كتاب Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Design, Detailing, Assembly & Analysis Basics
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Design, Detailing, Assembly & Analysis Basics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Design, Detailing, Assembly & Analysis Basics
Ronald E. Barr, Thomas J. Krueger, Davor Juricic
Alejandro Reyes MSME, CSWE, CSWI  

كتاب Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Design, Detailing, Assembly & Analysis Basics  S_w_d_21
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
1. Design Workbook Lab 1: Basic 2D Sketching
Introduction to SOLIDWORKS; Screen Layout; Menus; FeatureManager Tree; View
Orientations; Sketching Toolbars; Sketch Planes; Starting a New Part; Part Units;
Basic Dimensioning; Extruded and Revolved Parts.
Exercise 1.1: Carbon Fiber Gasket 1-11
Exercise 1.2: Cover Plate 1-18
Exercise 1.3: Wall Bracket . 1-22
Exercise 1.4: Machine Handle . 1-25
Supplementary Exercises . 1-28
2. Design Workbook Lab 2: Advanced 2D Sketching
Review of 2D Sketch Entities; Advanced Sketching Tools; Sketch Editing Tools;
Linear and Circular Repeats; Extruded and Revolved Parts.
Exercise 2.1: Metal Grate . 2-3
Exercise 2.2: Torque Sensor 2-8
Exercise 2.3: Scalloped Knob . 2-11
Exercise 2.4: Linear Step Plate 2-14
Supplementary Exercises . 2-19
3. Design Workbook Lab 3: 3D Modeling Part I
Adding Sketch Relations; 3D Features Toolbar; Advanced Extrusion and Revolution
Operations; Create Reference Geometry; 3D Mirror Feature; Create Linear and
Circular 3D Patterns.
Exercise 3.1: Clevis Mounting Bracket . 3-3
Exercise 3.2: Manifold 3-8
Exercise 3.3: Hand Wheel 3-13
Exercise 3.4: Toe Clamp 3-18
Supplementary Exercises . 3-22Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023
4. Design Workbook Lab 4: 3D Modeling Part II
Creating Advanced 3D Features: Draft, Shell, Dome, Loft, Sweep; Advanced
Extrusion and Revolution Operations.
Exercise 4.1: Drawer Tray .4-2
Exercise 4.2: Tap-Light Dome .4-7
Exercise 4.3: Threads and Fasteners 4-10
Exercise 4.4: Jack Stand .4-19
Supplementary Exercises 4-23
5. Design Workbook Lab 5: Assembly Modeling
Practice 3D Part Modeling; Creating a New Assembly; Assembly Toolbar; Adding
Parts to an Assembly; Move and Rotate a Component; Mate Parts Together.
Exercise 5.1: Terminal Support Assembly .5-5
Exercise 5.2: Pulley Assembly 5-14
Supplementary Exercises 5-23
6. Design Workbook Lab 6: Part Evaluation and Configurations
Measure Tool; Component Mass Properties; Mass Properties Units; Editing and
Modifying a Solid Model; Design Table Basics; Entering Design Table Parameters;
Configuration Manager.
Exercise 6.1: Rocker Arm Mass Properties .6-4
Exercise 6.2: Socket Design Table 6-12
Supplementary Exercises 6-18
7. Design Workbook Lab 7: Static Stress and Thermal Analysis
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using SOLIDWORKS Simulation; Definition
of FEA Terms; Basic FEA Stress Analysis; Applying Loads and Constraints; FEA
Mesh Creation; Analyzing the Model for Stress Distribution; Printing the von Mises
Stress Distribution; Design Changes Based on Analysis Results.
Exercise 7.1: Finite Element Analysis of a Pillow Block 7-3
Exercise 7.2: Thermal Analysis of a Computer Chip .7-15 Table of Contents
8. Design Workbook Lab 8: Animation, Detailing and Rapid Prototyping
Introduction to the SOLIDWORKS Animation Wizard; Assembly Exploded View;
Creating the Animation; Animation Controller; Editing the Animation; Saving an .AVI
File; Animation Motion Elements; Introduction to Rapid Prototyping.
Exercise 8.1: Exploded Animation of the Terminal Support Assembly . 8-6
Exercise 8.2: Exploded Animation of the Pulley Assembly . 8-11
Exercise 8.3: Creating Component Drawing Views for Manufacturing . 8-15
Exercise 8.4: Rapid Prototyping of a Solid Model Part . 8-19
9. Design Workbook Lab 9: Section Views in 2D and 3D
Viewing a 3D Section View of a Solid Model; Printing 3D Section View; Changing
Drawing and Hatch Pattern Options; Projecting Orthographic Views; Making a 2D
Section View.
Exercise 9.1: Rod Base Section View 9-5
Exercise 9.2: Tension Cable Bracket Section View 9-11
Exercise 9.3: Milling End Adapter Section View . 9-17
Exercise 9-4: Plastic Revolving Ball Assembly Section View . 9-23
Supplementary Exercises . 9-30
10. Design Workbook Lab 10: Manufacturing Detail Drawings
Drawing Sheet Options; Projecting Orthographic Views in a Drawing; Adding
Centerlines; Importing Annotations from the 3D Model; Dimensioning the Drawing;
Adding Manual Annotations.
Exercise 10.1: Guide Block Drawing 10-7
Exercise 10.2: Pipe Joint Drawing 10-11
Exercise 10.3: Pedestal Base Drawing . 10-16
Exercise 10.4: Tooling Pad Drawing . 10-20
Supplementary Exercises . 10-26
APPENDIX A – Drawing Sheet TemplateDesign Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2023


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