كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
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أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
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إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
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 كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course   كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course Emptyالأربعاء 08 يناير 2025, 10:07 pm

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كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين
Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course  

كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course R_u_r_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

9. Conclusion \ 1. Conclusion and next steps
7. Creating sections, Elevation and details \ 1. Cutting a Section View of the Building Model
1. Getting Started \ 1. Introduction
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 1. Link a CAD drawing into Revit to use as an underlay
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 1. Link a CAD drawing into Revit to use as an underlay
5. Modelling the Interiors Furniture and Fittings \ 1. Loading and placing interior furniture
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 1. Placing Dimensions
3. Starting a New Project and setting up Datum Elements \ 1. Start a new Revit project using a project template
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 1. The File Menu
1. Getting Started \ 2. Building Information Management defined
7. Creating sections, Elevation and details \ 2. Create a Callout Detail of a Window
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 2. Create an Colour Fill Legend and Room Plan
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 2. Creating a Topographical Surface
3. Starting a New Project and setting up Datum Elements \ 2. Datum Elements - Set the Project Grids and Levels
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 2. Model the Exterior walls
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 2. The Titlebar
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 3. Align the Model to True North
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 3. Define and use new wall types
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 3. Generate a Tabular Door Schedule
7. Creating sections, Elevation and details \ 3. Import 2D Detail Components
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 3. The Ribbon, Ribbon View state and Ribbon Tabs
1. Getting Started \ 3. What is Parametric Modelling
7. Creating sections, Elevation and details \ 4. Annotate the Detail with Text and Tags
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 4. Changing the Toposurface Surface Material
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 4. Contextual Tabs
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 4. Creating a Door Schedule Using Legends
1. Getting Started \ 4. Essential Terminology
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 4. Model the Interior walls
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 5. Creating a Slab Edge
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 5. Creating and setting up Drawing Sheets
1. Getting Started \ 5. Installing Revit
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 5. Load and place doors in the building model
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 5. The Options Bar
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 6. Define Surface Materials and Add a Parking Component
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 6. Load and place windows in the building model
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 6. Modify the Title Sheet Information
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 6. The Type Selector
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 7. Add a floor to the building model
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 7. Define a Building Pad Path
8. Prepare the drawings for issuing \ 7. Layout Views on a New Title Sheet
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 7. The Info Centre
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 8. Add a Roof to the building model
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 8. Load and Add Site Components to the Model
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 8. The Project Browser
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 9. Add a Fascia and Gutters to the building model
6. Model the site and surrounding context \ 9. Create a 3D camera view and materialise the model
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 9. The Status Bar
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 10. 3D View Cube and Steering Wheel
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 10. Add a Soffit to the building model
4. Developing the Building Shell \ 11. Add Ceilings to the building model
2. Exploring the Revit User Interface \ 11. Keyboard Shortcuts


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كورس تعليم أساسيات الريفيت المعماري للمبتدأين - Revit Architecture - Fundamentals for Beginners Course
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