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عدد المساهمات : 18959 التقييم : 35383 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Signals and Systems A Primer with MATLAB Second Edition الخميس 26 سبتمبر 2024, 4:02 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Signals and Systems A Primer with MATLAB Second Edition Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Warsame H. Ali, and Sarhan M. Musa
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xiii Author Biographies xv Notes to Students .xvii Chapter 1 Basic Concepts .1 Global Positioning System .1 1.1 Introduction .2 1.2 Basic Definitions 2 1.3 Classification of Signals 3 1.3.1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals 3 1.3.2 Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals 4 1.3.3 Analog and Digital Signals 6 1.3.4 Energy and Power Signals 7 1.3.5 Even and Odd Symmetry .8 1.4 Basic Continous-Time Signals . 13 1.4.1 Unit Step Function 13 1.4.2 Unit Impulse Function 15 1.4.3 Unit Ramp Function . 17 1.4.4 Rectangular Pulse Function . 18 1.4.5 Triangular Pulse Function 19 1.4.6 Sinusoidal Signal 20 1.4.7 Exponential Signal .20 1.5 Basic Discrete-Time Signals 27 1.5.1 The Unit Step Sequence .27 1.5.2 The Unit Impulse Sequence .28 1.5.3 Unit Ramp Sequence 28 1.5.4 Sinusoidal Sequence .29 1.5.5 Exponential Sequence 30 1.6 Basic Operations on Continous Signals 32 1.6.1 Time Reversal . 32 1.6.2 Time Scaling 33 1.6.3 Time Shifting .34 1.6.4 Amplitude Transformations .34 1.7 Basic Operations on Discrete Signals 36 1.7.1 Time Shifting .38 1.7.2 Time Reversal .38 1.7.3 Expansion .38 1.8 Classification of Systems . 43 1.8.1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems .46 1.8.2 Causal and Noncausal Systems 46 1.8.3 Linear and Nonlinear Systems . 47viii Contents 1.8.4 Time-Varying and Time-Invariant Systems .48 1.8.5 Systems With and Without Memory 50 1.9 Applications . 52 1.9.1 Electric Circuits 52 1.9.2 Square-Law Devices 52 1.9.3 DSP Systems 53 1.10 Computing With MATLAB 54 Summary 58 Review Questions .59 Problems .60 Chapter 2 Convolution 74 Enhancing Your Communication Skills 74 2.1 Introduction . 75 2.2 Impulse Response 75 2.3 The Convolution Integral . 76 2.4 Graphical Convolution . 81 2.5 Block Diagram Representation 88 2.6 Discrete-Time Convolution 90 2.7 Block Diagram Realization .98 2.8 Deconvolution 99 2.9 Computing With MATLAB 101 2.10 Applications . 104 2.10.1 BIBO Stability of Continuous-Time Systems . 104 2.10.2 BIBO Stability of Discrete-Time Systems . 105 2.10.3 Circuit Analysis 106 Summary 108 Review Questions . 109 Problems . 110 Chapter 3 The Laplace Transform 123 Historical Profile 123 3.1 Introduction .124 3.2 Definition of the Laplace Transform .124 3.3 Properties of the Laplace Transform . 128 3.3.1 Linearity .128 3.3.2 Scaling 129 3.3.3 Time Shifting . 130 3.3.4 Frequency Shifting . 131 3.3.5 Time Differentiation . 131 3.3.6 Time Convolution . 132 3.3.7 Time Integration . 133Contents ix 3.3.8 Frequency Differentiation 134 3.3.9 Time Periodicity . 135 3.3.10 Modulation . 136 3.3.11 Initial and Final Values 137 3.4 The Inverse Laplace Transform . 144 3.4.1 Simple Poles . 145 3.4.2 Repeated Poles . 146 3.4.3 Complex Poles 147 3.5 Transfer Function . 155 3.6 Applications . 160 3.6.1 Integrodifferential Equations . 160 3.6.2 Circuit Analysis 163 3.6.3 Control Systems 167 3.7 Computing With MATLAB 169 Summary 176 Review Questions . 176 Problems . 177 Chapter 4 The Fourier Series 190 Historical Profile 190 4.1 Introduction . 191 4.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series 192 4.3 Exponential Fourier Series 199 4.4 Properties of Fourier Series .205 4.4.1 Linearity .205 4.4.2 Time Shifting .206 4.4.3 Time Reversal .207 4.4.4 Time Scaling 207 4.4.5 Even and Odd Symmetries .208 4.4.6 Parseval’s Theorem 209 4.5 Truncated Complex Fourier Series 214 4.6 Applications . 216 4.6.1 Circuit Analysis 216 4.6.2 Spectrum Analyzers . 217 4.6.3 Filters 218 4.7 Computing With MATLAB 221 Summary 227 Review Questions .228 Problems .229 Chapter 5 The Fourier Transform .243 5.1 Introduction .244 5.2 Definition of the Fourier Transform 244x Contents 5.3 Properties of Fourier Transform 252 5.3.1 Linearity . 252 5.3.2 Time Scaling 252 5.3.3 Time Shifting . 253 5.3.4 Frequency Shifting .254 5.3.5 Time Differentiation .254 5.3.6 Frequency Differentiation 255 5.3.7 Time Integration . 255 5.3.8 Duality 256 5.3.9 Convolution 257 5.4 Inverse Fourier Transform .262 5.5 Applications .263 5.5.1 Circuit Analysis 264 5.5.2 Amplitude Modulation . 267 5.5.3 Sampling . 270 5.6 Parseval’s Theorem 273 5.7 Comparing the Fourier and Laplace Transforms 276 5.8 Computing With MATLAB 277 Summary 280 Review Questions . 281 Problems .282 Chapter 6 Discrete Fourier Transform .295 Campus Communication Network .295 6.1 Introduction .296 6.2 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 296 6.3 Properties of DTFT . 301 6.3.1 Linearity . 301 6.3.2 Time Shifting and Frequency Shifting .302 6.3.3 Time Reversal and Conjugation .303 6.3.4 Time Scaling 304 6.3.5 Frequency Differentiation 305 6.3.6 Time and Frequency Convolution 306 6.3.7 Accumulation .307 6.3.8 Parseval’s Relation 308 6.4 Discrete Fourier Transform . 313 6.5 Fast Fourier Transform 319 6.6 Computing With MATLAB 320 6.7 Applications . 323 6.7.1 Touch-Tone Telephone 323 6.7.2 Windowing .324 Summary 327 Review Questions . 327 Problems . 328Contents xi Chapter 7 z-Transform 336 Codes of Ethics . 336 7.1 Introduction . 337 7.2 Definition of the z-Transform 337 7.3 Region of Convergence 341 7.4 Properties of the z-Transform 343 7.4.1 Linearity .344 7.4.2 Time Shifting .344 7.4.3 Frequency Scaling 345 7.4.4 Time Reversal .346 7.4.5 Modulation .346 7.4.6 Accumulation . 347 7.4.7 Convolution 348 7.4.8 Initial and Final Values 348 7.5 Inverse z-Transform . 355 7.5.1 Long Division Expansion . 355 7.5.2 Partial Fraction Expansion . 357 7.6 Applications .360 7.6.1 Linear Difference Equation 361 7.6.2 Transfer Function . 363 7.7 Computing With MATLAB 367 Summary 371 Review Questions . 372 Problems . 373 Appendix A: Mathematical Formulas . 383 Appendix B: Complex Numbers . 395 Appendix C: MATLAB .403 Appendix D: Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 417 Index 449xiii Index A ABET, 74 Accumulation, 307, 347 Amplitude modulation (AM), 267, 268 Amplitude transformation, 34 B Band-limited signal, 272 BIBO stability, 104, 105, 167 Block diagram, 88, 98 C Circuit analysis, 106, 163, 216, 264 Codes of ethics, 336 Communication, 75 Communication network, 295 Communication systems, 295 Complex poles, 147 Computing with MATLAB, 54, 101, 169, 221, 277, 320, 367 Conjugation, 303 Continuous-time signals, 3, 13 operations on, 32 Control systems, 167, 243 Convolution, 74, 257, 348 applications of, 104 discrete-time type of, 90 graphical type of, 81 Convolution integral, 76 properties of, 78 D Deconvolution, 99 Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 295, 313 applications of, 323 properties of, 314 Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), 295, 296 pairs of, 310 properties of, 301, 309 Discrete-time signal, 3, 4, 27 operations on, 36 DSP systems, 53 Duality, 256 E Electric circuits, 52 Even symmetry, 208 Expansion, 38 Exponential sequence 30 Exponential signal, 20 F Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 319 Filters, 218, 219 Final value, 137, 348 Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 190 Fourier series, 190 amplitude-phase form of, 201 applications, 216 definition of, 191, 192 exponential type of, 199 properties of, 205 sine-cosine form of, 201 trigonometric type of, 192 truncated complex type of, 214 Fourier transform, 243 applications of, 263 definition of, 244, 245 pairs of, 259 properties of, 232, 258 Frequency convolution, 306 Frequency differentiation, 134, 255, 305 Frequency scaling, 345 Frequency shifting, 131, 254, 302 G Global positioning system (GPS), 1 I IEEE, 336 Impulse response, 75, 76 Initial value, 137, 348 Integrodifferential equation, 160 Inverse Laplace transform, 144, 262 Inverse z-transform, 355 L Laplace, Pierre Simon, 123 Laplace transform, 123 applications of, 160 definition of, 124 pairs of, 140 properties of, 128, 139 Linear difference equation, 361450 Index Linearity, 128, 205, 252, 301, 344 Long division expansion, 355 M Modulation, 136, 346 O Odd symmetry, 208 P Parseval relation, 308 Parseval theorem, 209, 273, 274 Partial fraction expansion, 357 Properties of convolution sum, 91, 92 R Rectangular pulse function, 18 Region of convergence, 125, 341 Repeated poles, 146 S Sampling, 270 Sampling theorem, 218 Scaling, 129 Signals, 2, 3 analog type of, 6 classification of, 3 continuous-time type of, 3, 13 digital type of, 6 discrete-time type of, 3, 4, 27 energy type of, 7, 8 even type of, 8 nonperiodic type of, 4 odd type of, 8 periodic type of, 4, 5, 135, 192 power type of, 7 Simple poles, 145 Sinusoidal sequence, 29 Sinusoidal signal, 20 Spectrum analyzers, 217, 218 Square-law devices, 52 Systems, 2, 4 causal type, 46, 47 classification of, 43 continuous-time type of, 46 discrete-time type of, 46 linear type of, 47, 48 noncausal type, 46 nonlinear type of, 47 time-invariant type of, 48 time-varying type of, 48 with memory, 50 without memory, 50 T Time convolution, 132, 306 Time differentiation, 131, 254 Time integration, 133, 255 Time periodicity, 135 Time reversal, 32, 38, 207, 303, 346 Time scaling, 33, 207, 252, 304 Time shifting, 34, 38, 130, 206, 253, 302, 344 Touch-tone telephone, 323 Transfer function, 155, 156, 363 Triangular pulse function, 19 U Unit impulse function, 15 Unit impulse sequence, 28 Unit ramp function, 17 Unit ramp sequence, 28 Unit step function, 13 Unit step sequence, 27 W Windowing, 324 Z z-transform, 336 applications of, 360 definition of, 337 pairs of, 351 properties of, 343, 350 #ماتلاب,#متلاب,#Matlab,#مات_لاب,#مت_لاب,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Signals and Systems A Primer with MATLAB Second Edition رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Signals and Systems A Primer with MATLAB Second Edition