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| موضوع: كتاب Welding Metallurgy - Second Edition الأحد 15 ديسمبر 2024, 2:02 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Welding Metallurgy - Second Edition Sindo Kou Professor and Chair Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Wisconsin
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Preface xiii I INTRODUCTION 1 1 Fusion Welding Processes 3 1.1 Overview 3 1.2 Oxyacetylene Welding 7 1.3 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 11 1.4 Gas–Tungsten Arc Welding 13 1.5 Plasma Arc Welding 16 1.6 Gas–Metal Arc Welding 19 1.7 Flux-Core Arc Welding 22 1.8 Submerged Arc Welding 22 1.9 Electroslag Welding 24 1.10 Electron Beam Welding 27 1.11 Laser Beam Welding 29 References 33 Further Reading 34 Problems 34 2 Heat Flow in Welding 37 2.1 Heat Source 37 2.2 Analysis of Heat Flow in Welding 47 2.3 Effect of Welding Parameters 53 2.4 Weld Thermal Simulator 58 References 60 Further Reading 62 Problems 62 3 Chemical Reactions in Welding 65 3.1 Overview 65 3.2 Gas–Metal Reactions 68 3.3 Slag–Metal Reactions 82 References 92 viiFurther Reading 95 Problems 95 4 Fluid Flow and Metal Evaporation in Welding 97 4.1 Fluid Flow in Arcs 97 4.2 Fluid Flow in Weld Pools 103 4.3 Metal Evaporation 114 4.4 Active Flux GTAW 116 References 117 Further Reading 119 Problems 120 5 Residual Stresses, Distortion, and Fatigue 122 5.1 Residual Stresses 122 5.2 Distortion 126 5.3 Fatigue 131 5.4 Case Studies 137 References 140 Further Reading 141 Problems 141 II THE FUSION ZONE 143 6 Basic Solidification Concepts 145 6.1 Solute Redistribution during Solidification 145 6.2 Solidification Modes and Constitutional Supercooling 155 6.3 Microsegregation and Banding 160 6.4 Effect of Cooling Rate 163 6.5 Solidification Path 166 References 167 Further Reading 168 Problems 169 7 Weld Metal Solidification I: Grain Structure 170 7.1 Epitaxial Growth at Fusion Boundary 170 7.2 Nonepitaxial Growth at Fusion Boundary 172 7.3 Competitive Growth in Bulk Fusion Zone 174 7.4 Effect of Welding Parameters on Grain Structure 174 7.5 Weld Metal Nucleation Mechanisms 178 7.6 Grain Structure Control 187 viii CONTENTSReferences 195 Further Reading 197 Problems 197 8 Weld Metal Solidification II: Microstructure within Grains 199 8.1 Solidification Modes 199 8.2 Dendrite and Cell Spacing 204 8.3 Effect of Welding Parameters 206 8.4 Refining Microstructure within Grains 209 References 213 Further Reading 213 Problems 214 9 Post-Solidification Phase Transformations 216 9.1 Ferrite-to-Austenite Transformation in Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds 216 9.2 Austenite-to-Ferrite Transformation in Low-Carbon, Low-Alloy Steel Welds 232 References 239 Further Reading 241 Problems 241 10 Weld Metal Chemical Inhomogeneities 243 10.1 Microsegregation 243 10.2 Banding 249 10.3 Inclusions and Gas Porosity 250 10.4 Inhomogeneities Near Fusion Boundary 252 10.5 Macrosegregation in Bulk Weld Metal 255 References 260 Further Reading 261 Problems 261 11 Weld Metal Solidification Cracking 263 11.1 Characteristics, Cause, and Testing 263 11.2 Metallurgical Factors 268 11.3 Mechanical Factors 284 11.4 Reducing Solidification Cracking 285 11.5 Case Study: Failure of a Large Exhaust Fan 295 References 296 Further Reading 299 Problems 299 CONTENTS ixIII THE PARTIALLY MELTED ZONE 301 12 Formation of the Partially Melted Zone 303 12.1 Evidence of Liquation 303 12.2 Liquation Mechanisms 304 12.3 Directional Solidification of Liquated Material 314 12.4 Grain Boundary Segregation 314 12.5 Grain Boundary Solidification Modes 316 12.6 Partially Melted Zone in Cast Irons 318 References 318 Problems 319 13 Difficulties Associated with the Partially Melted Zone 321 13.1 Liquation Cracking 321 13.2 Loss of Strength and Ductility 328 13.3 Hydrogen Cracking 328 13.4 Remedies 330 References 336 Problems 338 IV THE HEAT-AFFECTED ZONE 341 14 Work-Hardened Materials 343 14.1 Background 343 14.2 Recrystallization and Grain Growth in Welding 347 14.3 Effect of Welding Parameters and Process 349 References 351 Further Reading 352 Problems 352 15 Precipitation-Hardening Materials I: Aluminum Alloys 353 15.1 Background 353 15.2 Al–Cu–Mg and Al–Mg–Si Alloys 359 15.3 Al–Zn–Mg Alloys 367 15.4 Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys 370 References 371 Further Reading 372 Problems 372 16 Precipitation-Hardening Materials II: Nickel-Base Alloys 375 16.1 Background 375 x CONTENTS16.2 Reversion of Precipitate and Loss of Strength 379 16.3 Postweld Heat Treatment Cracking 384 References 390 Further Reading 392 Problems 392 17 Transformation-Hardening Materials: Carbon and Alloy Steels 393 17.1 Phase Diagram and CCT Diagrams 393 17.2 Carbon Steels 396 17.3 Low-Alloy Steels 404 17.4 Hydrogen Cracking 410 17.5 Reheat Cracking 418 17.6 Lamellar Tearing 422 17.7 Case Studies 425 References 427 Further Reading 429 Problems 430 18 Corrosion-Resistant Materials: Stainless Steels 431 18.1 Classification of Stainless Steels 431 18.2 Austenitic Stainless Steels 433 18.3 Ferritic Stainless Steels 446 18.4 Martensitic Stainless Steels 449 18.5 Case Study: Failure of a Pipe 451 References 452 Further Reading 453 Problems 454 Index 455 CONTENTS xi INDEX Acicular ferrite, 66, 74, 88, 90, 233–239, 405 Alternating grain orientation, 291 Aluminum alloys, Al-Li alloys, 80, 95, 188, 195, 354, 371, 374 designation, 355 filler metals, 183, 202, 251, 255, 285, 286, 291, 300, 303, 326, 328, 330, 332, 338, 339, 360, 362, 374 heat treatable, 353, 355, 359, 365–366, 369, 379 heat-affected zone softening, 352, 354, 373 partially melted zone cracking, 321, 334 partially melted zone liquation, 303–317, 330 porosity, 66, 80, 81, 95, 251, 259, 262, 353–354, 394 solidification cracking, 271, 273, 278, 281, 284–286, 288, 291, 294, 299, 300, 322, 330 typical welding problems, 354 Angular distortion, 5 Annealing, 343, 345, 346, 349, 369, 373, 374, 388, 408, 442, 447 Arc, blow, 23, 34 efficiency, 37–41, 43, 46, 56, 63, 64, 319, 352, 373 fluid flow, 99–102 length, 113 oscillation, 188, 192–195, 210–212, 291–293, 300, 332, 338, 354 pulsation, 188, 193, 213, 300 stabilizers, 12 vibration, 192 Arc welding processes, electroslag welding, 3, 6, 7, 24–27, 56, 393, 394, 406 flux-cored arc welding, 3, 6, 7, 22, 23, 36, 73, 79, 86, 88, 91 gas metal arc welding, 6, 19, 20, 32, 79 gas tungsten arc welding, 6, 13, 18, 28, 56, 67, 78 plasma arc welding, 3, 6, 17–19, 40, 42, 74, 80, 81, 354, 366 shielded metal arc welding, 3, 6, 11, 12, 66, 67, 75, 76 submerged arc welding, 3, 6, 22, 24, 90, 189, 238, 295 Argon, 14–16, 19, 31, 32, 70, 73, 193, 237 Artificial aging, Al alloys, 353, 357, 359, 360, 363–367, 373 Ni-base alloys, 375, 376, 380 Austenite, high-carbon, 401 retained, 399 stainless steel, 174 Autogenous welding, 16, 170, 285 Auto-tempered martensite, 406 Axial grains, 176, 178 Banding, 160, 163, 249–251 Basicity index, 85–89, 238 Bead shape, 294, 295 Bead tempering, 407, 408, 416 Bessel function, 50 Boundary layer, 153 Buoyancy force, 104, 107 Buttering, 289 Carbide-forming elements, 394 Carbide precipitation, in austenitic stainless steels, 435–437, 440–444, 446 in ferritic steel, 421, 422 in Ni-base alloys, 378 Carbon equivalent, 394, 416, 417 Cell spacing, 165, 204–209, 213, 327 (see also dendrite arm spacing) Cellular solidification, 156, 160 Circular patch test, 323, 330, 386 Coarsening, 165 Columnar dendrites, 156, 157, 159 Competitive growth, 174, 176, 204 Convection (see weld pool convection and arc fluid flow) Constitution diagrams, 223–226 Constitutional liquation, 306, 309–311, 330, 333 Constitutional supercooling, 156–160, 186, 187, 199, 200, 247, 318 Contact angle, 170, 171 Continuous cooling transformation diagrams, 232, 236, 393, 402, 404, 406, 407 Contraction stresses, 284, 424 Cooling rate, 164, 204, 207, 212, 226–231, 249, 268, 274, 278, 291, 318, 325, 350, 351, 360, 398, 402–407, 425, 432, 437, 441, 442, 448 Crack susceptibility C-curves, Ni-base alloys, 387–390 ferritic steels, 422 Cracking, cold, 411, 423 delayed, 411 hot, 321, 353, 354, 376, 379, 384, 432 hydrogen, 12, 66, 75, 255, 294, 321, 328, 329, 393, 402, 406–408, 410–418, 428, 432 (see hydrogen cracking) fatigue, 135, 139 intergranular, 263, 328, 419, 422, 430 liquation, 324–327, 335, 336 reheat, 376, 385, 390, 394, 418–422, 430 (see reheat cracking) solidification, 66, 71, 170, 188, 192, 195, 212, 216, 243, 259, 263–300, 322, 330, 338, 392, 432 (see solidification cracking) strain-age, 384, 385, 392 stress corrosion, 125, 255, 445, 446 toe, 135, 136, 413 underbead, 412, 413, 425, 426, 450 (see also lamellar tearing) Critical transformation temperatures, 393, 394, 398 Current density distribution, 99, 101–103 Degree of restraint, 284, 332 DeLong diagram, 224 Dendrite arm spacing, 164, 165, 204–213, 274 Dendrite fragmentation, 180, 181, 189, 192 Dendritic solidification, 156, 159 Dendrite tip undercooling, 230, 248 Deoxidizer, 12, 66, 394 Deposition rate, 26 Diffusion of hydrogen, 76, 411, 412 Dihedral angle, 281, 282 Dilution ratio, 257, 285, 286, 288, 289, 330 Direct-current electrode positive, 15, 16, 19, 23 Direct-current electrode negative, 14, 17, 19, 259 Directional solidification, 147, 314 Dissimilar metal welds, 29, 33, 223, 252, 255, 257, 259 Distortion in weldments, 4, 11, 24, 25, 29, 32, 126–130, 294, 367, 389, 439 Ductile-brittle transition temperature, 406 Ductility curve, 277 Easy-growth directions, 175 Electrodes, 408, 423, 424 bias, 27 flux-core arc welding, 22–24 gas-metal arc welding, 19, 21–22, 41–43, 53, 65, 80 gas-tungsten arc welding, 15, 16, 41–43, 104 high hydrogen, 415 low carbon, 288 low hydrogen, 394, 402, 407, 409, 415, 432 plasma arc welding, 17, 18, 74 submerged arc welding, 66, 91, 92 shielded metal arc welding, 75, 76, 78, 84, 295, 296, 401, 417 tip angle, 45–47, 97–100, 102 Electrode coverings, 11–13, 22, 66, 75, 78, 84, 415 Electromagnetic pool stirring, 191 Electron beam welding, 3, 5, 6, 27–29, 43, 173, 207, 208, 227, 229, 279, 295, 332, 351, 354 Electroslag welding, 3, 6, 7, 24–27, 56, 394, 406 Epitaxial growth, 170–174, 184, 203 (see also nonepitaxial growth) Equiaxed dendrites, 157 (see also nondendritic equiaxed zone) Equiaxed grains, 181–186, 191, 193 Equilibrium partition ratio or equilibrium segregation ratio, 145, 146INDEX 457 Evaporation from weld pool, 28, 82, 91, 114, 115, 117 Fatigue, 131–140 beach marks, 132 extrusions, 131 intrusions, 131 joint design, 133 stress raisers, 134, 135 remedies, 135–137 Ferrite, acicular, 66, 74, 88, 90, 233–239, 405 delta (d), 174, 216–223, 231, 232, 244–247, 279–281, 291, 295, 296, 431, 448, 449 grain boundary, 232, 233, 237, 239 side-plate, 233, 239, 398 Widmanstatten, 232, 233, 398 Ferrite content, effect of cooling rate, 226–231 effect of multipass welding, 259 effect of nitrogen, 66, 71, 224 effect of reheating, 231 example of calculation, 290 prediction, 223–226 solidification cracking, 279, 289, 291 Ferrite morphology, 218–221, 259 Fluid flow (see weld pool convection and arc fluid flow) Flux core arc welding, 3, 6, 7, 22, 23, 36, 73, 79, 86, 88, 91 Fluxes, 22, 23, 67, 82–88, 90, 91, 94, 97, 116, 117 FNN-1999, 226 Free energy of nucleation, 170 Free energy of reactions, 68 Freezing range or solidification temperature range, 158, 159, 268–271 Friction stir welding, 370 Gas metal arc welding, 6, 19, 20, 32, 79 Gas-metal reactions, 68–82 hydrogen-metal, 68, 75 nitrogen-metal, 68, 71 oxygen-metal, 68, 73 Sievert’s law, 68 Gas tungsten arc welding, 6, 13, 18, 28, 56, 67, 78 active flux, 116, 117 Gas welding, 3, 6, 7–11, 74 Gaussian distribution, 47, 57, 100, 101 Ghost grain boundary, 310, 311 Gleeble (thermal simulator), 58, 59, 184, 323, 419, 421 GP zone, 354–364 Grain boundary ferrite, 232, 233, 237, 239 Grain boundary liquid, 282 Grain boundary liquation, 303, 309, 313, 321, 325, 327, 332, 336 Grain boundary migration, 310, 314 Grain boundary segregation, 315, 316 Grain detachment, 180, 181 Grain growth, 236, 310, 343–352, 394–396, 405, 432, 448, 449 Grain growth inhibitors, 405 Grain refining, in fusion zone, 170, 180, 187–193, 197, 291, 292, 394, 398, 402, 407 in heat-affected zone, 394, 397–399, 402, 403, 407 Grain size, 60, 189, 192, 235–239, 283, 333–335, 349, 398, 402, 405, 448 Grain structure, 170–195 effect of welding parameters, 174 control of, 187, 291 Growth rate, 166, 200, 201 Heat-affected zone softening, Al alloys, 354, 373 Low alloy steels, 410 Ni-base alloys, 381–383 work-hardened materials, 343–351 Heat flow, 37–60 Adams equations, 51, 52 computer simulation, 54, 58 cooling rate, 55, 57 effect of preheating, 57 effect of welding parameters, 53 effect of weldment thickness, 57 Rosenthal’s equations, 48–51 Heat input, 4, 5, 41, 42, 332, 350, 351, 389 Heat source, efficiency, 37–43 power-density distribution, 45, 57, 58, 107 current-density distribution, 47 Heat treatable alloy steels, 407 Heat treatable aluminum alloys, 353–371 Al-Cu-Mg, 359 Al-Mg-Si, 359 Al-Zn-Mg, 367 Heat treating of steels, 395 Helium, 14–16, 19, 31, 32 Heiple’s model, 109458 INDEX Heterogeneous nucleation, 173, 180–199, 292 Heterogeneous nuclei, 181–184, 190, 234, 235 High-energy density welding processes, 3 electron beam welding, 27 laser beam welding, 29 Hot cracking in partially melted zone, 321–336 (see also liquation cracking) Hot ductility test, 323, 324 Houldcroft test, 264, 265 HY-80 steel, 207, 212, 255, 328, 329, 406 Hydrogen cracking, 12, 66, 75 in martensitic stainless steels, 432, 450 in steels, 255, 328–329, 402, 406–408, 410–418 methods of reduction, 415 requirements, 411 test methods, 414 Hydrogen level, effect on welds, 66 free energy of reaction, 68 solubility in weld pool, 70 measurement of, 76–78 methods of reduction, 78–82 Implant test, 414 Inclusions, 66, 250, 251 fatigue initiation, 131 fracture initiation, 88 lamellar tearing, 422, 423, 427 liquation, 307–309 nitride, 72 nucleation site for acicular ferrite, 74, 233–237 oxide, 73, 88–90, 237 tungsten, 16 Inoculation, 188–190 Intergranular corrosion, 433, 436, 440, 442, 444, 447 Intergranular cracking, hot cracking in partially melted zone or liquation cracking, 321–327 hydrogen cracking, 328 postweld heat-treatment cracking or reheat cracking, 385 reheat cracking, 418–422 solidification cracking, 263, 264 Interpass temperature, 57, 255, 256, 354, 369, 402, 405–409, 415, 416 Ionization potential, 15, 16 Iron nitride, 72 Isothermal precipitation curves, 436, 439 Isothermal transformation diagrams, 410 Joint design, 7, 8, 251 Keyhole, 4, 17, 18, 27, 28, 43, 74, 80, 81, 127, 354 Knife-line attack, 432, 440–444 Lamellar tearing, 394, 422–425, 427 Laser, CO2 laser, 30, 31 diode laser, 31 YAG laser, 30, 108 Laser assisted gas metal arc welding, 32 Laser beam welding, 3, 6, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 60, 110, 128, 366 Laves, 276, 310 Lehigh cantilever test, 424 Lehigh restraint test, 414, 415, Liquation, 303–336 constitutional, 306, 309–311, 319, 320, 330, 333 cracking, 321–327, 330–336 (see also hot cracking in partially melted zone) mechanisms, 304–314 temperature, 333 Liquidus surface, 217 Lorentz force, 104, 106, 107 Lorentz force field, 99, 101 Low hydrogen electrodes, 12, 75, 409 Macrosegregation, 255–259 Magnesium, 74, 115, 116 Magnetic field, 190 (see also arc oscillation) Manganese, 76, 84, 92, 116 Manganese/sulfur ratio, 288, 394 Maraging steel, 307, 309, 310 Marangoni convection, 109, 110 (see also weld pool convection) Martensite, auto-tempered, 406 formation temperature, 405, 411 high carbon, 399–401 microstructure, 400, 403, 426, 448, 450 tempering, 406, 449 Melting efficiency, 44INDEX 459 Mechanical properties effect of annealing, 345 effect of ferrite content, 238, 279 effect of grain size, 187–188 effect o flux composition, 84 effect of inclusions and porosity, 250 effect of liquation, 329 effect of nitrogen content, 72 effect of oxygen content, 75, 89 effect of oxygen/acetylene ratio, 74 effect of porosity, 81 Mercury method, 77 Metal transfer, 19, 21, 22, 74, 116, 326 short-circuiting, 21 globular, 21 spray, 21 Microsegregation, 160–163, 232, 243–249, 268, 333, 334, 399, 401 Mushy zone, 179–182, 187, 275 Natural aging, 353, 359–365, 367–370 Ni-base alloys, 310, 375–390 compositions, 376 constitutional liquation, 309, 310 heat-affected zone softening, 376, 381, 383 partially-melted zone cracking or liquation cracking, 335, 376 precipitation reaction, 376 reheat cracking, 376, 384–390 solidification cracking, 268–271, 273–276 typical welding problems, 376 Nitride formers, 66, 72, 405, 432 Nitrogen, 65–72, 224–226 Nondendritic equiaxed zone, 184, 185, 195 Nonepitaxial growth, 175 Nucleation in weld metal mechanisms, 178–187 acicular ferrite, 233–235 heterogeneous (see also heterogeneous nucleation) Nuclei (see heterogeneous nuclei) Oxyacetylene welding process, 3–11, 74 Oxygen/acetylene ratio, 74 Oxygen equivalence, 73 Oxygen equivalent, 237, 238 Oxygen level, 66–70, 73–76, 83, 87, 89, 91 effect of basicity index, 83, 87 effect on acicular ferrite, 235–238 effect on grain size, 236 effect of oxygen/acetylene ratio, 74 Partially grain refining, 396–403 Partially melted zone, 303–336 liquation cracking or hot cracking, 321–327 ductility loss, 328, 329, 354 hydrogen cracking, 328 liquation mechanism, 304–314 Partially mixed zone, 252 Phase diagrams, Al-Cu, 306, 356 Al-Mg-Si, 331 Fe-Cr-Ni, 217, 220, 227, 434 Fe-C, 281, 318, 395, 434 Fe-Cr, 434 Fe-Cr-C, 447, 449 Ni-base, 377 304 stainless steel, 437 Phosphorus, 280 Planar solidification, 156, 159, 160, 316 Plasma arc welding, 3, 6, 17–19, 40, 42, 74, 80, 81, 354, 366 Polarity, 14, 15, 17, 19, 74, 80, 81, 91, 92, 354, 366 Pool shape, 54, 55 Porosity, fatigue initiation, 131 in aluminum alloys, 66, 80, 81, 95, 252, 257, 259, 354 in copper, 82 in steel, 10, 28, 89, 90, 394 Post-solidification phase transformations, ferrite-austenite, 216–232 austenite-ferrite, 232–239 Postweld heat treating, Al alloys, 354, 363–370 effect on distortion, 130 steels, 79, 125, 127, 407–410, 416 Ni-base alloys, 384–386 stainless steels, 432, 439, 442, 450, 451 Postweld heat-treatment cracking, 384–390 (see also reheat cracking) Powder metallurgy, 257 Power density, 3, 4, 11, 27, 28, 45 (see also power density distribution) Power density distribution, 45–47, 57, 58, 101–103, 107 Precipitation hardening, 353, 358, 359, 375, 379, 405 Preheat, 56, 57, 125, 130, 255, 256, 294, 394, 402, 404, 405–410, 415–417460 INDEX Primary solidification phase, 166, 216–219, 230, 246, 279, 281, 291 Quenched and tempered steels, 127, 406–408 Reactive and refractory metals, 29 Recrystallization, 343–345, 347 Reheat cracking, ferritic steels, 394, 418–422 Ni-base alloys, 376, 384–390 test methods, 419–420 Reinforcement, 7, 132, 134, 136, 137 Residual stresses, 122–126, 132–136, 378, 384–388, 417, 422, 445, 446 Resistance spot welds, 309, 439 Reversion, 360–364, 381, 382 Rimmed steels, 28 Root cracks, 413 Schaeffler diagram, 223, 255 Scheil equation, 151, 245, 274 Self-shielded arc welding, 66, 67, 72 Sensitization, austenitic stainless steels, 433–440, 451, 452 effect of carbon content, 438, 439 ferritic stainless steels, 447 location in welds, 438 remedies, 439, 440 stabilized austenitic stainless steels, 441–444 Shear stress, 104 Shielded metal arc welding, 3, 6, 11, 12, 66, 67, 75, 76 Shielding gas, argon, 19, 40, 47, 65, 70, 120, 326 Ar-CO2, 237 Ar-H2, 77, 95, 250, 255 Ar-N2, 71, 223, 241 Ar-O2, 21–22, 237, 415 CO2, 21, 65, 73 flux-core arc welding, 23 He-10%Ar, 32 He, 20, 65, 117 hydrogen containing, 78, 79 laser beam welding, 31 nitrogen, 71 properties, 16 oxygen containing, 73, 237–239 Shot peening, 135, 136 Silicon, 76, 92 Slag inclusions, 251 Slag-metal reactions, 82–92 Solidification cracking, 263–296, 330 Al alloys, 271, 273, 277–287, 291–293 control of, 285–295 effect of bead shape, 294, 295 effect of composition, 272, 273, 285–291 effect of ductility of solidifying weld metal, 276–279 effect of grain boundary liquid, 271–276, 281–283 effect of grain structure, 283–284 effect of primary solidification phase, 279–281 effect of solidification temperature range, 268–271 stainless steels, 66, 71, 212, 216, 432 steels, 394, 432 test methods, 264–267, 322 theories, 263 Solidification modes, 155–156, 159, 199, 200, 202–206, 216, 316–317 Solidification paths, 166, 167, 271 Solidification temperature range, 268–271 (see also freezing range) Solidification time, 164 Solidus surface, 217 Solidus temperature, 331 Solute redistribution, 145–155, 162 Solution heat treating, 185, 312, 313, 353, 362 Split-anode method, 100 Stabilized austenitic stainless steels, 440–445 Stainless steels, 431–452 austenitic, 59, 172, 175, 178, 207, 208, 216–232, 244–246, 253–255, 267, 279–281, 336, 408, 417, 432–446, 451, 452 classification, 431, 432 duplex, 71 ferritic, 173, 175, 183, 184, 243, 268, 431, 446–449 martensitic, 244, 431, 432, 449–451 typical welding problems, 432 Steels, (see also stainless steels) alloy steels, 19, 21, 83–85, 88, 232–239, 252, 253, 258, 259, 268–269, 288, 394, 404–417, 425 carbon steels, 5, 6, 10, 21, 50, 90, 127, 134, 135, 175, 234, 255, 281, 288, 396–404INDEX 461 cast steels, 401 ferritic steels, 418–422 heat treatable steels, 407–410 maraging steels, 307, 309, 310 quenched and tempered alloy steels, 127, 406–408 rimmed steels, 28 typical welding problems, 394 Stick welding, (see also shielded-metal arc welding) Stress corrosion cracking, 125, 445, 446 Stress raisers, 134–136, 294, 413 Stress relief, 125, 126, 136, 140, 385, 389, 409, 442, 446 Subgrain structure, 212 Submerged arc welding, 3, 6, 22, 24, 189, 238 Sulfur, 108–114, 280 Surface-active agent, 108–112 Surface nucleation, 181, 185, 193 Surface tension, convection induced by, 104, 109, 110 (see also Maragoni convection) of grain boundary liquid, 281, 282 temperature dependence of, 104, 105, 108–113, 117 Temperature gradient, 166, 186, 201 Tempering bead technique, 408 Titanium, 67, 73 Thermal cycles, 52–56 Thermal expansion coefficients, 284, 325, 419, 420, 445 Thermal properties, 50 Thermal simulator (Gleeble), 58, 59, 184, 323, 419, 421 Toe crack, 135, 413 Toughness, 72, 75, 89, 238 Underbead crack, 412, 425, 426, 450 Undercut, 20, 134–135, 207 Unmixed zone, 254 Vapor pressure, 82, 91, 115, 116 Varestraint test, 266, 267, 270, 276, 278, 321, 330, 332–334 Vinckier test, 419–420 Weld decay, 432–440 (see also sensitization) Weld pool, evaporation, 114–116 electromagnetic stirring of, 188–192 shapes, 53–55, 112–114, 176 (see also weld pool convection) Weld pool convection, 103–114 driving forces, 104 effect on macrosegregation (weld pool mixing), 243, 255, 257, 259 effect on nucleation, 180, 185 effect on penetration, 107–114 laminar flow, 114, NaNO3, 109–111 turbulent flow, 114 Weld simulator, 58, 59 Welding positions, 9 Welding processes, 3, 6, 26, 66 (see also arc welding processes) Work-hardened materials, 343–354 WRC-1992 diagram, 225
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