كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2024 A Step-By-Step Tutorial Guide for Beginners
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 كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2024 A Step-By-Step Tutorial Guide for Beginners

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18990
التقييم : 35476
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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SOLIDWORKS 2024 A Step-By-Step Tutorial Guide for Beginners
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و المحتوى كما يلي :

SOLIDWORKS, developed by Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS
Corp., world leader in engineering software, offers complete 3D
software tools that let you create, simulate, publish, and manage
your data. By providing advanced solid modeling techniques,
SOLIDWORKS helps engineers to optimize performance while
designing with capabilities, that cut down on costly prototypes,
eliminate rework and delays, thereby saving time as well as
development costs.
SOLIDWORKS is a feature-based, parametric solid-modeling
mechanical design and automation software which allows you to
convert 2D sketches into solid models by using simple but highly
effective modeling tools. The 3D components and assemblies
created in SOLIDWORKS can be converted into 2D drawings within
few mouse clicks. In addition, you can validate your designs by
simulating their real-world conditions and assessing the
environmental impact of products.
SOLIDWORKS 2024: A Step-By-Step Tutorial Guide for Beginners (Mixed
Units) textbook is designed to assist students, designers, engineers,
and professionals in acquiring a comprehensive understanding of
SOLIDWORKS through a systematic tutorial approach to creating
real-world 3D mechanical designs. It serves as an excellent entry
point for new SOLIDWORKS users and individuals transitioning from
other CAD software.
Comprising 11 chapters and spanning 426 pages, this textbookoffers tutorials with clear, step-by-step instructions for creating
parametric 3D solid components, assemblies, and 2D drawings.
Each tutorial is grounded in real-world projects, providing practical
insights into utilizing SOLIDWORKS efficiently. The content covers
key SOLIDWORKS environments such as Part Modeling, Assembly,
and Drawing. Additionally, there is a dedicated chapter specifically
focused on the creation of diverse configurations for a design.
Moreover, at the end of each chapter, users will find exercises that
serve as a valuable means for users to evaluate and enhance their
understanding of the software.
Who Should Read This Textbook
This textbook is written to benefit a wide range of SOLIDWORKS
users, varying from beginners to advanced users. The step-by-step
tutorials in each chapter of this textbook allow easy comprehension
of different design techniques, concepts, tools, and design principles.
What Is Covered in This Textbook
SOLIDWORKS 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners (Mixed Units)
textbook is designed to equip you with everything you need to know
to start using SOLIDWORKS with straightforward, step-by-step
tutorials. This textbook covers the following topics:
Chapter 1: Introduction to SOLIDWORKS, discusses
SOLIDWORKS interface, different SOLIDWORKS environments,
various components SOLIDWORKS, invoking and customizing the
shortcut menu, customizing the CommandManager, working with
Mouse Gestures, saving documents, and opening documents in
SOLIDWORKS.Chapter 2: Creating and Editing Sketches, discusses how to invoke
the Sketching environment for creating a sketch by selecting a
sketching plane. It explains how to specify the unit system. This
chapter also introduces methods for drawing lines, centerlines,
midpoint Lines, rectangles, parallelograms, circle, arcs, polygons,
slots, ellipses, elliptical arcs, parabolas, conic curves, and splines by
using the respective sketching tools. Besides, it discusses about
editing a spline, editing and modifying sketches by performing
various editing operations such as trim, extend, mirror, and offset.
Moreover, this chapter discusses about applying geometric relations,
applying and editing dimensions, and different states of a sketch.
Chapter 3: Creating Extrude and Revolve Features, discusses how to
create extrude and revolve base features.
Chapter 4: Creating Multi-Feature 3D Models, discusses how to
navigate and manipulate a 3D model in the graphics area and
change its display style. It explains step-by-step creating multifeature models by using various modeling tools. This chapter also
discusses methods for creating an extrude cut feature, a rib feature,
a chamfer, a circular pattern, and a mirror feature, in addition to
extrude and revolve features by using their respective tools. Besides,
this chapter explains how to assign a standard material and calculate
the mass properties of a model.
Chapter 5: Creating Sweep and Loft Features, discusses how to
create sweep and loft features by adding material using the Swept
Boss/Base and Lofted Boss/Base tools, respectively. This chapter also
discusses creating sweep and loft features by removing material
from the model using the Swept Cut and Lofted Cut tools.Chapter 6: Creating Holes, Threads, and Shell Features, discusses
how to create standard holes such as counterbore, countersink,
straight tap, and tapered tap as per standard specifications. It also
discusses adding cosmetic threads, in addition to creating threads by
removing or adding material on a circular face of a model. Besides,
this chapter explains about creating a shell feature, a linear pattern,
and a fillet.
Chapter 7: Creating 3D Sketches and Helical Curves, discusses how
to invoke the 3D Sketching environment and create 3D sketches. It
also discusses methods for creating helical, spiral, and composite
curves by using their respective tools.
Chapter 8: Working with Configurations, discusses how to create
multiple configurations of a model by using the Manual and Design
Table methods. It also discusses methods for saving configurations
as a separate file, and suppressing and unsuppressing features of a
Chapter 9: Creating Assemblies Using Bottom-up Approach,
discusses how to create assemblies by using the bottom-up
assembly approach. It explains the application of different types of
Standard, Advanced, and Mechanical mates to assemble
components of an assembly and define relative motion with respect
to each other.
Chapter 10: Creating Assemblies Using Top-down Approach,
discusses how to create assemblies by using the Top-down
assembly approach. It explains various methods for creating
components of an assembly within the Assembly environment.
Chapter 11: Creating 2D Drawings, discusses about creating 2D
drawings of parts and assemblies. It explains how to create various
drawing views such as model/base view, projected view, section
view, detail view, and isometric view of a component by using the
respective tools in the Drawing environment. It also explains the
concept of angle of projections, defining the angle of projection, and
editing the sheet format. Besides, it discusses how to apply
reference dimensions to the drawing views, create Bill of Material
(BOM), and balloons to the components of an assembly.


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