 532 532 542 551 - 582 558 558 559 560 560 570 570 571 574 613 583 583 584 584 586 587 590 594 599 602 608 - 641 614 614 615 615 616 627 630 636 667 642 642 643 64323. * of Columns. 7. columns with the Other Free, s Columns with One End ’• Colun,ns and the Other Hinged. £ X7fX^ of a column 12. Slenderness Ratio. 13. Limitations of Euler’s Formu a. 14 Empirical Formulae for Columns. 15. Rankine's Formula for Columns. 16. Johnson's Formula for Columns. 17. Johnson s Straight Line Formula for Columns. 1g. Johnson s Parabolic Formula for Columns. 22. Indian Standard Code for Columns. 20. Long Columns subjected to Eccentric Loading. 643 643 644 645 646 647 649 649 650 654 654 659 659 660 660 662 PLASTIC THEORY 668 - 685 1. Introduction 1 Assumptions in plastic theory. 3. Plastic hinge. 4. Plastic moment or collapse moment. 5. Collapse load. 6. Load factor. 7. Shape factor. 8. Collapse load for different types of beams. 9. Collapse load for a simply supported beam with a central point load. 10. Collapse load for a simply supported beam with an eccentric point load. 11. Collapse load for a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load. 12. Collapse load for a propped cantilever with a central point load. 13. Collapse load for a propped cantilever with an eccentric point load. 14. Collapse load for a propped cantilever with a uniformly distributed load. 15. Collapse load for a fixed beam with a central point load. 16. Collapse load for a fixed beam with an eccentric load. 17. Collapse load for a fixed beam with a uniformly distributed load. 668 668 669 669 670 670 670 672 672 672 673 674 675 678 680 680 682 APPENDIX INDEX 686 697 - 696 -702 («) LIST OF SYMBOLS (Theory of Structures) Quantity Symbol (Symbol Name) Units Area of cross section A Rankine’s constant a Width B, b Shear modulus of Rigidity C N/mm2 Depth D, d Diameter D, d KU 2 Young's Modulus of Elasticity E _ ••— N/mm Linear Strain e Eccentricity e Centre of Gravity G Centroid of Area or Lamina G Height Moment of Inertia H. h I m mm1 mm4 Polar Moment of Inertia J N/mm2 Bulk Modulus of Elasticity K Radius of Gyration k N/mm Stiffness of Spring Length sL I m Effective Length Le M, m kg Mass N-m Bending Moment Number M n P, F N Force N/mm2 Pressure Radius P R. r r Resultant Force V Reaction or Reacting Force A Vertical Reaction Ky Horizontal Reaction s T t Time T Twisting Moment T Tensile Force (xrDSlenderness Ratio Strain Energy •Volume Load or Weight Load per unit length Specific Weight Cartesian co-ordinates Distance Deflection Section Modulus Radius of Gyration Co-efficient of Linear Expansion Angle Poisson’s ratio Frequency Efficiency Strain Shear Strain Slope Deflection Deflection Change in Length Co-efficient of Friction Normal Stress Shear Stress Polar Co-ordinates Theory of Structures (SubjectArticlesCorrelatedwithPageNumbersandArticleNumbers) Absolute maximum bending moment, 36(2.10) Active earth pressure on retaining walls, 167(6.13) _ Rankine's Theory for, 168 (6.1 7) _ Coulomb's Wedge Theory for, 174 (6.18) Actual arch, 345(13.3) Advantages of fixed beams, 404 (15.2) Algebra (useful data), 6(11.12) Anchor cables, 312(12.8) Angle of Repose, 686 (Appendix) Application of Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments, 435 ( 16.4) -Column analogy method, 560(19.4) -Momentdistribution method,502 Slope deflection equations, 462(17.7) Applied Mechanics, 10(1.15) Arch, -Circular, 347 (13.9) -Parabolic, 347 (13.8) Assumptions in Euler's column theory, 643 (22.4) -in plastic theory, 668 (23.2) -in slope deflection method, 458(17.2) Bending moment diagrams for continuous ^5,432(16.2) -For combined dead load and live load, 51 (2.13) -for fixed beams 404 (15.3) Cables, -Anchor, 312(12.8) -Equation of, 304 (9.3) Castigliano's first theorem, 615 (21.3) -Proof of, 615 (21.4) Cantilever with a point load, 217 (8.4), 220 (8.5) -with u.d.l. 221 (8.6), 382 (14.3) -with a gradually varying load, 226 (8.9) - with several loads, 228 (8.10) Carry over factor, 496 (18.3) -for a beam fixed at one end, and simply supported at the other, 497 (18.4) -simply supported beam 498 (18.5) C.G.S.units,4(1.4) Circular arch, 347 (13.9) Clapeyron's theorem of three moments, 432 (16.3) -Application of, 435 (16.4) -Proof of, 433 (16.4) Collapse moment,669 (23.4) Collapse load,670(23.5) -for different types of beams 672(23.8) -for fixed beams, 680 (23.15), 680(23-16), 682 (23.17). -for propped cantilevers, 674 (23.12), 697698 Theory of Structures 678 (23.14) - for simply supported beams, 672 (23.9) 672 (23.10), 673 (23.11) Conditions for the stability ofdam, 156(6.5) 157(6.6), 158(6.8), 158(6.9) -retaining wall, 182(6.22) Columns with eccentric loading, 121 (5.3) -Symmetrical, about one axis, 121 (5.4) -Symmetrical,about twoaxis, 126(5.5) -Unsymmetrical, 129(5.6) Columns with both ends fixed, 646 (22.9) -hinged, 644(22.7) — with one end fixed and the other free, 645 (22.8) - with one end fixed and the other hinged 647 (22.10) Continuous beams subjected to a couple, 455(16.9) -with end span overhanging,444(16.7) 509(18.11) -with fixedend supports, 439(16.6), 502 (18.9) -withsinkingsupport,448(16.8), 517(18.12) -with simply supported ends, 435 (16.5) 506(18.10) Conjugate beam method, 252 ( 10.2) Coulomb's wedge theory, 174 (6. 1 8) Curvature of the bending beam, 189 (7.2) Dams, 141 (6.1) -Conditions for the stability, 156(6.5) -Rectangular, 141 (6.2) -Trapezoidal, 146(6.3), 153(6.4) Deck type trusses, 78 (4.3) Deflection at a section 2 17 (8.2) Deflection of perfect frames, 272 (||.2) -Horizontal, 273(11.5) -Vertical, 273 (11.4) Detereminate structures, 11 (1.18) Differential calculus (useful data), 9(].|4) Distribution factors, 500(18.7) Double integration method,2 17 (8.3) Earth pressure on retaining walls,167(6.13) -Active. 167 (6.14) - Passive, 167 (6.15) Eccentric loading, 120(5.2) Eccentricity,Limit of, 133(5.7) Eddy's theorem for bending moments, 346 (13.4) -Proof of 346 (13.5) -Use of 346 (13.6) Effect of change in temperature in a twohinged arch, 599 (20.9) -three-hinged arch, 364 (13.13) -rollingloads, 13(2.1) Effect on the cable due to change in temperature, 322 (12.14) Empirical formulae forcolumns,654(22.14) -I.S.Code, 660 (22.22) -Johnson's,659(22.16),660(22.18) -Rankine's 654 (22.15) Equation of the cable, 304 (9.3) Equivalent lengthofa column, 649(22.1 1) Equilibrium ofcable under a given system ofloading,303 (12.2) Equivalent u.d,l.,46(2.12) Euler's column theory, 643 (22.3) -formula.Limitationsof650(22.13) Externally indeterminate structures,12(1-2) F Factor, Carry over, 496 (18.3) -Distribution,500(18.7) I -Stiffness. 499 (18.6) failure ofa column or a strut, 642 (22.2) Fixingmoment of a fixed beam, 406 ( 15 4) 560(19-5) -carrying a central point load,407( 15.5) -carrying an eccentric point load, 4 10 (15.6) -carryinga uniformlydistributed load, 415(15.7) -due to gradually varying load, 422 (15.8) _ due to siniking of a support, 426 (15.9) Focal length due to the combined dead load and live, 52(2.14) Forces due to error in the length of a number in a redundant frame, 627 (2 1.6) F P.S. units, 4 (1.4) Frames, Portal, 476 ( 1 7.10), 527 (18.14), 570(19.6) Frames with two or more redundant members, 630 (21.7) Fundamental units, 3 ( 1.2) Graphical method for active earth pressure, 175 (6.19) -for deflection, 291 (11.8) - for Rankine's theory, 175 (6.20) Guidepulley support for suspension cable, 312(12.9) lorizontal deflection of perfect frames, 273(1L5) onzontal thrust in cable, 304 (9.4) ln three-hinged arch, 348 (13.10) hinged 583 (20.2), 7(20.6), 590 (20.7), 594 (20.8) •ndex a ~ flexural defn '"^wlines.STGjj - for COnCentraledl^d. 58(3 3) 63(^jnn|yd«tributedlo9d,61(34)t -“ses of, 57(32) lnde,erminate structures, 12(| 19) -Externally, 12(12|) “Internally, 12(120) -India Standard code forcolumns, 659(22.22) l.L. for trussed bridges, 78 (4.1) - for a composite truss, 108 (4.8) - for a deck type-Warren truss 100 (4.7) - for an inclined Pratt truss,91 (4.6) - for a Pratt truss with parallel chords, 79(4.5) l.L. for moving loads over three-hinged arches, 360(13.12),369(13.16), 371(10.17) - over two-hinged arches, 608 (20.11) -over suspension bridges, 327(12.17), 333(12.19), 337(12.21) Integral calculus (useful data), 11(1.14) J Johnson's formula for column, 659 (22.16) -parabolic, 660(22.18) -straight line,659(22.17)700 Theory of Structures K Kilogram, 4(1.7) L Length ofthc cable. 316(12 1 1) - when supported al different eve 319(12.13) — when supported at same leve , 316(12.12) Line of thrust, 344 ( 13.2) Limit ofeccentricity, 133 (5.7) -of Euler's formula, 650(22.13) Load factor, 670(23.6) Longcolumns subject to eccentric loading, 662(22.20) M Macaulay's method. 205 (7.10) Maximum height of dam, 166 (6.1 ) Maxwell's method for the forces in redundant frame, 616 (21.5) Methods for findingout the deflect.on. 273 (11.6) -graphical method, 291(118, -unit load method,274 (11.7) Metre, 4 (1.6) Minimum base width of a dam, 161 (6.1 ) M.K.S. units, 4(1 4) Mohr diagram, 297(11 13) - theorem, 235 (9.2) Moment area method. 235 (9.1) P Parabolic arch. 347 (13.8) Passive earth pressure due to retaining Walls. 167(6.15) po'^ frames. 476(17.10). 527(1834) <70(19.6) Symmetrical, 476(17.11) 527(18.15), 570(19.7) Unsvmmetrical, 479(17.12) 531(18.16), 574(19.9) -with hinged legs. 571 (19.8) Pratt truss, Influence lines for, 79(4.5), 91 (4.6) Priniciples for the influence lines for the forces in the members of the trussed bridges, 79(4.4) Proposition for maximum B.M. under any given load, 33 (2.9) - at any section in the span, 40 (2.11) Propped beam with u.d.I., 397 (14.6) Propped cantilever, 381 (14.1) -withpoint load,389 (14.4) -with u d.L, 382 (14.3) Proof of Clapeyron's theorem of three moments, 433 (16.3) -Castigliano's first theorem, 615 (21.4) - Eddy's theorem, 346 (13.5) -Unit load method for deflection, 274 (11.7) Rankine's formula for columns, 654 (22.15) - theory for active earth pressure. 168(6.17) . . Ratio of sway moments at the joints o column heads and beams, 532 (18- - when both the ends are fixe ,- (18.19) u. . 5,2 - when both the ends are hingeo. (1818) L ,h,r -when one end is fixed and the othe hinged,55 1 (18.20) Reaction of a prop, 381(14-2) Rectangular dam, 141 (6.2) Redundant frames, 614(21.2) - with two or more redundant members 630(21.7) Rehbann's graphical method for coulomb's theory. 178(6.21) Relation between slope, deflection and radius of curvature. 190(7.3) Retaining walls. 167(6.12) - Earth pressure on, 167 (6.13) Roller support for suspension cables, 3 13 (12.10) Rollingloads 13(2! I) _ Effects of 13 (2.2) s Second, 4(1-8) Several concentrated rolling loads, 33 (2.8), 68 (3.6) S.F. diagram for the combined dead load and live load, 51 (2.13) Shape factor, 670 (23.7) Sign conventions for columns and struts, 643 (22.5) -for column analogy method, 558(19.2) -for rolling loads, 14(2.3) -formomentdistributionmethod,496 (18.2) -for slope deflectionmethod, 459(17.4) Simple frames, 470( 17.9), 524 (18.13) Simply supported beam with central point load, 192(7.6) - with an eccentric point load, 194 (7.7) -with gradually varying load, 203 (7.9) - with u.d.L, 200(7.8), 397 (14.6) Single concentratedrollingload, 14(2.4) Sinkingofsupport, 426(15.9) -ofprop, 401 (14.7) Slenderness ratio, 649(22.12) Sl°peatapoint, 191 (7.4) -deflection equations,459(17.4),461 •ndex a 7q’ - m a twohinged arch,602 (20 10» ^ength of Materials, 1 1 (ijgj ° Suspension bridges,302(12 1) ‘^O-hingedstiffeninggirders.337 Sway moments, 53 1 (18.16) Symmetrical columns with eccentric loading, 121(5.3) -about one axis, 121 (5.4) - about two axes, 126 (5.5) -portal frames, 476(17.11),527(18 15), 570(19.6) ’ A System of units, 4 (1.4) (17.6) ^biltyofdarnJS6 Statically deter 5) -indeVXT5^ Tension in the cable, 305 (9.5) -supported at different levels,309(12.7) -supported at same level,306 (9.6) Theorem,Castigliano's first,615 (21.3) Theoretical arch or line of thrust, 344 (13.2) Theory of active earth pressure, 168 (6.16) -columnanalogy,559(19.3) Three-hinged arches, 347 (13.8),347 (13.9) - supported at different levels,356 (13.11) Through type trusses, 78 (4.2) Trapezoidal dams having water face inclined, 153(6.4) -vertical 146(6.3) Trigonometry (useful data), 7(1.13) Trussed702 Theory of Structures - beams, 636 (21.8) -bridges,Influencelines for.79(4.4) Two concentratedrolling loads, 26 (2.7), 68 (3.6) Types ofdeflections. 273 ( 1 1.3) -horizontal,273 (11.5) -vertical, 273 (11.4) Types of three-hinged arches, 346 (13.7) -two-hinged arches, 586 (20.5) -endconditionsofcolumns,643 (22.6) - structures, 11 (1.17) — influence lines, 57 (3. 1) Useful data, 6(II0 Uses of Eddy's theorem, 346 (13.6) -influence lines, 57 (3.2) V Vertical deflection of perfect frames, 273 (11-4) u w Uniformlydistributedrollingload, - longer than the span, 17(2.5), 61 (3.4) -shorter than the span,21(2.6),63(3.5) Unit load method for deflection, 274(11.7) -Proof of, 274 (11.7) Units,Fundamental, 3 (1.2) Unsymmetrical columns with eccentric loading,129(5.6) -portal frame, 479(17.12),574(19.9) -useofEddy's theorem, 346(13.6) Warren girder, Influence lines for, 100(4.7) Wedge theory for active earth pressure, 174(6.18) Wi11iot diagram for deflectionof frames, 291(11.9) -withonly onejoint fixed,297(11.12) -withonejoint and thedirectionofother fixed,294(11.11) -with twojoints fixed,291 (11.10) Wind pressure on walls and chimneys, 136
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