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عدد المساهمات : 18990 التقييم : 35476 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2020 Advanced Techniques - Advanced Level Tutorials الثلاثاء 16 يوليو 2024, 7:19 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2020 Advanced Techniques - Advanced Level Tutorials Mastering Parts, Surfaces, Sheet Metal, SimulationXpress, Top-Down Assemblies, Core - Cavity Molds & Repair Errors Paul Tran CSWE, CSWISOLIDWORKS 2020
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents Introduction SOLIDWORKS 2020 User Interface XXIII The 3 references planes The toolbars The system feedback symbols The status bar 2D sketch examples 3D feature examples Advanced Modeling Topics Chapter 1 Introduction to 3D Sketch 1-1 Tools Needed 1-2 Creating a 3D Sketch 1-3 Completing the profile 1-4 Adding dimensions 1-5 Adding the sketch fillets 1-6 Creating the swept feature 1-7 Questions for review 1-8 Exercise: Sweep with 3D Sketch 1-9 Exercise: 3D Sketch & Planes 1-10 Exercise: 3D Sketch & Composite Curve 1-17 Chapter 2 Plane Creation 2-1 Advanced Topics 2-1 Tools Needed 2-2 Revolving the base profile 2-3 Creating a tangent plane 2-4 Creating a flat surface 2-5 Extruding a cut 2-6 Creating an at-angle plane 2-7 Showing the sketches 2-8 Creating a coincident plane 2-9 Creating a parallel plane 2-10 Creating the recess 2-11 Creating an offset-distance plane 2-12 Creating the bore holes 2-12 Creating a perpendicular plane 2-13 IXSOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Creating the side-grips 2-14 Creating a circular pattern of the grips 2-15 Creating a Mid-Plane 2-17 Adding fillets to all edges 2-19 Questions for Review 2-20 Exercise: Create New Planes 2-22 Advanced Modeling 3-1 5/8” Spanner 3-1 Tools needed 3-2 Opening the spanner sketch document 3-3 Creating the transition sketch 3-4 Creating a new work plane 3-6 Creating the closed-end sketch 3-7 Extruding the closed-end feature 3-7 Adding a 12-sided polygon hole 3-8 Creating the recess profile 3-9 Mirroring the recessed feature 3-10 Adding fillets 3-11 Adding text 3-13 Extruding the text 3-14 Questions for Review 3-17 Exercise: Circular text wraps 3-19 Sweep with Composite Curves 4-1 Helical Extension Spring 4-2 Tools needed 4-2 Converting the circle into a helix 4-3 Creating a 2-degree plane 4-4 Sketching the large loop 4-5 Sketching the large hook 4-5 Creating a parallel plane 4-6 Creating a Composite Curve 4-8 Sweeping the profile along the path 4-11 Other spring examples 4-12 Questions for review 4-13 Exercise: Circular Spring- 180 deg. 4-14 Using Variable Pitch 4-17 Multi-Pitch Spring with Closed Ends 4-18 Tools Needed 4-18 xSOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Creating the base sketch 4-19 Creating a helix using variable pitch 4-19 Sweeping the profile along the path 4-21 Creating a trimmed sketch 4-22 Creating the flat ends 4-22 Extruding a cut 4-22 Questions for Review 4-23 Exercise: Projected Curve & Composite Curve 4-24 Chapter 5 Advanced Modeling with Sweep & Loft 5-1 Water Pump Housing 5-2 Tools Needed 5-2 Understanding the draft options 5-3 Extruding the base with draft 5-4 Sketching the upper inlet port 5-5 Revolving the upper inlet port 5-5 Adding fillets 5-6 Creating offset-distance planes 5-7 Creating a loft feature 5-10 Creating the mounting bosses 5-11 Sketching the rear inlet port 5-12 Revolving the rear inlet port 5-12 Adding face Fillets 5-13 Mirroring the rear inlet port 5-15 Shelling the part 5-16 Adding a rib 5-17 Mirroring the rib 5-18 Adding fillets 5-19 Chapter 6 Loft vs. Sweep 6-1 Water Meter Housing 6-2 Tools Needed 6-2 Sketching the loft profile 6-3 Constructing loft profiles / features 6-5 Creating the inlet feature 6-6 Constructing the Inlet / outlet profiles 6-6 Constructing the centerline parameter 6-10 Creating the outlet loft feature 6-11 Shelling the part 6-13 Extruding the left / right brackets 6-14 Constructing the upper ring 6-15 XISOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Adding fillets 6-17 Adding chamfers 6-18 Questions for Review 6-19 Exercise: Loft 6-20 Loft with Guide Curves 7-1 Waved Washer 7-2 Tools Needed 7-2 Creating the construction profile 7-3 Creating an offset distance plane 7-4 Positioning the derived sketch 7-5 Creating a curve through reference points 7-5 Sketching the loft sections 7-7 Creating the loft section using derived sketch 7-7 Creating a loft with guide curve 7-10 Hiding the construction sketches 7-11 Questions for review 7-12 Exercise: Using Curve Driven Pattern 7-13 Advanced Sweep 7-19 Wire Form 7-20 Tools Needed 7-20 Creating the sweep path 7-21 Creating the sweep profile 7-22 Creating a sweep feature 7-23 Creating a circular Sketch pattern 7-25 Converting to construction geometry 7-26 Creating a derived sketch 7-27 Creating a 3D sketch 7-28 Creating the sweep feature 7-32 Exercise: Using Curve Through Reference Points 7-33 Using Surfaces 8-1 Advanced Modeling 8-2 Tools Needed 8-2 Constructing a new work plane 8-3 Sketching the loft profiles 8-3 Creating a surface-loft 8-6 Splitting the surface 8-7 Deleting surfaces 8-8 XIISOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Thickening the surface 8-9 Calculating the angle between the faces 8-10 Adding a full round fillet 8-12 Sketching the slot contours 8-13 Extruding cut the contour 8-15 Questions for Review 8-17 Lofted Surface 8-19 Creating new offset planes 8-19 Sketching the first profile 8-20 Selecting the loft profiles 8-21 Lofting between the profiles 8-22 Creating a revolved sketch 8-23 Copying the revolved surface 8-24 Trimming the base part 8-25 Hiding the surfaces 8-25 Filling the openings with surface-fill 8-26 Creating a Surface-Knit 8-29 Adding fillets 8-30 Creating a solid from the surface model 8-31 Removing the upper half 8-32 Questions for Review 8-36 Exercise: Loft & Delete Face 8-37 Offset Surface & Ruled Surface 9-1 Tools Needed 9-2 Using offset & ruled surface options 9-3 Creating the base loft 9-4 Creating split lines 9-5 Creating offset surfaces 9-6 Creating a ruled surface 9-7 Knitting the 2 surfaces 9-8 Showing the solid body 9-10 Creating the surface cut 9-10 Exercise: Advanced Surfaces 9-13 Exercise: Advanced Surfacing Techniques 9-15 Advanced Surfaces 10-1 Computer Mouse 10-2 Tools Needed 10-2 XIIISOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 11 Sketching the profiles 10-3 Extruding a surface 10-4 Trimming the surfaces 10-5 Mirroring the surfaces 10-6 Creating filled surfaces 10-7 Creating a planar surface 10-9 Creating a Knit surface 10-10 Creating fillets 10-11 Using Filled Surfaces 10-13 Patch with Curvature Controls 10-13 Tools Needed 10-14 Enabling the surfaces toolbar 10-15 Creating a planar surface 10-16 Creating a surface fill with tangent control 10-16 Creating a surface fill with curvature control 10-18 Knitting all surfaces 10-19 Creating a solid body 10-19 Patch Types 10-20 Questions for Review 10-22 Boundary and Freeform Surfaces 10-23 Creating the 1st boundary surface 10-23 Creating the 2nd boundary surface 10-26 Creating the Freeform feature 10-28 Surfaces vs. Solid Modeling 11-1 Safety Helmet 11-2 Tools Needed 11-2 Constructing the body of Helmet 11-3 Creating a new work plane 11-4 Sketching the sweep-profile 11-4 Creating the sweep path 11-5 Adding a planar surface 11-6 Knitting the three surfaces bodies into one 11-6 Creating a section view 11-7 Adding an extruded cut feature 11-7 Adding a revolve cut feature 11-9 Adding the side cut features 11-10 Creating the Cut-out slot 11-11 Creating the sweep cut 11-13 Adding fillets 11-13 XIVSOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Exercise: Advanced Loft- Turbine Blades Exercise: Advanced Sweep- Candle Holder 11-15 11-16 Advanced: Final Exam 11-23 SimulationXpress 12-1 Using the Analysis Wizard 12-2 Tools Needed 12-2 Starting SimulationXpress 12-3 Setting up the units 12-4 Adding a fixture 12-5 Applying a force 12-7 Selecting the material 12-8 Analyzing the model 12-9 Viewing the Results 12-10 Creating the report 12-12 Viewing the report 12-12 Generating the eDrawings file 12-16 Questions for Review 12-19 Exercise 1: SimulationXpress: Force 12-20 Exercise 2: SimulationXpress: Pressure 12-21 Sheet Metal Topics Sheet Metal Parts 13-1 Post Cap 13-2 Tools Needed 13-2 Starting with the Base Profile 13-3 Extruding the Base Flange 13-3 Creating an Edge Flange 13-4 Editing the Edge Flange Profile 13-5 Viewing the Flat Pattern 13-6 Changing the Fixed Face 13-6 Creating a Sketch Bend 13-7 Adding the Side Holes 13-11 Making the Flat Pattern 13-12 Using Sheet Metal Costing 13-13 Inputting the information 13-14 Setting the Baseline 13-15 Questions for Review 13-17 XVSOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 14 Vents 13-18 Tools Needed 13-19 Sketching the first profile 13-20 Extruding the Base-Flange 13-21 Creating the Miter-Flanges 13-22 Flattening the Part 13-24 Creating a new Forming Tool 13-25 Other Rectangle Options 13-26 Extruding the Base 13-27 Building the louver body 13-27 Creating the Positioning Sketch 13-31 Saving the Form Tool 13-33 Applying the Form Tool 13-34 Positioning the Form Tool 13-35 Adding a mounting hole 13-36 Creating a Linear Pattern 13-37 Creating an Axis 13-38 Creating a Circular Pattern 13-39 Questions for Review 13-40 Sheet Metal Forming Tools 14-1 Button with Slots 14-2 Tools Needed 14-2 Creating the Base Block 14-3 Revolving the Body 14-4 Sketching Slot Profiles 14-5 Creating the Split Lines 14-7 Adding more fillets 14-9 Inserting the forming tool feature 14-9 Saving the forming tool 14-10 Questions for Review 14-12 Designing Sheet Metal Parts - Mounting Tray 14-13 Tools Needed 14-14 Starting with the Base Sketch 14-15 Creating an Edge Flange 14-16 Adding Cut features 14-17 Extruding a cut 14-17 Using the Unfold Command 14-18 Using the Fold Command 14-20 Inserting a Sheet Metal Forming Tool 14-23 Locating the Bridge Lance 14-25 XVISOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Creating the Linear Pattern of the Bridge Lance 14-26 Mirroring the Body 14-27 Adding Chamfers 14-30 Switching to the Flat Pattern 14-31 Questions for Review 14-32 Sheet Metal Conversions 15-1 From IGES to SOLIDWORKS 15-2 Tools Needed 15-2 Opening an IGES Document 15-3 Creating the Rips 15-4 Inserting the Sheet Metal Parameters 15-5 Adding Fillets 15-6 Switching to a Flat Pattern 15-7 Questions for Review 15-8 Sheet Metal Gussets 15-9 Opening a sheet metal document 15-9 Creating a gusset 15-9 Viewing the resulted gusset 15-11 Mirroring the gusset 15-12 Flat Pattern Stent 15-13 Tools Needed 15-14 Converting to Sheet Metal 15-16 Unfolding the Part 15-16 Adding the Sketch Pattern 15-17 Folding the Part 15-19 Creating a new Configuration 15-20 Adding Fillets 15-20 Switching to Flatten Mode 15-21 Questions for Review 15-22 Exercise: Stent Sample - Sheet Metal Approach 15-23 Working with Sheet Metal STEP Files 16-1 Tools Needed 16-2 Opening an Assembly Step File 16-3 Mating the components 16-4 Adding the Sheet Metal tool tab 16-7 Inserting Sheet Metal parameters 16-8 Viewing the Flat Pattern 16-9 Converting other components 16-9 Using the Hole Series 16-11 XVIISOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Using the Hole Wizard 16-13 Adding the Smart Fasteners 16-15 Creating an Exploded View 16-17 Adding Parts to the Toolbox Library 16-18 Starting the Toolbox Settings Utility 16-18 Activating Toolbox 16-21 Locating the new part 16-22 Viewing the new part 16-22 Adding a Part Number and Description 16-23 Advanced Weldments 17-1 Weldments Platform 17-2 Tools Needed 17-2 Adding the weldments toolbar 17-3 Adding the structural members 17-4 Viewing the overlapped areas 17-8 Trimming the overlapped areas 17-9 Updating the cut list 17-12 Using Weldments- Structural Members 17-14 Enabling the Weldment Toolbar 17-14 Adding Structural Members 17-15 Setting the Comer Treatments 17-15 Adding Structural Members to Contiguous Groups 17-16 Adding Structural Members to the Parallel Groups 17-17 Trimming the Structural Members 17-19 Adding the foot pads 17-26 Adding the Gussets 17-27 Adding the Fillet Beads 17-29 Viewing the Weldment Cut List 17-31 Updating the Cut List 17-32 Creating a drawing 17-33 Mold Tools Design Topics Creating a Core and Cavity 18-1 Linear Parting Lines 18-2 Tools Needed 18-2 Opening an existing Parasolid document 18-3 Creating the Parting Lines 18-4 Creating the Shut-Off Surfaces 18-5 XVIIISOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Creating the Parting Surfaces 18-6 Sketching the profile of the mold blocks 18-7 Creating the Tooling Split 18-8 Saving the bodies as part files 18-10 Separating the 2 blocks 18-11 Exercise: Linear Parting Lines 18-13 Questions for Review 18-19 Non-Planar Parting Lines 19-1 Mold-Tooling Design 19-2 Tools Needed 19-2 Enabling the Mold Tools toolbar 19-3 Creating the Parting Lines 19-4 Creating the Shut-Off Surfaces 19-5 Creating the Parting Surfaces 19-6 Creating a Ruled Surface 19-7 Creating the patches 19-9 Knitting the surfaces 19-13 Trimming the bottom of the ruled surface 19-15 Creating the Tooling Split sketch 19-16 Separating the solid bodies 19-18 Making the body transparent 19-19 Creating Slides and Cores 19-21 Tools Needed 19-22 Opening a part document 19-23 Analyzing the undercuts 19-23 Analysis parameters explained 19-24 Scaling the part 19-25 Creating the parting lines 19-26 Creating the parting surfaces 19-27 Creating a new sketch 19-28 Creating the tooling split 19-29 Finalizing the block sizes 19-29 Renaming the bodies and assigning materials 19-32 Creating the front slide core 19-32 Creating the back slide core 19-34 Creating an exploded view 19-35 Top-Down Assembly- Part 1 20-1 Miniature Vise 20-2 Tools Needed 20-2 Creating the Base part 20-3 XIXSOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Adding the side flanges Creating an offset distance plane Creating the 3D Guide Curves Creating the fixed jaw clamp Creating a new component: The slide jaw Using the offset entities command Creating the Guide Curve to connect the two sketches Creating the clamp block Extruding the clamp block Creating the Internal threads Creating a Section View Questions for Review Top-Down Assembly- Part 2 Water Control Valve Tools Needed Starting a New Assembly Template Creating the 1st Component Adding the Inlet Flange Adding the Mounting Holes Adding Chamfers and Fillets Saving as Virtual Component Creating the 2nd Component Creating the Transition Body Adding another mounting Flange Adding an Offset-Distance plane Exiting the Edit Component Mode Applying dimension changes Viewing the External Reference Symbols Inserting other components Questions for Review External References & Repair Errors External Reference Symbols Understanding & Removing External References Removing External References Understanding the External Symbols Repairing the Sketches Rebuilding the model Questions for Review Understanding and Repairing Part Errors Repair Errors & External References 20-5 20-7 20-9 20-11 20-14 20-15 20-20 20-22 20-23 20-26 20-29 20-32 21-1 21-2 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-8 21-10 21-10 21-12 21-13 21-14 21-20 21-20 21-22 21-23 21-25 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-16 XXSOLIDWORKS 2020 | Advanced Techniques | Table of Contents Level 4: Final Exam 22-24 Chapter 23 Using Appearances 23-1 Modeling diamond knurls 23-1 Applying the knurl appearance 23-5 Applying the wire mesh appearance 23-8 Flatten surfaces 23-11 Exercise: Flattening a shoe sole 23-15 Certification Practice for the CSWP Mechanical Design Exam 24-1 Challenge I: Part Modeling & Modifications Challenge II: Part Modifications & Configurations Challenge III: Bottom Up Assembly & Mates 24-2 24-27 24-48 Glossary, Index, and SOLIDWORKS 2020 Quick-Guide Quick Reference Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2020 Command Icons and Toolbars. XXISOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index 3 3d path, 1-15 3d sketch, 1-1, 1-5, 1-11, 1-17, 1-18, 1- 19, 1-20, 11-18 3-point Arc, 4-5, 7-3, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8- 32, 11-31,20-9, 20-21 A add a curve, 10-30 addins, 16-15 add points, 10-30 advanced loft, 11-15 advanced sweep, 11-16 all bodies, 15-28 along z relation, 16-11 anchor, 12-5 anisotropic, 12-18, 12-19 ansi inch, 16-12 appearances, 3-15, 9-24, 23-1 apply to all edges, 8-26 arc conditions, 3-3 arc slot, 14-5, 14-8 assembly features, 16-11 at angle, 1-10, 1-11,2-7, 4-4 auto relief, 13-21, 15-5, 16-8 auto rotate view, 21-4 auto spacing, 15-17 avi, 16-17 axis indicator, 1-3 axis, 11-18, 13-38, 13-39 B base feature, 3-4, 13-3, 13-17, 13-21, 13-40, 14-15, 14-32 base flange, 13-3 begin assembly, 20-3 bend allowance, 13-1, 13-18, 15-13, 16-8 bend table, 13-1, 13-17 bend table, 15-13 bi-directional, 14-6 blind extrude, 5-11 boundary surface, 9-17, 10-9 break all, 22-3, 22-9 bridge lance, 14-23, 14-24, 14-25, 14-26 c cad formats, 15-1 cap ends, 14-6 cavity, 18-1, 18-2, 18-6, 18-8, 18-10, 18-14 center rectangle, 13-25, 14-3, 18-7 centerline parameters, 6-11, 8-23 centerline, 19-33, 20-5, 20-6, 20-23 centroid, 19-25 chamfers, 6-18, 14-30, 21-8, 21-9, 21- 19 circle, 5-9 circular component pattern, 15-29 circular pattern, 2-15, 6-22, 11-20, 13- 38, 13-39 circular sketch pattern, 4-27 clear mesh faces, 5-10 close curve, 7-6, 7-17, 7-35 close loft, 7-10 closed curve, 4-18 coincident mate, 16-4 coincident relation, 4-26 coincident, 2-9 collapse, 19-36 collect all bends, 14-18, 14-20, 14-22, 15-16 combine common, 15-28 components, 16-4, 20-1, 20-30 composite curve, 1-17, 1-20, 1-21,4-1, 4-2, 4-8, 4-9, 4-11, 4-25, 4-27, 11-5 concentric relation, 3-8, 20-17, 20-26 configuration, 15-20, 15-21 connector, 6-4 connectors, 5-10, 6-11 constant fillet, 9-23 construction geometry, 3-8, 3-19, 3-20 construction, 7-3, 7-4, 7-11, 7-12 contact, 8-26, 10-14, 10-18, 10-19, 10- 21 Index 1SOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index contiguous groups, 17-1, 17-16 control curves, 10-18, 10-19, 10-24, 10-29, 10-30 control points, 10-24, 10-29, 10-30 convert entities, 6-13, 6-15, 10-1, 10- 20, 19-30, 20-9 coordinate system, 1-4 copy & paste, 8-20 coradial relation, 22-5 core & cavity, 18-1 core, 18-1, 18-2, 19-5, 19-7, 19-18, 19- 21, 19-23, 19-33, 19-35 comer rectangle, 14-19, 19-29, 19-30 costing, 13-13 counterclockwise, 4-25 countersink, 16-12 create surfaces, 11-1 curvature combs, 10-32 curvature control, 10-15, 10-18, 10-19 curvature tangency, 1-1 curvature, 10-8, 10-14, 10-21 curve driven pattern, 7-16 curve through reference points, 7-5,7- 17, 7-36, 19-12 curves, 10-8, 10-25, 19-12 curve-to-curve, 7-21 customized CommandManager, 16-7 D Deform solid, 12-10 Deform surface, 12-10 deformation plot, 12-16, 23-13, 23-16 delete face, 8-8 density, 10-26, 10-28, 10-32 derived sketch, 7-4, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 11-24, 11-25 design library, 13-31, 13-33, 13-34, 14- 10, 14-11, 14-12, 14-23, 14-25 diamond knurl, 23-1 dimensions changes, 22-6 dimensions, 7-7, 7-8 direction vector, 20-21, 20-22 displacement plot, 12-11, 12-15 displacement, 12-9, 12-11 display-delete relations, 22-4, 22-5, 22- 6 draft analysis, 8-10, 18-1, 18-4, 19-4 draft angle, 18-4, 18-14, 19-4, 19-26, 19-33, 19-35, 22-21, 22-24 draft outward, 11-10 draft, 19-26, 22-21, 22-24 drafts, 5-3 dxf/dwg import wizard, 15-1 dynamic mirror, 20-6 E edge flange, 13-4, 14-16, 14-28, 14-29, 14-32 edit assembly, 21-9 edit component, 16-8, 16-9, 19-36, 20- 3,20-14 edit feature, 20-24, 22-21 edit sketch plane, 20-24, 22-18 edit sketch, 22-3, 22-5, 22-6, 22-11, 22-13, 22-19, 22-20, 22-22 editing part, 20-3 edrawing, 12-16, 12-17 ellipse, 8-7 end butt, 17-5 end conditions, 2-1 end miter, 17-5 endpoint, 4-6 equal relation, 5-11 equal spacing, 7-16, 7-33, 15-29, 23-3 excel format, 15-13 exploded view, 16-17, 17-34 external reference, 21-1, 21-22 external references, 21-1, 22-2 external symbols, 21-22 extrude boss base, 3-4, 3-5, 3-7, 3-8, 3- 9,3-14,3-15 extrude boss, 5-11, 19-30, 19-31, 19- 33, 19-35 extrude cut, 2-5, 2-6, 2-8, 2-10, 2-11, 2-13, 2-15, 2-16, 2-18, 4-22, 4-28 extrude with draft, 5-4 extruded Boss, 12-20, 14-3 extruded cut, 11-7, 14-17, 14-19, 14- Index 2SOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index 22, 15-19, 20-6, 20-13, 20-29, 21-6, 21-7,21-18 extruded surface, 7-15, 9-18 face /plane, 17-23, 17-24 face fillet, 5-13 faces to remove, 13-32 factor of safety, 12-11 FeatureManager, 16-3 filled surface, 10-8, 10-9, 10-14, 10-16, 10-17 fillet & round, 6-12, 6-17 fillet bead, 17-28, 17-29, 17-31 fillet, 1-6, 11-13 fillet-round, 9-9, 20-13, 20-25 fillets, 3-11, 3-12, 5-6, 14-9, 15-6, 15- 20, 15-21,20-13, 20-25 final exam, 11-23, 22-24 fit splines, 4-9 fixed face, 13-6, 14-18, 14-20, 14-21, 14-22, 14-31 fixed, 16-5 fixture, 12-1, 12-5, 12-14 flange, 20-5 flat head screw, 16-12 flat pattern, 13-6, 13-12, 13-24, 14-31, 15-7, 15-8, 16-9 flat pattern stent, 15-13, 15-14, 15-21 flatten, 15-7, 15-15, 15-16, 15-21 flatten surfaces, 23-11, 23-12 flip side to cut, 2-6, 4-22, 11-8 flip tool, 13-34, 14-24 flip, 2-6, 2-7, 2-12, 3-6, 8-3, 8-19, 8- 32, 8-35 floor offset, 11-23 fold, 14-20, 14-22, 15-19, 15-21 footpads, 17-26 force, 12-7 forming tool, 13-25, 13-27, 13-32, 13- 33, 14-9, 14-10 forming tools, 14-1, 14-10, 14-11, 14-23 freeform, 10-24 full-round fillet, 5-18, 8-12 fully defined, 20-4, 20-17, 20-19, 20- 20, 20-21,20-26, 20-28 G gap control, 9-8, 11-6, 11-28, 24-39 gap, 15-4 gauge tables, 13-3 generate report, 12-12 geometric relations, 1-6, 1-8 grill meshes, 15-13 grips, 2-15 guide curve, 9-13, 11-24, 11-25 guide curves, 7-1, 9-3, 20-9, 20-11, 20- 20, 20-21,20-22 gussets, 15-9, 17-27, 17-28 H helix spiral, 11-30, 20-27 helix, 1-17, 4-3, 4-5, 4-7, 4-17, 4-21, 4- 23,4-25,7-14, 11-17 hide bodies, 17-6, 17-7, 17-18 hide components, 17-6, 17-7, 17-18 hide surface body, 17-6, 17-7, 17-18, 18-9, 18-17, 19-20, 19-29 hide, 2-8, 2-11, 2-13, 2-15, 2-19, 7-11, 7-12, 8-16, 8-25, 9-7, 11-11 hole series, 16-11 hole wizard, 16-13 horizontal relation, 20-11, 20-16, 21-7, 21-15 IGES, 15-1, 15-3, 15-8 import/ export, 16-1 import diagnosis, 15-3 in-context, 20-1, 22-1 inner virtual sharp, 14-16, 14-28 inplace mate, 20-1, 20-15, 20-32 inplace, 20-1 insert bends, 16-8 insert component, 18-5, 18-6, 18-8, 18- 10, 18-11, 18-17 insert into new part, 18-10 Index 3SOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index interlock surface, 22-25, 22-26, 22-27 interlock surfaces, 18-1, 18-8, 18-19 internal threads, 20-26 intersecting edges, 17-29 intersection curve, 11-18 ips, 12-4,21-3 isotropic, 12-18, 12-19 K keep constrained comer, 1-6, 1-8 k-factor, 13-1, 13-17, 13-21, 15-12, 15- 13, 15-16, 15-18, 15-22 knit surface, 11-6, 18-15, 19-16 knit, 9-8, 9-22 knurl 23-1 knurl appearance, 23-5 lances, 14-23 leaders, 3-1 level, 21-1 linear parting lines, 18-1, 19-24 linear pattern, 13-37, 14-26, 15-26, 15- 27 linear sketch pattern, 15-18 link to thickness, 13-11, 15-19 list external refs, 22-3 loft profile, 5-8 loft profiles, 7-10, 8-21, 9-4 loft, 5-1, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6 11,6-22, 7-1, 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-12, 19-9, 19-11, 19-12 lofted surface, 8-6, 8-21, 11-3, 11-26 louver, 13-25, 13-27, 13-33, 13-34, 13- 35, 13-37 M make assembly from part, 15-28 make base construction, 14-6 mass density, 12-1 mate, 16-4 material outside, 14-16 material, 12-8, 12-9, 12-18, 12-19 merge result, 10-25 merge tangent faces, 6-6, 8-22, 10-28 mid plane, 2-17, 15-25, 20-4, 20-12, 20-23, 20-24 midpoint relation, 13-20 min / max, 3-1 mirror, 3-10, 5-15, 14-26, 14-27, 19- 32, 19-33, 20-5, 20-6, 20-16, 20-28 miter flange, 13-23 miter, 17-15 modify surfaces, 11-1 modulus of elasticity, 12-1 mold, 18-4, 18-5, 18-6, 18-7, 18-8, 18- 13, 18-14, 18-15, 18-16, 18-18 mounting boss, 5-11 mounting bosses, 5-11 mounting holes, 21-6, 21-7 move / copy surface, 8-24 move / copy, 17-34 mutual trim, 8-25, 9-22 N neutral plane draft, 5-3 neutral planes, 2-1 new part, 18-10, 19-4, 19-13, 20-3, 20- 14, 20-15 normal cut, 13-10, 13-11, 13-12, 13-37 normal to curve, 13-40 normal to profile, 8-6, 20-21 normal to sketch, 15-25 o offset distance, 2-12, 5-7, 6-3, 6-5, 6-7, 7-4, 8-3, 8-13, 8-19, 19-13, 19-28, 20-7, 20-15,20-19 offset entities, 2-12, 6-16, 14-5, 14-6, 20-15 offset plane, 4-27, 11-23, 15-25 offset surface, 9-1 on plane, 1-19 on-edge relation, 20-15 opaque, 5-10 optimize surface tangent, 10-14 Index 4SOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index optimize, 12-18 options, 12-4 origin, 11-24 orthotropic, 12-18, 12-19 out of context, 22-1, 22-4 over defined, 22-4 overlapped, 17-8, 17-9, 17-15, 17-18 parallel group, 17-4, 17-5, 17-17, 17- 20 parallel plane, 2-10, 6-9, 6-19 parallel, 2-4, 2-10, 2-20 parasolid, 18-3 parting line, 22-24, 22-25 parting lines, 18-4, 18-13 parting surface, 22-25 parting surfaces, 18-1, 18-6, 18-15 patch types, 18-5 pattern direction, 15-26, 15-28 perpendicular plane, 1-14, 2-13, 11-4, perpendicular relation, 20-10 perpendicular to pull, 18-6, 18-15, 19- 6, 19-27 pierce relation, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-13, 4- 23,7-15 pierce relations, 8-5 pierce, 11-17 planar surface, 8-28, 8-29, 10-10, 11-6 plane at angle, 3-6 plane, 7-4, 7-24, 8-3, 8-13, 8-19, 18-7, 19-14 planes, 2-1,2-11,2-17, 2-19 pocket, 2-17, 2-18 Poisson’s ratio, 12-1 polygon, 3-17 populate all, 16-16 positioning sketch, 13-31 pressures, 12-7 profile, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 18-7, 20-4, 21-4 projected curve, 4-24 projection, 9-5 push/pull, 13-35, 14-12, 14-23 R radiate surface, 11-1 rebuild, 21-21, 21-22, 22-7, 22-9 recess, 2-11 rectangle, 5-9, 7-7, 7-8, 7-9 rectangular relief, 13-6 reference broken, 22-1, 22-4 reference geometry, 2-4, 2-7, 2-9, 2-10, 2-12, 2-13, 3-5, 6-3, 6-5, 6-7, 6-9, 7-4, 8-3, 8-13, 8-19, 11-18, 19-13, 20-7, 20-19,21-14 reference locked, 22-1, 22-4 relations, 7-7, 7-8 remove selection, 9-21 rename part, 19-32, 20-3, 20-15 rename, 19-32, 20-3 repair errors, 22-1, 22-2, 22-8, 22-22 restraint, 12-5 revolve boss, 13-28, 15-23 revolve cut, 11-9 revolve, 2-3, 5-5, 5-12, 6-21, 11-16, 21-5,21-13 revolved boss, 14-4 revolved surface, 8-23 rib, 5-17, 15-23, 15-25, 15-26, 15-27 rip, 15-4, 15-8 rotation options, 14-30 ruled surface, 9-1 run simulation, 12-9 s save as copy, 8-33 save image, 11-21 scale, 10-31, 18-3, 18-14 section view, 11-7 select chain, 14-6 select tangency, 21-11 selection manager, 10-26 shaded with edges, 16-4 sheetmetal conversions, 15-1 sheetmetal costing, 13-13 Index 5SOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index sheet metal parameters, 15-5, 16-8 sheet metal parts, 13-1, 14-13 sheet metal tool tab, 16-7 sheetmetal, 14-1, 14-9, 14-15, 14-16, 14-18, 14-20, 14-21, 14-22, 14-23, 14-28, 14-30, 14-31, 14-32 sheet metal gussets, 15-9 shell, 5-16, 6-13,9-12, 15-24 show preview, 15-28 show, 2-8, 2-13, 6-8, 11-13, 19-16 shut off surfaces, 19-27, 19-29 simulationxpress, 12-1, 12-3, 12-8, 12- 8, 12-9, 12-10, 12-11, 12-16, 12-19, 12-21 sketch bend, 13-7, 13-8, 13-10, 13-11 sketch fillets, 6-5 sketch points, 7-3, 7-6 slot contours, 8-13 smart dimension, 1-5 smart fasteners, 16-15 solid bodies folder, 18-10 solid body, 10-1, 10-20, 10-24 solid feature, 5-1 space handle, 1-1, 1-8 spanner, 3-3, 3-16 spiral, 7-14 split entities, 5-9, 6-4, 6-6 split line draft, 5-3 split line, 8-7, 9-5, 14-7, 14-12 square tube, 17-15, 17-16 start/end constraints, 8-6, 20-21, 20-22 stent sample, 15-28, 15-29 step ap203, 16-1 step ap214, 16-1 step draft, 5-3 step files, 16-1 stopping face, 13-32 straddle faces, 18-4 straight-slot, 3-9 stress analysis, 12-1 stress distribution plot, 12-10 structural members, 17-7, 17-11, 17-14 supporting faces, 17-27 suppress, 12-4 surface feature, 5-1 surface fill, 8-26 surface knit, 8-29, 10-1, 10-11, 10-20 surface modeling, 9-3 surface offset, 9-6 surfaces vs. solid, 11-1 surfaces, 7-13 sweep body, 10-24 sweep path, 4-11, 4-21, 10-24, 11-5 sweep profile, 4-12, 11-4 sweep, 1-7, 1-15, 1-17, 1-20, 1-21, 4- 11, 4-15, 4-21, 5-1, 6-1, 20-28, 20- 29 swept boss, 4-15, 7-18 swept cut, 4-27, 23-2, 23-3 swept surface, 4-14, 11-5, 11-17 switching configuration, 15-21 symmetrical, 19-32, 20-5, 20-16, 20-28 T tab, 1-4, 1-8 tangent arc, 4-26 tangent plane, 2-4 tangent propagation, 13-29 tangent relation, 5-11 tangent to curve, 7-16 tangent, 10-11, 10-16, 10-17, 10-20, 10-25 temporary axis, 15-29 text wraps, 3-19 text, 3-1, 3-13, 3-14, 3-15, 3-16, 3-17, 3-19, 3-20 texture, 9-24 the mesh information, 12-15 thicken, 8-9, 8-31, 11-29 through all, 2-5, 2-6, 2-8, 2-10, 2-14, 2- 18,3-8, 11-8 toolbox, 16-15 tooling split, 18-1, 18-8, 18-10, 18-16 top-down assembly, 20-1, 20-2 transform curve, 7-16 transition sketch, 3-4 Index 6SOLIDWORKS 2020 I Advanced Techniques I Index transparent, 5-10, 19-19 triad directions, 10-31 triad, 1-3 trim with bodies, 17-19 trim, 8-14, 8-25 trim/extend, 17-11 trimmed surface, 9-19 trimming boundary, 17-19, 17-23 try to form solid, 10-20 turbine, 11-15 twist along path, 4-15 two planes, 13-38 u unfold, 14-18, 14-21, 14-32, 15-16, 15- 21, 15-22 up to next, 21-6, 21-7, 21-18 up to surface, 20-6, 20-24 use surfaces, 11-1 using surfaces, 8-1 V variable fillet, 9-23 variable pitch, 4-17, 4-18, 4-20 vents, 13-19 virtual component, 21-10 virtual diameter, 5-5 virtual diameters, 21-4 von mises stress, 12-10 w wake up entities, 20-26 warning, 22-9 weld beads, 17-28 weldment cut list, 17-14, 17-31 weldments, 17-3, 17-14 wire form, 7-22 wire mesh screens, 15-13, 21-8 X xyz coordinates, 1-1 yield strength, 12-1, 12-9 z zoom to area, 13-22 Index 7
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