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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب A Journey from Robot to Digital Human الجمعة 06 سبتمبر 2024, 2:27 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب A Journey from Robot to Digital Human Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies Mathematical Principles and Applications with MATLAB Programming Edward Y.L. Gu
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Contents List of Figures XIII 1 Introduction to Robotics and Digital Human Modeling . 1 1.1 Robotics Evolution: The Past, Today and Tomorrow 1 1.2 Digital Human Modeling: History, Achievements and New Challenges . 7 1.3 A Journey from Robot Analysis to Digital Human Modeling 10 References . 12 2 Mathematical Preliminaries 15 2.1 Vectors, Transformations and Spaces 15 2.2 Lie Group and Lie Algebra 20 2.3 The Exponential Mapping and k–φ Procedure 23 2.4 The Dual Number, Dual Vector and Their Algebras . 29 2.4.1 Calculus of the Dual Ring . 32 2.4.2 Dual Vector and Dual Matrix 35 2.4.3 Unit Screw and Special Orthogonal Dual Matrix . 38 2.5 Introduction to Exterior Algebra . 40 2.6 Exercises of the Chapter 44 References . 47 3 Representations of Rigid Motion . 49 3.1 Translation and Rotation 49 3.2 Linear Velocity versus Angular Velocity . 58 3.3 Unified Representations between Position and Orientation 63 3.4 Tangent Space and Jacobian Transformations 72 3.5 Exercises of the Chapter 77 References . 80 4 Robotic Kinematics and Statics 83 4.1 The Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) Convention 83 4.2 Homogeneous Transformations for Rigid Motion 87X Contents 4.3 Solutions of Inverse Kinematics 93 4.4 Jacobian Matrix and Differential Motion 102 4.5 Dual-Number Transformations . 109 4.6 Robotic Statics . 115 4.7 Computer Projects and Exercises of the Chapter . 125 4.7.1 Stanford Robot Motions . 125 4.7.2 The Industrial Robot Model and Its Motions 128 4.7.3 Exercise Problems 129 References . 134 5 Redundant Robots and Hybrid-Chain Robotic Systems 135 5.1 The Generalized Inverse of a Matrix 135 5.2 Redundant Robotic Manipulators . 137 5.3 Hybrid-Chain Robotic Systems . 156 5.4 Kinematic Modeling for Parallel-Chain Mechanisms . 165 5.4.1 Stewart Platform . 165 5.4.2 Jacobian Equation and the Principle of Duality 175 5.4.3 Modeling and Analysis of 3+3 Hybrid Robot Arms . 184 5.5 Computer Projects and Exercises of the Chapter . 196 5.5.1 Two Computer Simulation Projects . 196 5.5.2 Exercise Problems 198 References . 202 6 Digital Mock-Up and 3D Animation for Robot Arms . 205 6.1 Basic Surface Drawing and Data Structure in MATLABT M 205 6.2 Digital Modeling and Assembling for Robot Arms 215 6.3 Motion Planning and 3D Animation 220 6.4 Exercises of the Chapter 228 References . 229 7 Robotic Dynamics: Modeling and Formulations 231 7.1 Geometrical Interpretation of Robotic Dynamics . 231 7.2 The Newton-Euler Algorithm 236 7.3 The Lagrangian Formulation . 243 7.4 Determination of Inertial Matrix . 246 7.5 Configuration Manifolds and Isometric Embeddings . 257 7.5.1 Metric Factorization and Manifold Embedding . 257 7.5.2 Isometric Embedding of C-Manifolds 266 7.5.3 Combined Isometric Embedding and Structure Matrix 270 7.5.4 The Minimum Isometric Embedding and Isometrization . 272Contents XI 7.6 A Compact Dynamic Equation . 285 7.7 Exercises of the Chapter 288 References . 289 8 Control of Robotic Systems 293 8.1 Path Planning and Trajectory Tracking . 293 8.2 Independent Joint-Servo Control . 297 8.3 Input-Output Mapping and Systems Invertibility . 303 8.3.1 The Concepts of Input-Output Mapping and Relative Degree 303 8.3.2 Systems Invertibility and Applications 309 8.4 The Theory of Exact Linearization and Linearizability 311 8.4.1 Involutivity and Complete Integrability . 311 8.4.2 The Input-State Linearization Procedure 313 8.4.3 The Input-Output Linearization Procedure 318 8.4.4 Dynamic Extension for I/O Channels . 324 8.4.5 Linearizable Subsystems and Internal Dynamics 327 8.4.6 Zero Dynamics and Minimum-Phase Systems 331 8.5 Dynamic Control of Robotic Systems . 345 8.5.1 The Theory of Stability in the Lyapunov Sense . 346 8.5.2 Set-Point Stability and Trajectory-Tracking Control Strategy . 352 8.6 Backstepping Control Design for Multi-Cascaded Systems . 355 8.6.1 Control Design with the Lyapunov Direct Method . 355 8.6.2 Backstepping Recursions in Control Design 360 8.7 Adaptive Control of Robotic Systems . 369 8.8 Computer Projects and Exercises of the Chapter . 386 8.8.1 Dynamic Modeling and Control of a 3-Joint Stanford-Like Robot Arm . 386 8.8.2 Modeling and Control of an Under-Actuated Robotic System 388 8.8.3 Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Parallel-Chain Planar Robot 389 8.8.4 Exercise Problems 390 References . 395 9 Digital Human Modeling: Kinematics and Statics 397 9.1 Local versus Global Kinematic Models and Motion Categorization . 397 9.2 Local and Global Jacobian Matrices in a Five-Point Model . 416 9.3 The Range of Motion (ROM) and the Range of Strength (ROS) 422XII Contents 9.3.1 Basic Concepts of the Human Structural System . 422 9.3.2 An Overview of the Human Movement System . 423 9.3.3 The Range of Motion (ROM) and Joint Comfort Zones . 426 9.3.4 The Joint Range of Strength (ROS) 429 9.4 Digital Human Statics 435 9.4.1 Joint Torque Distribution and the Law of Balance . 435 9.4.2 Joint Torque Distribution due to Gravity 445 9.5 Posture Optimization Criteria 452 9.5.1 The Joint Comfort Criterion . 452 9.5.2 The Criterion of Even Joint Torque Distribution . 453 9.5.3 On the Minimum Effort Objective 463 9.6 Exercises of the Chapter 464 References . 465 10 Digital Human Modeling: 3D Mock-Up and Motion Generation . 467 10.1 Create a Mannequin in MATLABT M . 467 10.2 Hand Models and Digital Sensing . 482 10.3 Motion Planning and Formatting . 496 10.4 Analysis of Basic Human Motions: Walking, Running and Jumping 508 10.5 Generation of Digital Human Realistic Motions 512 10.6 Exercises of the Chapter 531 References . 532 11 Digital Human Modeling: Dynamics and Interactive Control . 533 11.1 Dynamic Models, Algorithms and Implementation 533 11.2 δ-Force Excitation and Gait Dynamics 540 11.3 Digital Human Dynamic Motion in Car Crash Simulations 543 11.4 Modeling and Analysis of Mannequin Dynamics in Response to an IED Explosion . 554 11.5 Dynamic Interactive Control of Vehicle Active Systems 562 11.5.1 Modeling and Control of Active Vehicle Restraint Systems . 562 11.5.2 An Active Suspension Model and Human-Machine Interactive Control . 572 11.6 Future Perspectives of Digital Human Modeling 574 11.7 Exercises of the Chapter 576 References . 577 Index 579List of Figures 1.1 Married with a child 2 1.2 A Fanuc M-900iB/700 industrial robot in drilling operation. Photo courtesy of Fanuc Robotics, Inc . 4 1.3 Robotics research and evolutions . 5 1.4 Important definitions in robotics . 8 2.1 Two parallel vectors have a common length 16 2.2 Problem 2 . 44 3.1 The webcam position and orientation . 52 3.2 Problem 1 . 77 3.3 Problem 3 . 78 4.1 Definition of the Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) Convention . 84 4.2 A 6-joint Stanford-type robot arm 85 4.3 A curved path before and after the spline and pchip interpolations 89 4.4 Example of the position and orientation path planning 90 4.5 Multi-configuration for a two-link arm 94 4.6 Two robot arms with their z-axes 96 4.7 The first and second I-K solutions for the Stanford arm . 99 4.8 The third and fourth I-K solutions for the Stanford arm . 99 4.9 The motion of link n superimposed by the motion of link i . 103 4.10 An industrial robot model with coordinate frames assignment 113 4.11 The Stanford-type robot is driving a screw into a workpiece 116 4.12 A 3-joint RRR robot hanging a simple pendulum . 117 4.13 A robot arm is exerted by a force f and a moment m at point C on the body 121XIV List of Figures 4.14 A block diagram of robotic hybrid position/force control 125 4.15 A Stanford robot is sitting at the Home position and ready to move and draw on a board . 126 4.16 The Stanford robot is drawing a sine wave on the board . 127 4.17 The industrial robot model at the Starting and Ending positions 128 4.18 Robot 1 . 129 4.19 Robot 2 . 130 4.20 Robot 3 . 130 4.21 A 2-joint prismatic-revolute planar arm . 132 4.22 A 3-joint RPR robot arm 133 4.23 A beam-sliding 3-joint robot . 134 5.1 Geometrical decomposition of the general solution 138 5.2 A 7-joint redundant robot arm . 143 5.3 A 7-joint redundant robot arm . 144 5.4 A 7-joint redundant robot arm . 144 5.5 A 7-joint redundant robot arm . 145 5.6 A three-joint RRR planar redundant robot arm 146 5.7 Simulation results - only the rank (minimum-Norm) solution . 147 5.8 Simulation results - both the rank and null solutions 148 5.9 The 7-joint robot arm is hitting a post when drawing a circle 149 5.10 The 7-joint robot is avoiding a collision by a potential function optimization . 149 5.11 A top view of the 7-joint redundant robot with a post and a virtual point . 151 5.12 The Stanford-type robot arm is sitting on a wheel mobile cart . 155 5.13 A hybrid-chain planar robot . 157 5.14 Stewart platform - a typical 6-axis parallel-chain system . 157 5.15 A 7-axis dexterous manipulator RRC K-1207 and a dual-arm 17-axis dexterous manipulator RRC K-2017. Photo courtesy of Robotics Research Corporation, Cincinnati, OH . 158 5.16 Kinematic model of the two-arm 17-joint hybrid-chain robot . 159 5.17 A two-robot coordinated system 163 5.18 A Nao-H25 humanoid robotic system. Photo courtesy of Aldebaran Robotics, Paris, France 164 5.19 A 6-axis 6-6 parallel-chain hexapod system 165 5.20 Kinematic model of a 3-3 Stewart platform 167List of Figures XV 5.21 Solution to the forward kinematics of the Stewart platform 169 5.22 The definitions of pi 6’s on the top mobile disc. They are also applicable to pi 0’s on the base disc of the 6-6 Stewart platform . 178 5.23 Two types of the 3-parallel mechanism 184 5.24 Kinematic analysis of a 3-leg UPS platform 186 5.25 Top revolute-joint configurations . 187 5.26 Solve the I-K problem for a 3+3 hybrid robot 191 5.27 Delta URR vs. UPR 3-leg parallel system 194 5.28 A three-joint RPR planar robot arm 197 5.29 A 3+3 hybrid robot in rectangle configuration . 198 5.30 A 4-joint beam-hanging PRRP robot . 199 5.31 An RRP 3-joint planar robot to touch a bowl 199 5.32 An RPR 3-joint planar robot 200 5.33 A planar mechanism 200 5.34 Three parallel-chain systems . 201 6.1 Data structure of a cylinder drawing in MATLABT M . 206 6.2 Data structure of a sphere drawing in MATLABT M . 208 6.3 A diamond and an ellipsoid drawing in MATLABT M . 209 6.4 Create a rectangular surface in MATLABT M 210 6.5 Create a full torus surface in MATLABT M 211 6.6 Create a half torus surface in MATLABT M 212 6.7 Making a local deformation for a cylindrical surface in MATLABT M 213 6.8 Sending an object from the base to a desired destination 214 6.9 D-H modeling of the 7-joint redundant robot . 215 6.10 A Stewart platform and coordinate frames assignment 218 6.11 The Stewart platform in motion 222 6.12 A two-arm robot at its Home position . 223 6.13 A two-arm robot is picking up a disc from the floor . 223 6.14 A two-arm robot is hanging the disc on the wall 224 6.15 A 3+3 hybrid robot with equilateral triangle configuration at its Home position 225 6.16 The 3+3 hybrid robot with equilateral triangle configuration starts drawing a sine wave . 226 6.17 The 3+3 hybrid robot with equilateral triangle configuration ends the drawing . 227 6.18 A 3+3 hybrid robot with rectangle configuration at its Home position . 227 6.19 The 3+3 hybrid robot in rectangle configuration is reaching a wall . 228XVI List of Figures 7.1 Two 6-revolute-joint industrial robots: Fanuc R-2000iB (left) and Fanuc M-900iA (right). Photo courtesy of Fanuc Robotics, Inc . 234 7.2 RR-type and RP-type 2-link robots . 234 7.3 C-manifolds for RR-type and RP-type 2-link robots . 235 7.4 A rigid body and its reference frame changes . 239 7.5 Getting-busier directions for kinematics and dynamics 240 7.6 Force/torque analysis of link i 241 7.7 Velocity analysis of a three-joint planar robot arm 247 7.8 An inertial matrix W is formed by stacking every Wj together . 251 7.9 Axes assignment of the three-joint planar robot 251 7.10 The cylindrical and spherical local coordinate systems . 259 7.11 Different mapping cases from S1 to Euclidean spaces 263 7.12 A 2D torus T 2 situated in Euclidean spaces R3 and R2 263 7.13 A planar RR-type arm and its C-manifold as a flatted torus 264 7.14 The first and second of four I-K solutions for a Stanford arm . 274 7.15 The third and forth of four I-K solutions for a Stanford arm . 274 7.16 An inverted pendulum system 278 7.17 The minimum embeddable C-manifold of the inverted pendulum system . 278 7.18 An RRR-type planar robot and its multi-configuration 280 8.1 A joint path example without and with cubic spline function . 295 8.2 Joint position and velocity profiles for the second spline function . 296 8.3 A DC-motor electrical and mechanical model 298 8.4 A block diagram of the DC-motor model 300 8.5 A block diagram of DC-motor position-feedback control . 301 8.6 A block diagram for an input-state linearized system 316 8.7 A block diagram for an input-output linearized trajectory-tracking system . 323 8.8 A block diagram for a partially input-output linearized system 329 8.9 The block diagram of a single feedback loop . 333 8.10 Model a ball-board control system using the robotic D-H convention . 334 8.11 The ball is at an initial position to start tracking a sine wave on the board 341 8.12 The ball is catching up the track at early time . 341List of Figures XVII 8.13 The ball is now on the track by controlling the board orientation 341 8.14 The ball is well controlled to continue tracking the sine wave on the board 342 8.15 The ball is successfully reaching the end of the sine wave on the board . 342 8.16 An energy-like function V (x) and a V -lifted trajectory 348 8.17 A flowchart of the backstepping control design approach . 365 8.18 A flowchart of backstepping control design for a k-cascaded dynamic system 369 8.19 A block diagram of adaptive control design 372 8.20 An RRP type three-joint robot arm . 378 8.21 The simulation results with M3 as the minimum embeddable C-manifold . 385 8.22 A 3-joint Stanford-like robot arm . 386 8.23 A 2-joint robot arm sitting on a rolling log 388 8.24 A 3-piston parallel-chain planar robot . 389 8.25 A block diagram of the DC-motor in driving a robotic link . 391 9.1 Major joints and types over an entire human body 398 9.2 The real human vertebral column and its modeling . 399 9.3 A block diagram of digital human joint distribution . 400 9.4 Coordinate frame assignment on a digital mannequin . 402 9.5 The left arm of a digital mannequin is manually maneuvered by a local I-K algorithm with at least two distinct configurations 412 9.6 A block diagram of the five-point model . 421 9.7 Shoulder abduction and its clavicle joint combination effect . 424 9.8 Hip flexion and abduction with joint combination effects to the trunk flexion and lateral flexion 425 9.9 Two-joint muscles on the arm and leg . 425 9.10 The angles of human posture in sagittal plane for a joint strength prediction 433 9.11 A closed boundary for the shoulder ROM and ROS in a chart of joint torque vs. joint angle . 435 9.12 Analysis of mannequin force balance in standing posture . 437 9.13 Two arms and torso joint torque distribution in standing posture . 438 9.14 A complete joint torque distribution in standing posture . 440 9.15 Analysis of mannequin force balance in sitting posture 441 9.16 Analysis of mannequin force balance in kneeling posture . 441XVIII List of Figures 9.17 The joint torque distribution over two arms and torso in sitting posture . 442 9.18 A complete joint torque distribution in sitting posture 443 9.19 The joint torque distribution over two arms and torso in kneeling posture 444 9.20 A complete joint torque distribution in kneeling posture . 445 9.21 A digital human skeleton model with segment numbering . 447 9.22 A mannequin is in neutral standing posture and ready to pick an object 450 9.23 A 47-joint torque distribution due to gravity in neutral standing posture . 450 9.24 A 47-joint torque distribution due to gravity in standing posture before the balance . 451 9.25 A 47-joint torque distribution due to gravity after balancing the reaction forces . 451 9.26 Mannequin postures in picking up a load without and with optimization 459 9.27 A joint torque distribution due to weight-lift without and with optimization 460 9.28 A complete joint torque distribution with and without optimization . 460 9.29 The mannequin postures in placing a load on the overhead shelf without and with optimization 461 9.30 A joint torque distribution in placing a load with and without optimization . 461 9.31 A complete joint torque distribution with and without optimization . 462 10.1 A digital human head model . 468 10.2 A face picture for texture-mapping onto the surface of a digital human head model . 469 10.3 A digital human abdomen/hip model . 475 10.4 A digital human torso model . 476 10.5 A digital human upper arm/forearm model 476 10.6 A digital human thigh/leg model . 477 10.7 Three different views of the finally assembled digital human model 480 10.8 A skeletal digital mannequin in dancing . 483 10.9 A block diagram for the right hand modeling and reversing the order for the left hand . 483 10.10 The joint/link coordinate frame assignment for hand modeling based on the D-H convention 484List of Figures XIX 10.11 The right hand digital model with a ball-grasping gesture 488 10.12 The left hand digital model with a ball-grasping gesture . 488 10.13 A digital hand model consists of various drawing components 490 10.14 The right hand is going to grasp a big ball . 493 10.15 A walking z-coordinates profile for the hands and feet from a motion capture 498 10.16 A walking x-coordinates profile for the feet from a motion capture . 499 10.17 A walking x-coordinates profile for the hands from a motion capture . 499 10.18 A walking x-coordinates profile for the feet created by a numerical algorithm 501 10.19 A walking x-coordinates profile for the hands created by a numerical algorithm 502 10.20 A walking z-coordinates profile for both the feet and hands created by a numerical algorithm . 502 10.21 z-trajectories in a running case for the feet and hands created by a numerical model 503 10.22 A digital human in walking 504 10.23 A digital human in running 504 10.24 z-trajectories in a jumping case for the feet and hands by a motion capture . 505 10.25 x-trajectories in a jumping case for the two feet by a motion capture . 505 10.26 x-trajectories in a jumping case for the two hands by a motion capture . 506 10.27 x and z-trajectories in a jumping case for the H-triangle by a motion capture 506 10.28 A digital human in jumping . 507 10.29 A relation diagram between the human centered frame and the world base . 511 10.30 A digital human in running and ball-throwing 513 10.31 A digital human in ball-throwing . 513 10.32 A digital human in ball-throwing . 514 10.33 A digital human is climbing up a stair 514 10.34 A digital human is climbing up a stair and then jumping down . 515 10.35 A digital human is jumping down from the stair 515 10.36 A digital human in springboard diving 516 10.37 A digital human in springboard diving 516 10.38 A digital human in springboard diving 517 10.39 A digital human in springboard diving 517 10.40 A digital human is walking and getting into a car . 518XX List of Figures 10.41 A digital human is getting into the car 518 10.42 A digital human is getting and seating into the car . 518 10.43 z-trajectories in the ball-throwing case for the feet and hands by the motion capture . 519 10.44 x-trajectories in the ball-throwing case for the two feet by the motion capture . 519 10.45 x-trajectories in the ball-throwing case for the two hands by the motion capture 520 10.46 x and z-trajectories in the ball-throwing case for the H-triangle by the motion capture . 520 10.47 z-trajectories in the stair-climbing/jumping case for the feet and hands by the motion capture . 521 10.48 x-trajectories in the stair-climbing/jumping case for the two feet by the motion capture . 522 10.49 x-trajectories in the stair-climbing/jumping case for the two hands by the motion capture . 523 10.50 x and z-trajectories in the stair-climbing/jumping case for the H-triangle by the motion capture . 523 10.51 x-trajectories in the springboard diving case for the two feet by a math model . 524 10.52 x-trajectories in the springboard diving case for the two hands by a math model . 525 10.53 z-trajectories in the springboard diving case for the two feet and two hands by a math model 525 10.54 x-trajectories in the ingress case for the two feet by a math model . 527 10.55 x-trajectories in the ingress case for the two hands by a math model . 528 10.56 y-trajectories in the ingress case for the two feet by a math model . 528 10.57 y-trajectories in the ingress case for the two hands by a math model . 529 10.58 z-trajectories in the ingress case for the two feet and two hands by a math model . 529 11.1 A structure of digital human dynamic model and motion drive 535 11.2 Dynamic balance in standing case and δ-force excitation in a walking case . 541 11.3 Dynamic balance and δ-force excitation in a running case . 542 11.4 A frontal collision acceleration profile as a vehicle speed at 45 mph . 544 11.5 The mannequin forgets wearing an upper seat belt before the vehicle crashes at 45 mph 546List of Figures XXI 11.6 At the moment of collision, the mannequin’s chest Hits the steering wheel 547 11.7 After the chest impact, the head immediately follows to hit the steering wheel . 547 11.8 The mannequin’s head is bouncing back after hitting the steering wheel 548 11.9 With the momentum of bouncing back, the mannequin’s head and back hit the car seat back . 548 11.10 The mannequin now wears both upper and lower seat belts and drives the car at 45 mph 549 11.11 After a frontal impact occurs, the mannequin’s chest hits the activated frontal airbag 549 11.12 With the airbag, the mannequin’s chest and head are protected from the deadly hit 550 11.13 Under an active restraint control, the mannequin is much safer in a crash accident . 550 11.14 With the active restraint control, severe bouncing back to hit the car seat back is also avoided . 551 11.15 The lumbar, thorax and head accelerations in Case 1 . 552 11.16 The lumbar, thorax and head accelerations in Case 2 . 552 11.17 The lumbar, thorax and head accelerations in the case with active restraint control . 553 11.18 The control inputs in the case with an active restraint system 553 11.19 The acceleration profile of an IED explosion underneath the vehicle seat . 554 11.20 A digital warfighter is sitting in a military vehicle with a normal posture . 556 11.21 An IED explosion blasts the vehicle and bounces up the mannequin 557 11.22 The explosion makes the mannequin further jump up . 557 11.23 The head would severely hit the steering wheel without any protection in response to the IED explosion 558 11.24 The digital warfighter is sitting with a 200 turning angle before an IED explodes . 558 11.25 The digital warfighter body is not only bouncing up, but also starting leaning off . 559 11.26 The digital warfighter is further leaning away 559 11.27 The digital warfighter is struggling and finally falling down from the seat . 560 11.28 Three joint accelerations of the neck vs. time under an initial normal posture . 561XXII List of Figures 11.29 Three joint accelerations of the neck vs. time under an initial posture with a 200 turning angle 561 11.30 A typical seat-belt restraint system . 563 11.31 A complete block diagram for the active restraint control system 568 11.32 A digital human drives a car with an active suspension system 572 11.33 A future integration in research and development of digital human modeling . 574
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