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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Welding for Design Engineers الأحد 15 ديسمبر 2024, 2:10 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Welding for Design Engineers CWB - Canadian Welding Bureau Welding for Design Engineers
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Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction .1 1.0 Introduction .3 1.1 Historical Background .4 1.2 Grouping of Welding Processes .6 1.3 The Welding Arc 7 1.4 Health and Safety .16 1.5 Welding Terms and Definitions .17 Chapter 2 - Welding Codes and Standards 31 2.1 Introduction .33 2.2 Purpose of Standards .35 2.3 Development of Standards 36 2.4 Administration of Standards 38 2.5 CSA Standard W47.1 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel 39 2.6 CSA Standard W47.2 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Aluminum 43 2.7 CSA Standard W48.01 - Filler Metals and Allied Materials for Metal Arc Welding .45 2.8 CSA Standard W59 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding) 45 2.9 CSA Standard W59.2 - Welded Aluminum Construction 49 2.10 CSA Standard S6 - Design of Highway Bridges .50 2.11 CSA Standard S16-01 - Limit States Design of Steel Structures 50 2.12 CSA Standard W186 - Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction 51 2.13 CSA Standard W178.1 - Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations .53 2.14 CSA Standard W178.2 - Qualification Code for Welding Inspectors 55 2.15 National Building Code of Canada (NBC) .57 2.16 CSA Standard Z662 - Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems .57 2.17 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 58 2.18 American Welding Society (AWS) .60 2.19 AWS Codes of D-Series .61 2.20 AWS A5 Specifications 61 2.21 ANSI/AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel .62 2.22 ISO Standards (International Standards Organization) .63Chapter 3 - Weld Joints and Welding Symbols 65 3.1 Introduction .67 3.2 Definition of Joint 68 3.3 Definition of Weld 71 3.4 Groove Welds .73 3.5 Prequalified Joints .76 3.6 Positions of Welding .79 3.7 Joint Edge Preparation .83 3.8 Fundamental Concepts of Welding Symbols 87 3.9 Basic Weld Symbols .88 3.10 Supplementary Weld Symbols 95 3.11 Break in Arrow .98 3.12 Combined Weld Symbols 100 3.13 Information in Tail of Welding Symbol .102 3.14 Extent of Welding Denoted by Symbols .103 3.15 Multiple Reference Lines 103 3.16 Complete Penetration .105 3.17 Groove Welds .107 3.18 Fillet Welds 117 3.19 Plug Welds 129 Chapter 4 - Metal Arc Welding Processes 133 4.1 Introduction .135 4.2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) .136 4.3 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 148 4.4 Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 170 4.5 Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) 182Chapter 5 - Welding Metallurgy .195 5.1 Introduction .197 5.2 Basic Concepts of Iron and Steel 198 5.3 Iron, Cast Iron and Steel .199 5.4 Phase Transformation During Heating and Cooling .200 5.5 Effect of Heating and Cooling on Steel .203 5.6 Alloy Elements in Steels 213 5.7 How Does Hardness Affect Welding .215 5.8 Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) .216 5.9 Weldability of Metals .218 5.10 Solidification Cracking .226 5.11 Strength and Toughness in the Weld Zone .227 5.12 Hydrogen Cracking .229 5.13 Heat Treatment of Steels 234 5.14 Influence of Welding on Mechanical Properties 240 5.15 Designation of Steels 240 5.16 Classification of Steels (Numbering System) 241 Chapter 6 - Residual Stress and Distortion 249 6.1 Introduction .251 6.2 Expansion and Contraction of Metals .252 6.3 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Thermal Stress .254 6.4 Residual Stresses .256 6.5 Distortion .269 6.6 Welding Procedure and Distortion 278 6.7 Control and Correction of Distortions 289 Chapter 7 - Fracture and Fatigue of Welded Structures .299 7.1 Introduction .301 7.2 Stress-Strain Relationship .302 7.3 Fracture of Steel Components 303 7.4 Fracture Surface .304 7.5 Cleavage .305 7.6 Grain Size Effect .306 7.7 Transition Temperature and Brittle Fracture .306 7.8 Effect of Strain Rate 319 7.9 Fracture Mechanics .321 7.10 Stress State of Crack Tips .322 7.11 Stress Intensity Factor 324 7.12 Fatigue and Fatigue Cracks 326Chapter 8 - Welding Design .351 8.1 Introduction .353 8.2 Scope and Objectives .354 8.3 Design Principles 357 8.4 Shear Resistance 365 8.5 Fillet Weld Strength .370 8.6 Fillet Weld Groups .375 8.7 Restrained Members and Moment Connections 382 8.8 Welding of Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) .397 8.9 Design Procedures 405 8.10 Sizing Welds .406 Chapter 9 - Welds Faults and Inspection 413 9.1 Introduction .415 9.2 Weld Fault Characteristics 416 9.3 Distortion or Warpage .420 9.4 Dimensional Faults 422 9.5 Structural Faults in the Weld Zone 434 9.6 Fusion Faults .441 9.7 Cracking 445 9.8 Surface Defects .450 9.9 Defective Properties 452 9.10 Summary of Weld Faults .452 9.11 Welding Inspection 453 9.12 Methods of Testing 455 Chapter 10 - Weld Cost Estimating .481 10.1 Introduction .483 10.2 Consistent Application of Welding Methods 483 10.3 Cross-Sectional Area of Weld (At) 484 10.4 Excess Weld (X) .484 10.5 Unit Weight of Weld (M) 486 10.6 Weight of Weld Metal 486 10.7 Weld Metal Deposition Rate (D) .487 10.8 Shielding Gas (G) .488 10.9 Flux for SAW Process (F) .488 10.10 Process Deposition Factor (Dp) 488 10.11 Welder/Operator Work Efficiency Factor (Dw) 489 10.12 Weld Cost Estimating Procedure 491 10.13 Computer Estimating .499 500A accessibility for welding, 8-6 AISI, 5-47 allowable stress design (ASD), 2-16, 8-7 alloy elements in steel, 5-19, 4-4 angle of bevel, 1-17 annealing, 5-41 anode drop zone, 1-10 API, 2-9 arc blow, 1-17 arc efficiency, 5-27 arc force, 1-17 arc plasma, 1-17 arc radiation, 1-16 arc voltage, 1-17 arc welding, 1-4 ASME, 2-9, 2-28 ASTM, 2-17, 2-22 autogenous weld, 1-17 AWS A5 Specification, 2-31 AWS D1.1, 2-3, 2-30, 2-32 B back gouge, 1-18 backing ring, 1-18 backing strip, 1-18 backing weld, 1-18 bare electrode, 1-18 barium titanate, 1-18 base metal, 1-18 beam angle, 1-18 bevel angle, 1-18 BHN, 1-18 body-centered cubic (BCC), 5-4, 5-7, 5-9, 5-13 boron, 5-20 brittle fracture, 7-5, 7-6 built-up column, 8-35 butt joint, 1-18 Index 1 C carbon, 5-6, 5-19 carbon equivalent (C.E.), 7-15 case hardening, 5-41 cast iron, 5-5 cementite, spheroidized, 5-18 CGSB certification, 2-25 Charpy V-notch testing, 7-10 chromium, 5-19 CIDECT recommendations, 8-51 CJPG welds, 8-16, 8-18, 8-58 cleavage fracture, 7-7 cobolt 60 (Co60), 1-18, 9-57 cold crack, 1-19 cold work, 5-45 D deposition rate, 1-19 deposition efficiency, 1-20 depth of fusion, 1-20 destructive testing, 1-20 developer, 1-20 direct current electrode negative (DCEN), 1-20 direct current electrode positive (DCEP), 1-20 distortion, 6-1, 9-8 bonding distortion, 6-21 angular distortion, 6-20 caused by flame cutting, 6-22, 6-23 caused by welding, 6-23 to 6-34 correction of distortion, 6-45 to 6-50 drag angle, 1-20 ductile fracture, 7-6 ductility, 7-4 duty cycle, 1-20 dwell time, 1-20 Welding for Design Engineers IndexE effective throat, 1-20 electrical shock, 1-16 electrodes, classification of (SMAW), 4-9 electrode (wires) for gas metal arc welding, 4-37 electrodes (wires) for flux cored carc welding, 4-44 electrode extension, 1-21 electrode extension, effect of, 1-15, 1-20 electrogas welding, 1-5 electron beam welding, 1-5 electroslag welding, 1-5 essential variables, 1-21 F face-centered cubic (FCC), 5-7, 5-9, 5-13 fatigue, 1-21 fatigue cracks, 7-28 fatigue failure, 1-21 fatigue fracture, 7-28 fatigue life of weldments, 7-45 fatigue strength, 1-21, 7-28 to 7-45 fatigue striation (fracture surface), 7-28 ferrous alloy, 1-21 filler metal, 1-21 fillet size, minimum, 8-26 fillet weld groups, 8-21 to 8-25 fillet weld strength, 8-20 fire hazards, 1-16 flat position welding, 1-21 flame hardening, 5-41 flame straightening, 6-46 to 6-50 flux, active, 1-17 fluxes for submerged arc welding, 4-56 flux cored arc welding, 4-39 to 4-50 fracture and fatigue, 7-1 fracture of ships, 7-11 fracture mechanics, 7-23 to 7-28 fumes, welding, 1-16 Index 2 G gamma rays, 1-22 gap joint, 8-52 to 8-54 gas inclusions, 9-22 gas metal arc welding, 4-16 to 4-38 gas pipeline system, 2-27 gouge to sound metal (GTSM), 1-22 grain boundaries, 5-10 grain size effect on fracture, 7-8 groove angle, 1-22 groove radius, 1-22 groove weld, 3-5, 3-9 to 3-11 gusset plate connection, truss, 8-28, 8-30 H hardenability, 5-43 hardening curves, 5-15, 5-16 hardness, 1-22, 5-21 heat affected zone, 1-22, 5-22, 5-24, 5-25 heat input, 5-28 heat treatment, 1-22, 5-17, 5-40, 5-45 health and safety, welding, 1-16 horizontal position, welding, 1-22 hexagonal-closed packed (HCP), 5-7 hydrogen cracking, 5-35, 9-34 hydrogen in weld metal, 1-16 I incomplete fusion, 1-23, 9-29 incomplete penetration, 9-32 inert gas, 1-23 inspection cycle, 1-23 inservice inspection, 2-30 inspection, welding, 9-1 ionizing radiation, 1-23 iradium 192 (Ir 192), 1-23, 9-57 iron, 5-6 iron-iron carbide phase diagrams, 5-8 ISO Standards, 2-33J joint build-up sequence, 1-23 joint design, 1-23 joint (butt, corner, tee, lap, edge), 3-6 joint, definition, 3-5 joint edge preparation, 3-19 to 3-22 joint penetration, 1-23 joints, prequalified, 3-12 joints, types of basic, 3-5 K K, stress intensity factor, 7-26 KI, stress intensity factor, mode I, 7-26 L laser welding, 1-5 layer, weld, 1-23 limit states design (LSD), 2-16, 8-12 liquid penetrant inspection, 9-50 load combinations, 8-13 load factors, 8-13 longitudinal wave, ultrasonic inspection, 1-24, 9-63 M magnetic field, 1-11, 1-12 magnetic particle inspection, 9-52 manganese, 5-6, 5-19 manual welding, 1-24 material toughness, 7-12 martensite, 5-14 melting rate, 1-24 metal transfer, 4-22, to 4-27 Miner’s Rule, 7-41 moisture, porosity, 9-24 molybdenum, 5-20 moment connections, 8-32 Index 3 N National Building Code (NBC), 2-27 nickel, 5-19 noibium, 5-20 nitrogen, 5-20 nondestructive testing, 1-24, 9-41 to 9-68 normalizing, 5-41 O oil pipeline system, 2-27 open circuit voltage, 1-24 overhead position welding, 1-24 overlap joint, 8-53 oxy-acetylene welding, 1-4 P panel zone, 8-34 partial penetration joint, 1-24, 8-16, 8-18 pearlite, 5-11 penetrameter, 1-24, 9-59 penetrant, liquid penetrant inspection, 1-25 pezoelectric crystal, 1-25 phase transformation, 5-6 pinch effect, 1-13 plain strain, 7-24, 7-25 plain stress, 7-24, 7-25 plasma arc welding, 1-5 plug weld, 8-17, 8-19 poisson effect, 7-24, 7-25 polarity, effect of, 1-14 porosity, weld, 1-25, 9-23 power boiler, 2-29 preheat, 5-28 prequalified joint details, 8-59, 8-60 pressure vessel (ASME), 2-28 prod method (MPI), 1-25, 9-52 procedure qualification record, 1-25Q Q, shape factor of crack, 7-26 qualification of welders and welding operators, 2-12 qualification, welding, 2-29 quenching, 5-41 R resistance welding, 1-4 radiography sensitivity, 1-25 radiographic technique, 1-25 radiography (RT), 1-25, 9-55 radioisotope, 1-25 residual stress, 6-1, 6-8 transverse residual stress, 6-9 longitudinal residual stress, 6-9 residual stress in plate, 6-12, 6-13 residual stress in built-up column, 6-14, 6-15 residual stress in rolled I-shape, 6-16 root, weld joint, 1-25 root edge, 1-25 root face, 1-25 root opening, 1-25 Index 4 S SAE, 5-47 semi-automatic welding, 1-26 shear resistance, 8-15 shear wave, 1-26 shielded metal arc welding, 4-4 shielding gas, 1-26, 4-31 silicon, 5-6, 5-19 size of weld, 1-27 slag, 1-27 slag inclusion, 9-26 slot weld, 8-17, 8-19 S-N diagram (fatigue), 7-31 solidification cracking, 5-32, 9-33 steel, 5-5 steel, classification of, 5-47 to 5-54 steel, fine grain, 7-14 strain rate, effect of, 7-21 stress concentration, 7-16, 7-17 stress range, 7-29 to 7-37 stress relieving, 5-41 submerged arc welding, 4-51 to 4-63 multiple electrode, 4-55 wires and fluxes, 4-56 welding procedures, 4-62 surfacing, weld, 1-28 symbols, welding, 3-23 to 3-68 T tempering, 5-41 thermit welding, 1-5 thermal expansion, coefficient of, 6-6 toughness, 1-28 transition curve, 1-28 transition temperature, 1-28, 7-8, 7-9 transition behaviour, 7-20 travel angle, 1-28 TTW (tip to work distance), 4-42 tungsten inclusion, 9-28U ultimate tensile strength, 1-28 ultrasonic inspection, 9-63 undercut, weld, 1-28 V Vickers (hardness), 5-14, 5-15 vanadium, 5-20 visual welding inspection, 9-41 volt-ampere curve, 1-28 W weld bead, 1-28 weld, basic types of, 3-7 weld cooling rate, 5-25 weld cost estimating, 10-1 weldability of metals, 2-11, 5-24, 7-14 welding design, 8-1 weld heat, 5-27 welding of hollow structural sections, 8-47 to 8-51 welding inspection, 9-41 welding inspector, 1-29 welding metallurgy, 5-1 weld pool, 1-29 welding procedure, 1-29 welding procedure specification, 2-12 welding processes, 2-13, 2-17 weld profiles, incorrect, 9-11, to 9-21 welding qualification, 2-29 weld root, 1-29 welding symbols, 3-23 to 3-68 wetting, weld metal to base metal, 1-29 wire feed speed, 1-29 X X-ray, radiography, 9-55 Y yield point, 1-30 yield strength, 1-30 yoke (magnetic particle inspection), 1-30, 9-52 Index 5Index 6Additional Resources Welding Health and Safety CWB/Gooderham Centre - Module 1, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. CAN/CSA - W117.2. Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, ON, Canada, M9W 1R3. Page 12 of this standard lists other CSA standards relevant to safety in welding. CAN/CSA-Z94.2. Hearing Protectors, Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, ON, Canada, M9W 1R3. ANSI/ASC Z49.1-94. Safety in Welding and Cutting, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33135, U.S.A. ANSI/AWS F4.1. Recommended Safe Practices for the Preparation for Welding and Cutting of Containers That Have Held Hazardous Substances, (AWS publishes a Safety and Health Information Packet that includes these two standards). Structure and Properties of Metals CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 8, 20, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1 Physical Metallurgy Principles, Reed-Hill, R.E., D.Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Welding Handbook, Eighth Edition, Vol 1, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Metals Handbook, Tenth Edition, Vol. 6, American Society for Metals. Welding Metallurgy CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 8, 9, 12, 20-23, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. Linnert, G.E., Welding Metallurgy of Carbon and Alloy Steels, Volumes 1 and 2 (1965 and 1967), American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Stout, R.D., Weldability of Steels, 1987. American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.Lancaster, J.F., Metallurgy of Welding, 1980, George Allen and Unwin, London. AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Welding Handbook, Eighth Edition, Volume 4, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Welding Design CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 30-39, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. Canadian Standards Association, CAN/CSA S16-01, Steel Structures for Building (Limit States Design), Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, ON, Canada M9W 1R3 Handbook of Steel Construction, Latest Edition, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Toronto. Haung, J.S., Chen, W.F., and Beedle, L.S., Behaviour and Design of Steel Beam-to-Column Moment Connections, Welding Research Council Bulletin 188, October 1973. Blodgett, O.W., Design of Welded Structures, The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1966. Salmon, C.G., and Johnson, J.E., Steel Structures - Design and Behaviour, Harper & Row, New York, NY, 1980. Kennedy, D.J.L., and Kriviak, Strength of Fillet Welds under Longitudinal and Transverse Shear - A Paradox, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, Mar. 1985. Kulak, G.L., Adams, P.F., and Gilmore, M.I., Limit States Design in Structural Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Toronto, Sept. 1985. Manual of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design, Vol. II Connections, Seventh Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction. Gaylord and Gaylord, Design of Steel Structures, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1991. Enaelhardt, M.D., Design of Reduced Beam Section Moment Connections, North American Steel Construction Conference Proceedings, AISC, 1999. Seismic Design Provisions, Uniform Building Code (UBC), U.S.A.ComitJ International pour le Developpement et l’Etude de la Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT), The Strength and Behaviour of Statically Loaded Welded Connections in Structural Hollow Sections, British Steel Corporation, Tubes Division, Technical Centre, Corby, Northants, N17 IUA, Great Britain. Packer, J.A., Design Examples for HSS Trusses, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 13, Number 4, August 1986, pp 460. Packer, J.A., and Henderson, J.E., Hollow Structural Section - Connections and Trusses, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, 201 Consumers Rd., Willowdale, ON Canada, M2J 4G8. Fracture and Fatigue Application CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 35-38, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. Principles of Structural Integrity Technology, Pellini, W., Item ADA-391 PTG., 1976, National Technical Information Service, US Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA, 22161, U.S.A. Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures - Applications of Fracture Mechanics, Rolfe, S.T., and Barsom, J.M., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977. State of Art in CTOD Testing and Analysis, Harrison, J.D., (3 parts) Metal Construction, Vol. 12, 1980; (9) Sept. pp 415-422; (10) Oct. pp 524-529; (11) Nov. pp 600-605. Brittle Fracture of Welded Plate, Hall, W.J., Kihara, H., Soete, W., and Wells, A.A., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1967. Guidelines for Fracture-Safe and Fatigue-Reliable Design of Welded Structures, Pellini, W., The Welding Institute, Cambridge, England, 1983. Fatigue and Fracture in Steel Bridges, J.W., Fisher, Wiley, NY 1984. Fatigue of Welded Structures, T.R. Gurney, 2nd Edition (1979), Cambridge University Press. A Fatigue Primer for Structural Engineers, J.W., Fisher, G.L. Kulak, Ian F.C. Smith, ATLSS Report, No. 97-11.A accessibility for welding, 8-6 AISI, 5-47 allowable stress design (ASD), 2-16, 8-7 alloy elements in steel, 5-19, 4-4 angle of bevel, 1-17 annealing, 5-41 anode drop zone, 1-10 API, 2-9 arc blow, 1-17 arc efficiency, 5-27 arc force, 1-17 arc plasma, 1-17 arc radiation, 1-16 arc voltage, 1-17 arc welding, 1-4 ASME, 2-9, 2-28 ASTM, 2-17, 2-22 autogenous weld, 1-17 AWS A5 Specification, 2-31 AWS D1.1, 2-3, 2-30, 2-32 B back gouge, 1-18 backing ring, 1-18 backing strip, 1-18 backing weld, 1-18 bare electrode, 1-18 barium titanate, 1-18 base metal, 1-18 beam angle, 1-18 bevel angle, 1-18 BHN, 1-18 body-centered cubic (BCC), 5-4, 5-7, 5-9, 5-13 boron, 5-20 brittle fracture, 7-5, 7-6 built-up column, 8-35 butt joint, 1-18 Index 1 C carbon, 5-6, 5-19 carbon equivalent (C.E.), 7-15 case hardening, 5-41 cast iron, 5-5 cementite, spheroidized, 5-18 CGSB certification, 2-25 Charpy V-notch testing, 7-10 chromium, 5-19 CIDECT recommendations, 8-51 CJPG welds, 8-16, 8-18, 8-58 cleavage fracture, 7-7 cobolt 60 (Co60), 1-18, 9-57 cold crack, 1-19 cold work, 5-45 D deposition rate, 1-19 deposition efficiency, 1-20 depth of fusion, 1-20 destructive testing, 1-20 developer, 1-20 direct current electrode negative (DCEN), 1-20 direct current electrode positive (DCEP), 1-20 distortion, 6-1, 9-8 bonding distortion, 6-21 angular distortion, 6-20 caused by flame cutting, 6-22, 6-23 caused by welding, 6-23 to 6-34 correction of distortion, 6-45 to 6-50 drag angle, 1-20 ductile fracture, 7-6 ductility, 7-4 duty cycle, 1-20 dwell time, 1-20 Welding for Design Engineers IndexE effective throat, 1-20 electrical shock, 1-16 electrodes, classification of (SMAW), 4-9 electrode (wires) for gas metal arc welding, 4-37 electrodes (wires) for flux cored carc welding, 4-44 electrode extension, 1-21 electrode extension, effect of, 1-15, 1-20 electrogas welding, 1-5 electron beam welding, 1-5 electroslag welding, 1-5 essential variables, 1-21 F face-centered cubic (FCC), 5-7, 5-9, 5-13 fatigue, 1-21 fatigue cracks, 7-28 fatigue failure, 1-21 fatigue fracture, 7-28 fatigue life of weldments, 7-45 fatigue strength, 1-21, 7-28 to 7-45 fatigue striation (fracture surface), 7-28 ferrous alloy, 1-21 filler metal, 1-21 fillet size, minimum, 8-26 fillet weld groups, 8-21 to 8-25 fillet weld strength, 8-20 fire hazards, 1-16 flat position welding, 1-21 flame hardening, 5-41 flame straightening, 6-46 to 6-50 flux, active, 1-17 fluxes for submerged arc welding, 4-56 flux cored arc welding, 4-39 to 4-50 fracture and fatigue, 7-1 fracture of ships, 7-11 fracture mechanics, 7-23 to 7-28 fumes, welding, 1-16 Index 2 G gamma rays, 1-22 gap joint, 8-52 to 8-54 gas inclusions, 9-22 gas metal arc welding, 4-16 to 4-38 gas pipeline system, 2-27 gouge to sound metal (GTSM), 1-22 grain boundaries, 5-10 grain size effect on fracture, 7-8 groove angle, 1-22 groove radius, 1-22 groove weld, 3-5, 3-9 to 3-11 gusset plate connection, truss, 8-28, 8-30 H hardenability, 5-43 hardening curves, 5-15, 5-16 hardness, 1-22, 5-21 heat affected zone, 1-22, 5-22, 5-24, 5-25 heat input, 5-28 heat treatment, 1-22, 5-17, 5-40, 5-45 health and safety, welding, 1-16 horizontal position, welding, 1-22 hexagonal-closed packed (HCP), 5-7 hydrogen cracking, 5-35, 9-34 hydrogen in weld metal, 1-16 I incomplete fusion, 1-23, 9-29 incomplete penetration, 9-32 inert gas, 1-23 inspection cycle, 1-23 inservice inspection, 2-30 inspection, welding, 9-1 ionizing radiation, 1-23 iradium 192 (Ir 192), 1-23, 9-57 iron, 5-6 iron-iron carbide phase diagrams, 5-8 ISO Standards, 2-33J joint build-up sequence, 1-23 joint design, 1-23 joint (butt, corner, tee, lap, edge), 3-6 joint, definition, 3-5 joint edge preparation, 3-19 to 3-22 joint penetration, 1-23 joints, prequalified, 3-12 joints, types of basic, 3-5 K K, stress intensity factor, 7-26 KI, stress intensity factor, mode I, 7-26 L laser welding, 1-5 layer, weld, 1-23 limit states design (LSD), 2-16, 8-12 liquid penetrant inspection, 9-50 load combinations, 8-13 load factors, 8-13 longitudinal wave, ultrasonic inspection, 1-24, 9-63 M magnetic field, 1-11, 1-12 magnetic particle inspection, 9-52 manganese, 5-6, 5-19 manual welding, 1-24 material toughness, 7-12 martensite, 5-14 melting rate, 1-24 metal transfer, 4-22, to 4-27 Miner’s Rule, 7-41 moisture, porosity, 9-24 molybdenum, 5-20 moment connections, 8-32 Index 3 N National Building Code (NBC), 2-27 nickel, 5-19 noibium, 5-20 nitrogen, 5-20 nondestructive testing, 1-24, 9-41 to 9-68 normalizing, 5-41 O oil pipeline system, 2-27 open circuit voltage, 1-24 overhead position welding, 1-24 overlap joint, 8-53 oxy-acetylene welding, 1-4 P panel zone, 8-34 partial penetration joint, 1-24, 8-16, 8-18 pearlite, 5-11 penetrameter, 1-24, 9-59 penetrant, liquid penetrant inspection, 1-25 pezoelectric crystal, 1-25 phase transformation, 5-6 pinch effect, 1-13 plain strain, 7-24, 7-25 plain stress, 7-24, 7-25 plasma arc welding, 1-5 plug weld, 8-17, 8-19 poisson effect, 7-24, 7-25 polarity, effect of, 1-14 porosity, weld, 1-25, 9-23 power boiler, 2-29 preheat, 5-28 prequalified joint details, 8-59, 8-60 pressure vessel (ASME), 2-28 prod method (MPI), 1-25, 9-52 procedure qualification record, 1-25Q Q, shape factor of crack, 7-26 qualification of welders and welding operators, 2-12 qualification, welding, 2-29 quenching, 5-41 R resistance welding, 1-4 radiography sensitivity, 1-25 radiographic technique, 1-25 radiography (RT), 1-25, 9-55 radioisotope, 1-25 residual stress, 6-1, 6-8 transverse residual stress, 6-9 longitudinal residual stress, 6-9 residual stress in plate, 6-12, 6-13 residual stress in built-up column, 6-14, 6-15 residual stress in rolled I-shape, 6-16 root, weld joint, 1-25 root edge, 1-25 root face, 1-25 root opening, 1-25 Index 4 S SAE, 5-47 semi-automatic welding, 1-26 shear resistance, 8-15 shear wave, 1-26 shielded metal arc welding, 4-4 shielding gas, 1-26, 4-31 silicon, 5-6, 5-19 size of weld, 1-27 slag, 1-27 slag inclusion, 9-26 slot weld, 8-17, 8-19 S-N diagram (fatigue), 7-31 solidification cracking, 5-32, 9-33 steel, 5-5 steel, classification of, 5-47 to 5-54 steel, fine grain, 7-14 strain rate, effect of, 7-21 stress concentration, 7-16, 7-17 stress range, 7-29 to 7-37 stress relieving, 5-41 submerged arc welding, 4-51 to 4-63 multiple electrode, 4-55 wires and fluxes, 4-56 welding procedures, 4-62 surfacing, weld, 1-28 symbols, welding, 3-23 to 3-68 T tempering, 5-41 thermit welding, 1-5 thermal expansion, coefficient of, 6-6 toughness, 1-28 transition curve, 1-28 transition temperature, 1-28, 7-8, 7-9 transition behaviour, 7-20 travel angle, 1-28 TTW (tip to work distance), 4-42 tungsten inclusion, 9-28U ultimate tensile strength, 1-28 ultrasonic inspection, 9-63 undercut, weld, 1-28 V Vickers (hardness), 5-14, 5-15 vanadium, 5-20 visual welding inspection, 9-41 volt-ampere curve, 1-28 W weld bead, 1-28 weld, basic types of, 3-7 weld cooling rate, 5-25 weld cost estimating, 10-1 weldability of metals, 2-11, 5-24, 7-14 welding design, 8-1 weld heat, 5-27 welding of hollow structural sections, 8-47 to 8-51 welding inspection, 9-41 welding inspector, 1-29 welding metallurgy, 5-1 weld pool, 1-29 welding procedure, 1-29 welding procedure specification, 2-12 welding processes, 2-13, 2-17 weld profiles, incorrect, 9-11, to 9-21 welding qualification, 2-29 weld root, 1-29 welding symbols, 3-23 to 3-68 wetting, weld metal to base metal, 1-29 wire feed speed, 1-29 X X-ray, radiography, 9-55 Y yield point, 1-30 yield strength, 1-30 yoke (magnetic particle inspection), 1-30, 9-52 Index 5Index 6Additional Resources Welding Health and Safety CWB/Gooderham Centre - Module 1, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. CAN/CSA - W117.2. Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, ON, Canada, M9W 1R3. Page 12 of this standard lists other CSA standards relevant to safety in welding. CAN/CSA-Z94.2. Hearing Protectors, Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, ON, Canada, M9W 1R3. ANSI/ASC Z49.1-94. Safety in Welding and Cutting, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33135, U.S.A. ANSI/AWS F4.1. Recommended Safe Practices for the Preparation for Welding and Cutting of Containers That Have Held Hazardous Substances, (AWS publishes a Safety and Health Information Packet that includes these two standards). Structure and Properties of Metals CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 8, 20, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1 Physical Metallurgy Principles, Reed-Hill, R.E., D.Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Welding Handbook, Eighth Edition, Vol 1, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Metals Handbook, Tenth Edition, Vol. 6, American Society for Metals. Welding Metallurgy CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 8, 9, 12, 20-23, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. Linnert, G.E., Welding Metallurgy of Carbon and Alloy Steels, Volumes 1 and 2 (1965 and 1967), American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Stout, R.D., Weldability of Steels, 1987. American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.Lancaster, J.F., Metallurgy of Welding, 1980, George Allen and Unwin, London. AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Welding Handbook, Eighth Edition, Volume 4, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. Welding Design CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 30-39, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. Canadian Standards Association, CAN/CSA S16-01, Steel Structures for Building (Limit States Design), Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale, ON, Canada M9W 1R3 Handbook of Steel Construction, Latest Edition, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Toronto. Haung, J.S., Chen, W.F., and Beedle, L.S., Behaviour and Design of Steel Beam-to-Column Moment Connections, Welding Research Council Bulletin 188, October 1973. Blodgett, O.W., Design of Welded Structures, The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1966. Salmon, C.G., and Johnson, J.E., Steel Structures - Design and Behaviour, Harper & Row, New York, NY, 1980. Kennedy, D.J.L., and Kriviak, Strength of Fillet Welds under Longitudinal and Transverse Shear - A Paradox, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, Mar. 1985. Kulak, G.L., Adams, P.F., and Gilmore, M.I., Limit States Design in Structural Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Toronto, Sept. 1985. Manual of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design, Vol. II Connections, Seventh Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction. Gaylord and Gaylord, Design of Steel Structures, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1991. Enaelhardt, M.D., Design of Reduced Beam Section Moment Connections, North American Steel Construction Conference Proceedings, AISC, 1999. Seismic Design Provisions, Uniform Building Code (UBC), U.S.A.ComitJ International pour le Developpement et l’Etude de la Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT), The Strength and Behaviour of Statically Loaded Welded Connections in Structural Hollow Sections, British Steel Corporation, Tubes Division, Technical Centre, Corby, Northants, N17 IUA, Great Britain. Packer, J.A., Design Examples for HSS Trusses, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 13, Number 4, August 1986, pp 460. Packer, J.A., and Henderson, J.E., Hollow Structural Section - Connections and Trusses, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, 201 Consumers Rd., Willowdale, ON Canada, M2J 4G8. Fracture and Fatigue Application CWB/Gooderham Centre - Modules 35-38, Canadian Welding Bureau, 7250 West Credit Ave., Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5N 5N1. Principles of Structural Integrity Technology, Pellini, W., Item ADA-391 PTG., 1976, National Technical Information Service, US Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA, 22161, U.S.A. Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures - Applications of Fracture Mechanics, Rolfe, S.T., and Barsom, J.M., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977. State of Art in CTOD Testing and Analysis, Harrison, J.D., (3 parts) Metal Construction, Vol. 12, 1980; (9) Sept. pp 415-422; (10) Oct. pp 524-529; (11) Nov. pp 600-605. Brittle Fracture of Welded Plate, Hall, W.J., Kihara, H., Soete, W., and Wells, A.A., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1967. Guidelines for Fracture-Safe and Fatigue-Reliable Design of Welded Structures, Pellini, W., The Welding Institute, Cambridge, England, 1983. Fatigue and Fracture in Steel Bridges, J.W., Fisher, Wiley, NY 1984. Fatigue of Welded Structures, T.R. Gurney, 2nd Edition (1979), Cambridge University Press. A Fatigue Primer for Structural Engineers, J.W., Fisher, G.L. Kulak, Ian F.C. Smith, ATLSS Report, No. 97-11.
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