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عدد المساهمات : 18938 التقييم : 35320 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: مشروع تخرج بعنوان Finite Element Analysis of a Rotor Supported With Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings الإثنين 26 أغسطس 2024, 12:20 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم مشروع تخرج بعنوان Finite Element Analysis of a Rotor Supported With Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings A Project Report Submitted in partial requirements for the degree of Batchelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering By A Ranjit Kumar (111ME0303) Under the Guidance of Prof. R. K. Behera
و المحتوى كما يلي :
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE .1 DECLARATION 2 CERTIFICATE 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 A B S T R A C T .6 NOMENCLATURE :- 7 CHAPTER -1 9 1.1 INTRODUCTION:– 9 CHAPTER – 2 11 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW:- 11 2.1.1 Conclusion for Literature Review: 12 CHAPTER – 3 13 3.1 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 13 3.1.1 Rotor Bearing System:- . 13 3.1.2 Jeffcott Rotor Model:- . 13 3.1.3 Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings:- . 14 3.1.5 Shaft Modelling :- . 16 3.1.7 Bearing support modelling:- . 18 3.1.8 Global Equation of Motion:- . 19 3.1.8 Finite Element Equations:- . 21 3.1.9 Eigen Value Problems:- 24 METHODOLOGY :- .25 CHAPTER -4 29 4.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION :- . 29 4.1.1 Problem Statement 29 4.1.2Results: . 30 4.1.3 Discussion: 32 4.2 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE:- 35 REFERENCES :- .37 References :- [1] Ku D. M., Finite Element Analysis Of Whirl Speeds For Rotor-Bearing Systems With internal Damping, Academic Press, 1998, Article no. pg980159 [2] Ruhl R. L., Dynamics of Distributed Parameter Rotor Systems: Transfer Matrix and Finite Element Techniques, Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1970 [3] Ruhl R. L. and Booker J. F., A finite element model for distributed parameter turborotor systems, Journal of Engineering for Industry, 1972, 94, 128–132 [4] Dimentburg F. M., Flexural Vibrations of Rotating Shafts, London: Butterworths, 1961 [5] Nelson H. D. and McVaugh J. M., The dynamics of rotor-bearing systems using finite elements, Journal of Engineering for Industry, 1976, 98, 593–600 [6] Guyan R. J., Reduction of Stiffness and Mass Matrices, AIA Journal, 1965, 3, 380 [7] Rouch K. E. and Kao J. S., A tapered beam finite element for rotor dynamics analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1979, 66, 119–140 [8] Ozguven H. N. and Ozkan Z. L., Whirl speeds and unbalance response of multibearing rotors using finite elements, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design, 1984, 106, 72–79 [9] Genta Giancarlo, Dynamics of rotating systems, Springer, pp. 35-68, 2005 [10] Wang Ligang, Cao D.Q., Huang Wenhu, Non-linear coupled dynamics of flexible blade– rotor–bearing systems, Tribology International, vol. 43, pp. 759-778, 2010[38] [11] Mourelatos, J. E and Parsons, M. G., A Finite Element Analysis of Beams on Elastic Foundation including Shear and Axial Effects, Computers & Structures, 1987, vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 323-331 [12] Chan D. C., Choi S.H. and Lee Y.H., Analysis of Vibration Characteristics for a RotorBearing System Using Distributed Spring and Damper Model, International Journal of Rotating Machinery 1995, Vol. 1, No. 3-4, pp. 277-284. [13] Courant R., Variational Methods for the solutions of Equilibrium and Vibrations, Bulletin of American Mathematical Society, 1943, Vol.49 [14] Polya G., Estimates for Eigen Values, Studies presented to Richard Von Mises, Academic Press, New York, 1954 [15] Hersch J., Equations diffrentielles et Functions de cellules, C. R. Acad. Science, 1955, Vol.240 [16] Clough R. W., The finite element Method inplane stress Analysis, Aircraft Engineering, 1955, Vol.27 [17] Melosh R.J., Basis for the derivation for the Direct Stiffness Method, 1963, Vol. 1 [18] Pian T.H.H., Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices, 1964, Vol.2, Pp. 556-57 [19] Reddy J. N., An introduction to the Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1984. [20] Chandrapatla T. R. and Belegundu A.D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1991 [21] Rajasekharan S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, 1993[39] [22] Villa C., Sinou J. J., Thouverez F. T, Stability and vibration analysis of a complex flexible rotor bearing system, ScienceDirect, 2012 [23] Cook R. D., Concepts and applications of finite element analysis, book, 2007 [24] Huebner K. H., Dewhirst DL, Smith DE, Byrom TG, The finite element method for engineers, book, 2008.
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