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عدد المساهمات : 18990 التقييم : 35476 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب AutoCAD 2024 - Beginning and Intermediate الأربعاء 03 يوليو 2024, 3:33 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب AutoCAD 2024 - Beginning and Intermediate Munir M. Hamad Autodesk Approved Instructor
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface About the Book Chapter 1 AutoCAD 2024 Basics 1.1 Starting AutoCAD 1.2 AutoCAD 2024 Interface 1.2.1 Application Menu 1.2.2 Quick Access Toolbar 1.2.3 Ribbons 1.2.4 InfoCenter 1.2.5 Command Window 1.2.6 Graphical Area 1.2.7 Status Bar 1.2.8 Start Tab 1.3 AutoCAD Defaults 1.4 What Is My Drawing Unit? 1.5 Create a New AutoCAD Drawing 1.6 Open an Existing AutoCAD Drawing 1.6.1 File Tab 1.7 Closing Drawing Files 1.8 Undo and Redo Commands 1.8.1 Undo Command 1.8.2 Redo Command Practice 1-1 AutoCAD Basics Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 2 Precise Drafting in AutoCAD 2024 2.1 Drafting Priorities 2.2 Drawing Lines Using Line Command 2.3 What is Dynamic Input in AutoCAD?2.3.1 Example for Showing Prompts 2.3.2 Example for Specifying Lengths and Angles Practice 2-1 Drawing Lines Using Dynamic Input 2.4 Exact Angles (Ortho vs. Polar Tracking) 2.4.1 Increment Angle 2.4.2 Additional Angles 2.4.3 Polar Angle Measurement Practice 2-2 Exact Angles 2.5 Precise Drafting Using Object Snap 2.5.1 Activating Running OSNAPs 2.5.2 OSNAP Override Practice 2-3 Object Snap (OSNAP) 2.6 Drawing Circles Using Circle Command 2.7 Drawing Circular Arcs Using Arc Command 2.8 Object Snaps Related to Circles and Arcs 2.9 Using Object Snap Tracking with OSNAP Practice 2-4a Drawing Using OSNAP and OTRACK Practice 2-4b Drawing Using OSNAP and OTRACK 2.10 Drawing Lines and Arcs Using Polyline Command 2.11 Converting Polylines to Lines and Arcs and Vice-Versa 2.11.1 Converting Polylines to Lines and Arcs 2.11.2 Joining Lines and Arcs to Form a Polyline Practice 2-5 Drawing Polylines and Converting 2.12 Using Snap and Grid to Specify Points Accurately 2.13 Using Polar Snap Practice 2-6 Snap and Grid Practice 2-7 Small Project Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 3 Modifying Commands Part I 3.1 How to Select Objects in AutoCAD 3.1.1 Window Mode (W) 3.1.2 Crossing Mode (C) 3.1.3 Window Polygon Mode (WP) 3.1.4 Crossing Polygon Mode (CP) 3.1.5 Lasso Selection 3.1.6 Fence Mode (F) 3.1.7 Last (L), Previous (P), and All Modes 3.1.8 Other Methods to Select Objects 3.2 Selection Cycling 3.3 Erase Command Practice 3-1 Selecting Objects and Erase Command 3.4 Move Command 3.4.1 Nudge Functionality Practice 3-2 Moving Objects3.5 Copy Command Practice 3-3 Copying Objects 3.6 Rotate Command 3.6.1 Reference Option Practice 3-4 Rotating Objects 3.7 Scale Command 3.7.1 Reference Option Practice 3-5 Scaling Objects 3.8 Mirror Command Practice 3-6 Mirroring Objects 3.9 Stretch Command Practice 3-7 Stretching Objects Practice 3-8 Stretching Objects 3.10 Lengthening Objects 3.11 Joining Objects Practice 3-9 Lengthening and Joining Objects 3.12 Using Grips to Edit Objects 3.13 Grips and Dynamic Input 3.14 Grips and Perpendicular and Tangent Osnaps Practice 3-10 Using Grips to Edit Objects Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 4 Modifying Commands Part II 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Offsetting Objects 4.2.1 Offsetting Using the Offset Distance Option 4.2.2 Offsetting Using the Through Option 4.2.3 Using the Multiple Option Practice 4-1 Offsetting Objects Practice 4-2 Offsetting Objects 4.3 Filleting Objects Practice 4-3 Filleting Objects 4.4 Chamfering Objects 4.4.1 Chamfering Using the Distance Option 4.4.2 Chamfering Using Distance and Angle Practice 4-4 Chamfering Objects 4.5 Trimming Objects Practice 4-5 Trimming Objects 4.6 Extending Objects Practice 4-6 Extending Objects 4.7 Arraying Objects – Rectangular Array 4.7.1 The First Step 4.7.2 Using the Array Creation Context Tab 4.7.3 Editing a Rectangular Array Using Grips 4.7.4 Editing a Rectangular Array Using the Context Tab4.7.5 Editing a Rectangular Array Using Quick Properties Practice 4-7 Arraying Objects Using Rectangular Array 4.8 Arraying Objects – Path Array Practice 4-8 Arraying Objects Using Path 4.9 Arraying Objects – Polar Array Practice 4-9 Arraying Objects Using Polar Array 4.10 Break Command Practice 4-10 Breaking Objects Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 5 Layers and Inquiry Commands 5.1 Layers Concept in AutoCAD 5.2 Creating and Setting Layer Properties 5.2.1 How to Create a New Layer 5.2.2 How to Set a Color for a Layer 5.2.3 How to Set the Linetype for Layers 5.2.4 How to Set a Lineweight for Layers 5.2.5 How to Set the Current Layer Practice 5-1 Creating and Setting Layer Properties 5.3 Layer Controls 5.3.1 Controlling Layer Visibility, Locking, and Plotting 5.3.2 Deleting and Renaming Layers 5.3.3 How to Make an Object’s Layer the Current Layer 5.3.4 How to Undo only Layer Actions 5.3.5 Moving Objects from One Layer to Another 5.4 While You Are at the Layer Properties Manager Practice 5-2 Layer Controls 5.5 Changing an Object’s Layer, Quick Properties, and Properties 5.5.1 Reading Instantaneous Information about an Object 5.5.2 How to Move an Object from a Layer to Another Layer 5.5.3 What is Quick Properties? 5.5.4 What Is Properties? Practice 5-3 Changing Object’s Layer, Quick Properties, and Properties 5.6 Inquiry Commands – Introduction 5.7 Measuring Distance 5.8 Inquiring Radius 5.9 Measuring Angle 5.10 Measuring Area 5.10.1 How to Calculate Simple Area 5.10.2 How to Calculate Complex Area 5.11 Quick Measure Practice 5-4 Inquiry Commands Practice 5-5 Inquiry Commands Chapter Review Chapter Review AnswersChapter 6 Blocks and Hatch 6.1 Why Do We Need Blocks? 6.2 How to Create a Block 6.3 How to Use (Insert) Blocks 6.3.1 Block Insertion Point OSNAP 6.3.2 Block Count 6.3.3 Block Replace Practice 6-1a Creating and Inserting Blocks Practice 6-1b Auto-Placement and Replace 6.4 Exploding Blocks and Converting Them to Files 6.4.1 Exploding Blocks 6.4.2 Converting Blocks to Files Practice 6-2 Exploding, Converting 6.5 Hatching in AutoCAD 6.6 Hatch Command: First Step 6.7 Controlling Hatch Properties Practice 6-3 Inputting Hatch and Controlling Hatch Properties 6.8 Specifying Hatch Origin 6.9 Controlling Hatch Options 6.9.1 How to Create Associative Hatching 6.9.2 How to Make Your Hatch Annotative 6.9.3 Using Match Properties to Create Identical Hatches 6.9.4 Hatching an Open Area 6.9.5 Creating Separate Hatches in the Same Command 6.9.6 Island Detection 6.9.7 Set Hatch Draw Order Practice 6-4 Hatch Origin and Options 6.10 Hatch Boundary 6.11 Editing Hatch Practice 6-5 Hatch Boundary and Hatch Editing Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 7 Writing Text 7.1 Writing Text Using Single Line Text Practice 7-1 Creating Text Style and Single Line Text 7.2 Writing Text Using Multiline Text 7.2.1 Style Panel 7.2.2 Formatting Panel 7.2.3 Paragraph Panel 7.2.4 Insert Panel 7.2.5 Spell Check Panel 7.2.6 Tools Panel 7.2.7 Options Panel 7.2.8 Close Panel7.2.9 Text Editor Practice 7-2 Writing Using Multiline Text 7.3 Text Editing 7.3.1 Double-Click Text 7.3.2 Quick Properties and Properties 7.3.3 Editing Using Grips 7.4 Spelling Check and Find and Replace Practice 7-3 Editing Text Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 8 Dimensions 8.1 What Is Dimensioning in AutoCAD? 8.2 Dimension Types 8.3 How to Insert a Linear Dimension 8.4 How to Insert an Aligned Dimension 8.5 How to Insert an Angular Dimension Practice 8-1 Inserting Linear, Aligned, and Angular Dimensions 8.6 How to Insert an Arc-Length Dimension 8.7 How to Insert a Radius Dimension 8.8 How to Insert a Diameter Dimension Practice 8-2 Inserting Arc Length, Radius, and Diameter Dimension 8.9 How to Insert a Jogged Dimension 8.10 How to Insert an Ordinate Dimension Practice 8-3 Inserting Dimensions 8.11 Inserting a Series of Dimensions Using the Continue Command 8.12 Inserting a Series of Dimensions Using the Baseline Command Practice 8-4 Continue Command Practice 8-5 Baseline Command 8.13 Using the Quick Dimension Command 8.14 Using the Dimension Command 8.15 Dimension Special Layer 8.16 Editing a Dimension Block Using Grips 8.17 Editing a Dimension Block Using the Right-Click Menu 8.18 Editing a Dimension Block Using Quick Properties and Properties Practice 8-6 Quick Dimension and Editing Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 9 Plotting 9.1 What Is Model Space and What Is Paper Space? 9.2 Introduction to Layouts 9.3 Steps to Create a New Layout From Scratch 9.4 Steps to Create a New Layout Using a Template 9.5 Creating Layouts Using CopyingPractice 9-1 Creating New Layouts 9.6 Creating Viewports 9.6.1 Adding Single Rectangular Viewports 9.6.2 Adding Multiple Rectangular Viewports 9.6.3 Adding Polygonal Viewports 9.6.4 Creating Viewports by Converting Existing Objects 9.6.5 Creating Viewports by Clipping Existing Viewports 9.6.6 Dealing with Viewports After Creation 9.7 Scaling and Maximizing Viewports 9.8 Freezing Layers in Viewports 9.9 Layer Override in Viewports Practice 9-2 Creating and Controlling Viewports 9.10 Plot Command Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 10 Projects 10.1 How to Prepare Your Drawing for a New Project 10.2 Architectural Project (Imperial) 10.3 Architectural Project (Metric) 10.4 Mechanical Project – I (Metric) 10.5 Mechanical Project – I (Imperial) 10.6 Mechanical Project – II (Metric) 10.7 Mechanical Project – II (Imperial) Chapter 11 More on 2D Objects 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Drawing Using the Rectangle Command 11.2.1 Chamfer Option 11.2.2 Elevation Option 11.2.3 Fillet Option 11.2.4 Thickness Option 11.2.5 Width Option 11.2.6 Area Option 11.2.7 Dimensions Option 11.2.8 Rotation Option 11.3 Drawing Using the Polygon Command 11.3.1 Using an Imaginary Circle 11.3.2 Using the Length and Angle of One of the Edges Practice 11-1 Drawing Rectangles and Polygons 11.4 Drawing Using the Donut Command 11.5 Drawing Using the Revision Cloud Command Practice 11-2 Drawing a Donut and a Revision Cloud 11.6 Using the Edit Polyline Command 11.6.1 Open and Close Options11.6.2 Join Option 11.6.3 Width Option 11.6.4 Edit Vertex Option 11.6.5 Fit, Spline, and Decurve Options 11.6.6 Ltype Gen Option 11.6.7 Reverse Option 11.6.8 Multiple Option Practice 11-3 Polyline Edit Command 11.7 Using Construction Lines and Rays 11.7.1 Using Construction Lines 11.7.2 Using Rays Practice 11-4 Using Construction Lines and Rays 11.8 Using Point Style and Point Command 11.8.1 Using Point Style Command 11.8.2 Using Point Command 11.9 Using Divide and Measure Commands 11.9.1 Using the Divide Command 11.9.2 Using the Measure Command 11.9.3 Using Divide and Measure Commands with Block Option Practice 11-5 Using Point Style, Point, Divide, and Measure 11.10 Using the Spline Command 11.10.1 Using the Fit Points Method 11.10.2 Using the Control Vertices Method 11.10.3 Editing a Spline Practice 11-6 Using the Spline Command 11.11 Using the Ellipse Command 11.11.1 Drawing an Ellipse Using the Center Option 11.11.2 Drawing an Ellipse Using Axis Points 11.11.3 Drawing an Elliptical Arc Practice 11-7 Using the Ellipse Command 11.12 Using the Boundary Command Practice 11-8 Using Boundary Command 11.13 Using the Region Command 11.13.1 Performing Boolean Operations on Regions Practice 11-9 Using Region Command Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 12 Advanced Practices – Part I 12.1 Offset Command – Advanced Options 12.1.1 Erase Source Option 12.1.2 Layer Option 12.1.3 System Variable: Offsetgaptype 12.2 Trim and Extend – Edge Option Practice 12-1 Using Advanced Options in Offset, Trim, and Extend 12.3 Using Match Properties12.4 Copy/Paste Objects and Match Properties Across Files 12.4.1 Copying Objects 12.4.2 Cutting Objects 12.4.3 Pasting Objects 12.4.4 Using the Drag-and-Drop Method 12.4.5 Match Properties Across Files Practice 12-2 Using Match Properties, Copy/Paste Across Files 12.5 Sharing Excel and Word Content in AutoCAD 12.5.1 Sharing Data Coming from MS Word 12.5.2 Sharing Data Coming from MS Excel 12.5.3 Pasting a Linked Table from Excel Practice 12-3 Sharing Excel and Word Content in AutoCAD 12.6 Hyperlinking AutoCAD Objects Practice 12-4 Hyperlinking AutoCAD Objects 12.7 Purging Unused Items Practice 12-5 Purging Items 12.8 Using Views & Viewports 12.8.1 Creating Views 12.8.2 Using Views in Viewports 12.8.3 Creating a Named Viewport Arrangement – Method (I) 12.8.4 Creating a Named Viewport Arrangement – Method (II) 12.8.5 Insert View as Viewport Practice 12-6 Using Views and Viewports Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 13 Advanced Practices – Part II 13.1 Using Quick Select Practice 13-1 Using Quick Select 13.2 Using Select Similar and Add Selected 13.2.1 Select Similar Command 13.2.2 Add Selected Command 13.3 What Is Object Visibility in AutoCAD? Practice 13-2 Using Select Similar and Add Selected 13.4 Advanced Layer Commands 13.4.1 Using Isolate and Unisolate Commands 13.4.2 Using Freeze and Off Commands 13.4.3 Using the Turn All Layers On and Thaw All Layers Commands 13.4.4 Using the Lock and Unlock Commands 13.4.5 Using the Change to Current Layer Command 13.4.6 Using Copy Objects to New Layer command 13.4.7 Using the Layer Walk Command 13.4.8 Using the Isolate to Current Viewport Command 13.4.9 Using the Merge Command 13.4.10 Using the Delete Command 13.5 Layer’s TransparencyPractice 13-3 Using Advanced Layer Commands 13.6 Using Fields in AutoCAD Practice 13-4 Using Fields in AutoCAD 13.7 Using Partially Opened Files 13.7.1 How to Open a File Partially 13.7.2 Using Partial Load Practice 13-5 Using Partially Opened Files Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 14 Using Block Tools and Block Editing 14.1 Automatic Scaling Feature 14.2 Design Center Practice 14-1 Using Design Center 14.3 Tool Palettes 14.3.1 How to Create a Tool Palette from Scratch 14.3.2 How to Fill the New Palette with Content 14.3.3 How to Create a Palette from Design Center Blocks 14.3.4 How to Customize Tools Properties 14.4 Hatch and Tool Palette Practice 14-2 Using Tool Palettes 14.5 Customizing Tool Palettes 14.5.1 Allow Docking 14.5.2 Transparency 14.5.3 View Options 14.5.4 Add Text and Add Separators 14.5.5 New / Delete / Rename Palette 14.5.6 Customize Palettes Practice 14-3 Customizing Tool Palettes 14.6 Editing Blocks Practice 14-4 Editing Blocks Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 15 Creating Text and Table Styles and Formulas in Tables 15.1 Steps to Create Text and Tables 15.2 How to Create a Text Style Practice 15-1 Creating Text Style and Single Line Text 15.3 Creating Table Style 15.3.1 General Tab 15.3.2 Text Tab 15.3.3 Borders Tab 15.4 Inserting a Table in the Drawing 15.4.1 Specify Insertion Point Option 15.4.2 Specify Window OptionPractice 15-2 Creating Table Style and Inserting Tables in the Current Drawing 15.5 Using Formulas in Table Cells 15.6 Using Table Cell Functions 15.6.1 Using the Rows Panel 15.6.2 Using the Columns Panel 15.6.3 Using the Merge Panel 15.6.4 Using the Cell Styles Panel 15.6.5 Using the Cell Format Panel 15.6.6 Using the Insert Panel 15.6.7 Using the Data Panel Practice 15-3 Formulas and Table Cell Functions Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 16 Dimension and Multileader Styles 16.1 What Is Dimensioning in AutoCAD? 16.2 How to Create a New Dimension Style 16.3 Dimension Style: Lines Tab 16.4 Dimension Style: Symbols and Arrows Tab 16.5 Dimension Style: Text Tab 16.6 Dimension Style: Fit Tab 16.7 Dimension Style: Primary Units Tab 16.8 Dimension Style: Alternate Units Tab 16.9 Dimension Style: Tolerances Tab 16.10 Creating a Dimension Sub Style Practice 16-1 Creating Dimension Style 16.11 More Dimension Functions 16.11.1 Dimension Break 16.11.2 Dimension Adjust Space 16.11.3 Dimension Jog Line 16.11.4 Dimension Oblique 16.11.5 Dimension Text Angle 16.11.6 Dimension Justify 16.11.7 Dimension Override Practice 16-2 More Dimension Functions 16.12 Associative Centerlines and Center Marks 16.12.1 Center Mark 16.12.2 Centerline 16.12.3 Centerline and Center Mark Properties Practice 16-3 Centerlines and Center Marks 16.13 How to Create a Multileader Style 16.13.1 Leader Format Tab 16.13.2 Leader Structure Tab 16.13.3 Content Tab 16.14 Inserting a Multileader Dimension Practice 16-4Creating Multileader Style and Inserting Multileaders Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 17 Plot Style, Annotative, and Exporting 17.1 Plot Style Tables – First Look 17.2 Color-Dependent Plot Style Table 17.3 Named Plot Style Table Practice 17-1 Color-Dependent Plot Style Table Practice 17-2 Named Plot Style Table 17.4 What Is an Annotative Feature? Practice 17-3 Annotative Feature 17.5 Exporting DWG to PDF: An Introduction 17.6 Exporting to a PDF 17.7 Using the Batch Plot Command Practice 17-4 Creating and Viewing a PDF File Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 18 How to Create a Template File and Interface Customization 18.1 What Is a Template File and How Can We Create It? 18.2 Editing a Template File Practice 18-1 Creating and Editing a Template File 18.3 Customizing the Interface – Introduction 18.4 How to Create a New Panel 18.5 How to Create a New Tab 18.6 How to Create a Quick Access Toolbar 18.7 How to Create a New Workspace Practice 18-2 Customizing an Interface 18.8 How to Create Your Own Command Practice 18-3 Creating New Commands Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 19 Parametric Constraints 19.1 What Are Parametric Constraints? 19.2 Using Geometric Constraints 19.2.1 Using Coincident Constraints 19.2.2 Using Collinear Constraints 19.2.3 Using Concentric Constraints 19.2.4 Using Fix Constraints 19.2.5 Using Parallel Constraints 19.2.6 Using Perpendicular Constraints 19.2.7 Using Horizontal Constraints19.2.8 Using Vertical Constraints 19.2.9 Using Tangent Constraints 19.2.10 Using Smooth Constraints 19.2.11 Using Symmetric Constraints 19.2.12 Using Equal Constraints 19.3 Geometric Constraints Settings 19.4 What Is Infer Constraint? 19.5 What Is Auto Constrain? 19.6 Constraint Bar & Showing and Hiding 19.6.1 Constraint Bar 19.6.2 Showing and Hiding 19.7 Relaxing and Over-Constraining Objects 19.7.1 Relaxing Constraints 19.7.2 Over-Constraining an Object Practice 19-1 Applying Geometric Constraint 19.8 Using Dimensional Constraints 19.8.1 Using Linear, Horizontal, and Vertical Constraints 19.8.2 Using Aligned Constraints 19.8.3 Using Radial and Diameter Constraints 19.8.4 Using Angular Constraints 19.8.5 Using the Convert Command 19.9 Controlling Dimensional Constraint 19.9.1 Constraint Settings Dialog Box 19.9.2 Deleting Constraints 19.9.3 Showing and Hiding Dimensional Constraint 19.10 Using the Parameters Manager 19.11 What is Annotational Constraint Mode? 19.11.1 Annotational Constraint Mode 19.11.2 Converting Dimensional Constraints to Annotational 19.12 Using Dimensional Grips Practice 19-2 Applying Dimensional Constraint Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 20 Dynamic Blocks 20.1 Introduction to Dynamic Blocks 20.2 Methods to Create a Dynamic Block 20.2.1 Using the Block Definition Dialog Box 20.2.2 Double-Clicking an Existing Block 20.2.3 Block Editor Command 20.3 Inside the Block Editor 20.4 What Are Parameters and Actions? 20.5 Controlling Parameter Properties 20.6 Controlling the Visibility Parameter 20.7 Using Lookup Parameter and Action 20.8 Final StepsPractice 20-1 Dynamic Blocks – Creating a Chest of Drawers Practice 20-2 Dynamic Blocks – Door Control Practice 20-3 Dynamic Blocks – Wide Flange Beams 20.9 Using Constraints in Dynamic Blocks 20.9.1 Block Table Button 20.9.2 Construction Button 20.9.3 Constraint Status Button Practice 20-4 Dynamic Blocks Using Constraints – Wide Flange Beams Practice 20-5 Dynamic Blocks Using Constraints – Creating Windows Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 21 Block Attributes 21.1 What Are Block Attributes? 21.2 How to Define Attributes 21.2.1 Attribute Part 21.2.2 Mode Part 21.2.3 Text Settings Part 21.2.4 Insertion Point Part 21.3 Inserting Blocks with Attributes 21.4 How to Control Attribute Visibility Practice 21-1 Defining and Inserting Blocks with Attributes 21.5 How to Edit Individual Attribute Values 21.6 How to Edit Attribute Values Globally Practice 21-2 Editing Attribute Values Individually and Globally 21.7 How to Redefine and Sync Attribute Definitions Practice 21-3 Redefining Attribute Definitions 21.8 How to Extract Attributes from Files Practice 21-4 Extracting Attributes Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 22 External Referencing (XREF) 22.1 Introduction to External References 22.2 Inserting External References into Different File Formats 22.2.1 Attaching a DWG File 22.2.2 Attaching an Image File 22.2.3 Attaching a DWF File 22.2.4 Attaching a DGN File 22.2.5 Attaching a PDF File 22.3 External Reference Palette Contents 22.4 Using the Attach Command 22.5 Reference Files and Layers 22.6 Controlling the Fading of a Reference File Practice 22-1 Attaching and Controlling Reference Files22.7 Editing an External Reference DWG File 22.7.1 Using the Edit Reference Command 22.7.2 Using the Open Command 22.8 External Reference File-Related Functions 22.8.1 Unload Command 22.8.2 Reload Command 22.8.3 Detach Command 22.8.4 Bind Command 22.8.5 Xref Type 22.8.6 Change Path Type 22.8.7 Select New Path 22.8.8 Find and Replace Practice 22-2 External Reference Editing 22.9 Clipping an External Reference File 22.10 Clicking and Right-Clicking a Reference File 22.10.1 Clicking and Right-Clicking a DWG File 22.10.2 Clicking and Right-Clicking an Image File 22.10.3 Clicking and Right-Clicking a DWF File Practice 22-3 External Reference File Clipping and Controlling 22.11 Using the eTransmit Command with External Reference Files Practice 22-4 Using the eTransmit Command Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 23 Sheet Sets 23.1 Introduction to Sheet Sets 23.2 Dealing with the Sheet Set Manager Palette 23.2.1 How to Open and Close an Existing Sheet Set 23.2.2 How to Deal with the Sheet Set Manager Palette 23.3 Sheet Set File Setup Practice 23-1 Opening, Manipulating, and Closing Sheet Sets 23.4 Sheet Set Using an Example 23.4.1 Adding a Sheet into a Subset 23.4.2 Sheet Control Practice 23-2 Creating a Sheet Set Using a Sheet Set Example 23.5 Adding and Scaling Model Views Practice 23-3 Adding and Scaling Model Views 23.6 Sheet Set Using Existing Drawings Practice 23-4 Creating a Sheet Set Using Existing Drawings 23.7 Publishing Sheet Sets 23.8 Using eTransmit and Archive Commands 23.8.1 Using the eTransmit Command 23.8.2 Using the Archive Command Practice 23-5 Publishing and eTransmitting a Sheet Set Chapter Review Chapter Review AnswersChapter 24 CAD Standards and Advanced Layers 24.1 Why Do We Need CAD Standards? 24.2 How to Create a CAD Standard File 24.3 How to Link DWS to DWG and Then Make the Check 24.3.1 Configuring (Linking) DWS to DWG 24.3.2 Checking a DWG File Practice 24-1 Using CAD Standards Commands 24.4 Using the Layer Translator Practice 24-2 Using the Layer Translator 24.5 Dealing with the Layer Properties Manager 24.6 Creating a Property Filter 24.7 Creating a Group Filter 24.8 What You Can Do with Filters 24.8.1 Property Filter Menu 24.8.2 Group Filter Menu Practice 24-3 Layer Advanced Features and Filters 24.9 Creating Layer States Practice 24-4 Using Layer States 24.10 Settings Dialog Box 24.10.1 New Layer Notification 24.10.2 Isolate Layer Settings 24.10.3 Xref Layer Settings 24.10.4 Override Display Settings 24.10.5 Dialog Settings Practice 24-5 Using Settings Dialog Box Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers Chapter 25 Importing PDF Files, Design Views, and AutoCAD Web/Mobile App 25.1 Introduction 25.2 Importing a PDF file 25.2.1 Importing a PDF File 25.2.2 Importing from PDF Underlay 25.2.3 Dealing with SHX Files Practice 25-1 Importing PDF File 25.3 Creating Shared Views Practice 25-2 Creating Design Views 25.4 AutoCAD Web / Mobile App 25.5 Using AutoCAD Desktop 25.6 Markup Import and Markup Assist Practice 25-3 Markup Import and Markup Assist Chapter Review Chapter Review AnswersChapter 26 Drawing Compare 26.1 Introduction 26.2 Where to Start 26.3 Comparing Process 26.3.1 Comparison Settings 26.3.2 The Two Arrows 26.3.3 Import Objects 26.3.4 Export Snapshot Practice 26-1 Drawing Compare 26.4 XREF Compare Practice 26-2 XREF Compare Chapter Review Chapter Review Answers IndexIਅਘ 2D projects, 281–318 Drawing Using the Donut Command, 286–287 Drawing Using the Polygon Command, 284–285 Using an Imaginary Circle, 285 Using the Length and Angle of One of the Edges, 285 Drawing Using the Rectangle Command, 282–284 Area Option, 283 Chamfer Option, 282 Dimensions Option, 284 Elevation Option, 282 Fillet Option, 283 Rotation Option, 284 Thickness Option, 283 Width Option, 283 Drawing Using the Revision Cloud Command, 287–290 Introduction, 281 Using Construction Lines and Rays, 298–299 Using Rays, 299 Using Construction Lines, 298–299 Using Divide and Measure Commands, 302–304 Using the Divide Command, 302–303 Using Divide and Measure Commands with Block Option, 303–304 Using the Measure Command, 303 Using Point Style and Point Command, 301–302 Using Point Command, 302 Using Point Style Command, 301 Using the Boundary Command, 312–313 Using the Edit Polyline Command, 291–296 Edit Vertex Option, 293 Fit, Spline, and Decurve Options, 293 Join Option, 292 Ltype Gen Option, 294 Multiple Option, 295–296 Open and Close Options, 292 Reverse Option, 294–295 Width Option, 292 Using the Ellipse Command, 309–311Drawing an Ellipse Using Axis Points, 310–311 Drawing an Ellipse Using the Center Option, 310 Drawing an Elliptical Arc, 311 Using the Region Command, 314–315 Performing Boolean Operations on Regions, 315 Using the Spline Command, 305–308 Using the Control Vertices Method, 307 Using the Fit Points Method, 306 Editing a Spline, 307–308 A Advanced layer commands, 357–360 Change to Current Layer, 358 Copy Objects to New Layer, 358 Delete, 360 Freeze and Off, 357 Isolate and Unisolate, 357 Isolate to Current Viewport, 359 Layer Walk, 359 Lock and Unlock, 358 Merge, 359 Turn All Layers On and Thaw All Layers, 358 Annotative features, 468–472 AutoCAD 2024, 1–22 Closing drawing files, 15 Create a new drawing, 12 Defaults, 10–11 Settings, 10–11 Hyperlinking objects, 324–325 Interface, 4–10 Application menu, 4 Command Windows, 8 Graphical area, 9 InfoCenter, 8 Quick Access toolbar, 5 Ribbons, 6–8 Start bar,9 Start tab,10 Status bar, 9 Listed choices in AutoCAD, 460–462 Object visibility in, 355–356 Open an existing drawing, 13–15 File tab, 14–15 Sharing Excel and Word content in AutoCAD, 326–324 Pasting a Linked Table from Excel, 328–332 Sharing Data Coming from MS Word, 326–328 Sharing Data Coming from MS Excel, 328 Starting, 1–3 Undo and redo command, 17Using fields in, 362–365 What is my drawing unit?, 12 B Batch plot command, 475–476 Block attribute (s), 557–576 Controlling attribute visibility, 560–561 Editing individual attribute values, 562 Globally, 563 Extracting attributes from files, 567–575 How to define, 558–560 Attribute part, 559 Insertion point part, 560 Mode part, 559 Tex settings part, 559 How to redefine and sync attribute definitions, 564–567 Inserting of, 560 What are, 557–558 Blocks in AutoCAD, 145–177, 371–389 Automatic scaling feature, 371–372 Customizing tool pallets, 379–386 Add text and add separators, 382–383 Allow docking, 380 Customize palettes, 384–385 New / Delete / Rename Palette, 383 Transparency, 380–381 View options, 381–382 Design center, 372–373 Methods to copy blocks, 373 Editing, 386–387 Exploding blocks and converting them to files, 157–158 Hatch and tool palette, 378 How to use, 148–157 Block Insertion Point OSNAP, 152 How to create, 146–147 Tool palettes, 374–378 How to Create a Palette from Design Center Blocks, 376 How to Create a Tool Palette from Scratch, 375–376 How to Customize Tools Properties, 377–378 How to Fill the New Palette with Content, 376 Why do we need, 145 C CAD Standard(s), 635–661 Creating a group filter, 649–650 Creating a property filter, 647–649 Creating layer states, 652–654 How to create a file, 636–637Linking DWS to DWG, 637–642 Checking a DWG File, 639–641 Configuring DWS to DWG, 637–639 Using commands, 641–642 Setting dialog box, 655–659 Dialog Settings, 657–658 Isolate Layer Settings, 656 New Layer Notification, 656 Override Display Setting, 657 Xref Layer Setting, 657 Things to do with filters, 650–651 Group filter menu, 651 Property filter menu, 650–651 Using the layer translator, 642–643 Why do we need, 635–636 Customization users interface (CUI), 483–484 Create a Quick Access toolbar, 488 Create a new panel, 484–487 Create a new tab, 480–488 Create a new workspace, 489–490 Create your own command, 491–492 Customize an interface, 490–491 Introduction, 483–484 D Data link, 329 Dimension(s), 199–228, 415–457 Creating a multileader style, 446–451 Leader format tab, 448 Leader structure tab, 449 Content tab, 450–451 Creating a new style, 416–417 Creating a sub style, 434 Dimension functions, 436–443 Dimension special layer, 219 Dimension styles, 417–420 Dimensioning in AutoCAD, 199–200, 415–416 Editing a dimension block using grips, 219–222 Editing a dimension block using quick properties and properties, 223–226 Editing a dimension block using the rightclick menu, 223 How to insert an ordinate, 211–212 Inserting a diameter, 208–209 Inserting a jogged arc, 210 Inserting a linear, 202–203 Inserting a multileader, 452–454 Inserting a radius, 207–208 Inserting a series of dimensions using the baseline command, 214–215 Inserting a series of dimensions using the continue command, 212–213 Inserting an aligned, 204Inserting an angular, 204–205 Inserting an arc-length, 206–207 Types of, 200–201 Using the dimension command, 218 Using the quick dimension command, 216–217 Dimension functions, 436–443 Dimension Adjust Space, 437–439 Dimension Break, 437 Dimension Jog Line, 439 Dimension Justify, 441 Dimension Oblique, 440 Dimension Override, 441–442 Dimension Text Angle, 440–441 Dimension styles, 417–420 Alternate units tab, 431 Fit tab, 428–429 Lines tab, 417–420 Primary units tab, 429–430 Symbols and arrows tab, 420–422 Texts tab, 423–427 Tolerances tab, 432–433 Symmetrical, Deviation, Limits, and Basic, 432 Drafting in AutoCAD, 23–50 Converting polylines to Lines and Arcs and vice versa, 42–43 Drafting priorities, 23–24 Drawing circles using circle command, 33 Drawing circular arcs using arc command, 33–34 Drawling lines and arcs using polyline commands, 40–42 Drawing lines using line command, 24 Dynamic input, 25–27 Lengths and angles, 26 Multiple functions, 25 Prompts, 25–26 Exact angles, 27–29 Increment and additional angles, 28 Polar angle management, 29 Object Snaps related to circles and arcs, 35 Object Snap Tracking, 35–36 Precise drafting using object SNAP, 30–32 Activating running OSNAPs, 30–31 OSNAP override, 31–32 Using polar SNAP, 45 SNAP and Grid, 45 Drawing Compare, 690–698 Collaborate, 691 Compare, 690 Comparing Process, 692–695 Comparison Settings, 692–693 Export Snapshot, 693–694 Import Objects , 693The Two Arrows, 693 Drawing Utilities, 690 DWG Compare, 691 XREF Compare, 695–696 Design review, 663–688 Creating design review, 670–674 Dynamic block(s), 531–556 Controlling parameter properties, 538–540 Non type, increment type, and list type, 539–540 Controlling the visibility parameter, 540–541 Final sets, 543–544 Inside the block editor, 534–535 Introduction to, 531–532 Methods to create a, 532–534 Block Editor Command, 534–535 Double–Clicking an Existing Block, 533 Block Definition Dialog Box, 533 Parameters and actions, 542–543 List of available parameters, 535–538 Using constraints in, 547–551 Block table button, 548–550 Constraint status button, 551 Construction button, 511 E Exporting to a PDF, 473–474 External Reference (XREF), 577–605 Attach command, 584–585 Clicking and right clicking a reference file, 596–599 Clicking and Right–Clicking a DWG File, 596 Clicking and Right–Clicking an Image File, 596–597 Clicking and Right–Clicking a DWF File, 597–598 Clipping in, 594–595 Controlling the fading of a reference file, 587–588 Editing an DWG file, 588–590 Using the Edit Reference Command, 589–590 Using the Open Command, 590 eTransmit command and, 599–602 File related functions, 591–593 Unload, reload, detach, bind, Xref, and Path command, 591–593 Introduction to, 577–578 Inserting XREF into different file formats, 578–579 Attach DGN file (Microstation V8 file), 582 Attach DWF file, 581 Attach DWG file, 581 Attach Image file, 581 Attach PDF file, 582–583 Palette contents, 583–584 Reference files and layers, 585–586H Hatching in AutoCAD, 159–175 Commands, 159–160 Controlling hatch properties, 160–162 Hatch Color, Background Color, Transparency, Angle, Scale, Hatch Layer Override, Double, 160–162 Controlling hatch options, 165–170 Creating Separate Hatches in the Same Command, 167–169 Hatching an open area, 166–167 How to Create Associative Hatching, 165 How to Make Your Hatch Annotative, 166 Island detection, 168 Set Hatch Draw Order, 169 Using Match Properties to Create Identical Hatches, 166 Editing hatch, 172–174 Hatch boundary, 170–172 Specifying hatch origin, 164 I Inquiry commands Introduction, 134 Measuring distance, 134–135 Measuring angle, 136–137 Measuring area, 137–139 How to Calculate Complex Area, 138 How to Calculate Simple Area, 139 Inquiring radius, 135–136 L Layers commands, 117–144 Changing an object’s layer, quick properties, and properties, 130–133 Reading Instantaneous Information about an Object, 130 How to Move an Object from a Layer to Another Layer, 131 What is Quick Properties?, 131–132 What Is Properties?, 132–133 Creating and setting layer properties, 119–123 How to create a new layer, 119 How to set a color for a layer, 119–120 How to set a lineweight for a layer, 121–122 How to set the current layer, 122–123 How to set the linetype for a layer, 121 Layer concept in, 117–119 Layer controls, 124–128 Controlling Layer Visibility, Locking, and Plotting, 124–125 Deleting and Renaming Layers, 126 How to Make an Object’s Layer the Current Layer, 127 How to Undo only Layer Actions, 127 Moving Objects from One Layer to Another, 128Layer property manager, 126–127 Layer translator, 642–645 Creating layer states, 652–655 Dealing with property manager, 645–647 Layer’s transparency, 360–361 M Match properties, 323–326 Copy/paste objects with across files, 323–326 Across files, 325 Copying objects, 324 Cutting objects, 324–325 Drag-and-Drop Method, 325 Pasting objects, 325 Modifying commands, 51–84, 117–144 Arraying objects – path array, 103–108 Three things to consider, 104 Arraying objects – polar array, 109–111 Arraying objects – rectangular array, 98–103 Editing Using Grips, Context Tab Grips, Quick Properties, 99–101 First Step, 98–99 Break command, 112–114 Chamfering objects, 91–94 Distance Option, 92 Distance and Angle, 92–93 Copy command, 60–62 Erase command, 58 Extending objects, 96–97 Filleting objects, 89–91 Grips and dynamic input, 77–78 Grips and perpendicular and tangent OSNAPs, 79 Introduction, 85–86 Joining objects, 72 Lengthening objects, 71 Delta, Percentage, Total, Dynamic, 71 Mirror command, 66–68 Move command, 59–60 Nudge Functionality, 59–60 Offsetting objects, 86–89 Multiple Option, 87–88 Offset Distance Option, 86–87 Through Option, 87 Rotate command, 62–64 Reference option, 63 Scale command, 64–65 Reference option, 65 Selection cycling, 57 Select objects in AutoCAD, 51–56 Crossing Mode (C), 53Crossing Polygon Mode (CP), 54 Fence Mode (W), 55 Lasso Selection (W), 54 Last (L), Previous (P), and All Modes, 55 Other methods to, 55–56 Window Mode (W), 53 Window Polygon Mode (WP), 53 Stretch command, 68–70 Trimming objects, 94–96 Using GRIPS to edit objects, 74–77 O Offset command (advanced option), 319–321 Erase Source Option, 320 Layer Option, 320 System Variable: Offsetgaptype, 320 OLE (Object Linking & Embedding), 326 Ortho tracking, 27–29 P Parametric constraints, 497–529 Annotational constraint mode, 524–525 Auto constrain, 509–511 Constraint bar, 511–512 Controlling dimensional constraint, 519–520 Using the Constraint Settings dialog box, 519–520 Deleting Dimensional constraint, 521 Showing and hiding Dimensional constraint, 521 Dimensional constraints, 514–519 Aligned, 516–517 Angular, 517–518 Convert Command, 518–519 Linear, Horizontal, and Vertical, 515–516 Radial and Diameter, 517 Dimensional grips, 526 Geometric constraints, 498–507 Coincident, 498–499 Collinear, 500 Concentric, 500–501 Equal, 506–507 Fix, 501 Horizontal, 503–504 Parallel, 502 Perpendicular, 502–503 Settings, 497–498 Smooth, 505 Symmetric, 506 Tangent, 504–505Vertical, 504 Infer constraints, 508–509 Introduction, 497–498 Parameters manager, 522–524 Relaxing constraints, 512–513 Over constraining an object, 513 Showing and hiding, 512 What are, 497–498 Partially opened files, 366–368 Opening a file partially, 366–369 Partial load, 367–368 Plotting, 229–254 Creating layouts using copying, 236–238 Creating viewports, 238–245 Introduction to layouts, 230 Model space vs. paper space, 229 Plot command, 250–252 Steps to create a new layout from scratch, 230–234 Steps to create a new layout using a template, 235 Plot style table, 459 Color-dependent, 459–463 Named, 463–468 Steps to link a, 464–467 Polar tracking, 28 Project(s), 255–279 Architectural Project (Imperial), 258–264 Architectural Project (Metric), 264–270 Mechanical Project – I (Metric), 271–274 Mechanical Project – II (Metric), 278 Mechanical Project – II (Imperial), 279 Preparing drawing for a new, 255–2457 Mechanical Project – I (Imperial), 274–278 Purging items, 334–338 Q Quick select, 351–353 Ways to issue the command, 351 S Select similar and add selected command, 354–355 Sheet set (s), 607–634 Adding and scaling model views with four steps, 620–622 An example for, 614–620 Adding a Sheet into a Subset, 617–618 Sheet control, 618–619 Dealing with the sheet set manager palette, 608–612 How to Deal with, 610–612 How to Open and Close an Existing, 608–610File set up of, 612–613 Introduction to, 607–608 Example method, 608 Existing drawings, 608 Publishing of, 629–630 Using eTransmit and archive commands, 631–632 Using existing drawings, 623–628 T T emplate file (s), 479–495 Editing a, 481–482 Items to create a good, 479–480 Steps to create a, 481 Text and table styles, 391–392 Create a text style, 392–393 Creating table style, 395–400 Borders Tab, 400 General Tab, 398–399 Text Tab, 399 Inserting a table in the drawing, 400–402 Specify Insertion Point Option, 401–402 Specify Window Option, 402 Steps to create, 391–392 Using formulas in table cells, 403–404 Using table cell functions, 404–410 the Cell Format Panel, 408–409 the Cell Styles Panel, 406–407 the Columns Panel, 405 the Data Panel, 410 the Insert Panel, 409–410 the Merge Panel, 405–406 the Rows Panel, 405 Trim and Extend (edge option), 321 V V iewports Creating, 238–245 Adding multiple rectangular viewports, 240–241 Adding polygonal viewport, 241–242 Adding single rectangular viewport, 239 Clipping an existing viewport, 243–244 Converting existing objects, 242–243 Dealing with Viewports after Creation, 244–245 Freezing layers in, 247–248 Layer override in, 248–249 Scaling and maximizing, 245–247 Using views and, 338–345 Creating views, 338–340In viewport, 345 Creating a Named Viewport Arrangement- Method (I), 341–343 Creating a Named Viewport Arrangement- Method (II), 343–345 W W riting text, 179–198 Multiline text, 181–192 Close panel, 189 Formatting panel, 183 Insert panel, 185–187 Options panel, 188 Paragraph panel, 184–185 Spell check panel, 187 Style panel, 183 Text editor, 189–190 Tools panel, 188 Single line text, 179–181 Spelling check and find and replace, 194–196 Text editing, 192–194 Double–click text, 192 Editing using grips, 194–195 Quick properties and properties, 192–193 X-Z Xdatum, 212 XREF, 678 XREF Compare, 668 Zero suppression, 430, 431, 433 Zooming, 11, 153, 157, 338, 470Contents Cover page Half Title page License, Disclaimer page Title page Copyright Contents Preface About the Companion Files About the Book Chapter 1 AutoCAD 2024 Basics Chapter 2 Precise Drafting in AutoCAD 2024 Chapter 3 Modifying Commands Part I Chapter 4 Modifying Commands Part II Chapter 5 Layers and Inquiry Commands Chapter 6 Blocks and Hatch Chapter 7 Writing Text Chapter 8 Dimensions Chapter 9 Plotting Chapter 10 Projects Chapter 11 More on 2D Objects Chapter 12 Advanced Practices - Part I Chapter 13 Advanced Practices - Part II Chapter 14 Using Block Tools and Block Editing Chapter 15 Creating Text and Table Styles and Formulas in Tables Chapter 16 Dimension and Multileader Styles Chapter 17 Plot Style, Annotative, and Exporting Chapter 18 How to Create a Template File and Interface Customization Chapter 19 Parametric Constraints Chapter 20 Dynamic Blocks Chapter 21 Block Attributes Chapter 22 External Referencing (XREF) Chapter 23 Sheet Sets Chapter 24 CAD Standards and Advanced LayersChapter 25 Importing PDF Files, Design Views, and AutoCAD Web/Mobile App Chapter 26 Drawing Compare Index #أوتوديسك,#أتوكاد,#أوتوكاد,#Autodesk,#Autocad,#Auto_Cad,#Auto, #Cad,#أوتودسك,#أتوديسك,#أتودسك,
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