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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Exploring Finite Element Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation الثلاثاء 16 يوليو 2024, 7:14 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Exploring Finite Element Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation CADArtifex
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Chapter 1, “Introduction to FEA and SOLIDWORKS Simulation,” discusses introduction to SOLIDWORKS Simulation, various types of analysis, introduction to finite element analysis (FEA), and different phases of finite element analysis (FEA): Pre-processing, Solution, and Post-processing. Also, it introduces various terms and definitions used in finite element analysis (FEA). This chapter also discusses different types of elements, the application areas of FEA, system requirements for installing SOLIDWORKS Simulation, and SOLIDWORKS interface. Besides, this chapter discusses how to invoke different SOLIDWORKS documents and how to start with SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Chapter 2, “Create, Import, and Prepare Geometry,” discusses how to invoke different environments of SOLIDWORKS for creating models, how to open an existing SOLIDWORKS model, how to import a model created in another CAD software, and how to import a neutral file. It also introduces how to prepare a model in SOLIDWORKS Simulation for performing an analysis. Chapter 3, “Introduction to Analysis Tools and Static Analysis,” introduces various assumptions for considering the linear static analysis problem and how to start with it in SOLIDWORKS Simulation. This chapter also introduces how to define the analysis unit and material properties for geometry. It also discusses about adding a new material and customizing the material properties. Besides, it introduces boundary conditions (fixtures and loads) and meshing geometry. Chapter 4, “Case Studies of Static Analysis,” discusses various case studies of linear static analysis: Static Analysis of a Rectangular Plate, Static Analysis of a Bracket with Mesh Control, Static Analysis of a Symmetrical Model, StaticAnalysis of a Torispherical Head with Shell Elements, and Static Analysis of a Weldment Frame with Beam Elements. Chapter 5, “Contacts and Connectors,” discusses various contacts and connectors available in SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Besides, it introduces how to perform the static analysis of various case studies having contact problems: Static Analysis of a Hook Assembly with Contacts, Static Analysis of a Flange Assembly with Bolt Connectors, and Static Analysis of an Assembly with Edge Weld Connectors. Chapter 6, “Adaptive Mesh Methods,” discusses different Adaptive meshing methods (H-Adaptive and P-Adaptive) and how to setup an analysis with them. Chapter 7, “Buckling Analysis,” introduces the concept of the buckling analysis and how to perform the buckling analysis of different case studies: Buckling Analysis of a Pipe Support, Buckling Analysis of a Beam. Chapter 8, “Fatigue Analysis,” discusses about the failure of a design due to the fatigue when the design undergoes cyclic loads. It also introduces how to perform the fatigue analysis. Chapter 9, “Frequency Analysis,” introduces how to perform the frequency analysis to calculate the natural/resonant frequencies, the mode shapes associated to each natural frequencies, and the mass participations in X, Y, and Z directions. Chapter 10, “Non-Linear Static Analysis,” introduces various assumptions for considering the non-linear static analysis problems. Also, this chapter discusses different iterative methods (Newton-Raphson (NR) scheme and Modified Newton-Raphson (MNR) scheme) and incremental methods (Force, Displacement, and Arc Length) to find the equilibrium solutions for the nonlinear analysis. This chapter also discusses different types of nonlinearities (material nonlinearities, geometric nonlinearities, and contact nonlinearities) and how to perform the non-linear analysis of various case studies: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Shackle, Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Handrail Clamp Assembly, and Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Cantilever Beam. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to FEA and SOLIDWORKS Simulation Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Simulation Linear Static Analysis Frequency Analysis Buckling Analysis Thermal Analysis Drop Test Analysis Fatigue Analysis Nonlinear Analysis Linear Dynamic Analysis Pressure Vessel Design Analysis Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Working with Different Phases of FEA Pre-processing Solution Post-processing Important Terms and Definitions used in FEA Stress Strain Load Displacement Hooke’s Law Yield Strength Ultimate Strength Fracture Strength Young’s Modulus Stiffness Poisson’s Ratio Creep MeshingElements Nodes Different Application Areas of FEA Installing SOLIDWORKS Simulation Getting Started with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Task Pane Standard Toolbar SOLIDWORKS Menus SOLIDWORKS Search Invoking a New SOLIDWORKS Document Invoking a New Part Modeling Environment Invoking a New Assembly Environment Invoking a New Drawing Environment Identifying SOLIDWORKS Documents Different Components of the Part Environment CommandManager FeatureManager Design Tree View (Heads-Up) Toolbar Status Bar Adding CommandManager Tabs Starting SOLIDWORKS Simulation Summary Questions Chapter 2:Create, Import, and Prepare Geometry Creating a Model in SOLIDWORKS Opening an Existing SOLIDWORKS Model Importing a Model Created in Another CAD Software Importing a Neutral file Preparing a Model for Analysis Extruded Boss/Base Tool Revolved Boss/Base Tool Split Line ToolSimplify Tool Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Hands-on Test Drive 1 Summary Questions Chapter 3: Introduction to Analysis Tools and Static Analysis Making Assumptions for Linear Static Analysis Working with Linear Static Analysis Defining Analysis Units Assigning Material Properties Adding New Material Library, Category, and Material Adding a New Material Category Creating a Custom Material Editing Properties of a Standard Material Deleting Material library, Category, and Material Defining Boundary Conditions Applying Fixtures/Restraints Applying Standard Fixtures Applying Advanced Fixtures Applying Loads Applying the Force Applying the Torque Applying the Pressure Applying the Gravity Applying the Centrifugal Force Applying the Bearing Load Applying the Remote Loads/Mass Meshing Different Types of Elements Creating Mesh on a Geometry SummaryQuestions Chapter 4: Case Studies of Static Analysis Case Study 1: Static Analysis of a Rectangular Plate Case Study 2: Static Analysis of a Bracket with Mesh Control Case Study 3: Static Analysis of a Symmetrical Model Case Study 4: Static Analysis of a Torispherical Head with Shell Elements Case Study 5: Static Analysis of a Weldment Frame with Beam Elements Hands-on Test Drive 1: Static Analysis of a Beam Support Hands-on Test Drive 2: Static Analysis of a Bearing House Summary Questions Chapter 5: Contacts and Connectors Working with Contacts Different Types of Contacts Applying Contacts Applying a Component Contact Applying a Local Contact Working with Connectors Applying a Bolted connector Applying a Pin connector Applying a Link Connector Applying a Bearing connector Applying a Spot Weld Connector Case Study 1: Static Analysis of a Hook Assembly with Contacts Case Study 2: Static Analysis of a Flange Assembly with Bolt Connectors Case Study 3: Static Analysis of an Assembly with Edge Weld Connectors Hands-on Test Drive 1: Static Analysis of a Leaf Spring AssemblyHands-on Test Drive 2: Static Analysis of a Car Jack Assembly Summary Questions Chapter 6: Adaptive Mesh Methods Working with H-Adaptive Mesh Working with P-Adaptive Mesh Case Study 1: Static Analysis of a C-Bracket with Adaptive Meshing Hands-on Test Drive 1: Static Analysis of a Wrench with Adaptive Meshing Summary Questions Chapter 7: Buckling Analysis Introduction to Buckling Analysis Case Study 1: Buckling Analysis of a Pipe Support Case Study 2: Buckling Analysis of a Beam Hands-on Test Drive 1: Buckling Analysis of a Column Summary Questions Chapter 8: Fatigue Analysis Introduction to Fatigue Analysis Case Study 1: Fatigue Analysis of a Connecting Rod Hands-on Test Drive 1: Fatigue Analysis of a Crankshaft Summary Questions Chapter 9: Frequency Analysis Introduction to Frequency Analysis Case Study 1: Frequency Analysis of a Wine Glass Case Study 2: Frequency Analysis of a Pulley Assembly Hands-on Test Drive 1: Frequency Analysis of a Cantilever BeamSummary Questions Chapter 10: Non-Linear Static Analysis Making Assumptions for Non-Linear Static Analysis Using Iterative Methods for Non-Linear Analysis Newton-Raphson (NR) Scheme Modified Newton-Raphson (MNR) Scheme Using Incremental Methods for Non-Linear Analysis Force Incremental Control Method Displacement Incremental Control Method Arc Length Incremental Control Method Case Study 1: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Shackle Case Study 2: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Handrail Clamp Assembly Case Study 3: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Hands-on Test Drive 1: Non-linear Static Analysis of a Hook Assembly Summary Questions #Solidworks,,#Tutorial,,#سولدورك,,#سولدوركس,,#سولدوورك,,#سولدووركس,,#سوليدورك,,#سوليدوركس, ,#سوليدوورك,,#سوليدووركس,#سولد_ورك,#سوليد_وركس,#,#سولد_وركس,#سوليد_ورك,#,#سولد_ورك,
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