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| موضوع: كتاب A First Course in the Finite Element Method الأحد 18 أغسطس 2024, 1:21 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب A First Course in the Finite Element Method Enhanced Sixth Edition, SI Version Daryl L. Logan University of Wisconsin–Platteville
و المحتوى كما يلي :
C O N T E N T S Preface to the SI Edition ix Preface x Digital Resource xii Acknowledgments xv Notation xvi 1 Introduction 1 Chapter Objectives 1 Prologue 1 1.1 Brief History 3 1.2 Introduction to Matrix Notation 4 1.3 Role of the Computer 6 1.4 General Steps of the Finite Element Method 7 1.5 Applications of the Finite Element Method 15 1.6 Advantages of the Finite Element Method 21 1.7 Computer Programs for the Finite Element Method 25 References 27 Problems 30 2 Introduction to the Stiffness (Displacement) Method 31 Chapter Objectives 31 Introduction 31 2.1 Definition of the Stiffness Matrix 32 2.2 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Spring Element 32 2.3 Example of a Spring Assemblage 36 2.4 Assembling the Total Stiffness Matrix by Superposition (Direct Stiffness Method) 38 2.5 Boundary Conditions 40 2.6 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Spring Element Equations 55 Summary Equations 65 References 66 Problems 66 3 Development of Truss Equations 72 Chapter Objectives 72 Introduction 72 3.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix for a Bar Element in Local Coordinates 73vi Contents 3.2 Selecting a Displacement Function in Step 2 of the Derivation of Stiffness Matrix for the One-Dimensional Bar Element 78 3.3 Transformation of Vectors in Two Dimensions 82 3.4 Global Stiffness Matrix for Bar Arbitrarily Oriented in the Plane 84 3.5 Computation of Stress for a Bar in the x – y Plane 89 3.6 Solution of a Plane Truss 91 3.7 Transformation Matrix and Stiffness Matrix for a Bar in Three-Dimensional Space 100 3.8 Use of Symmetry in Structures 109 3.9 Inclined, or Skewed, Supports 112 3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations 121 3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution to Exact Solution for Bar 132 3.12 Galerkin’s Residual Method and Its Use to Derive the One-Dimensional Bar Element Equations 136 3.13 Other Residual Methods and Their Application to a One-Dimensional Bar Problem 139 3.14 Flowchart for Solution of Three-Dimensional Truss Problems 143 3.15 Computer Program Assisted Step-by-Step Solution for Truss Problem 144 Summary Equations 146 References 147 Problems 147 4 Development of Beam Equations 169 Chapter Objectives 169 Introduction 169 4.1 Beam Stiffness 170 4.2 Example of Assemblage of Beam Stiffness Matrices 180 4.3 Examples of Beam Analysis Using the Direct Stiffness Method 182 4.4 Distributed Loading 195 4.5 Comparison of the Finite Element Solution to the Exact Solution for a Beam 208 4.6 Beam Element with Nodal Hinge 214 4.7 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Beam Element Equations 222 4.8 Galerkin’s Method for Deriving Beam Element Equations 225 Summary Equations 227 References 228 Problems 229 5 Frame and Grid Equations 239 Chapter Objectives 239 Introduction 239 5.1 Two-Dimensional Arbitrarily Oriented Beam Element 239 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples 243 5.3 Inclined or Skewed Supports—Frame Element 261 5.4 Grid Equations 262Contents vii 5.5 Beam Element Arbitrarily Oriented in Space 280 5.6 Concept of Substructure Analysis 295 Summary Equations 300 References 302 Problems 303 6 Development of the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Stiffness Equations 337 Chapter Objectives 337 Introduction 337 6.1 Basic Concepts of Plane Stress and Plane Strain 338 6.2 Derivation of the Constant-Strain Triangular Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations 342 6.3 Treatment of Body and Surface Forces 357 6.4 Explicit Expression for the Constant-Strain Triangle Stiffness Matrix 362 6.5 Finite Element Solution of a Plane Stress Problem 363 6.6 Rectangular Plane Element (Bilinear Rectangle, Q4) 374 Summary Equations 379 References 384 Problems 384 7 Practical Considerations in Modeling; Interpreting Results; and Examples of Plane Stress/Strain Analysis 391 Chapter Objectives 391 Introduction 391 7.1 Finite Element Modeling 392 7.2 Equilibrium and Compatibility of Finite Element Results 405 7.3 Convergence of Solution and Mesh Refinement 408 7.4 Interpretation of Stresses 411 7.5 Flowchart for the Solution of Plane Stress/Strain Problems 413 7.6 Computer Program–Assisted Step-by-Step Solution, Other Models, and Results for Plane Stress/Strain Problems 414 References 420 Problems 421 8 Development of the Linear-Strain Triangle Equations 437 Chapter Objectives 437 Introduction 437 8.1 Derivation of the Linear-Strain Triangular Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations 437 8.2 Example LST Stiffness Determination 442 8.3 Comparison of Elements 444 Summary Equations 447 References 448 Problems 448viii Contents 9 Axisymmetric Elements 451 Chapter Objectives 451 Introduction 451 9.1 Derivation of the Stiffness Matrix 451 9.2 Solution of an Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel 462 9.3 Applications of Axisymmetric Elements 468 Summary Equations 473 References 475 Problems 475 10 Isoparametric Formulation 486 Chapter Objectives 486 Introduction 486 10.1 Isoparametric Formulation of the Bar Element Stiffness Matrix 487 10.2 Isoparametric Formulation of the Plane Quadrilateral (Q4) Element Stiffness Matrix 492 10.3 Newton-Cotes and Gaussian Quadrature 503 10.4 Evaluation of the Stiffness Matrix and Stress Matrix by Gaussian Quadrature 509 10.5 Higher-Order Shape Functions (Including Q6, Q8, Q9, and Q12 Elements) 515 Summary Equations 526 References 530 Problems 530 11 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis 536 Chapter Objectives 536 Introduction 536 11.1 Three-Dimensional Stress and Strain 537 11.2 Tetrahedral Element 539 11.3 Isoparametric Formulation and Hexahedral Element 547 Summary Equations 555 References 558 Problems 558 12 Plate Bending Element 572 Chapter Objectives 572 Introduction 572 12.1 Basic Concepts of Plate Bending 572 12.2 Derivation of a Plate Bending Element Stiffness Matrix and Equations 577 12.3 Some Plate Element Numerical Comparisons 582 12.4 Computer Solutions for Plate Bending Problems 584 Summary Equations 588 References 590 Problems 591Contents ix 13 Heat Transfer and Mass Transport 599 Chapter Objectives 599 Introduction 599 13.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equation 601 13.2 Heat Transfer with Convection 604 13.3 Typical Units; Thermal Conductivities, K; and Heat Transfer Coefficients, h 605 13.4 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation Using a Variational Method 607 13.5 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation 626 13.6 Line or Point Sources 636 13.7 Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer by the Finite Element Method 639 13.8 One-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Mass Transport 641 13.9 Finite Element Formulation of Heat Transfer with Mass Transport by Galerkin’s Method 642 13.10 Flowchart and Examples of a Heat Transfer Program 646 Summary Equations 651 References 654 Problems 655 14 Fluid Flow in Porous Media and through Hydraulic Networks; and Electrical Networks and Electrostatics 673 Chapter Objectives 673 Introduction 673 14.1 Derivation of the Basic Differential Equations 674 14.2 One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation 678 14.3 Two-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation 691 14.4 Flowchart and Example of a Fluid-Flow Program 696 14.5 Electrical Networks 697 14.6 Electrostatics 701 Summary Equations 715 References 719 Problems 720 15 Thermal Stress 727 Chapter Objectives 727 Introduction 727 15.1 Formulation of the Thermal Stress Problem and Examples 727 Summary Equations 752 Reference 753 Problems 754x Contents 16 Structural Dynamics and Time-Dependent Heat Transfer 761 Chapter Objectives 761 Introduction 761 16.1 Dynamics of a Spring-Mass System 762 16.2 Direct Derivation of the Bar Element Equations 764 16.3 Numerical Integration in Time 768 16.4 Natural Frequencies of a One-Dimensional Bar 780 16.5 Time-Dependent One-Dimensional Bar Analysis 784 16.6 Beam Element Mass Matrices and Natural Frequencies 789 16.7 Truss, Plane Frame, Plane Stress, Plane Strain, Axisymmetric, and Solid Element Mass Matrices 796 16.8 Time-Dependent Heat Transfer 801 16.9 Computer Program Example Solutions for Structural Dynamics 808 Summary Equations 817 References 821 Problems 822 Appendix A Matrix Algebra 827 Appendix B Methods for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations 843 Appendix C Equations from Elasticity Theory 865 Appendix D Equivalent Nodal Forces 873 Appendix E Principle of Virtual Work 876 Appendix F Geometric Properties of Structural Steel Wide-Flange Sections (W Shapes) 880 Answers to Selected Problems 908 Index 938938 938 A Adjoint matrix, 837 Adjoint method, 835–837 Admissible variation, 58–59 Amplitude, 763 Approximation functions, 78–80, 213, 344–348, 438– 440, 455–457, 578–580, 607–608, 626–627 axisymmetric elements, 455–457 bar elements, 78–82 beam elements, 213 conforming (compatible) functions, 81 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 344–348 displacement functions, 79–82, 213, 344–348, 438– 440, 578–580 heat transfer, 607–608, 626–627 interpolation functions, 80 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 438–440 plate bending elements, 578–580 shape functions, 80, 347, 438–439, 456–457 temperature functions, 607–608, 626–627 Aspect ratios, 392–395 Axial (longitudinal) displacement, 73–76 Axial displacement function, 75 Axial symmetry, 109 Axis of symmetry (revolution) for, 452 Axisymmetric elements, 10,11, 451–485, 732–733, 799–800 applications of, 468–473 axis of symmetry (revolution) for, 452 body force distribution, 459–460 defined, 10, 11 discretization, 462–463 displacement functions, 455–457 element type selection, 455 mass matrix, 799–800 pressure vessels, 462–468 shape functions, 456–457, 799–800 stiffness matrix, 451–462, 463–467 strain/displacement relationships, 454, 457–458 stress/strain relationships, 452–454, 457–458 surface forces of, 460–461 thermal stress in, 732–733 von Mises stresses of, 470–472 B Banded matrix, 857 Banded-symmetric matrices, 856–863 Bar elements, 72–168, 258–261, 487–492, 515–520, 731, 733, 764–768, 780–789 arbitrarily oriented in plane, 84–89 body forces and, 491 boundary conditions, 767–768 displacement functions, 78–82, 488–489, 764 dynamic analysis of, 764–768, 780–784 element type selection, 75, 487–488, 764 exact solution, 132–136 finite element comparison, 132–136 frames with beam elements and, 258–261 Galerkin’s residual method, 136–139 global equations, 767–768 gradient matrix, 124, 490, 498 isoparametric formulation, 487–492, 515–520 Jacobian matrix, 490 linear-strain (three-node), 515–520 local coordinates, 73–78 mass matrix, 765–767 natural frequency, 780–784 one-dimensional, 78–82, 136–143, 731, 733, 78–789 potential energy approach, 121–132 residual methods for, 136–143 shape functions, 80, 488–489 stiffness matrix, 73–78, 84–89, 487–492, 765–767 strain/displacement of, 75, 489–490, 764–765 stress, computation for in x–y plane, 89–91 stress/strain relationships, 75, 489–490, 764–765 surface forces and, 491–492 thermal stress in, 731, 733 three-dimensional, 100–109, 143 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 764–768, 780–789 transformation of vectors in two dimensions, 82–84 two-dimensional, 82–84 Beam elements, 169–238, 239–243, 280–294, 789–796 frames with bar elements and, 258–261 boundary conditions, 180–182 curvature (k ) of, 172 defined, 170 I N D E XIndex 939 direct stiffness method for, 182–195 displacement functions, 173–174 distributed loading, 195–208 element type selection, 172–173 Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, 171–177 exact solution, 208–214 finite element solution, 208–214 flexure formula for, 175 frame equations, 239–243, 280–294 Galerkin’s method for, 225–227 global equations, 180–182 load replacement, 197–198 mass matrix, 789–796 natural frequency, 789–796 nodal forces, 198–199 nodal hinges for, 214–221 plane, arbitrary orientation in, 239–243 potential energy approach to, 222–225 shape functions, 174 sign conventions, 170–171 space, arbitrary orientation in, 280–294 stiffness matrix for, 171–182 stiffness, 170–180 strain/displacement relationship, 174–175 strain energy, 225 stress/strain relationship, 174–175 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 789–796 Timoshenko beam theory, 177–180 transformation matrix, 239–243, 282–285 transverse shear deformation and, 177–180 work-equivalence method for, 196–198 Bending, 281–285, 378–379, 572–598 CST and Q4 displacement comparison, 378–379 frame equations, 281–285 geometry and deformation from, 573 Kirchhoff assumptions for displacement from, 573–575 plate elements, 572–598 pure, 378–379 Bilinear quadratic (Q6) elements, 521–522 Body forces, 357–359, 459–460, 491, 500, 543–544 axisymmetric elements, 459–460 bar elements, 491 centrifugal, 358 plane stress and plane strain from, 357–359 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 500 tetrahedral elements, 543–544 Boundary conditions, 35, 40–55, 180–182, 353–355, 603–604, 612, 676–678, 682, 709–710, 767–768 bar elements, 767–768 beam elements, 180–182 constant-strain triangular elements, 353–355 differential equations and, 603–604, 676–678 electrostatics, 709–710 fluid flow, 676–678, 682, 709–710 heat transfer, 603–604, 612 homogeneous, 41–42 nodal displacements and, 40–44 nonhomogeneous, 42–44 spring elements, 35, 40–55 stiffness method and, 35, 40–44 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 767–768 Boundary elements for support evaluation, 120–121 Branch elements, 687–688 C Cartesian coordinates, 537–538 Central difference method, 768–774 Centrifugal body forces, 358 Coarse-mesh generation, 343 Coefficient matrix inversion, 846–847 Coefficient of thermal expansion, 728 Cofactor matrix, 836 Cofactor method, 835–837 Collocation method, 140–141 Column matrix, 5, 827 Combining elements, 21, 23, 403–404 finite element method for, 21, 23 modeling, 403–404 Compatibility equations, 867–869 Compatibility of modeling results, 405–408 Complete pivoting, 854 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 21 Computer programs, 25–27, 144–145, 414–419, 584– 588, 808–816, 861–863 damping, 812–816 finite element method and, 25–27 plate bending element solutions, 584–588 simultaneous linear equations, 861–863 step-by-step modeling, 414–419 structural dynamics solutions, 808–816 time-dependent problem solutions, 808–816 truss problem solutions, 144–145 Computer role in finite element method 6–7 Concentrated (point) loads, 402 Conduction, 601–605, 608–612, 628–629 element conduction matrix, 608–612, 628–629 Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 602 one-dimensional heat transfer, 601–605, 608–612940 Index Conduction (continued) two-dimensional heat transfer, 603–604, 628–629 with convection, 604–605 without convection, 601–604 Conforming (compatible) functions, 81 Conservation of energy principle, 601–602, 642 Conservation of mass, 674–675 Consistent loads, 353 Consistent-mass matrix, 766–767, 790, 797–800 Constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 342–357, 362–363, 377–379, 402, 444–447 boundary conditions, 353–355 displacement functions, 344–348 displacement results, 378–379 element forces (stresses), 355 element type selection, 343 explicit expression for, 362–363 global equations, 353–355 LST elements, comparison of, 444–447 nodal displacements, 355 plane stress and plane strain equations, 342–357, 362–363 potential energy approach for, 350–353 rectangular (Q4) plane elements comparison to, 377–379 shape functions, 347 stiffness matrix, 342–357 strain/displacement relationship, 348–350 stress results, 379 stress/strain relationship, 350 transition triangles for modeling, 402 Constitutive law, 12 Convection, heat transfer with, 604–606 Coordinates, 73–78, 487, 537–538 bar elements, 73–78 Cartesian, 537–538 local, 73–78 natural (intrinsic), 487 stiffness matrix, 73–78 stress analysis, 537–538 three-dimensional elements, 537–538 trusses, 73–78 Coulomb’s law, 701–702 Cramer’s rule, 845–846 Cross sections for grid equations, 265–267 CST elements, see Constant-strain triangular (CST) elements Cubic elements, 10, 11 Cubic rectangles (Q12), 525–526 Current flow, 698–699 Curvature, 170–171, 576–577, 580–581 beams, 170–171 moments of, 576–577, 580–581 plate bending elements, 576–577, 580–581 stress/strain relationships and, 576–577 strain/displacement relationships, 580–581 D Damping, 812–816 Darcy’s law, 675 Deformation of plate bending elements, 573 Degrees of freedom, 15, 16, 32 Determinants, 835–837 Dielectric constants, 704–705 Differential equations, 601–605, 674–678 boundary conditions and, 603–604, 676–678 conservation of energy, 601–602 conservation of mass, 674–675 convection, 604–605 Darcy’s law, 675 fluid flow, 674–678 Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 602 heat transfer, 601–605 one-dimensional heat conduction, 601–603 pipes, flow through, 677–678 porous medium, flow through, 674–676 solid bodies, flow around, 677–678 two-dimensional heat conduction, 603–604 Differentiating a matrix, 833–834 Direct methods, 8, 14, 31–71 force (flexibility), 8 displacement (stiffness), 8, 31–71 Direct stiffness method, 3, 14 Direct stiffness method, 3, 14, 31, 38–40, 182–195, 612, 624–626. See also Superposition beam analysis using, 182–195 global equations assembled using, 14, 612 heat transfer equations from, 612, 624–626 history of, 8 spring analysis using, 38–40 superposition methods as, 14, 31 total stiffness matrix from, 38–40 Discretization, 2, 9–10, 364–365, 395–397, 462–463 axisymmetric pressure vessels, 462–463 coarse-mesh generation, 343 finite method use of, 2, 9–10, 364–365 natural subdivisions for, 395–397 plane stress and, 364–365 Displacement, 32–33, 35, 40–41, 73–76, 78–82, 378– 379, 573–575. See also Strain/displacement relationships axial (longitudinal), 73–76 bar elements, 73–76Index 941 CST and Q4 result comparison, 378–379 Kirchhoff assumptions and, 573–575 nodal, 32–33, 35, 40–41, 73–76, 78–82 plate bending elements, 573–575 spring elements, 32–33, 35, 40–41 truss elements, 76, 78–82 Displacement functions, 10–12, 78–82, 173–174, 344–348, 375, 438–440, 455–457, 488–489, 495, 540–542, 578–580, 764 axisymmetric elements, 455–457, 488–489 bar elements, 78–82, 764 beam elements, 173–174 conforming (compatible) functions, 81 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 344–348 finite element method selection of, 10–12 interpolation functions, 80 isoparametric formulation and, 488–489, 495 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 438–440 one-dimensional bars, 78–82 plate bending elements, 578–580 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 375, 495 shape functions and, 80, 174, 456–457, 488–489 tetrahedral elements, 540–542 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 764 Displacement (stiffness) method, 8, 31–71. See also Stiffness method Distributed loading, 195–208 beam elements, 195–208 fixed-end reactions and, 195–196 load replacement, 197–198 nodal forces, 198–199 work-equivalence method for, 196–198 Dynamic analysis, 761–826 axisymmetric elements, 799–800 bar elements, 764–768, 780–784 beam elements, 789–796 computer program solutions, 808–816 damping, 812–816 dynamic equations, 764–768 heat transfer, 801–807 mass matrix, 765–767, 789–800 natural frequency, 763, 780–784, 789–796, 808–812 numerical time integration, 768–780, 802–804 one-dimensional bar elements, 780–789 plane frame elements, 797–798 plane stress/strain elements, 798–799 spring-mass system, 762–764 tetrahedral (solid) elements, 800 time-dependent problems, 764–768, 784–789, 801–807 truss elements, 796–797 E Effective nodal forces, 257 Elasticity theory, 865–872 compatibility equations, 867–869 equations of equilibrium, 865–867 strain/displacement equations, 867–869 stress/strain relationships, 867–872 Electric displacement fields, 707, 710 Electric field/potential gradient relationship, 706–707, 710 Electrical networks, 697–701 current flow, 698–699 fluid flow and, 697–701 Kirchhoff’s current law, 699 Ohm’s law, 697 sign convention, 698–699 voltage drop, 697–699 Electrostatics, 701–715 boundary conditions, 709–710 Coulomb’s law, 701–702 dielectric constants, 704–705 electric displacement fields, 707, 710 electric field/potential gradient relationship, 706– 707, 710 element type selection, 705 finite element method for, 705–715 fluid flow and, 701–715 Gauss’s law, 702–704 global equations, 709–710 Poisson’s equation, 704 potential function, 705–706 stiffness matrix, 707–709 two-dimensional triangular elements, 705–710 voltage (potential) gradient, 706–707 Elements, 9–13, 32–36, 38–40, 65–66, 72–168, 169– 238, 342–357, 362–363, 374–379, 392–395, 403–404, 437–438, 444–447, 455, 487–488, 493–495, 539–540, 578, 607–613, 626–629, 679, 681, 705, 764 axisymmetric, 455 bars, 72–168, 487–488, 764 beams, 169–238 conduction matrix and equations, 608–612, 628–629 connecting different types of, 403–404 constant-strain triangular (CST), 342–357, 362–363 discretization and, 9–11 electrostatics, 705 finite element steps for, 9–18 fluid flow, 679, 691, 705 forces, 36, 77, 355 heat transfer and, 607–613, 626–629942 Index Elements (continued) isoparametric formulation of, 487–488, 493–495 linear-strain triangle (LST), 437–438 LST and CST comparison of, 444–447 plane stress and plane strain in, 342–357, 362–363, 374–379 plate bending, 578 rectangular (Q4) plane, 374–379, 493–495 shapes for modeling, 392–395 springs, 32–36, 38–40, 65–66 stiffness matrix and equations, 12–13, 32–36, 38–40, 65–66 stresses, 355 temperature function, 607–608, 626–627 temperature gradients, 608, 613, 627–628 tetrahedral, 539–540 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 764 triangular, 691 trusses, 75, 77 Energy method, 12–13 Equations, 1–2, 6, 7, 12–14, 12–13, 32–36, 38–40, 55–66, 72–168, 169–238, 337–390, 437– 450, 601–605, 607–636, 647–678, 843–864, 865–872. See also Conduction matrix; Stiffness matrix bar elements, 72–168 beams,169–238 compatibility, 867–869 constant-strain triangular elements, 342–357, 362–363 differential, 601–605, 674–678 elasticity theory, 865–872 element stiffness matrix, 12–13, 32–36, 38–40, 65–66 equilibrium, 865–867 finite element method and, 1–2, 7 fluid flow, 674–678 global conduction, 612–613 global stiffness, 6,14, 35 heat transfer, 601–605, 607–636 homogeneous, 843 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 437–450 matrix forms, 12–14 nonhomogeneous, 843 plane stress and plane strain, 337–390 Poisson’s, 704 potential energy approach for, 55–65 simultaneous linear, 843–864 spring elements, 32–36, 38–40, 55–66 strain/displacement, 12, 34, 867–869 stress/strain, 12, 15, 34 trusses, 72–168 Equilibrium, equations of, 865–867 Equilibrium of modeling results, 405–408 Equivalent joint force replacement method, 253–258 Equivalent nodal forces, 198–199 Errors, checking models for, 404 Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, 171–177 Exact solution, 132–136, 208–214 bar elements, 132–136 beam elements, 208–214 finite element method compared to, 132–136, 208–214 External forces, potential energy and, 121–123 Explicit numerical integration method, 804 F Field problems, 55 Finite element method, 1–30, 123–127, 132–136, 208–214, 363–374, 392–408, 607–636, 639–641, 642–646, 678–695, 705–715, 764–768 advantages of, 21, 24 applications of, 14–25 bar elements, 132–136, 764–768 beam elements, 208–214 computer programs for, 25–27 computer, role of, 6–7 defined, 1 degrees of freedom, 15 direct equilibrium method, 12 direct methods, 8 direct stiffness method and, 3, 624–626 discretization for, 2, 9–10, 364–365 displacement function selection, 10–12 electrostatics, 705–715 element conduction matrix and equations, 608–612, 628–629 element stiffness matrix and equations, 12 energy method, 12–13 exact solution compared to, 132–136, 208–214 fluid flow, 678–695, 705–715 Galerkin’s residual method for, 642–646 global stiffness matrix, 365–370 heat transfer equations, 607–636, 639–641, 642–646 history of, 3–4 hydraulic networks, 687–691 mass transport and, 642–646 matrix notation, 4–6 maximum distortion theory and, 373 modeling, 2, 392–408 nonstructural problems, 16 one-dimensional fluid flow, 678–691Index 943 one-dimensional heat conduction, 607–626 plane stress solutions, 363–374 potential energy approach for equations, 123–127 result interpretation, 15 steps of, 7–14 strain/displacement relationships, 12 stress/strain relationships, 12, 15 structural problems, 15 three-dimensional heat transfer, 639–641 time-dependent (domain) analysis, 764–768 two-dimensional fluid flow, 691–695 two-dimensional heat transfer, 626–636 variational methods, 8–9, 607–626 weight residual methods, 9–12 weighted residual method, 13–15 work method, 12–13 Fixed-end forces, 253–254 Fixed-end reactions, 195–196 Flexure formula, 175 Flowcharts, 143, 413, 646–650, 696–697, 771, 776 central difference method, 771 fluid flow, 696–697 heat transfer, 646–650 modeling, 413 Newmark’s method, 776 numerical integration, 771, 776 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 771, 776 truss analysis, 143 Fluid flow, 673–726 boundary conditions, 676–678, 682, 709–710 conservation of mass, 674–675 Coulomb’s law, 701–702 Darcy’s law, 675 differential equations, 674–678 electrical networks, 697–701 electrostatics, 701–715 finite element method for, 678–695 flowcharts, 696–697 Gauss’s law, 702–704 hydraulic networks, 687–691 Kirchhoff’s current law, 699 line or point sources, 695 Ohm’s law, 697 one-dimensional, 674–676, 678–691 pipes, 677–678 porous medium, 674–676 potential functions, 679, 691–692, 705–706 solid bodies, flow around, 677–678 two-dimensional, 676, 691–695 velocity potential function, 677–678 Force/displacement equations, 296–297 Force matrix, 377 Force (flexibility) method, 8 Forced convection, 604, 606 Forces, 36, 42, 77, 121–123, 198–199, 253–254, 355, 357–362, 459–461, 491–492, 500–501, 543–544, 764 axisymmetric elements and, 459–461 body, 357–359, 459–460, 491, 500, 543–544 centrifugal body, 358 effective nodal, 257 element solutions, 36, 77, 355 equivalent nodal, 198–199 external, 121–123 fixed-end, 253–254 friction, 764 nodal, 42, 198–199, 257 isoparametric formulation of, 491–492, 500–501 reactions (nodal force), 42 stresses as, 355 surface, 359–362, 460–461, 491–492, 500–501, 544 three-dimensional elements, 543–544 Forcing function, 808–809, 811 Foundation load, 403 Frame equations, 239–262, 280–336 bar elements, 258–261 beam elements, 239–243, 280–294 bending and, 281–285 effective nodal forces, 257 equivalent joint force replacement method, 253–258 fixed-end forces, 253–254 inclined supports, 261–262 plane, arbitrary beam orientation in, 239–243 rigid plane frames, 243–261 skewed supports, 261–262 space, arbitrary beam orientation in, 280–294 stiffness matrix, 293–243, 289–294 substructure analysis using, 295–299 three-dimensional orientation, 280–294 transformation matrix, 239–243, 282–285 two-dimensional orientation, 239–262 Free-end deflections, 377 Friction forces, 764 Functional, defined, 13 G Galerkin’s residual method, 136–139, 142–143, 225–227, 642–646 bar elements (one-dimensional), 137–139, 142–143944 Index Galerkin’s residual (continued) beam elements, 225–227 finite element formulation and, 642–646 general formulation of, 136–137 heat transfer with mass transport equations by, 642–646 weighting functions and, 142–143 Gauss points, 550 Gaussian elimination, 847–854 complete pivoting, 854 partial pivoting, 854 sequential pivot elements, 853–854 simultaneous linear equations and, 847–854 zero pivot element, 852–853, Gaussian quadrature, 506–515 integration using, 506–509 stiffness matrix evaluation by, 509–513 stress evaluation by, 513–515 two-point formula for, 507–508 Gauss-Jordan method, 837–839 Gauss’s law, 702–704 Gauss-Seidel iteration, 854–856 Global conduction equations, 612–613 Global mass matrix, 796–797, 799 Global stiffness equations, 6, 14, 35, 76, 180–182, 353– 355, 682, 709–710, 767–768 beam elements, 180–182 bar elements, 767–768 boundary conditions and, 14 constant-strain triangular elements, 353–355 defined, 6 electrostatics, 709–710 finite element assembly of, 14 fluid flow, 682 spring elements, 35 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 767–768 truss elements, 76 Global stiffness matrix, 32, 73–78, 365–370 bars arbitrarily oriented in the plane, 73–78 defined, 32 plane stress, 365–370 superposition for assembly of, 365–370 Gradient matrix, 124, 211, 350, 490, 498, 608, 627–628, 679–680, 706–707 beam equations, 211 hydraulic, 679–680 temperature, 608, 627–628 strain-displacement, 350 truss equations, 124 voltage (potential), 706–707 Grid, defined, 262 Grid equations, 262–280 cross sections for, 265–267 polar moment of inertia (J) for, 265–266 shear center (SC) for, 267 stiffness matrix for, 263–269 torsional constant for, 265–267 transformation matrix for, 268 H Heat flux/temperature gradient relationships, 608, 627–628 Heat transfer, 599–672, 801–807 boundary conditions for, 603–604, 612 conduction (with convection), 604–605 conduction (without convection), 601–604 conservation of energy principle, 601–602, 642 convection and, 604–606 differential equations for, 601–605 finite element method for, 607–613, 626–636, 639– 641, 642–646 flowcharts for, 646–650 Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 602 Galerkin’s residual method for, 642–646 line sources for, 636–638 mass matrix, 802 mass transport and, 601, 641–646 numerical time integration, 802–804 one-dimensional, 601–605, 607–626, 641–642 point sources for, 636–638 temperature distribution and, 600 temperature function, 607–608, 626–627 thermal conductivities, 605–606 three-dimensional, 639–641 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 801–807 two-dimensional, 603–604, 626–636 units of, 605–606 variational method for, 607–626 Heat-transfer coefficients, 605–606 Hexahedral elements, 547–555 Gauss points for, 550 isoparametric formulation and, 547–555 linear, 547–550 quadratic, 550–555 shape functions for, 548, 551 stress analysis for, 547–555 Hinge nodes in beam elements, 214–221 Homogeneous boundary conditions, 41–42 Homogeneous equations, 843Index 945 Hydraulic gradient, 679–680 Hydraulic networks, fluid flow through, 687–691 I Identity matrix, 831 Inclined supports, 112–121, 261–262 frame equations for, 261–262 truss equations for, 112–121 Infinite medium, 403 Infinite stress, 402 Integration, 503–509, 834–835 Gaussian quadrature, 506–509 isoparametric formulation and, 503–509 matrix, 834–835 Newton-Cotes method for, 503–506 two-point formula for, 507–508 Interpolation functions, 80 Inverse of a matrix, 832, 835–839 adjoint method, 835–837 cofactor method, 835–837 defined, 832 determinants, 835–837 Gauss-Jordan method, 837–839 row reduction, 837–839 Isoparametric, defined, 487 Isoparametric formulation, 486–535, 547–555 bar elements, 487–492 bilinear quadratic (Q6) elements, 521–522 cubic rectangles (Q12), 525–526 Gaussian quadrature, 506–515 hexahedral elements, 547–555 higher-order functions, 515–526 linear-strain bars, 515–520 natural (intrinsic) coordinates, 487 Newton-Cotes numerical method, 503–506 quadratic rectangles (Q8 and Q9), 522–525 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 492–503 stiffness matrix from, 486–503, 509–513 transformation mapping and, 487 Iteration, Gauss-Seidel method for, 854–856 J Jacobian matrix, 490 K Kirchhoff assumptions for plate bending elements, 573–575 Kirchhoff’s current law, 699 L Least squares method, 141–142 Line sources, 636–638, 695 Linear elements, 10, 11 Linear equations, see Simultaneous linear equations Linear hexahedral elements, 547–550 Linear-strain bars, isoparametric formulation for, 515–520 Linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 437–450 CST elements, comparison of, 444–447 defined, 440 displacement functions for, 438–440 element type selection, 437–438 Pascal triangle for, 438–439 shape functions for, 438–439, 443 stiffness, determination of, 442–444 stiffness matrix for, 437–442 strain/displacement relationships, 440–441 stress/strain relationships, 440–441 Load discontinuities, natural subdivisions at, 395–397 Load replacement, 197–198 Loading, 195–208, 402–403 concentrated (point), 402 distributed, 195–208 foundation, infinite medium for, 403 Local stiffness matrix, 35 LST elements, see Linear-strain triangle (LST) elements Lumped-mass matrix, 765–766, 789–790, 797–799 M Mass flow rate, 641 Mass matrix, 765–767, 789–800 axisymmetric elements, 799–800 bar elements, 765–767 beam elements, 789–796 consistent, 766–767, 790, 797–800 global, 796–797, 799 lumped, 765–766, 789–790, 797–799 plane frame elements, 797–798 plane stress/strain elements, 798–799 shape functions and, 797–799 tetrahedral (solid) elements, 800 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 765–767, 789–800 truss elements, 796–797 Mass transport, 601, 641–646 conservation of energy principle, 642 finite element method for, 642–646 Galerkin’s residual method for, 642–646 heat transfer with, 601, 641–646 one-dimensional heat transfer with, 641–642946 Index Matrices, 4–6, 32–36, 38–40, 73–78, 82–89, 100–109, 124, 342, 350, 377, 490, 498, 608–612, 627–629, 679–680, 692, 731–733, 765–767, 789–800, 827, 831–833, 836–837, 839–840, 856–863. See also Matrix algebra; Stiffness matrix adjoint, 837 cofactor, 836 column, 5, 827 banded, 857 banded-symmetric, 856–863 defined, 4, 827 element conduction, 608–612, 628–629 force, 377 global stiffness, 35, 73–78 gradient, 124, 490, 498 hydraulic gradient, 679–680, 692 identity, 831 Jacobian, 490 local stiffness, 35 mass, 765–767, 789–800 notation for, 4–6 orthogonal, 832–833 positive definite, 839 positive semidefinite, 840 rectangular, 5, 827 row, 827 singular, 837 square, 827 stiffness, 32–36, 38–40, 73–78, 84–89, 100–109, 839–840 strain-displacement gradient, 350 stress–strain (constitutive), 342 symmetric, 831 system stiffness, 38 temperature gradient, 608, 627–628 thermal force, 731–733 thermal strain, 731–732 total (global) 38–40, 76 transformation (rotation), 82–84, 100–109, 832 unit, 831 Matrix algebra, 827–842 addition, 829 adjoint method, 835–837 cofactor method, 835–837 definitions, 827–828 determinants, 835–837 differentiation, 833–834 integration, 834–835 inverse of a matrix, 832, 835–839 multiplication by a scalar, 828 multiplication of matrices, 829–830 operations, 827–835 orthogonal uses, 832–833 row reduction, 837–839 stiffness matrix properties, 839–840 symmetry, 831, 839 transpose of a matrix, 830–831 types of matrices, 827 Maximum distortion energy theory, 373. See also von Mises stress Mechanical event simulation (MES), 18 Mesh revision and convergence, 397–401, 408–411 modeling accuracy from, 397–401 patch test for, 408–411 refinement methods for, 397–401 Mindlin plate theory, 583, 585 Modeling, 2, 391–436 aspect ratios, 392–395 compatibility of results, 405–408 computer program-assisted step-by-step solution, 414–419 concentrated (point) loads, 402 connecting (mixing) different elements, 403–404 element shapes for, 392–395 equilibrium of results, 405–408 errors, 404 finite element method, 2, 392–408 flowcharts, 413 foundation load and, 403 infinite medium and, 403 infinite stress and, 402 load discontinuities and, 395–397 mesh revision and convergence, 397–401, 408–411 methods of refinement, 397–401 natural subdivisions, 395–398 patch test for, 408–411 plane stress and plane strain problems, 413–419 postprocessor results, 404–405 results, 404–408 stresses interpreted for, 411–413 symmetry and, 395 transition triangles for, 402 von Mises (equivalent) stress and, 417–419 Moments of curvature, 576–577, 580–581 N Natural (free) convection, 604, 606 Natural (intrinsic) coordinates, 487 Natural frequency, 763, 780–784, 789–796, 808–816 circular, 763 computer analysis and, 808–816 beam elements, 789–796 damping, 812–816Index 947 one-dimensional bar elements, 780–784 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 763, 780–784, 789–796, 808–812 Natural subdivisions at load discontinuities, 395–398 Natural subdivisions, 395–398 Newmark’s method, 774–778 Newton-Cotes numerical integration, 503–506 Newton’s second law of motion, 762 Nodal degrees of freedom, 15, 16, 32, 173–174 Nodal displacements, 10–12, 32–33, 35, 40–41, 73–76, 78–82, 355 bar elements, 73–76 boundary conditions and, 40–41 constant-strain triangular elements, 355 degrees of freedom, 32 determination of, 35 displacement functions for, 10–12, 78–82 spring elements, 32–33, 35, 40–41 stiffness method, 32–33, 36 truss elements, 76, 78–82 Nodal forces, 198–199 Nodal hinges for beam elements, 214–221 Nodal potentials, 682 Nodal temperatures, 613 Nodes, 10–11, 32, 395–398, 623–624 defined, 32 heat balance equations at, 623–624 natural subdivisions at, 395–398 placement of in elements, 10–11 Nonexistence of solution, 845 Nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, 42–44 Nonhomogeneous equations, 843 Nonstructural problems, finite element method for, 16 Nonuniqueness of solution, 844 Normal (longitudinal) strains, 341 Numerical comparisons, plate bending elements, 582–584 Numerical time integration, 768–780, 802–804 central difference method, 768–774 explicit, 804 heat transfer solution by, 802–804 Newmark’s method, 774–778 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 768–780, 802–804 trapezoid rule for, 802 Wilson’s method, 779–780 O Ohm’s law, 697 One-dimensional bar elements, 78–82, 136–143, 731, 733, 780–789 displacement functions, 78–82 Galerkin’s residual method for, 136–139, 142–143 natural frequency, 780–784 residual methods for, 136–142 thermal strain matrix, 731, 733 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 780–789 truss bars, 78–82, 136–143 One-dimensional fluid flow, 674–676, 678–691 boundary conditions, 676–678, 682 branch elements, 687–688 conservation of mass, 674–675 Darcy’s law, 675 differential equations, 674–676 element type selection, 679 finite element method for, 678–691 global equations for, 682 hydraulic gradient, 679–680 hydraulic networks, 687–691 nodal potentials, 682 permeability of materials, 680 Poiseuille’s law, 687 potential function, 679 stiffness matrix for, 680–681 velocity/gradient relationship, 679–680, 682 volumetric flow rate, 682 One-dimensional heat transfer, 601–605, 607–626, 641–642 boundary conditions for, 603, 612 conduction with convection, 604–605 conduction without convection, 601–604 differential equations for, 601–605 direct stiffness method for, 612, 624–626 element conduction matrix, 608–612 element type selection, 607 finite element method for, 607–626 global conduction equations, 612–613 heat balance equations at nodes, 623–624 heat flux/temperature gradient relationships, 608 mass transport and, 641–642 nodal temperatures, 613 temperature function, 607–608 temperature gradients, 608, 613 variational methods for, 607–626 Open sections, 266 Orthogonal matrix, 832–833 Orthogonality condition, 284 P Parasitic shear, 378 Partial pivoting, 854 Pascal triangle, 438–439948 Index Patch test, 408–411 Period of vibration, 763 Permeability of materials, 680 Pinned boundary condition, 145 Pipes, fluid flow through, 677–678 Pivot elements, 852–854 Plane stress/strain, 337–390, 413–419, 731–732, 798–799 body forces and, 357–359 computer program-assisted step-by-step solution, 414–419 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 342–357, 362–363, 377–379 defined, 338–339 discretization for, 364–365 finite element solution for, 363–374 flowcharts for, 413 global stiffness matrix for, 365–370 mass matrix, 798–799 maximum distortion theory for, 373 modeling problems, 413–419 principal angle, 340 principal stresses, 340 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 374–379 shape functions for, 347, 798 surface forces and, 359–362 thermal strain matrix, 731–732 two-dimensional state of, 339–342 Plane trusses, solutions for, 91–100 Planes, 239–261, 374–379, 492–503, 797–798. See also Two-dimensional elements arbitrary beam orientation in, 239–243 equations for elements in, 243–261 frames, 239–261, 797–798 isoparametric formulation for, 492–503 mass matrix, 797–798 rectangular (Q4) elements, 374–379, 492–503 rigid frames, 243–261 Plate bending elements, 572–598 computer solutions for, 584–588 concept of, 572 curvature relationships, 580–581 deformation of, 573 displacement and, 573–575 displacement functions, 578–580 element type selection, 578 geometry of, 573 Kirchhoff assumptions for, 573–575 Mindlin plate theory, 583, 585 numerical comparisons, 582–584 potential energy of, 577 stiffness matrix for, 577–582 strain/displacement relationships, 580–581 stress (moment)-curvature relationships, 580–581 stress/strain relationships, 575–577 Veubeke “subdomain” formulation, 583 Point sources, 636–638, 695 Poiseuille’s law, 687 Poisson’s equation, 704 Polar moment of inertia (J), 265–266 Porous medium, fluid flow through, 674–676 Positive definite matrix, 839 Positive semidefinite matrix, 840 Postprocessor modeling results, 404–405 Potential energy approach, 55–65, 121–132, 222–225, 350–353 admissible variation, 58–59 approximate values from, 123 bar elements, 121–132 beam elements, 222–225 constant-strain triangular elements, 350–353 external forces, 121–123 finite element equations from, 123–127 matrix differentiation, 127 principle of minimum potential energy, 56, 123 spring element equations by, 55–65 stationary value of a function, 58 strain energy and, 57, 225 total potential energy, 56–59, 61, 123–127, 222–224 truss equations, 121–132 variation of, 58–59 Potential energy of plate bending elements, 577 Potential functions, 679, 691–692, 705–706 electrostatics, 705–706 fluid flow, 679, 691–692 one-dimensional flow, 679 two-dimensional flow, 691–692 Pressure vessels, 462–468 discretization, 462–463 stiffness matrix, 463–467 Primary unknowns, 15 Principal angle, 340 Principal stresses, 340 Pure bending, 378–379 Q Q4 symbol, 374 Quadratic elements, 10, 11, 515–526, 550–555. See also Rectangular (Q4) plane elements bilinear quadratic (Q6), 521–522Index 949 cubic rectangles (Q12), 525–526 defined, 10, 11 hexahedral, 550–555 isoparametric formulation for, 515–526, 550–555 linear-strain bars, 515–520 quadratic rectangles (Q8 and Q9), 522–525 Quadratic rectangles (Q8 and Q9), 522–525 Quadrilateral consistent-mass matrix, 799 R Reactions (nodal force), 42 Rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 374–379, 492–503 body forces and, 500 constant-strain triangular (CST) comparison to, 377–379 displacement functions, 375, 495 displacement results, 378–379 element type selection, 374, 493–495 force matrix for, 377 free-end deflections, 377 isoparametric formulation for, 492–503 plane stress and plane strain in, 374–379 shape functions for, 375, 494–495 stiffness matrix for, 374–377, 492–503 strain/displacement relationship, 376, 496–499 stress results, 379 stress/strain relationship, 376, 496–499 surface forces and, 500–501 Rectangular matrix, 5, 827 Refinement, 397–401 h method of refinement, 399 mesh revision and convergence, 397–401 modeling accuracy from, 397–401 p method of refinement, 399–401 r method of refinement, 401 Reflective symmetry, 109–112 Residual methods, 136–143 bar element formulation for, 137–139 collocation method, 140–141 Galerkin’s residual method, 136–139, 142–143 least squares method, 141–142 one-dimensional bar elements, 136–142 subdomain method, 141 truss equations, 136–143 Resistors, see Electrical networks Rigid plane frames, 243–261 Rotation matrix, see Transformation (rotation) matrix Row matrix, 827 Row reduction, 837–839 S Shape functions, 80, 174, 211, 347, 375, 438–439, 443, 456–457, 488–489, 494–495, 541–542, 548, 551, 797–800 axisymmetric elements, 456–457, 799–800 bar elements, 80, 488–489 beam elements, 174, 211 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 347 hexahedral elements, 548, 551 isoparametric formulation and, 488–489, 494–495 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 438–439, 443 mass matrix and, 797–800 plane stress/strain elements, 347, 798–799 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 375, 494–495 tetrahedral elements, 541–542, 800 truss elements, 797 Shear center (SC) for grid equations, 267 Shear locking, 378 Shear strain, 341 Simple harmonic motion, 763 Simultaneous linear equations, 843–864 banded-symmetric matrices, 856–863 coefficient matrix inversion, 846–847 computer programs for, 861–863 Cramer’s rule, 845–846 Gaussian elimination, 847–854 Gauss-Seidel iteration, 854–856 general form of, 843 nonexistence of solution, 845 nonuniqueness of solution, 844 pivot elements, 852–854 skyline, 856–857 uniqueness of solution, 844 wavefront method, 858–861 Singular matrix, 837 Skewed supports, 112–121, 261–262 frame equations for, 261–262 truss equations for, 112–121 Skyline, 856–857 Solid bodies, fluid flow around, 677–678 Space, arbitrary beam orientation in, 280–294 Spring constant, 32–33 Spring elements, 31–71 assemblage of, 36–38 boundary conditions for, 35, 40–55 compatibility (continuity) requirement for, 36 degrees of freedom, 32 element forces of, 36 element type selection, 33–34 global equation for, 35 nodal displacements for, 32–33, 35950 Index Spring (continued) potential energy approach, 55–65 stiffness matrix for, 32–36, 38–40 stiffness method for, 32–38, 55–65 strain/displacement relationship, 34 stress/strain relationship, 34 superposition for, 38–40 system (global) stiffness matrix, 38 total stiffness matrix for, 38–40 strain energy (internal) in, 57 Spring-mass system, 762–764 amplitude, 763 dynamic analysis, 762–764 period of vibration, 763 simple harmonic motion, 763 vibration, 763–764 Square matrix, 827 Stationary value of a function, 58 Stiffness, 170–180, 442–444 beams, 170–180 LST determination of, 442–444 Stiffness equations, see Stiffness matrix Stiffness influence coefficients, 5 Stiffness matrix, 32–36, 38–40, 73–78, 84–89, 100– 109, 171–182, 239–243, 289–294, 337–390, 437–442, 451–462, 463–467, 486–503, 509–513, 543–547, 577–582, 680–681, 692–693, 707–709, 765–767, 839–840 axisymmetric elements, 451–462, 463–467 bar elements, 73–78, 84–89, 487–492, 765–767 beam elements, 171–182 boundary conditions, 35, 180–182 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 342–357 defined, 32 electrostatics, 707–709 element types, 33–34, 75, 172–173 Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, 171–177 fluid flow, 680–681, 692–693 frame elements, 293–243, 289–294 Gaussian quadrature evaluation of, 509–513 global, 32, 73–78, 180–182 integration for, 441–442 isoparametric formulation of, 486–503, 509–513 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 437–442 local coordinates, 73–78 local, 35 plane stress and plane strain, 337–390 plate bending elements, 577–582 potential energy approach to, 350–352 pressure vessel equations, 463–467 properties, 839–840 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 374–377, 492–503 spring elements, 32–36, 38–40 stress analysis using, 543–547 superposition, assemblage by, 38–40 system (global), 38 tetrahedral elements, 543–547 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 765–767 Timoshenko beam theory, 177–180 total (global) 38–40, 76, 181–182 transformational matrix for, 100–109, 239–243, 282–285 truss equations, 73–78, 84–89, 100–109 Stiffness (displacement) method, 8, 31–71 boundary conditions for, 35, 40–55 direct method of, 8, 31 equations for, 32, 34–35, 65–66 examples for solution of assemblages, 44–55 nodal displacements, 32–33, 35, 40–41 potential energy approach, 55–65 spring elements, 32–38, 55–65 stiffness matrix for, 32–36, 38–40 superposition for, 38–40 Strain, 339–342, 537–539, 731–733. See also Plane strain normal (longitudinal), 341 shear, 341 state of, 339–342 thermal strain matrix, 731–733 three-dimensional elements, 537–539 two-dimensional (plane) elements, 339–342 Strain/displacement relationships, 12, 34, 75, 174–175, 348–350, 376, 440–441, 454, 457–458, 489–490, 496–499, 542–543, 580–581, 764–765, 867–869 axisymmetric elements, 454, 457–458 bar elements, 75, 489–490, 764–765 beam elements, 174–175 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 348–350 curvature and, 580–581 elasticity theory, 867–869 equations, 867–869 finite element step, 12 isoparametric formulation and, 489–490, 496–499 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 440–441 plate bending elements, 580–581 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 376, 496–499 spring elements, 34 tetrahedral elements, 542–543 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 764–765 Strain energy, 57, 225, 729–730 beam elements, 225 potential energy approach, 57, 225 thermal stress and, 729–730Index 951 Stress, 89–91, 337–390, 402, 411–419, 470–472, 513– 515, 537–539, 580–581 bar in x–y plane, 89–91 CST and Q4 result comparison, 379 element forces as, 355 finite element model interpretation of, 411–413 Gaussian quadrature evaluation of, 513–515 infinite, 402 moment-curvature relationships, 580–581 plane, 337–390, 414–419 plate bending elements, 580–581 three-dimensional elements, 537–539 von Mises (equivalent), 373, 417–419, 470–472 Stress analysis, 536–571 Cartesian coordinates, 537–538 hexahedral elements, 547–555 isoparametric formulation and, 547–555 strain representation, 537–539 strain/displacement relationships, 542–543 stress representation, 537–539 stress/strain relationships, 538, 542–543 tetrahedral elements, 539–547 three-dimensional elements, 536–571 Stress–strain (constitutive) matrix, 342 Stress/strain relationships, 12, 15, 34, 75, 174–175, 350, 376, 440–441, 452–454, 457–458, 489–490, 496–499, 538, 542–543, 575–577, 764–765, 867–872 axisymmetric elements, 452–454, 457–458 bar elements, 75, 489–490, 764–765 beam elements, 174–175 constant-strain triangular (CST) elements, 350 elasticity theory, 867–872 finite element, 12, 15 isoparametric formulation and, 489–490, 496–499 linear-strain triangle (LST) elements, 440–441 moments of curvature and, 576–577 plate bending elements, 575–577 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 376, 496–499 spring elements, 34 tetrahedral elements, 542–543 three-dimensional elements, 538, 542–543 time-dependent (dynamic) analysis, 764–765 Structural dynamics, see Dynamic analysis Structural problems, finite element method for, 15 Subdomain method, 141 Substructure analysis, 295–299 Superposition, 38–40, 365–370. See also Direct stiffness method global stiffness matrix assembled by, 365–370 total stiffness matrix assembled by, 38–40 Supports, 112–121 boundary elements for, 120–121 inclined, 112–121 skewed, 112–121 truss equations for, 112–121 Surface forces, 359–362, 460–461, 491–492, 500–501, 544 axisymmetric elements, 460–461 bar elements, 491–492 plane stress and plane strain from, 359–362 rectangular (Q4) plane elements, 500–501 tetrahedral elements, 544 Symmetric matrix, 831 Symmetry, 109–112, 395, 451–485, 831 axis of revolution, 452 axisymmetrical elements, 451–485 matrix operations, 831 modeling problems and, 395 structures, 109–112 T Temperature, 600, 607–608, 613, 626–628, 728–729 distribution, 600 function, 607–608, 626–627 gradients, 608, 613, 627–628 heat transfer and, 600, 607–608, 613, 626–628 nodal, 613 thermal stress and, 728–729 uniform change, 728–729 Tetrahedral elements, 539–547, 800 body forces, 543–544 displacement functions for, 540–542 element type selection, 539–540 mass matrix, 800 shape functions for, 541–542 stiffness matrix for, 543–547 strain/displacement relationships, 542–543 stress analysis of, 539–547 stress/strain relationships, 542–543 surface forces, 544 Thermal conductivities, 605–606 Thermal force matrix, 731–733 Thermal strain matrix, 731–732 Thermal stress, 727–760 axisymmetric elements, 732–733 coefficient of thermal expansion, 728 one-dimensional bars, 731, 733 solution procedure, 733 strain energy and, 729–730 two-dimensional (plane) elements, 731–733 uniform temperature change and, 728–729952 Index Three-dimensional elements, 10–11, 100–109, 143, 280–294, 536–571 bar elements, 100–109, 143 beams, arbitrary orientation of, 280–294 bending in, 281–285 Cartesian coordinates, 537–538 flowcharts for, 143 frame equations for, 280–294 hexahedral, 547–555 mass matrix, 800 node placement, 10–11 solid, 539–547, 800 space, 10–11, 100–109, 143, 280–294 stiffness matrix, 100–109 stress analysis for, 536–571 tetrahedral, 539–547, 800 transformation matrix, 100–109 Three-dimensional heat transfer, 639–641, 646–650 Time-dependent problems, 764–768, 784–789, 801–816 bar elements, 764–768, 780–784 boundary conditions, 767–768 computer program solutions, 808–816 displacement functions, 764 dynamic equations, 764–768 element type selection, 764 finite element equations, 764–768 forcing function, 808–809, 811 global equations, 767–768 heat transfer, 801–807 mass matrix, 765–767 numerical time integration, 768–780, 802–804 one-dimensional bar analysis, 784–789 stiffness matrix, 765–767 strain/displacement relationships, 764–765 stress/strain relationships, 764–765 Timoshenko beam theory, 177–180 Torsional constant (J), 265–267 Total potential energy, 56, 61 Transformation (rotation) matrix, 82–84, 100–109, 239–243, 268, 282–285, 832–833 beam elements, 239–243, 282–285 displacement vectors in two dimensions, 82–84 frame equations and, 239–243, 282–285 grid equations and, 268 orthogonal matrix uses, 832–833 stiffness matrix from, 100–109, 239–243, 282–285 three-dimensional (space) orientation, 100–109, 282–285 truss equations and, 82–84, 100–109 two-dimensional (plane) orientation, 239–243 Transformation mapping, 487 Transition triangles, 402 Transverse shear deformation, 177–180 Trapezoid rule, 802 Triangular elements, 342–357, 362–363, 377–379, 402, 437–450, 451–485, 691, 705–710 axisymmetric elements, 451–485 constant-strain (CST), 342–357, 362–363, 377–379, 402, 444–447 electrostatic flow, 705–710 linear-strain (LST), 437–450 two-dimensional fluid flow, 691, 705–710 Truss equations, 72–168, 796–797. See also Bar elements bar elements, 72–168 boundary elements for, 120–121 collocation method for, 140–141
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب A First Course in the Finite Element Method رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب A First Course in the Finite Element Method