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عدد المساهمات : 19004 التقييم : 35512 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كورس الاعداد للحصول على شهادة محترف في السوليدوركس - Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Prep Course الإثنين 01 يوليو 2024, 2:16 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كورس الاعداد للحصول على شهادة محترف في السوليدوركس Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Prep Course
و المحتوى كما يلي :
01. Introduction \ 01_01-Welcome 01. Introduction \ 01_02-Using the exercise files 01. Introduction \ 01_03-How to get a discounted exam price 02. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CSWP Exam \ 02_01-CSWP requirementsskills 02. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CSWP Exam \ 02_02-CSWP software settings 02. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CSWP Exam \ 02_03-Examtaking techniques 02. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional CSWP Exam \ 02_04-Downloading the testing software 03. Exam Skills \ 03_01-Sketch entities 03. Exam Skills \ 03_02-Sketch tools 03. Exam Skills \ 03_03-Sketch relations 03. Exam Skills \ 03_04-Boss and Cut features 03. Exam Skills \ 03_05-Revolve 03. Exam Skills \ 03_06-Sweeps and lofts 03. Exam Skills \ 03_07-Fillets and chamfers 03. Exam Skills \ 03_08-Draft 03. Exam Skills \ 03_09-Shell 03. Exam Skills \ 03_10-Hole Wizard 03. Exam Skills \ 03_11-Linear and circular patterns 03. Exam Skills \ 03_12-Linked dimensions 03. Exam Skills \ 03_13-Equations 03. Exam Skills \ 03_14-Mirror 03. Exam Skills \ 03_15-End conditions for features 03. Exam Skills \ 03_16-Multibody parts 03. Exam Skills \ 03_17-Rib 03. Exam Skills \ 03_18-Feature scope 03. Exam Skills \ 03_19-Mass properties 03. Exam Skills \ 03_20-Materials 03. Exam Skills \ 03_21-Inserting components 03. Exam Skills \ 03_22-Restraints 03. Exam Skills \ 03_23-Standard Mates 03. Exam Skills \ 03_24-Reference geometry 03. Exam Skills \ 03_25-Incontext features 03. Exam Skills \ 03_26-Interferencecollision detection 03. Exam Skills \ 03_27-Suppression states 03. Exam Skills \ 03_28-Move and rotate components 03. Exam Skills \ 03_29-Assembly features 03. Exam Skills \ 03_30-External references 03. Exam Skills \ 03_31-Design tables 03. Exam Skills \ 03_32-Drawing view types 04. Segment 1 Part Modeling 90 Minutes \ 04_01-Modeling a part from a drawing 04. Segment 1 Part Modeling 90 Minutes \ 04_02-Linked dimensions and equations 04. Segment 1 Part Modeling 90 Minutes \ 04_03-Mass property analysis 04. Segment 1 Part Modeling 90 Minutes \ 04_04-Modifying the part and adding complexity 04. Segment 1 Part Modeling 90 Minutes \ 04_05-Adjusting the part and dimensions 05. Segment 2 Configurations 40 Minutes \ 05_01-Creating configurations 05. Segment 2 Configurations 40 Minutes \ 05_02-Changing configurations 05. Segment 2 Configurations 40 Minutes \ 05_03-Design table configurations 05. Segment 2 Configurations 40 Minutes \ 05_04-Advanced modifications 06. Segment 3 Assemblies 80 Minutes \ 06_01-Creating an assembly 06. Segment 3 Assemblies 80 Minutes \ 06_02-Adding subassemblies to an assembly 06. Segment 3 Assemblies 80 Minutes \ 06_03-Rigid and flexible assemblies 06. Segment 3 Assemblies 80 Minutes \ 06_04-Collision detection and interference detection 06. Segment 3 Assemblies 80 Minutes \ 06_05-Creating a coordinate system 06. Segment 3 Assemblies 80 Minutes \ 06_06-Replacing a part in the assembly 07. Sample Exams \ 07_01-Sample exam 1 08. Conclusion \ 08_01-Conclusion #Solidworks,,#Tutorial,,#سولدورك,,#سولدوركس,,#سولدوورك,,#سولدووركس,,#سوليدورك,,#سوليدوركس, ,#سوليدوورك,,#سوليدووركس,#سولد_ورك,#سوليد_وركس,#,#سولد_وركس,#سوليد_ورك,#,#سولد_ورك,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كورس الاعداد للحصول على شهادة محترف في السوليدوركس - Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Prep Course رابط مباشر لتنزيل كورس الاعداد للحصول على شهادة محترف في السوليدوركس - Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Prep Course