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عدد المساهمات : 18938 التقييم : 35320 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب 50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius الثلاثاء 16 يوليو 2024, 5:31 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب 50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius GAVIN D. J. HARPER
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents 2 Acknowledgments ix 6 Recovery Systems 55 3f+ Introduction 1 Project 16: Build a night-tracer rocket 60 Project 17: Build your own EL inverter 62 Project 18: Creating a strobe 1 History of Rocketry 3 beacon rocket 63 2 Rocket Science 9 Project i : Making black powder 9 7 Launching Model Rockets 67 Project 2: Demonstrating different Project 19; Simple launch controller 69 rates of reaction with a film can rocket 13 Project 20: Advanced launch Project 3: How does the quantity of controller 70 propellant affect the distance travelled? 16 Project 2 1: Arming your rocket Project 4: Real rockets! Build your own motor for launch 71 hydrogen-fuelled rocket 17 Project 22: Build a “rod” launcher 72 Project 23; Build a “gantry” 3 The Model Rocketeer’s Workshop 21 launcher 74 Project 5: Build a model rocket Project 24: Build a “rail” launcher 80 support jig and stand 21 Project 25: I aunching your first Project 6: Build a wind tunnel 30 model rocket 83 Project 7: Flow visualization techniques 32 Project 26: More advanced launch techniques 86 4 Model Rocket Stability 35 X Rocket Math 89 5 Constructing Model Rockets 41 Project 27: How fast? How far? Project 8: Building your first Getting to grips with basic model rocket 46 math for physics 89 Project 9: Building a series-staged Project 28: Calculating how rocket 47 high your rocket went 91 Project 10: Build your own Project 29: A simple tracker 93 parallel-staged model 48 Project 30: Calculating howProject 1 1: Build your own high your rocket went from boost-glider 49 an aerial photograph 94 Project 12: Build your own UFO (I) 51 Project 31: Calculating the size of Project 13: Build your own UFO (II) 51 an object on the ground 95 Project 14: Build your own UFO (III) 52 Project 32: Calcualting the Project 15: Build your own measurements for a boat-tail payload-carrying rocket 52 transition 96Project 33: Calculating how Project 45: Optical sensor stable your rocket is Project 34: Recovery device 97 (to detect roll rate) Project 46: Exhaust temperature . 130 calculation 98 (thermocouple) Project 47: Full data acquisition 132 9 Model Rocket Photography Project 35: Build a model rocket 101 system Appendix 12-1 134 137 camera payload 101 Appendix 12-2 161 10 Model Rocket Movie Cameras 109 13 Educating with Model Rocketry 171 Project 36: Build a model rocket video camera pay load ( I) 109 Project 48: Educating with model rocketry 171 II Project 37: Build a model rocket video camera payload (11) Rocket Mail 113 117 14 Model Rocket Clubs Project 49: Starting a model rocketry club 175 175 12 Project 38: Rocket mail Introduction to the Flight Computer 117 121 Project 50: Space exploration merit badge Appendices 178 Project 39: Timer 125 A Model Rocket Safety 181 Project 40: Magnetic apogee sensor Project 41: Barometric altimeter 125 126 B International Listing of Model Rocket Clubs 185 Project 42: Temperature and humidity Project 43: Acceleration Project 44: Vibration (2-axis accelerometer) 127 128 129 Glossary Index 187 189 Ui 4J aa •p aoo viIndex A Abrasives, see materials Acceleration calculation of, 89-91 measurement, 128-9 Aerophilately, see Rocket mail Aiptek Pencam, 102-5, 113 15 Airflow model rockets, and, 30- 1 visualization, 31-33 Altimeter, barometric, 126-7 Altitude, calculation of, 91-4 aerial photograph, from, 94- 5 dual-station tracking, 9 Estes Altitrak, 94 simple tracker. 93-4 single-station tracking, 91-2 Analog Devices ADXL78 ADXL320, 129 Analog-to-digital converters, 123-4 Maxim 186, 123-4, 129 Maxim 187, 123-4 Anderson, Robert, 3, 4 B Bacon, Roger, 3 BASIC Stamp programming, 2, 121-70 editing software, 124 Parallax BS2pe, 121-2 Parallax BS2p40, 121-2 Balsa wood cement, 26 cutting, 44 fins, 44 nose cones, 4 1 painting, 28 transitions, 45 Bernoulli effect, 12 Black powder how it works, 10 ingredients, 9-10 invention of, 3 making, 9-10 safety, and, 9 Body-tubes, 42-3, 178 bulkheads, 42. 44 diameter, 42 drag, and, 1 9 making your own, 43 marking lines on, 43 materials, 42 Boost glider configurations, 49 construction of, 49 Deltie B, 49 Bulkheads, 44 c Camera payloads, 101-8 Aiptek Pencam, 102-5, 113-15 CCD element, 104 continuous shooting (video), 113-15 disassembly, 103 5 altitude calculation and 94-5 construction of, 101-7 digital, 94, 101 Estes Astrocam 94. 95, 101, 110 Camroc, 94, 95101 Cineroc, 109 Oracle. 109 Snapshot, 94, 95101 mounting, 112 movie cameras, 109-15 camera power, 1 10 image sensor, 1 10 live video, 109, 112 maximum transmitting distance, 1 1 1 minimum illumination, 110 operating temperature.1 1 1 output power, 1 10 receiver power, 1 10 recorded video, 109, 112 resolution, 110 scan frequency, 1 10 transmission frequency, 1 10 IV system, 1 10 shutter release, 108, 113, 114 spy cams, 1 1 1 tilt switch, 106 Carl Goldberg Models, 29 Model mate, 29 Carlisle, Orville and Robert, 7 Center of gravity, 35, 37 Center of pressure, 35, 37 Charcoal, for black powder, 10 Computer programming, 2; see also Flight computers 189X (D TJ cH Computer-aided design, 37-40, 172 RocketSIM, 37 SpaceCAD, 37 -40 reasons for, 37-8 de Laval nozzle, 4, 10, II, 12, 187 invention of, 1 1 Drag, 18, 35 body-tube diameter, and, 19 nose cones, and 19 recovery systems, and, 20 stability, and, 35 E Education and model rockets, I, 171-4 business studies, 171 citizenship. 1 72-3 classroom techniques, 1 73 design and technology, 172 graphic communication, 172 product design, 1 72 English, 172 history, 173 media studies, 1 73 physics and chemistry, 172 Edmonds Aerospace Deltie B boost glider. 49 Egglofter rocket, III, 112 Electronics and rocketry, 2 Electroluminescent panels, 61-2 inverter, 62 phosphors, 62 Estes Alpha 3 kit, 1 Altitrak, 94 Astrocam 94, 95, 101, 110 Camroc, 94, 95. 101 Cineroc, 109 first rocket kit, 7 model rocket motors, 10 Oracle. 109 rod launcher, 74 Snapshot. 94, 95. 101 Solar Igniter, 67 Exhaust temperature measurement, 132-3 F Filler, see Materials Film can rocket, 13-16 Fins, 43 4, 178 balsa wood, 44 marking guide, 43-4 materials, 44 one-piece assembly, 44 Flight computers, 121-70 acceleration measurement, 128-9 code, 145-6 altimeter, barometric, 126-7 code 138-9 analog-to-digital converters, 123^4 Maxim 186, 123-4, 129 Maxim 187, 123-4 BASIC Stamp, 121-70 editor software, 124 Parallax BS2pe, 121-2 Parallax BS2p40, 121-2 codes, 1 35-70 construction of, 121 data acquisition system. 134 code, 156-8 data lookup tables, 161-70 J-type thermocouple, 161-5 K-type thermocouple, 166-70 datalogging, 121 code, 140 exhaust temperature measurement, 132 3 code, 141-3 humidity recording, 127-8 code, 141-3 introduction to, 121 lift oft detection, 123 magnetic apogee sensor, 125 code, 136-7 memory, 121 external, 122 programming of, 124-5 roll rate detection, 130-2 code, 149-50 gyroscope, by, 132 optical sensor, by, 130-2 temperature recording, 127-8 code, 151-2 J-type thermocouple lookup tables, 161 5 K-type thermocouple lookup tables, 166-70 timers, 125 code. 135 multiple-stage rockets, for, 125 vibration measurement, 129 code, 147-8 Flow visualization techniques, 32-3 cotton grid, 32 cotton probe, 32 cotton tufts, 32 smoke, 32 surface oil flow, 33 Flying saucers, see UFOs Forces acting on rockets, 18-20 drag, 18, 19 body-tube diameter, and. 19 nose cones, and 19 lift, 1 8 G Gagarin, Yuri, 6 Glues, see Materials 190Goddard, Robert, 4, 5, 6 Gravity, effect of, 14 H Heat engines, 10 History of rocketry, 1-7, 101 HMS Erebus, 3 Humidity recording, 127-8 Hydrogen, production of, 17 Hydrogen-fueiled rocket build your own, 17-18 launching, 18 Igniter(s), 67-9, 71, 72, 178, 187 cluster rockets, for, 87 construction of, 67-9 copperhead, 84-5 electronic, 125 Estes, 67 faults, 68 broken pyrotechnic material. 68 broken wire, 68 torn paper, 68 ignition process, 68-9 timers, for, 125 wiring in parallel, 87 K Kodak flash camera, 64 L Launch techniques, 67 87 advanced techniques, 86 arming the rocket, 7! 2 camera payloads, for, 1 14 countdown, 84 failures, prevention of, 85 flying field school fields, 173 size of, 83^4 gantry launcher assembly, 77-8 construction of, 74-9 disassembly, 78 four-finned rocket, 76 supports, 76 three-finned rocket, 76 transport, 78 heavy rockets, for, 803 igniters, 67-9, 84-5, 87; see also Igniters launch controllers. 67 advanced, 70-1 simple, 69 70 launch pads, 67, 84 |—| lugs, 40, 74, 178 multiple launches. 177 multiple-motor rockets, for, 86-7 multiple-stage rockets, for, 86-7 rail launcher. 80-3, 187 assembly, 81 construction of, 80-3 launch angle, adjustment of, 83 launch angle, setting of, 81 profile, 81 transport. 80 rod launcher, 72—4, J 87 construction of, 72—4 base, 73 blast deflector, 73 Estes, 74 protector, 74 safety keys, 67, 69 Laws of Motion, 14 Lift, 18 M Magnetic apogee sensor, 125 Materials, 25-29 abrasives, 28 fillers, 28, 29 dope. 29, 44 Model mate, 29 Polymorph, 29- 30. Ill glues. 26-27 cyanoacry late (Super Glue), 26 balsa cement, 26 clear glue, 26-7 epoxy resin, 75 poly cement, 26. 42 white glue, 27 paints, 27-8 Plastikotc, 27 pin-striping, 28 sign-writers’ vinyl, 28-9 tapes, 27 Maxim 186, 123-4 187, 123-4 Model mate, 29 Model rocket(s) and airflow, see Airflow body tubes, see Body tubes boost gliders, see Boost gliders bulkheads, see Bulkheads camera pay loads, see Camera payloads clubs, 175-9 family involvement, 176 international listing, 185 National Association of Rocketry', 175 Scout groups, 1 78 space exploration merit badge, I 78-9 computer-aided design, see Computer-aided design 191construction. 41-53 BS2p40, 121-2 education with. see Education and thermocouple kit, 132 model rocketry Payload(s) fins, see Fins biological, 6 flight computers, see Flight computers camera, see Camera payloads igniters, see Igniters payload-carrying rocket, 52-3 launching, see Launch techniques construction of, 52-3 materials, see Materials rocket mail, 117-19 nose cones, see Nose cones Polymorph, 29-30, 111, 113 payload-carrying, see Payload(s) Potassium nitrate, for black powder, 10 recovery systems, see Recovery systems Propellant quantity, 16 science, 9--20 and distance, 16 spacing rings, see Spacing rings Publicity stability, see Stability charity events, 176 staged, see Staged rockets local newspapers, 175 transitions, see Transitions local radio, 175 tools, see Tools television, 176 UFOs, see UFOs workshop, 21-33 Moon landing, 6 R Motion, Laws of, 14, 90, 178 Reaction forces, 13-16 balanced, 13 chemical, 13 KI fast. 15, 16 N equal and opposite, 14 Newton, Isaac, 14 unbalanced, 13 Laws of Motion, 14 Reaction mass, 10, 12, 16, 17 Night tracer rocket Reaction rates, 13-16 construction of, 60-2 demonstrating, 13-16 EL inverter, 62 Recovery systems, 41, 55-65, 174, 178 electroluminescent panels, 61-2 basics, 55 Nose cones, 19,41-2, 178 camera, 108 blunt. 19 drag, and, 20 cone, 19 ejection charge, 55 drag, and, 19 featherweight, 56 hemisphere, 19 glide, 59 length-to-width ratio, 42 helicopter (autorotation), 57-9 ogive, 19 night tracer, 60-1 parabola, 19 nose blow, 56 plastic, 42 parachute (parasheet), 47, 53, 57, 58, 108 profile. 19 diameter ready reckoner, 58 shroud lines, 57 recovery wadding. 60 rn shock cord, 55, 108 u materials, 60 Oxygen, production of, 17 mounts, 59 size, 98-9 streamer, 56 n rolling techniques, 56-7 r strobe beacon, 63-5 Paints, see Materials tumble, 50, 56 Painting techniques, 27-8 Redstone rocket, 5 balsa, for, 28 Rocket mail, 1 1 7-19 plastic, for, 28 history, 118-19 preparation, 27 stamps, 1 18 Parachutes, see Recovery systems Rocket math, 9, 89-99 Parallax Rocket motors "G BS2pe, 121-2 Alka-Seltzer, 14-16 cH 192baking powder, 14-16 black powder, 9-10 combustion chambers, 1 2 core burners, 12,16 denture cleaner, 14-16 end burners, 16 exhaust gas, 16 hydrogen-fuelled, 17-18 hooks, 45 model, 10 construction of, 1 1 mounts, 46 nozzles, 1 1 convergent-divergent (con-d<), 11 de Laval, 11,12 solid fuel, 10 thrustlcss, 1 vitamin C, 14-16 Rocket science, 9-20 Rocketry clubs, 1,115 history, 3-7 Roll rate detection, 130-2 gyroscope, by, 132 optical sensor, by, 130-2 s Safety and model rockets, 9, 20, 23, 64, 67, 84, 181-3 catastrophic failure, 85-6, 187 prevention, 85 countdown, 84 distance from launch pad. 84 launch site, 84, 182, 183 misfires, 183 permission, 183 safety codes, 181-3 National Association of Rocketry (US), 181 2 United Kingdom Rocketry Association, 182-3 Schwarz, Berthold, 3 Seebeck voltage, 1 32 Shock cord, see Recovery systems Siemienowicz, Kazimierz, 3 multiple-stage rocket, 3 SpaccCAD, 37-40 bodytube editor, 39 bodytubc engines editor, 39 bodytube fins editor, 39, 40 fin editor. 39, 40 launch lug editor, 40 nose cone editor, 38 Spacing rings, 44-6 Sputnik, 5, 6 Stability, 35-40 calculation of, 97-8 center of gravity, 35, 37 center of pressure, 35, 37 computer-aided design, and, 37 40 drag, and, 35 paper cutout test, 36 string test, 36 swing test, 36-7 Staged rockets launching of, 86-7 parallel-staged construction of, 48 boosters, 48 series-staged construction of, 47-8 fins, 47 motors, 47 parachute, 47 Stine, Harry G, 7 Streamers, see Recovery systems Strobe beacon rocket construction of, 63-4 safety, 64 Sulfur, for black powder, 10 Support jig and stand, building, 2) Switches acceleration, 123 reed, 113-14 nit. 106 T Tapes, see Materials Temperature recording, 127-8 Timers, 125 multiple-stage rockets, for, 125 Tools, 21 25 grips, 23 hole saws (tank cutters), 24- 5 knives, 22-3 lathes, 25, 41 pincers, 23 pliers, 23 rules, steel, 23 scalpels, 22-3 disposable, 23 modeler’s, 23 scissors, 23 screwdrivers, 23 soldering iron, 25 vinyl-cutting machines, 25 Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 4 Thrustless rocket motors, I Thunderbirds, I Transitions, 44-6 balsa wood, 45 boat tail, 96 external, 45 making them, 44-5 Art Applewhite design, 50-1 construction of, 50-52 simple, 51 featherweight recovery, 56 tumble recovery, 50, 56 V V2 rocket, 5 Vibration measurement, 129 Wells, H.G., 3, 4 Wings, see Fins Wind tunnel, 30-1, 188 construction of, 30-1 Zippering, 188
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