كتاب SolidThinking User Manual - Modeling - Volume 1
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب SolidThinking User Manual - Modeling - Volume 1

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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SolidThinking User Manual - Modeling - Volume 1

كتاب SolidThinking User Manual - Modeling - Volume 1 S_t_u_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Modeling - Volume 1
Section 1
Getting Started 1
1.1 About this Manual 21
Conventions 22
1.2 Starting solidThinking 24
1.3 Screen Components 25
1.4 Using the Mouse and the Keyboard 26
1.5 Message Boxes 28
1.6 Saving your Work 31
Section 2
The Pull-Down Menus 33
2.1 File Menu 36
2.2 Edit Menu 39
2.3 Selection Menu 43
2.4 View Menu 47
2.5 Tools Menu 49
2.6 Managers Menu 52
2.7 Render Menu 54
2.8 Environment Menu 56
2.9 Help Menu 57
solidThinking User Manual iiiTable of Contents
Section 3
General User Interface 59
3.1 Space in solidThinking 66
3.2 The Modeling Views 68
3.3 View Modes 76
3.4 View Layout 78
3.5 View Detail 79
Customize View Detail 81
3.6 Background Image 85
3.7 Grid Settings 87
3.8 Snap Options 89
3.9 The Application Toolbar 94
3.10 Working Modes 97
3.11 Selecting Objects 100
3.12 Selecting Points 102
3.13 Selecting Groups 104
3.14 The Modeling Toolbar and Libraries 105
3.15 The Console 108
3.16 The World Browser 110
Layers 116
3.17 The Modeling Tool panel 119
3.18 The Shading panel 120
3.19 Preferences 121
iv solidThinking User ManualTable of Contents
Section 4
Modeling in solidThinking 127
4.1 The Construction Tree 130
4.2 Modeling Tools and Modeling Tool Panel 135
4.3 Transformations … 139
Translate 140
Rotate 145
Scale 150
Bounding Box Fitting 153
Inspector 156
Combine 158
MultiCombine 160
Mirror 161
Replicate 165
Step copy 172
DynaStep 175
Matrix Copy 179
DynaMatrix 182
Polar Copy 187
Axes Align to NURBS Surface 193
Axes Align to Object 196
Axes Align to 3 Points 198
Align to Global Axes 201
Align to Curve 205
Advanced Curve Edit 210
MultiEdit 214
Twist 216
Taper 218
solidThinking User Manual vTable of Contents
Warp 221
Shear 224
Bend 227
Lattice 230
Stretch 235
LinearStretch 237
PixelMap 240
SurfDrape 243
4.4 Curves … 247
NURBS curve 249
MetaCURVE 261
Open PolyLine 265
Rounded PolyLine 267
Single Line 270
Line: perpendicular to segment 272
Line: parallel to segment 274
Line: fillet segment 276
Segment from center 279
Inclined Segment 282
Segment Tangency Align 285
Segment Bisector 288
Bi-tangent Segment 291
Arc: center, point, point 294
Arc: 3 Points 297
Fillet arc: 2 lines 301
Arc: 2 points, radius 305
Arc: tangent, 2 points 308
Line-Arc 313
Fillet Curves 317
Circle: center, radius 321
vi solidThinking User ManualTable of Contents
Circle: diameter 324
Circle: 3 point 327
Circle: 2 points, tangent 330
Circle: 2 tangents, point 333
Circle: center, tangent 336
Ellipse: focuses, point 339
Ellipse: center, axis 1, axis 2 342
Rect: 3 points 346
Rectangle 348
Regular Polygon 350
Helix 352
Offset 356
Split curves 358
Divide curve 359
Break curve 361
Blend Curves 362
Curve Tangency Align 366
EdgeExtract 371
Extract isoparametric curves 375
Curves from surface intersection 377
Sections 379
Silhouette 382
PathCast 385
Curve to Plane 389
Join curve entities 392
Rebuild curve 394
Simplify curve 397
Curve to arcs 399
Extend Curve 401
solidThinking User Manual viiTable of Contents
Modeling - Volume 2
4.5 Surfaces … 1
NURBS Surface Editing 2
Extrude 9
Surface extrusion 13
Lathe 16
RadialSweep 19
Skin (and Rule) 24
Loft 29
Pipe 38
Birail 42
MultiSweep 48
3sides 57
Coons 59
N-Side patch 63
Curves Network 66
FillPath 70
Patch 72
Close Hole 78
Surface from Curves 81
Blend Surfaces 84
Surface tangency Align 93
Extend surface 96
Surface offset 99
Shell 102
Solid offset 106
Trim surface 111
Trim solid 119
Trim convert 122
viii solidThinking User ManualTable of Contents
Intersect CT 124
Intersect 130
Boolean 134
Make Manifold 140
Round 145
Fillet surface 167
Simplify surface 173
Join surfaces 175
Heightfield 177
4.6 NURBS Primitives … 181
Plane 183
Disk 185
Cube 189
Sphere 191
Torus 195
Cylinder 200
Prism 205
3D Text 209
4.7 Polygonal Modeling … 211
PolyMesh from NURBS 213
Advanced Tessellation 217
PolyMesh from NURBS control net 221
Vertices editing 224
Edges editing 229
Faces editing 235
Split Polygon 242
Simplify 244
Create Polygon 247
Fill hole 249
Subdivision Surface 250
solidThinking User Manual ixTable of Contents
Subdivision Surface on faces 255
PolyMesh Info 259
4.8 Polygonal Primitives … 261
PolyPlane 262
PolyDisk 264
PolyCube 267
PolySphere 270
PolyTorus 273
PolyCylinder 277
4.9 Analysis tools … 283
Points distance 284
Curve Length 286
SubCurve Length 288
Curve Tangent and Curvature 290
Surface Curvature 292
Surface Area 295
Surface Volume 297
Tolerance check 299
Continuity check 301
The Curvature Display 305
Curvature Plot 307
4.10 Construction planes… 309
Construction Plane 310
Disable Construction Plane 312
4.11 PointsCloud… 313
PointsCloud 314
PointsCloud from object 316
Planar Couds from PointsCloud 318
Curve from PointsCloud 321
Fit PointsCloud 323
x solidThinking User ManualTable of Contents
4.12 Digitizers … 327
MicroScribe-3D 327
Calibrate 328
Sketch on planes 329
Minolta Vivid Scanner 332
4.13 Dimensioning 333
Linear Aligned 335
Linear Horizontal 339
Linear Vertical 343
Linear Aligned (associative) 347
Linear Horizontal (associative) 354
Linear Vertical (associative) 360
Edge Aligned 367
Edge Horizontal 371
Edge Vertical 375
Bounding Box Horizontal 379
Bounding Box Vertical 383
Angular 387
Angular (associative) 391
Radius/Diameter 397
Radius/Diameter (associative) 400
Leader 403
Leader (associative) 405
4.14 Drawing 407
Pages management 408
Page composition 409
Menu commands 413
solidThinking User Manual xiTable of Contents
xii solidThinking User ManualGetting Started

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