كتاب SKF Microlog® GX Series - Data Collector/Analyzer
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
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الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولحملة فيد واستفيدجروب المنتدى


 كتاب SKF Microlog® GX Series - Data Collector/Analyzer

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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SKF Microlog® GX Series - Data Collector/Analyzer
Supports the GX Series Microlog System CMXA 75
Firmware Version 4.03
User Manual Part No. 32298500-EN
Revision D

كتاب SKF Microlog® GX Series - Data Collector/Analyzer  S_k_f_17
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Introduction to the SKF GX Series Microlog 1
Safety Messages 1-1
About This Manual 1-2
What is the GX Series Microlog System? .1-4
The GX Series Microlog Main Menu Screen 1-9
Module Management . 1-10
GX Series Microlog Buttons and Keypad . 1-12
How to Use the Buttons and Keypad 1-13
Battery Operations . 1-19
Microlog System Connections 1-22
SD Memory Card Operation . 1-27
How to Perform a Reset on Your Microlog . 1-28
Strap Attachment . 1-29
GX Series Microlog Specifications 1-29
How to Set Up Your GX Series Microlog 2
System Settings 2-1
Global Measurement Settings . 2-7
Sensor Setup 2-10
Troubleshooting . 2-13
The ROUTE Module 3
Overview .3-1
How to Download and Upload ROUTEs and
ROUTE Data with the GX Series Microlog .3-2
Selecting Operators 3-3
The Route Manager 3-3
How to Collect ROUTE Measurements .3-4
Viewing Dynamic Measurement Data . 3-10
Viewing Time Waveform Data 3-14
Viewing Multi-Channel Data . 3-17
How to Collect Process Measurements . 3-19
How to Attach Coded Notes 3-22
Speed Tagging 3-23
Using a Temporarily Attached Pickup . 3-24
Hints for Efficient Data Collection 3-25
Spectral Banding 3-26
Multi Point Automation (MPA) 3-26
How to Review Collected Data 3-28TOC - 2 SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual
The Analyzer Module 4
Overview .4-1
How to Collect Standard Vibration
Measurements .4-3
How to Save, View, and Delete Analyzer
Measurement Results .4-14
How to Perform Multi-Channel Measurements. 4-19
How to Measure Shaft Orbit . 4-29
How to Perform a Bump Test .4-33
How to Perform Motor Current Measurements. 4-36
Machinery Balancing Module 5
Microlog Balancing Overview 5-1
Single-Plane Balancing Overview .5-1
How to Set Up the Microlog for a Single-Plane
Procedure .5-3
How to Perform a Single-Plane Procedure 5-8
Two-Plane Balancing Procedure Overview 5-24
How to Set Up a 2 Plane Procedure 5-26
How to Perform a Dynamic 2 Plane Procedure. 5-27
How to Perform a 1-2 Plane with Prognosis
Procedure .5-38
Balancing Using the Strobe light 5-47
Data Recorder Module 6
Overview .6-1
How to Perform a Data Recorder Measurement . 6-2
Run Up / Coast Down Module 7
Overview .7-1
How to Set Up a RUCD Measurement .7-2
Recording the Measurement .7-6
Displaying Acquired Data .7-7
Saving RUCD Data 7-26
Frequency Response Function Module 8
Overview .8-1
Additional Background Information .8-1
How to Set Up an FRF Measurement 8-2
Recording the Measurement .8-7
Field Calibration 8-12
Saving FRF Data .8-13SKF Microlog - GX Series TOC - 3
User Manual
Conformance Check Module 9
Overview .9-1
How to Transfer Test Templates to the
Microlog GX .9-2
How to Set Up or Customize Conformance
Test Templates 9-4
How to Perform a Conformance Survey . 9-16
Saving Conformance Check Data . 9-22
Spindle Test Module 10
Overview 10-1
How to Transfer Test Templates to the
Microlog 10-2
How to Perform a Survey . 10-2
Spindle Tests Overview . 10-6
Survey Warning Messages .10-23
How to View Stored Test Results 10-24
How to Backup Stored Survey Results .10-25
How to Delete Stored Surveys .10-26
Idler Sound Monitor Module 11
Overview 11-1
Hardware Setup . 11-5
How to Set Up a Conveyor Idler Survey 11-11
How to Perform a Conveyor Idler Roller
Survey 11-14
Transferring, Reviewing, and Deleting Survey
Data Files .11-19
Resetting Measurement Alarm Thresholds 11-22
Overview .A-1
Non ROUTE Mode Operations . A-1
How to Collect Pre-set Non ROUTE
Measurements .A-3
How to Collect “User” Defined Non ROUTE
Data . A-10
How to Set Up HFD Measurements A-15
How to Set Up Multi-Channel Measurements . A-16
How to Set Up a Cross Channel Phase
Measurements A-22
Multi Channel Cursor, Display Expand, and
Full Scale Adjustments . A-24
How to Review Non ROUTE Measurement
Data A-25TOC - 4 SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual
Field Upgrades and Accessories B
Overview .B-1
Using the Headphones and Strobe Light C
How to Use the Headphones with the GX .C-1
How to Use the Strobe Light with the GX C-2
Safety Instructions D
Instrument Installation Drawing
(090-22600-1 Rev B) D-1
Safety Instructions (090-22861-1 Rev C) D-4
Glossary of Terms
IndexSKF Microlog - GX Series 1 - 1
User Manual
.wav file 6-1
@ptitude analyst 1-7
1-2 plane with prognosis 5-3, 5-38
1x RPM 3-12
30/30 rule 5-16
accel, pre-set measurement A-4
accel-time, pre-set measurement A-4
accessories B-1
acoustic enveloping 11-3
acquire RUCD data 7-2
acquiring data 11-14
active spectrum 7-21
activesync 1-25, 2-5, 9-2
adapter plate 11-8
status indicators 3-9
alarm indicators 3-26
bands 3-26
overall alarm 3-26
peak alarms 3-26
alarm settings 11-18
all backup option 4-17, 10-25, 10-26, 11-21
all delete option 4-18
alphanumeric keypad 1-17
analysis and reporting manager 4-1
Analysis and Reporting Manager 1-8
analysis button 11-15, 11-18
menu 4-2
saving 4-14
analyzer module 4-1
ARM 1-8
arrow buttons 1-14, 3-6
data display screens 1-16
hierarchy list screens 1-16
main screen 1-14
setup screens 1-15
attaching strap 1-29
audible tone 11-16
audio file 6-1
audio recording 7-1, 7-7
average, balancing 5-11
averages 4-11, A-14
averaging, exponential 4-11
backing up 10-25
backing up stored readings 4-17
balancing 1-5, 5-1
2 plane setup 5-26
30/30 rule 5-16
correction type 5-7
estimating trial weight 5-15
manual entry 5-6
polar 5-7
prognosis 5-3, 5-38
setup 5-3, 5-4
single plane 5-8
splitting weights 5-21
strobe light 5-47
summary table 5-8
trigger 5-1
beginning freq. 9-14
end freq. 9-14
labels 9-14
number of 9-13
test 9-12
charging 1-19, 1-21
installation 1-19, 1-20
maintenance 1-21
replacement 1-20
replacing 1-20
temperatures 1-20
beginning freq. 9-14
bias check 3-25
bin zeroing A-15
bitmap 9-9
Bode plot 7-8
display 7-10
setup 7-8
bump test 4-33
buttons 1-13Index - 2 SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual
arrow 1-14
enter 1-14
function 1-14
shift 1-14, 1-17
cepstrum 4-5
channel control 11-10
number of 4-9
chapter overview 1-3
clipped signal 7-6
coded notes 3-22
col < / > col function button 9-20, 10-6
collapse hierarchy 3-6
collecting data 3-4
color display 1-9
column, scroll 9-20, 10-6
connections 1-22
set up 3-2
communications 1-25
activesync 1-25
USB 1-25
windows mobile device center 1-25
config screen 2-7
fill spectrum 3-13
frequency units 2-8
historical data collect 2-10
route ICP 2-9
configuration screen 2-7
conformance check
overview 9-1, 10-1
performing test 9-16, 10-2
saving results 9-21, 10-23
setup tabs 9-6
conformance check setup software 9-1, 9-4,
connections 1-22
coupling 1-23
disconnecting 1-23
correction type, balancing 5-7
coupling A-12
CPM 4-8, 4-10
cross channel phase A-22
data collection A-22
display screen A-23
measurement setup A-22
phase tables A-24
multi channel 4-28, A-24
peak 3-14
two channel 3-18
cursor mode 3-13
transfer 3-2
data collection 3-25
cross channel phase A-22, A-23
MPA measurements 3-27
multi spectrum A-17
multi time waveform A-17
orbit A-8
process measurements 3-19
retaking measurements 3-25
route 3-4
skipping measurements 3-25
data display
expand 3-18, 4-28, A-24
full scale adjustments 3-18, 4-28, A-24
multi channel cursor 4-28, A-24
phase tables A-24
two channel cursor 3-18
date format 2-5
date setting 2-5
db ref units 4-11
db reference 4-11
default function button 5-5
measurement results 4-15
measurement setup 4-15
delete saved meas. 4-18
deleting meas. 7-26, 10-26
analyzer 4-11
conf. checker 9-14
dimmed icons
hiding 1-10, 1-11
directions, test 9-7
display format A-11
display screen
printing 1-18
display y axis 4-10
download 1-22
downloading 3-2
dynamic measurements 3-10
review 3-28SKF Microlog - GX Series Index - 3
User Manual
spectral display screen 3-10
time waveform display screens 3-14
end freq. 9-14
enter buttons 1-14
enveloped accel, pre-set measurement A-5
error messages 3-24
estimate trial weight 5-15
expand hierarchy 3-5, 3-6
exponential averaging 4-11
ext. trig slope A-15
FFT spectral banding 3-26
FFT spectrum 9-13, 9-21
field analysis features 3-13
fill spectrum 3-13
filter A-13
analyzer 4-10
firmware version number 1-9, 1-12, 1-14,
fixed weight 5-7
fmax A-13
actual values 3-3, A-13
font size 2-5
free text note 11-17
freq range 4-10, 6-7
calibration 8-12
equipment setup 8-2
function buttons 8-5
hammer 8-2
recall 8-7
save settings 8-5
setup 8-5
taking data mode 8-9
function button
default 5-5
function buttons 1-14, 2-1, 2-2, 2-11
about button 1-12
FRF 8-5
help button 1-12
idler sound monitor screen 11-11, 11-15
manual data entry display screen 3-21
non-route mode A-2
orbit display screen A-9
overview 1-12
process display screen 3-20
route 3-6
route manager 3-3
spectral display screen 3-12
time waveform display screen 3-16
user screen A-10
gE, pre-set measurement A-5
global measurement settings 2-7
grade bands 9-6
grade boundaries 9-6
grade labels 9-6, 9-12
bands 9-12
boundaries 9-15
labels 9-12
levels 9-15
number of 9-12
graph scaling adjustment, y-axis 3-14
graphic 9-18, 10-4
grid 3-13
grid view 3-13
GX Series Microlog system 1-4
hammer 8-2
hammer test 4-33
hard reset 1-28
harmonic activity indicator 11-3
harmonic marker 3-13
harmonic markers 3-14, 4-7
hazardous area 1-27, 10-25
headphone volume controls 11-10
headphones 1-18, 3-9, 11-2, 11-10, C-1
setting volume 11-10
button 1-12
HFD A-5, A-13, A-15
hide dimmed icons 1-10, 1-11
hide icons 1-10, 1-11
hierarchy 3-1
collapse 3-6
expand 3-5, 3-6
navigation 3-5
high res, pre-set measurement A-3
high-pass filter A-13Index - 4 SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual
historical data
configure 2-10
review 3-32
save 3-9
home screen 1-14, 10-2
Hz 4-8, 4-10
hide/show 1-10, 1-11
ICP 2-9
error 9-21, 10-23
idler sound monitor
adapter plate 11-8
function buttons 11-11, 11-15
led indications 11-13
measurement types 11-3
microphone 11-6
notes 11-5
optimal conditions 11-14
parabolic reflector 11-6
independent autoranging 4-29, A-24
indicators, LCD 1-5
initialize 2-5
initializing DAQ 11-14
input channel A-12
input devices 1-5
internal drive 7-5, 8-7
Internal drive 6-7
keypad 1-17
alphanumeric 1-17
entering letters 1-17
entering numbers 1-17
Kurtosis 11-3
language 2-6
last point of route 3-10
LCD display 1-9
LCD indicators 1-5
led indications, idler sound monitor 11-13
license modules 1-12
linear 4-10
lines resolution 4-11
lines/samples A-13
live time waveform 6-3
location no. 9-15
logarithmic 4-10
machine picture 9-6, 9-9
machine speed 2-8
main screen 1-9
manual entry, balancing calculations 5-6
manual function button 3-21
mark button 11-15
markers, harmonic 3-14
max. rec. time 6-7, 7-5, 8-7
maximum acq. time 7-5
acoustic 11-3
memory card 1-27
memory operations 2-5
delete all routes 2-5
initialize 2-5
troubleshooting 2-13
microlog 1-4
microphone 11-6
mobile device 9-2
mode - RUCD 7-5
model versions 1-6
spindle test 10-1
module manager 1-10, 1-11
hide/show 1-10, 1-11
license 1-12
purchase 1-12
motor current measurement 4-36
MPA measurements 3-23, 3-26
data collection 3-27
review 3-31
multi channel 4-9, 6-7, A-12
cross channel phase A-22
cursor 4-28, A-24
display expand 4-28, A-24
full scale adjustments 4-28, A-24
route mode 3-17
spectrum data collection A-17
spectrum setup A-17
time waveform data collection A-17
time waveform setup A-17
multi measurements
collection A-17
setup A-17SKF Microlog - GX Series Index - 5
User Manual
multi spectrum
measurement setup A-17
triax 4-28, A-21
two channel spectrum A-18
two channel spectrum/time A-20
two channel time A-19
multi time waveform
measurement setup A-17
multi-channel measurements 4-19
multi-point automation See MPA
mute 11-10
function buttons A-2
pre-set measurements A-3
review A-25
triax displays 4-28, A-21
two channel spectrum A-18
two channel spectrum/time A-20
two channel time A-19
user screen A-10
user-defined measurements A-10
normalization 11-4, 11-16
note button 11-17
notes, coded 3-22
number of bands 9-13
number of components 5-7
Nyquist plot 7-11
display 7-12
setup 7-11
operator, selecting 3-3
opposite, pre-set measurement A-3
orbit 4-19, A-5
data collection A-8
data review 3-30
overview 4-29, A-5
route mode 3-18
setup A-6
setup screen A-6
orbit setup A-6
coupling A-6
ext. trigger slope A-7
level A-7
sensitivity A-7
trigger A-7
units A-6
overall vibration 6-3
overlap 4-11, A-14
clearing 3-25
signal 3-25
parabolic reflector 11-6
pause recording 6-4
peak cursor 3-14
phase 4-7, 4-10
phase tables A-24
phase, cross channel A-22
pickup 3-24
picture 9-18, 10-4
point information A-26
polar 5-10
polar correction 5-7
post-process 6-1
power button 1-14
power cycle, automatic 1-14, 3-13
power spectrum 4-5
power supply/battery charger 1-19, 1-20
pre-set measurements A-3
acceleration A-4
acceleration-time A-4
enveloped acceleration A-5
hfd A-5
high resolution A-3
opposite A-3
orbit A-5
same A-3
velocity A-4
from display 4-16, 10-24
screens 1-18
test results 4-16, 10-24
process measurements
data collection 3-19
manual data entry 3-21
review 3-34
review screen 3-34
processing time - RUCD 7-2
prognosis 5-3, 5-38
message 5-43
pulses/rev 7-5
purchase modules 1-12Index - 6 SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual
recall 5-3, 6-2, 7-3, 7-26, 8-4, 8-7, 11-12
recalling a setup 11-19
overview 6-1
preview mode 6-3
recording mode 6-8
recording time 6-8
recording, pause 6-4
reference point, speed 3-23
reset, hard 1-28
resolution 4-11
resume mode 1-14
resume recording 6-4
review 3-28
dynamic measurements 3-28
historical data 3-32
MPA measurements 3-31
non-route A-25
orbit data 3-30
process measurements 3-34
spectral display screen 3-28, A-26
three channel in route 3-31
triax in route 3-31
two channel in route 3-31
review meas. 7-26
review process screen 3-34
reviewing test results 10-24
rotor mass 5-14
route 3-1
delete all 2-5
font 2-5
function buttons 3-6
hierarchy 3-4
hierarchy list navigation 3-5
multi channel data 3-17
orbit data 3-18
route module 3-1
status 3-9
1x RPM 3-12
led 7-4
mode 7-5
processing time 7-2
setup 7-4
start - stop speed 7-5
state 7-6
taking data mode 7-6
run-up coast-down 6-1, 7-1
same, pre-set measurement A-3
samples/lines A-13
meas. results 4-14
meas. setup 4-12, 4-14, 4-22, 4-32, 4-36,
save button 11-14
saving meas. 7-26
saving screens 1-18
saving settings 11-14
saving test results 9-21, 10-23
saving test template 9-16
scroll columns 9-20, 10-6
SD card 1-9, 1-27, 4-17, 6-7, 7-5, 8-7,
10-25, 11-21
operation 1-27
printing screens 1-18
selecting operators 3-3
sensitivity A-13
disconnecting 3-10, 3-25
orientation 9-7, 9-15
setup 2-10
type 4-9
variable 4-9
sensor setup screen 2-10
sensor type
conf. checker 9-6
serial number 1-12
settling 2-8
delay 2-8
setup screen 2-1, 2-2
date format 2-5
date/time 2-5
default units 2-2
memory 2-5
route memory 2-2
timeout 2-2
setup, balancing 5-4
shift button 1-14, 1-17
shift key 2-1
show icons 1-10, 1-11
SKF title screen 1-9, 1-14, 10-2
skip function button 9-19, 10-6
skip test position 9-19, 10-6SKF Microlog - GX Series Index - 7
User Manual
conf. check setup 9-1, 10-1
specify RPM
database A-7, A-23
spectral display A-8, A-23
type in A-8, A-23
spectral banding 3-26
spectral data 3-10
spectral display screen 3-10
fill spectrum 3-13
multi channel 3-17
spectrogram 7-23
display 7-23
display status area 7-26
setup 7-23
1x RPM 3-12
speed ratio 3-23
speed reference point 3-23
speed tagging 3-23
error messages 3-24
balancing test 10-23
bearing condition test 10-9
belt tension test 10-18
clamp force test 10-13
EM distance test 10-16
imbalance test 10-6
mechanical condition test 10-8
module 10-1
nose run-out test 10-11
resonant frequency test 10-21
speed accuracy test 10-20
templates 10-1
start button 11-14
stop acquisition 4-11
strap attachment 1-29
strobe light C-2
summary, balancing 5-8
suspend mode 1-14
system settings 2-1
table - RUCD 7-13
display 7-14
setup 7-13
table of peaks 4-5
taking data mode 8-8
test template 9-1, 10-1
copy 9-3
custom 9-2, 10-1
folders/icons 9-17, 10-4
location 9-3
pre-configured 9-1, 10-1
saving 9-16
selection 9-17, 10-4
setup 9-4
spindle 10-1
transfer 10-2
transfer to AX 9-2
text note 11-17
three channel
review in route 3-31
time remaining 6-4
time setting 2-5
time waveform 6-1
time waveform data 3-14
time zone 2-5
title screen 1-14, 10-2
tone 11-16
traffic light indicator 11-3
transfer 3-2
transfer test template 9-2, 10-2
transient capture 6-1, 7-1
trial weight 5-14
estimate 5-15
triax 3-17
non-route 4-9, 4-28, A-12, A-21
review in route 3-31
triax measurement 4-28
triaxial measurements 4-9, A-12
trigger 5-1, 5-6, A-7
trigger level A-15
triggerless operation A-25
troubleshooting 9-21, 10-23
troubleshooting, bias check 3-25
troubleshooting, memory operations 2-13
two channel
cursor 3-18
display expand 3-18
full scale adjustments 3-18
independent autoranging 4-29, A-24
non-route A-18, A-19
review in route 3-31
spectrum A-18
spectrum/time waveform A-20
time waveform A-19
triggerless operation A-25Index - 8 SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual
two channel recording 6-3
type A-14
types of measurements A-3
unit ID number 1-12
units 2-2, 4-8, 4-10, A-12
conf. checker 9-14
upgrades B-1
upload 1-22
uploading 3-2
USB 1-19, 1-23, 9-2
communications 1-25
driver 1-25
user function button A-2
user manual conventions 1-2
user screen A-10
function buttons A-10
user, selecting 3-3
user-defined measurement options A-11
averages 4-11, A-14
bin zeroing A-15
change name A-11
coupling A-12
display format A-11
ext. trig. slope A-15
fmax A-13
high-pass filter A-13
input channel A-12
level A-15
lines/samples A-13
overlap A-14
sensitivity A-13
type A-14
units A-12
window 4-12, A-14
user-defined non-route measurements A-10
variable sensor type 4-9
velocity, pre-set measurement A-4
version number 1-14, 10-2
vibration threshold 5-7
view 3-13
grid 3-13
options 3-13
view signal 4-10
volume control 11-10
warning messages 9-21, 10-23
waterfall plot 7-15
display 7-16
display status area 7-21
setup 7-15
wav file 7-1, 7-7
wind baffle 11-9
window 4-12, A-14
windows mobile device center 1-25
x axis units 4-8, 4-10
y axis units 4-10
y-axis display 4-11
y-axis graph scaling adjustment 3-14

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رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب SKF Microlog:registered: GX Series - Data Collector/Analyzer
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كتاب SKF Microlog® GX Series - Data Collector/Analyzer
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صفحة 2 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
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» كتاب "Drawing for Engineering (Telp series)"
» كتاب Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing
» كتاب Rolling Contacts - Tribology in Practice Series
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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