كتاب Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19004
التقييم : 35512
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
Dr. K.U. Mistry
M.E., L.L.M., Ph.D.
Former Head of the Department of Masters of Industrial Hygiene and Safety
at Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Research,
Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Anand, Gujarat

كتاب Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health  F_o_i_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

(For detailed contents see theme given at the beginning of each chapter)
Chapter – 1 The Concept of Safety 1.1-1.26
1. Dead Vs. Live Resources 1.1
2. Health Vs. Wealth 1.1
3. Industrialization Vs. Accidents 1.16
4. Derivation of the Concept of Safety 1.19
5. Nature of the Concept of Safety 1.20
6. No Exception to Safety 1.25
Chapter – 2 Philosophy of Safety 2.1-2.20
1. What is Philosophy? 2.1
2. Philosophy of Safety 2.2
3. Safety Terminology (100 terms defined) 2.2
4. Message of the work “SAFETY’ 2.18
5. Philosophy of Accident Causation 2.18
6. Philosophy of Total Safety Concept 2.19
Chapter – 3 Safety Psychology 3.3.22
1. Need of Safety Psychology 3.1
2. Psychology and its branches 3.1
3. Industrial Psychology 3.2
4. Safety Psychology 3.3
5. Accident Causative Factors 3.4
6. General Psychological Factors 3.5
7. Individual Differences 3.9
8. Motivation for Safety 3.13
9. Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) 3.21
Chapter – 4 Accident Causation and Prevention 4.1 – 4.24
1. Causation or Occurrence ? 4.1
2. The Accident Problem 4.1
3. Need for Safety 4.2
4. Reasons for Accident Prevention 4.2
5. Factors Impeding Safety 4.4
6. Basic Terms in Accident Prevention 4.4
7. Theories of Accident Prevention 4.7
8. Principles of Accident Causation 4.14
Chapter – 5 Safety Statistics and Information System 5.1-5.48
1. Nature, Source and Need of Statistics of Safety 5.1
2. Magnitude of the Problem and Inadequacy
(limitation) of Data 5.2
3. Accident Costs to the Injured Person and his family 5.4
4. Accident Costs to the Management 5.5
5. Utility & Limitation of Cost Data 5.7
6. Accident Costs to the Society 5.8
7. Cost Compilation Procedure 5.8
8. Craig Sinclair’s Study of Accident Cost, Preventive
Costs and their Relationship 5.9Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
9. Forms of Accident Statistics 5.9
10. Measurements of Safety Performance. 5.13
11. Budgeting for Safety 5.22
12. Statistical Tables (India & Gujarat) and their 5.23
13. Management Information System (MIS) for Safety 5.38
Chapter – 6 Safety Management 6.1- 6.62
1. The Concept of Management 6.2
2. Evolution of Management Thoughts 6.3
3. Definitions, Nature & Importance of Management 6.6
4. Elements of Management Functions 6.7
5. Management Principles 6.8
6. Safety Management and its Responsibilities 6.15
7. Safety Organizations 6.40
8. Safety Department 6.43
9. Safety Programme 6.48
10. Safety Education and Training 6.48
11. Employee Participation in Safety 6.56
12. Approaches to Compliance & Violations 6.60
Chapter – 7 Plant Siting and Safe Design 7.1 – 7.20
1. Indian Heritage 7.1
2. Statutory Requirements under the Factories Act & 7.2
the Gujarat Factories Rules
3. Indian Standards & National Building Code 7.8
4. Siting Criteria 7.9
5. Need for Planning and Follow up 7.12
6. Plant Layout and Design 7.13
7. Ergonomic Considerations for Plant Design & Layout 7.19
Chapter – 8 Good Housekeeping 8.1 – 8.14
1. Meaning of Housekeeping 8.1
2. Statutory provisions 8.1
3. Indian Standards 8.2
4. Housekeeping & Safety 8.2
5. Methods of Good Housekeeping 8.5
6. Management of Good Housekeeping 8.8
7. Japanese Concept of ‘Five S’ 8.11
8. Inspection and Check-lists 8.11
9. Housekeeping of Specific Industries 8.12
Chapter – 9 Lighting and Colour 9.1 – 9.24
1. Sight and Light 8.1
2. Purpose & Benefits of Good Lighting 9.2
3. Principles of Illumination 9.3
4. Recommended Standards of Illumination 9.7
5. Types of Light, Sources, Fittings and Installations 9.11
6. Design of Lighting Installation 9.15
7. Effects of Colour on Safety 9.18
8. Maintenance for Lighting and Colour 9.22Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
Chapter – 10 Ventilation and Heat Control 10.1-10.30
1. Purpose & Effects of Ventilation and Heat Control 10.1
2. Statutory Provisions 10.4
3. Indian Standards 10.4
4. Thermal Environment and its Measurements 10.4
5. Physiology of Heat Regulation 10.6
6. General Considerations for Ventilation 10.13
7. Types of Ventilation 10.15
8. Control of Heat Exposures 10.24
9. Testing and Maintenance of Ventilation Systems 10.26
10. Worked Examples 10.27
Chapter – 11 Electrical Safety 11.1-11.26
1. Electricity, its Usefulness and Harzards 11.1
2. Statutory Provisions 11.2
3. Indian Standards 11.2
4. Effects of Electrical Parameters on Human Body 11.4
5. Safety Measures for Electric work 11.9
6. Overload and Other Protections 11.11
7. Portable Electrical Apparatus 11.17
8. Electric Work in Hazardous Atmosphere 11.17
9. Static Electricity 11.19
10. Energy Conservation and Safety 11.22
Chapter – 12 Noise and Vibration 12.1-12.24
Part A : Noise
1. Generation, Perception, Nature & Types of Noise 12.1
2. Effects & Hazards of Noise 12.5
3. Measurement & Evaluation 12.9
4. Statutory Provisions 12.12
5. Indian Standards 12.13
6. Control Methods 12.13
7. Audiometry 12.18
8. Hearing Conservation Programmes 12.19
9. Worked Examples 12.20
Part B : Vibration
10. Generation, Nature & types of Vibration 12.21
11. Effects of Vibration 12.21
12. Vibrating Equipment & Measurement 12.22
13. Control Methods 12.22
14. Indian Standards 12.23
Chapter – 13 Fire and Explosion 13.1 – 13.36
1. Fire Phenomena 13.1
2. Classification of Fire and Extinguishers 13.7
3. Statutory and other standards 13.9
4. Design for Fire Safety 13.14
5. Fire Prevention and Protection Systems 13.15
6. Explosion Phenomena 13.28
7. Inspection, Maintenance and Training for Fire Protection 13.32
8. Worked Examples 13.33Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
Chapter – 14 Machine Guarding 14.1 - 14.24
1. Requirements of Machine Guarding 14.1
2. Indian Standards 14.2
3. Principles of Machine Guarding 14.3
4. Types and Selection of Guards 14.10
5. Materials for Guard Construction 14.19
6. Ergonomics of Machine Guarding 14.19
7. Maintenance and Repairs of Guards 14.22
Chapter – 15 Material Handling 15.1-15.34
1. Need of Safety in Material Handling 15.1
2. Manual Handling 15.2
3. Mechanical Handling 15.10
Chapter – 16 Working at Different Levels 16.1-16.20
1. Working at Height 16.1
2. Working in a Confined Space 16.15
3. Working Underground 16.19
4. Working at the Same Level 16.19
5. Safety against Falling Bodies 16.19
Chapter – 17 Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools 17.1-17.10
1. Statutory Provisions 17.1
2. Indian Standards 17.1
3. Hand Tools 17.1
4. Portable Power Tools 17.8
Chapter – 18 Safety in Chemical Industry 18.1 – 18.94
1. Inevitable Place of Chemical Industry 18.1
2. Need of Safety in Chemical Industry 18.1
3. Types of Chemical Industry 18.3
4. Statutory Provisions 18.3
5. Indian Standards 18.4
6. Types of Chemical Hazards & Controls 18.6
7. Material (Property) Hazards and Controls 18.7
8. Storage Hazards & Controls 18.21
9. Process Hazards & Controls 18.37
10. Utility Hazards & Controls 18.45
11. Pollution Hazards & Controls 18.46
12. Instrumentation for Safe Plant Operations 18.46
13. Safe Transfer of Chemicals 18.50
14. Safe Transportation of Chemicals 18.54
15. Inspection, Testing & Maintenance 18.58
16. Work Permits of Hazardous Work 18.83
17. Reports of Some Expert Committees 18.86
Chapter – 19 Hazards and Risks Identification,
Assessment and Control Techniques 19.1-19.78
1. Safety Appraisal, Analysis and Control Techniques 19.1
2. Plant safety Inspection 19.19
3. Accident Investigation, Analysis and Reporting 19.24
4. Hazard and Risk Assessment Techniques 19.32
5. Reliability Engineering 19.49Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
6. Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Control 19.52
7. On-site and Off-site Emergency Plans 19.63
Chapter – 20 Safety in Engineering Industry 20.1-20.40
1. Need of Safety in Engineering Industry 20.1
2. Statutory Provisions 20.2
3. Indian Standards 20.2
4. Introduction to Hot & Cold Processes 20.4
5. Hot Working of Metals 20.8
6. Cold Working of Metals 20.17
7. Safety in Other Operations 20.28
8. Heat Treatment Operations 20.35
9. General Health Hazards & Control
Measures in Engineering Industry 20.37
Chapter – 21 Safety in Textile Industry 21.1-21.34
1. Need of Safety in Textile Industry 21.1
2. Types of Textile Industry 21.3
3. Statutory Provisions 21.4
4. Indian Standards 21.6
5. Flowcharts of Textile Processes 21.6
6. Hazards and Safety Measures of Spinning
Preparatory and Spinning Processes 21.16
7. Hazards and Safety Measures of Weaving
Preparatory and Weaving Processes
8. Hazards and Safety Measures of Processing
(Finishing) and Folding Machines 21.16
9. Fire & Explosion Hazards and Controls 21.25
10. Health Hazards and Controls 21.27
11. Effluent Treatment and Waste Disposal in Textile
Industry 21.30
Chapter – 22 Safety in Construction Industry 21.1 – 22.24
1. Scope of Safety in Construction Work 22.1
2. Statutory Provisions 22.7
3. Indian Standards 22.7
4. Construction Machinery 22.8
5. Underground Works 22.12
6. Aboveground Works 22.15
7. Underwater works 22.18
8. Demolition 22.20
9. Movement of Materials and Men 22.21
10. Health and Welfare of Constructions Workers 22.22
Chapter – 23 Safety in Specific Industries 23.1 – 23.40
(38 Industries)
Chapter – 24 Industrial Hygiene and Health 24.1 – 24.68
1. Industrial Hygiene 24.2
2. Physiology of Work 24.33
3. Ergonomics 24.41
4. Occupational Health 24.48
5. Statutory Provisions 24.62Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
6. Indian Standards 24.62
7. Worked Examples 24.62
Chapter – 25 Personal Protective Equipment 25.1 – 25.32
1. Need and Limitation 25.1
2. Statutory Provisions 25.2
3. Indian & Other standards 25.2
4. Selection and Classification 25.3
5. Non Respiratory Equipment 25.6
6. Respiratory Equipment 25.16
7. Training, Maintenance, Precaution and Care of PPE 25.24
8. Detection Equipment 25.27
9. PPE Testing Procedures & Standards 25.30
Chapter – 26 First Aid 26.1 – 26.20
1. Need of the First Aid 26.1
2. Statutory Provisions 26.1
3. Indian Standards 26.1
4. General Principles for Rendering First Aid 26.2
5. Injuries and First Aid at a Glance 26.3
6. First Aid in Minor and Closed Injuries 26.5
7. Electrical Injuries 26.8
8. Artificial Respiration 26.9
9. Burns and Scalds 26.10
10. Poisoning, First Aid and Antidotes 26.12
Chapter – 27 Factories Act and Case Law 27.1-27.30
1. History of the Safety Movement and the Factories Act. 27.1
2. The Act and Rules at a Glance 27.8
3. Subjects of the Schedules 27.10
4. Subjects of the Forms 27.11
5. Some Abstract of the Act & Rules 27.12
6. The Case Law 27.14
7. Role of the ILO for Safety, Health and Welfare 27.22
Chapter – 28 Specific Safety Laws 28.1-28.52
1. Laws on Boiler Safety 28.1
2. Laws on Electrical Safety 28.3
3. Laws on Fire & Explosion Safety 28.5
4. Laws on Insecticides (Toxic Chemicals) 28.18
5. Laws on Atomic Energy & Radiation 28.21
6. Laws on Transportation Safety 28.24
7. Laws on Construction Safety 28.31
8. Laws on Dock Safety 28.33
9. Laws on Lifts & Escalators 28.38
10. Laws on Environmental Protection 28.40
Chapter – 29 Social Security Legislation 29.1-29.16
1. Evolution and Growth of the Doctrine of Social Security 29.1
2. Social Security for Unorganized Workers 29.2
3. Social Accountability 29.2
4. Indian Laws on Social Security 29.3
5. Workmen’s Compensation Act, Rules & Worked Examples 29.3Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health
6. Employees Liability Act 29.6
7. Employees’ State Insurance Act & Rules 29.7
8. Gujarat Payment of Unemployment Allowance to 29.11
Workmen in Factories Act.
9. Gujarat Physically Handicapped Persons Act & Rules 29.11
10. Public Liability Insurance Act & Rules 29.11
11. National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 29.14
Chapter – 30 Accident Case Studies (35 Cases) 30.1 – 30.18
Chapter – 31 Road and Home Safety 31.1 – 31.20
Chapter – 32 Safety Tables (22 Tables) 32.1 – 32.34
Chapter – 33 History of Science and Study Movement 33.1 – 33.6
Subject IndexSubject Index
Aboveground Works 22.15
Accident 4.4
Accident Analysis (Classification) 19.25
Accident Case Studies 30.1-30.18
Accident Causation and Prevention 4.1 - 4.24
Accident Causative Factors 3.4
Accident Costs Form 5.11
Accident Costs to the Injured Person and his family 5.4
Accident Costs to the Management 5.5
Accident Costs to the Society 5.8
Accident Investigation Form 5.10
Accident Investigation Report and its Content 19.27
Accident Investigation, Analysis and Reporting 19.24
Accident or Cause Consequence Analysis 19.45
Accident Prevention Signs 9.19
Accident Proneness 3.11
Accident Report Form 5.9
Accident Reports and Records 22.23
Accident Statistics & Trend 31.5
Accidents & Hazards 11.1
According to H.A. Hepburn 14.6
According to Motions 14.4
Acrylonitrile Fumes 30.8
Adequate Illumination 9.5
Administrative Controls 24.33
Administrative Measures 31.4
Advantages & Disadvantages of Computerized system. 5.44
Adverse Health Effects & Controls 24.5
Aerobic (Physical) Work Capacity 24.38
Agencies investigating Accidents 19.25
Age-old Concept: Foreign Origin 1.22
Age-old Concept: Indian Origin 1.20
Aims of Ergonomics 14.21
Air (PCP) Act, 1981 28.41
Air (PCP) Rules 1982 & Gujarat Air (PCP) Rules 1983 28.42
Air Conditioning 10.23
Air Distribution 10.22
Air Movement and Content Measurement 10.5
Air Pollution Controls 24.32
Air Purifying Respirators 25.20
Air Quality & Stack Monitoring 24.29
Air Requirement 10.14
Air Sampling 24.21
Air Sampling Devices or Instruments 24.23
Air Sampling Methods 24.22
Air Supplying Respirators 25.18
Alcohol Poisoning 26.14
An Extract of the Inspection by three ILO Experts on Inspection of 91 MAH Factories 18.88
An Indian Origin 6.2Analysis 'What if 19.48
Analysis of the Facts 4.19
Angle of Repose of Soils 32.33
Antidotes for some Chemicals 26.15
Antiphase System 12.17
Application of Ergonomics for Safety & Health 24.42
Application of Reliability Engineering 19.51
Application of Remedy 4.20
Approaches to Compliance & Violations 6.60
Approaches to Compliance 6.60
Approaches to Preventive Action 4.23
Approaches to Violations 6.60
Aptitudes 6.6
Arc Welding (Electric Welding) 20.31
Area of Participation 6.57
Artificial Lighting 9.12
Artificial Respiration 26.9
Asbestos Manufacture and Handling 23.2
Assessment of Training Needs 6.49
Assessment of Work Capacity 24.39
Assessment of Workload based on Physiological Reactions 24.37
At the Government level 4.4
At the Management level 4.4
At the Workers level 4.4
Atmospheric Composition 25.28
Atomic Energy Act, 1962 28.21
Attitudes 3.5
Attitudes of the Safety Officer 6.47
Audiometry 12.18
Audio-Visual Publicity 6.60
Auditory Effects (Hearing Loss) 12.5
Automatic Fire Detection & Extinguishing System 13.25
Automobile Industry 23.4
Avoidance of Excessive Muscular Efforts 15.3
Ball Digester Blunder 30.8
Basic Instruments 18.46
Basic Need & Importance 14.1
Basic Philosophy 22.1
Basic Terms in Accident Prevention 4.4
Batteries (M & H) Rules 2001 28.51
Behavior Based Safety (BBS) 3.21
Benchmarking for Safety Performance 5.21
Bending & Forming Machine 20.21
Benefits of Good Housekeeping 8.4
Benzene Manufacture, Handling and Use 23.4
Beverage Industry 23.6
Bhopal Gas Disaster 30.3
Biological Monitoring 24.27
Bio-Medical Waste (M & H) Rules, 1998 28.48
Bleaching Process 21.22
BLEVE 13.32Boats 22.18
Body, Skin & Fall Protection 25.14
Boilers Act 1923 28.1
Bombay Lift Act and Rules 15.10
Branches of Chemistry 32.2
Brazing, Soldering and Metalising Operations 20.33
Brick and Tile Industry 23.6
Budgeting for Safety 5.22
Building and Other Construction Workers (RECS) Act, 1996 28.31
Building and other Construction Workers (RECS) Central Rules, 1998 28.32
Building Ventilation-Exhaust, Plenum, Compound, Roof, and Comfort Ventilation 10.19
Built-in Safety Devices 14.15
Burns and Scalds 26.10
Bursting of Jet Dyeing Vessels 30.12
Caissons 22.19
Canning and Food Industry 23.7
Capacity and Protection of Conductors, Joints and Connectors 11.11
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 26.15
Carcinogenic Dye-Intermediates 23.9
Cardiac Cycle or Cardio Vascular System 24.34
Carding Machines 21.16
Care, Testing, Inspection & Maintenance of Lifting Machines and Tackles 15.24
Cast-in-situ Concrete Structures 22.16
Causation or Occurrence ? 4.1
Causes and Control of Tool Accidents 17.1
Causes of MIS Failure 5.46
Causes of Tool Failure 17.7
Cement Industry 23.10
Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 (including Rules pertaining to Transport of Hazardous Goods) 28.26
Centralized and Personal Tool Issue System 17.6
Checklists for Routine Inspection of a Chemical Factory 18.60
Chemical Accidents (EPPR) Rules, 1996 28.47
Chemical Works 23.11
Chemistry & Pyramid of Fire 13.2
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 30.5
Circuit Approach to Safety 19.19
Citations under the Factoring Act 27.14
Classification of Control Measures 24.30
Classification of Differences 3.9
Classification of Equipment 25.27
Classification of Fire and Extinguishers 13.7
Classification of Hazardous Areas 11.17
Classification of Pollutants 32.17
Classification of Respirators 25.18
Classification of Respiratory Hazards 25.16
Classification of Ventilation Systems 10.15
Cleaning Methods 8.7
Cleaning Procedures for Respirators 25.24
Closed Injuries 26.6
Clothing Industry 23.14
Cofferdam 22.18Cold Rolling Mills 20.21
Cold Working of Metals 20.17
Colour Code and Safety 9.19
Colour Contrast 9.6
Colour Effect 9.7
Colours to Identify Hazards 9.19
Combers and Drawing Frames 21.17
Combination of Gaseous and Particulate Contaminants 25.18
Common Causes of Industrial Fire 13.5
Common Header Hazard 30.14
Common Line Hazard 30.13
Common Occupational Diseases 24.48
Communication 6.25
Cotflpetent Persons, their Duties and Responsibilities 15.32
Compilation, Collation & Analysis of Information 5.42
Components in Design Process 7.13
Composite (Textile Mill) Flowchart 21.6
Computer Applications and Use 5.43
Concept of MAH 19.52
Concept of Percentiles 24.46
Concepts of Critical Equipment and Devices 19.51
Concise Glossary of Chemical Terms 32.2
Confined and Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion (VCE) 13.31
Conflict 3.7
Consideration of Safety Performance Rates 5.23
Construction Machinery 22.8
Contact Scheme 19.23
Contrast 9.6
Control at Source (Isolation or Segregation) 10.24
Control at the Source 12.14
Control Criteria 10.14
Control Measures 24.30
Control Methods 12.13
Control Methods 12.22
Control of Fire and Explosion in Flammable Substances 13.25
Control of Heat Exposures 10.24
Control of Heat Stress 10.11
Control of Radiant Heat 10.25
Controlling for Safety 6.29
Conventions & Recommendations 27.22
Conversion Factors 32.33
Conveyors and their Safety Features 15.27
Corrosion, Erosion, Causes, Inspection & Prevention 18.79
Cost Compilation Procedure 5.8
Cost of Lighting 9.15
Cotton Ginning & Pressing Factories Act & Rules 21.6
Craig Sinclair's Stildy of Accident Cost, Preventive Costs and their relationship 5.9
Criteria (Identification) for the Plant to be under MAH unit 19.58
Criteria and Strategies 3.21
Criteria for Limits of Manual Lifting & Carrying 24.38
Critical Incident Review Technique 19.15
CS2 and H2S Plant 23.7
DDairy Products Industry 23.15
Damage Control 19.3
Dangerous Occurrences 4.6
Dangerous Operations 4.6
Dangerous Properties of Chemicals & their Health Effects 24.13
Dangerous Properties of Some commonly used Chemicals 32.9
Day lighting of Factory buildings 9.16
Day, Natural or General Lighting 9.11
Dead Vs. Live Resources 1.1
Defensive Driving 31.11
Definition & Classification of Machine Tools 20.22
Definition 24.33
Definitions 10.13
Definitions 13.3
Definitions 14.3
Definitions 6.48
Definitions 9.3
Definitions and Objectives 19.19
Definitions, Nature & Importance of Management 6.6
Deflagration 13.30
Delegation and Decentralization of Authority 6.12
Demolition 22.20
Derivation of the Concept of Safety 1.19
Design & Development of Training Programme 6.51
Design for Fire Safety 13.14
Design of Lighting Installation 9.15
Design of Storage Shed & Placement of Containers 18.32
Design of Tools in relation to Body Postures 24.45
Detection Equipment 25.27
Detection Methods (Environmental Surveillance) 25.27
Detonation 13.31
Development of the Safety Movement 27.1
Dichlorophenol-2,4 30.7
Difference between Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health 242
Differences affecting Safety Performance. 3.10
Direct & Indirect Lighting 9.12
Direct Costs 5.5
Directing for Safety 3.23
Displays & Light Signals 24.48
Disposal of Scrap and Trade Wastes 8.5
Division of Responsibilities 6.33
Dock Workers (SH & W) Act, 1986 28.37
Dose Response Relationship & Bio-Chemical Action of Toxic Substances 24.18
Doubling Machines (Frames) 21.19
Dressing & Bandaging 26.8
Drilling, Loading and Blasting 22.13
Driving for less pollution 31.13
Dust Explosion 13.30
Dust Hazards 22.22
Ear Protection 12.16
Ear Protection 25.9Earth Fault Protection 11.12
Earth quake 31.17
Earth, Insulation and Continuity Tests 11.13
Earthing Standards 11.14
Economic or Costs of accident 4.3
Educational Measures 31.4
Effects & Hazards of Noise 12.5
Effects of Amperages 11.5
Effects of Bad Lighting 9.2
Effects of Colour on Safety 9.18
Effects of Combustion Products 13.26
Effects of Electrical Parameters on Human Body 11.4
Effects of Good and Bad Ventilation 10.2
Effects of Vibration 12.21
Effects of Voltages 11.7
Effluent Treatmentand Waste Disposal in Textile Industry 21.30
Electric Work in Hazardous Atmosphere 11.17
Electrical Accidents 30.10
Electrical Fires 13.26
Electrical Injuries 26.8
Electrical Safety 11.1-11.26
Electricity Act and Rules 11.2
Electricity Act, 2003 28.3
Electricity Rules, 2005 28.5
Electricity, its Usefulness and Hazards 11.1
Electronics Industry 23.15
Electroplating Industry 23.15
Electrostatic Charges & Discharges 11.19
Elements and Radicals 32.1
Elements of Management Functions 6.7
Elements of Training Cycle 6.49
Elimination of Hazard 14.4
Employee Participation in Safety 6.56
Employee's Problems 3.4
Employees Assignment 8.9
Employees' State Insurance Act & Rules 29.7
Employer's Problems 3.3
Employers' Liability Act 29.6
Enclosure of Noise Source 12.15
Energy (Release) Theory 4.13
Energy Conservation and Safety 11.22
Enforcement Measures 31.4
Engineering Controls 24.30
Engineering Measures 31.4
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 28.42
Environment (Protection) Rules,1986 28.43
Environmental Guidelines 7.10
Epidemiological Theory 4.13
Erection and Dismantling of Steel and Prefabricated Structures 22.15
Ergonomic Considerations for Plant Design & Layout 7.19
Ergonomic Design of Hand Tools 17.2 ,
Ergonomic Office Furniture and Utility tools 24.46
Ergonomics 22.23
Ergonomics 24.41Ergonomics of Machine Guarding 14.19
Ergonomics of Manual Handling and Storage 15.9
Evaluating and Reviewing the Programme 6.48
Evaluation & Reviewing of Training Programme 6.56
Evaluation of injuries 24.59
Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 19.44
Evolution and Growth of the Doctrine of Social Security 29.1
Evolution of Management Thoughts 6.3
Excavation 22.13
Exchange of Technical Information & Research 27.28
Exothermic Reactions 18.40
Exothermic Reactions 30.8
Explosion 13.28
Explosion in Induction Furnace 30.12
Explosion Phenomena 13.28
Explosives Rules, 1983 28.11
Explosives Act, 1884 28.11
Face and Eye Protection 25.10
Fact Finding 4.15
Factories Act and Case Law 27.1 - 27.30
Factories Act and Rules 11.2
Factories Act and Rules 15.10
Factors affecting Aerobic Capacity and Work performance 24.38
Factors Contributing to Fire 13.5
Factors Impeding Safety 4.4
Factory Building & Internal Layout 7.15
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 19.37
Fall Arrester (Anti fall) Device 16.10
Falls are mostly Fatal 30.11
Fatigue and Rest Allowances 24.39
Fatigue, Boredom & Monotony 3.8
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 19.43
Ferrell's Human Factors Theory 4.12
Fertiliser Industry 23.16
Fighting Fires of Pesticides 13.26
Figures of Gujarat 31.2
Filling Order Alteration 30.14
Finishing Operations like Polishing, Buffing, Cleaning, Shot Blasting 20.33
Fire & Explosion Hazards and Controls 21.25
Fire and Explosion 13.1 -13.36
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems 13.16
Fire Emergency Action Plan & Drill 13.17
Fire Load Determination 13.17
Fire of Ethylene oxide 30.7
Fire Phenomena 13.1
Fire Prevention and Protection Systems 13.15
Fire Protection 13.32
Fire Resistance of Building Materials 13.14
Fire Safety of Building, Plant, Exit, Equipment etc. 13.14
Fire Suppression or Extinguishing Systems 13.18
Fire while Ship breaking 30.9Fireworks and Match Factories 23.17
First Aid 26.1-26.20
First Aid in Minor and Closed Injuries 26.5
First-aid and Health Services 22.23
Five 'E's of Accident Prevention 4.23
Fixed Fire Installations: Hydrants, Sprinklers, Water spray, Foam, Carbon dioxide, DCP and other
systems 13.19
Flameproof Electrical Equipment 11.18
Flammable Liquids and Gases 23.20
Flammable/Explosive Reactions & Distillations 18.41
Flicker and Stroboscopic Effect 9.7
Flixborough Explosion 30.5
Floor and Lay-out Conditions 15.8
Floors and Platforms 16.4
Flow Sheet 20.8
Flowcharts of Textile Processes 21.6
Follow up for Corrective Action Food Industry 23.17
Foot and Leg Protection 25.12
Foot controls 24.48
Foreign Body in the Body part : Foreign Body in the Skin, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Stomach 26.7
Forging Operations 20.13
Format of MSDS 18.10
Forming Rolls 20.20
Forms of Accident Statistics 5.9
Formulating the Programme 6.48
Formwork and Slipforms 22.17
Foundry Operations 20.8
Fractures 26.6
Frank Bird's Domino Theory 4.10
Frustration 6.6
Fundamentals of Accident Prevention 4.14
Garg Committee's Report (1985) 18.86
Gas Cylinder Rules, 2004 28.16
Gas Welding & Cutting 20.30
Gas Work 31.15
Gaseous Contaminants 25.17
General & Scientific Functions 6.15
General 20.17
General 21.4
General 31.15
General Check-list 18.84
General Considerations 8.5
General Considerations 9.16
General Considerations for Ventilation 10.13
General Control Measures 13.15
General Factors of Safely for some Construction Materials 32.32
General First Aid in Poisoning 26.12
General Guidelines 7.9
General Health Hazards & Control General Precautions 21.21
General Precautions while Working at Height 16.15
General Principals of Planning & Design 7.14General Principals of Plant Layout 7.14
General Principles for Rendering First Aid 26.2
General Principles of good lighting 9.4
General Principles of Management 6.8
General Provisions 22.18
General Psychological Factors 3.5
General Requirements of Mechanical Handling 15.12
General Rules 26.2
General Safety Measures 11.9
General Safety Precautions 18.15
General Standards for Discharge of Pollutants 32.26
Generation of Noise 12.1
Generation, Nature & Types of Vibration 12.21
Generation, Perception, Nature & Types of Noise 12.1
Glare 9.5 Glass Industry 23.18
Good Housekeeping 8.1-8.14
Good Housekeeping 22.7
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 19.23
Grinding Wheel 30.8
Groups of Dangerous Parts 14.4
Guarding of Different Machines 14.16
Guide for Selection of Dust Collectors 32.32
Guidelines of Regional Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) 11.12
Gujarat Boiler Attendant Rules 1966 28.2
Gujarat Boiler Rules 1966 28.2
Gujarat Building and Other Construction Workers (RES) Rules, 2003 28.37
Gujarat Lifts & Escalators Act & Rules 15.11
Gujarat Lifts & Escalators Act. 2000 28.38
Gujarat Lifts & Escalators Rules 2001 28.39
Gujarat Payment of Unemployment Allowance to Workmen in Factories Act. 29.11
Gujarat Physically Handicapped Persons Act. & Rules 29.11
Gutter Accidents 30.11
Hand & Foot Operated Presses 20.18
Hand and Arm Protection 25.11
Hand Tools 17.1
Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools 17.1-17.10
Hand Tools and their Use 24.45
Handling & Storage of Ammonia 18.34
Handling & Storage of Chlorine 18.32
Handling & Storage of EO 18.36
Handling & Storage of LPG 18.35
Handling & Storage of Oleum 18.37
Handling of Corrosive Chemicals 18.30
Handling of Flammable Gases 18.29
Handling of Flammable liquids 18.28
Handling of Flammable Solids 18.29
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)Study 19.38
Hazard and Risk Assessment Techniques 19.32
Hazard and Risk Progression Chart 19.34
Hazard Communication System including Safety and Risk phrases 18.16
Hazard Ranking (DOW and MOND Index) 19.41Hazardous Chemicals and Processes 23.18
Hazardous Processes & Industries 4.6
Hazardous Wastes (M&H) Rules, 1989 28.44
Hazards & Control from Treatment Media 20.36
Hazards & Controls 20.13
Hazards & Controls of Working on Computers 5.45
Hazards & Safety Measures 20.36
Hazards & Safety Measures 20.7
Hazards & Safety Measures in Forging Operations 20.13
Hazards and Controls 11.21
Hazards and Risks Identification, Assessment and Control Techniques 19.1-19.78
Hazards and Safety Measures of Processing (Finishing) and Folding Machines 21.21
Hazards and Safety Measures of Spinning Preparatory and Spinning Processes 21.16
Hazards and Safety Measures of Weaving Preparatory and Weaving Processes 21.19
Hazards of Borrowed Neutrals 11.16
Hazards of Plastic Tanks 30.14
Hazards, Risks & Detection Techniques 19.32
'HCN Gassing 30.8
Head & Hair Protection 24.6
Health and Safety Problems in Hot & Cold Environment 10.10
Health and Welfare of Construction Workers 22.22
Health Effects of Particulate Matter 32.18
Health Hazards and Controls 21.27
Health Hazards and Safety Measures 20.9
Health Hazards in Cotton Textile Industry 21.27
Health Hazards in Other Textile Industry 21.29
Health problems related to wrong postures, back pain etc 24.46
Health Provisions 21.4
Health Provisions 27.13
Health Vs. Wealth 1.1
Hearing Conservation Programmes 12.19
Heat and Cold Stress & their Indices 10.9
Heat and Humidity 22.23
Heat Stress and Thenno Regulation 10.6
Heat Treatment Operations 20.35
Heinrich's Theory 4.7
Hepbum's Theory 4.11
Hidden Hazard 30.9
History of Science and Safety Movement 33.10-33.60
History of the Safety Movement and the Factories Act 27.1
Home a type of Protection 31.14
Home Safety 31.14
Hot Rolling Mill Operations 20.12
Hot Working of Metals 20.8
Housekeeping & Safety 8.2
Housekeeping Contests 8.9
Housekeeping of Specific Industries 8.12
HPCL Refinery Fire at Vizag 30.13
Human Factors in Design of Machine and Work 14.21
Humanitarian or Basic Need for Safety 4.3
Humidity Measurement 10.5
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Presses 20.19
Hydrogen Explosion 30.8I
Identification & Classification of Chemicals 18.7
ILO Checklist for Good Housekeeping 32.14
ILO List of Occupational Diseases 24.54
ILO Recommendation 9.10
Impact Case Studies 12.8
In plant Transfer 18.53
Incidence & Seriousness of Fall Accidents 16.1
Incident 4.4
Incident Recall Technique 19.15
Incidental Safety Devices and Methods 14.16
Increase of Safety and Productivity due to Good Lighting 9.2
Indian & Other Standards 25.2
Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 28.2
Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 28.4
Indian Heritage 7.1
Indian Laws on Social Security 29.3
Indian Standards & National Building Code 7.8
Indian Standards 10.4
Indian Standards 11.2
Indian Standards 12.13
Indian Standards 12.23
Indian Standards 13.11
Indian Standards 14.2
Indian Standards 15.11
Indian Standards 15.2
Indian Standards 16.4
Indian Standards 17.1
Indian Standards'18.4
Indian Standards 20.2
Indian Standards 21.6
Indian Standards 22.7
Indian Standards 24.62
Indian Standards 26.1
Indian Standards 31.13
Indian Standards 31.19
Indian Standards 8.2
Indian Standards 9.19
Indian Standards 9.8
Indicators of Bad Housekeeping 8.3
Indirect Costs 5.5
Individual Differences 3.9
Individual Vs. Mass Training 6.55
Indoor Exhaust Ventilation 20.32
Industrial Classification (NIC, 1987) 19.27
Industrial Emissions and Control Summary 32.17
Industrial Hygiene 24.2
Industrial Hygiene and Health 24.1 - 24.68
Industrial Organization's Role 6.41
Industrial Psychology 3.2
Industrial Trucks 15.29
Industrialization Vs. Accidents 1.16
Industries Needing Attention 23.1Inevitable Place of Chemical Industry 18.1
Information to Workers and Others 18.16
Injuries and First Aid at a Glance 26.3
Injury 4.5
Insecticides Act, 1968 28.18
Insecticides Rules, 197128.18
Inspection and Check-lists 8.11 .
Inspection Rating 8.11
Inspection Techniques for Plants, Vessels & Procedures 18.58
Inspection, Maintenance and Repairs of Tools 17.7
Inspection, Maintenance and Training for Inspection, Testing & Maintenance 18.58
Installation for Artificial Lighting 9.16
Instrument System for Safety 18.49
Instrumentation for Safe Plant Operations 18.46
Insulation 10.24
Integration between Departmental MIS. 5.46
Integration of Safety Training with Job Training 6.55
Interpretation & Use of MSDS 18.11
Introducing & Developing the Programme 6.48
Introduction & Classification of Occupational Health Hazards 24.3
Introduction 27.22
Introduction to Anthropometry 24.46
Introduction to Hot & Cold Processes 20.4
Introduction: to Ergonomics & its Constituents 24.41
Japanese Concept of 'Five S' 8.11
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 19.5
Kinetics of Manual Handling 15.3
Kitchen Machines 31.16
Ladders 16.5
Laws on Atomic Energy & Radiation 28.21
Laws on Boiler Safety 28.1
Laws on Construction Safety 28.31
Laws on Dock Safety 28.37
Laws on Electrical Safety 28.3
Laws on Environmental Protection 28.40
Laws on Fire & Explosion Safety 28.5
Laws on Insecticides (Toxic Chemicals) 28.18
Laws on Lifts & Escalators 28.38
Laws on Transportation 31.14
Laws on Transportation Safety 28.24
Leadership 6.24
Leather Industry 23.21
Legal 4.3
Lifting and Carrying of Different Objects 15.5Lifting Appliances and Gear 22.8
Lifting Machinery and Equipment 22.18
Lifting Machines & Tackles 15.17
Lifts and Hoists 15.15
Lightening Arrester 11.16
Lighting and Colour 9.1-9.24
List of Standards 11.2
Load Bearing Capacity of Soils 32.33
Load Carrying 24.44
Loading-arm Failure 30.10 .
Local Exhaust Ventilation 10.24
Local Relief 10.26
Location & Sequence of Operation 24.47
Location of Safety Functions 6.34
Lockout & Tag-out 11.16
Looms 21.20
Machine Controls and Displays 24.47
Machine Guarding 14.1 -14.24
Machine Tools 20.22
Magnitude of the Problem and Inadequacy (limitation) of Data 5.2
Main Causes of Tool Accidents 17.1
Main Safety Measures 11.10
Maintenance 18.81
Maintenance and Repairs of Guards 14.22
Maintenance for Lighting and Colour 9.22
Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Control 19.52
Management Information System (MIS) for Safety 5.38
Management of Good Housekeeping 8.8
Management Policy & Responsibility: 8.8
Management Principles 6.8
Management Techniques 3.21
Managerial Role, Authority, Responsibility & Power 6.9
Manual Handling 15.2
Manufacture of Steel 20.6
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 28.45
Marking of Aisles and other Locations 8.7
Material (Property) Hazards and Controls 18.7
Material Handling 15.1 -15.34
Material Handling in Foundries 20.12
Material of Construction & Lining 18.21
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 18.10
Materials for Guard Construction 14.19
Maximum Credible Accident Assessment (MCAA) 19.47
Meaning & Function of Occupational Health Services 24.60
Meaning & Hazards of Confined Space 16.15
Meaning & Types of Heat Treatment Methods 20.35
Meaning 24.48
Meaning 26.2
Meaning and Aim 3.3
Meaning of Ergonomics 14.19
Meaning of Housekeeping 8.1'Meaning of Industrial Hygiene (IH) 24.2
Measurement & Evaluation 12.9
Measurements of Safety Performance 5.13
Measures in Engineering Industry 20.37
Mechanical Handling 15.10
Mechanical Ventilation 10.19
Mechanized Foundry 20.12
Medical Examinations & Health Records 18.16
Merits and Demerits of some Waste Disposal Methods 32.30
Message of the word "SAFETY' 2.18
Metal Cutting Machine 20.21
Metal Shears & Slitters 20.20
Meteorological Aspects 7.11
Methodical Analysis 19.15
Methods of Collating and Tabulating Data 19.31
Methods of Good Housekeeping 8.5
Methods of Measurements 12.9
Methods of Motivation 3.17
Methods of Participation 6.57
Minimum National Standards (MINAS) 32.21
Minor Injuries 26.5
Mistake of Valve Operation 30.10
Model Check-list 8.12
Models for Accident Prevention 4.22
Modern Management Thoughts 6.5
Modern Methods of Programming 5.43
Modes of Packaging 18.54
Morale 3.8
More Safety Measures 31.7
Motivating Thoughts 3.19
Motivation for Safety 3.13
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 28.24
Movement of Materials and Men 22.21
Multiple Causation Theory 4.11
Muscle Contraction & Muscular Work 24.35
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 32.26
National Electric Code 11.3
National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 29.14
Natural Expectation of Control Movement 24.47
Natural Ventilation Dilution & Roofed Ventilation 10.16
Nature and Characteristics of Noise 12.2
Nature and Subjects of Safety Philosophy 2.2
Nature of Fire 13.1
Nature of Motivation 3.13
Nature of the Concept of Safety 1.20
Nature, Source and Need of Statistics of Safety 5.1
Need and Limitation 25.1
Need and Types of Emergency Plans 19.63
Need for Planning and Follow up 7.12
Need for Retraining 6.55
Need for Safety 4.2Need of Accident Case Studies 30.1
Need of Colours 9.18
Need of Fire Safety 13.1
Need of Measurement 12.9
Need of Motivation 3.13
Need of Safety in Chemical Industry 18.1
Need of Safety in Engineering Industry 20.1
Need of Safety in Material Handling 15.1
Need of Safety in Textile Industry 21.1
Need of Safety Philosophy 2.2
Need of Safety Psychology 3.1
Need of the First Aid 26.1
Need of the Safety Officer 6.43
NFPA Code (NFQ 1313
No Exception to Safety 1.25
No Load Protection 11.13
Noise & Vibration 22.22
Noise and Vibration 12.1 -12.24
Noise Conservation Programmes 12.19
Noise Pollution (R & C) Rules, 2000 28.50
Noise Surveys 12.19 .
Non Destructive Testing (NDT) 18.76
Non Destructive Testing (NDT) 19.21
Non Destructive Testing (NDT) 20.12
Non Respiratory Equipment 25.6
Non-Auditory Effects 12.7
Notifable Diseases under the Factories Act 1948 24.53
Nutrition, Diets, Physical Fitness & their relationship 24.40
Objectives 19.1
Objectives of Training 6.50
Occupational (Notifiable) Diseases 4.6
Occupational Diseases 24.48
Occupational Diseases under the WC Act & the ESI Act 24.54
Occupational Health 24.48
Occupational Health Hazards 24.3
Occupational Health Services & Medical Examinations 24.60
Occupations involving Risk of Occupational Diseases & their Diagnostic Methods 24.54
Off-site Emergency Plan 19.67
Old Management Thoughts & Principles 6.3
On-site and Off-site Emergency Plans 19.63
On-site Emergency Plan 19.64
Opening and Blow Room Machines 21.16
Operational Deviations 18.42
Operations and Machines generating Static charge 11.21
Organization 4.15
Organizing for Safety 6.19
OSHA Standard for Respiratory Protection 25.22
Other Acts, Rules and Regulations for Dock Workers 28.37
Other Control Methods 12.17
Other Flowcharts 21.8
Other Hazards 22.23
Other Methods 12.23Other Processes and Operations 18.40
Other Promotional Methods 6.60
Overall Co-operation. 8.9
Overload and Other Protections 11.11
Overload and Short Circuit Protection 11.12
Overview of Safety Activities 6.33
Oxygen Deficiency 25.16
Ozone Depleting Substances (R & C) Rules 2000 28.51
Painting of Plant and Machinery 9.20
Paper Industry 23.22
Parameters of Safety in Construction 22.2
Particulate Matter or Contaminants 25.17
Perception of Danger & Risk 3.10
Perception of Noise 12.2
Permissible & Threshold Limits of Exposure & Dosage 24.17
Permissible Levels (TLV & STEL) of Certain Chemicals in Work Environment 32.27
Permissible Limits of Noise & 'Evaluation 12.11
Permit for Vessel Entry 18.85
Personal & Medical Controls 24.32
Personal Exposure Monitoring 24.27
Personal Protection 20.33
Personal Protective Equipment 10.26
Personal Protective Equipment 25.1 - 25.32
PERT and CPM 19.16
Pesticide Industry 23.23
Pesticide Poisoning 30.10
Peterson's Accident-Incident Causation Theory 4.13
Petrochemical Industry 23.25
Petroleum Act, 1934 28.5
Petroleum Refinery and LPG Bottling Plants 23.26
Petroleum Rules, 2002 28.6
Pharmaceutical Industry 23.28
Philosophy 19.24
Philosophy of Accident Causation 2.18
Philosophy of Safety 2.1 - 2.20
Philosophy of Safety 2.2
Philosophy of Total Safety Concept 2.19
Phosphine Exposure 30.7
Physiological Problems with Load Carrying (Injuries, Fatigue etc.) & their Solutions 24.45
Physiological Safe Limit for Continuous Work 24.39
Physiology of Electric Shocks 11.4
Physiology of Heat Regulation 10.6
Physiology of Respiration 24.34
Physiology Of Work 24.33
Pipeline Transfer 18.50
Place of Industry in Society and Safety in Industry 6.15
Planning and Follow-up 8.8
Planning for Safety 6.16
Planning, Design and Layout. 7.13
Plant Layout and Design 7.13
Plant Lighting Design 9.17Plant Machinery, Equipment and Hand Tools 22.11
Plant Safety Inspection 19.19
Plant Siting and Safe Design 7.1 - 7.20
Plastics Industry 23.29
Plastics Manufacture, Sale& Usage Rules, 1999 28.50
Poisoning with Acids and Alkalis 26.14
Poisoning with Toxic Chemicals 26.15 .
Poisoning, First Aid and Antidotes 26.12
Pollutants, their TLVs and Health Effects 32.18
Pollution Hazards & Controls 18.46 Polymer Plants 23.29
Portable Electrical Apparatus 11.17
Portable Fire Extinguishers 13.18
Portable Power Tools 17.8
Pottery Industry 23.31
Power Cutting Devices 11.11
Power Presses 20.18
PPE Testing Procedures & Standards 25.30
Precautions During Demolition 22.20
Precautions Prior to Demolition 22.20
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) & Hazard Analysis (HAZAN) 19.37
Present Psychological Safety Problems 3.3
Press Brakes 20.19
Presses, Shears and Other Machines 20.18
Pressure & Vacuum Reactions 18.41
Pressure Tests 18.75
Pressure Vessels & their Safety aspects 18.70
Preventing Accidental Activation 24.47
Prevention & Control of Tool Accidents 17.2
Prevention of Spillage 8.7
Preventive Maintenance of Forging Machines 20.14
Preventive Measures 31.15
Principles of Accident Prevention 4.14
Principles of Illumination 9.3
Principles of Machine Guarding 14.3
Principles of Reliability Engineering 19.49
Procedures Analysis 19.15
Process and Types of Investigation 19.24
Process & Control System Characteristics 18.48
Process Control Instruments 18.48
Process Flaw chart & its Importance for Inspection 18.58
Process Hazards and Controls 18.37
Process Ventilation - Dilution, Local Exhaust and Emergency Ventilation 10.20
Processing Machines (Dyeing, Printing etc.) 21.22
Product Safety 19.6
Productivity 4.3
Proof Test 15.14
Protection against Surges and Voltage Fluctuation 11.15
Psychological Effects of Colour 9.22
Psychology and its branches 3.1
Public Liability Insurance Act & Rules 29.11
Pugmill Gearing 30.9
Purchase, Storage and Supply of Tools 17.7
Purpose & Benefits of Good Lighting 9.2
Purpose & Effects of Ventilation and Heat Control 10.1Purpose & Types of Air Sampling 24.21
Purpose 6.56
Purpose and Advantages of Good lighting 9.2
Purpose and Procedure of Safety Budgeting 5.22
Purpose of Ventilation & Heat control 10.1
Purposes of Investigation and Report 19.24
Radiation Protection Rules, 1971 28.22
Ramps, Runways and Gangways 16.4
Rating Form of Activity Standards 32.13
Reasons for Accident Prevention 4.2
Reasons of Home Accidents 31.14
Recognition & Evaluation of Health Hazards 24.19
Recommendations & Follow-up Actions (Compliance) 19.23
Recommended Standards of Illumination 9.7
Record Keeping 19.31
Records in prescribed Forms 18.79
Reflection Factors (LRV) 9.18
Reliability Engineering 19.49
Report of the Gujarat Task Force Committee (1985) 18.86
Reports of Some Expert Committees 18.86
Requirements of Machine Guarding 14.1
Requisite Characteristics (Design Principles) of Guards 14.10
Rescue and Emergency Procedures 22.18
Resistance of Materials 11.8
Resistance of Skin 11.7
Respiratory Equipment 25.16
Responsibility for Inspections 19.24
Ring (Spinning) Frames 21.18
Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management 19.35
Road And Home Safety 31.1 - 31.20
Road and Traffic Safety 31.1
Role of a Competent Person 18.79
Role of Maintenance 8.10
Role of Safety Management in Motivation 3.18
Role of the Authorities 19.59
Role of the Competent Persons 6.39
Role of the ILO for Safety, Health and Welfare 27.22
Role of the Management 19.58
Role of the Organizations 6.41
Role of the Public 19.59
Role of the Safety Specialists 6.40
Role of the Supervisors 6.37
Role of the Trade Unions 6.38
Role of the Voluntary Organizations 6.42
Role of the Workers & Public 19.59
Role of the Workers 6.38
Rolling Mill Operations 20.12
Rotation of Personnel 12.17
Routes of Entry & Toxic Effects 24.14
Routes of entry to Human system 24.14
Roving (Speed) Frames 21.18Rubber Industry 23.32
Rules for the Manufacturer, use, import, export and storage of Hazardous Micro organisms, Genetically
engineered Organism or Cells (1989) 28.46
Safe Access 22.5
Safe Distance from Electric Lines 11.8
Safe Location 15.27
Safe Methods of Lifting & Handling 15.3
Safe Operation of Machines 20.27
Safe Operations & Maintenance of Machines 20.27
Safe Start-up & Shutdown Procedures 18.80
Safe Storage & Handling of Chlorine, Ammonia, LPG, EO & Oleum 18.32
Safe Storage & Handling of Flammable Liquids, Gases, Solids and Corrosive Chemicals 18.28
Safe Storage and Handling of Gas Cylinders 18.30
Safe Transfer of Chemicals 18.50
Safe Transportation of Chemicals 18.54
Safe use of Accessories for Manual Handling 15.5
Safe Use of Muscle System & Lever System in Load Carrying 24.44
Safe Work Practices in Forging Operations 20.16
Safe Working Load 15.13
Safety & Purchasing Policy 6.34
Safety against Falling Bodies 16.19
Safety Appraisal System 19.2
Safety Appraisal, Analysis and Control Techniques 19.1
Safety Aspects ofinstruments 18.50
Safety Belts and Harness 16.9
Safety Checklists 19.21
Safety Codes and Standards Including ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 19.19
Safety Committee 6.57
Safety Competitions 6.59
Safety Department 6.43
Safety Education and Training 6.48
Safety in Chemical Industry 18.1 -18.94
Safety in Construction Industry 22.1 - 22.24
Safety in Design, Construction and Operation 15.16
Safety in Design, Construction and Operation of Lifting Machines and Tackles 15.22
Safety in Engineering Industry 20.1 - 20.40
Safety in Laboratory 18.43
Safety in other Operations 20.28
Safety in Specific Industries 23.1 - 23.40
Safety in Stacking & Un-stacking 15.8
Safety in Storage of Materials 15.6
Safety in Textile Industry 21.1 - 21.34
Safety in Use of Machine Tools 20.22
Safety in Use, Handling, Storage and Changing of Dies 20.16
Safety Incentive Schemes 6.59
Safety Inventory System 19.6
Safety Management 6.1 - 6.62
Safety Management and its Responsibilities 6.15
Safety Management Defined 6.15
Safety Management's Role 6.15
Safety Measures 20.4Safety Measures 31.4
Safety Measures for Electric Work 11.9
Safety Measures to Avoid Accidents 30.15
Safety Measures with Low & High risk areas 11.18
Safety Nets 16.10
Safety Officer 6.43
Safety Officer's Role 8.9
Safety Officers' Rules & their Role 6.44
Safety Organizations 6.40
Safety Performance Rates 5.14
Safety Precautions, Supervision and Medical examinations 18.15
Safety Programme 6.48
Safety Provisions 21.5
Safety Provisions 27.12
Safety Psychology 3.1 - 3.22
Safety Psychology 3.3
Safety Report, Safety Audit Report & Risk Assessment Report 19.60
Safety requirement while Working at Height 16.4
Safety Review 19.22
Safety Sampling 19.22
Safety Statistics and Information System 5.1-5.48
Safety Steward System 19.19
Safety Study 19.21
Safety Suggestion Scheme 6.59
Safety survey 19.21
Safety Tables 32.1-32.34
Safety Tag System 19.14
Safety Terminology (100 terms defined) 2.2
Safety Tour 19.22
Safety while using Hand tools 24.46
Safety while using power tools 24.46
Safety work permit & checklist 22.5
Safety work permit 16.12
Safety work permit 19.7
Samples Analysis Methods 24.23
Sampling Strategies 24.22
SC judgement : Shriram’s Case 27.20
SC judgement on ‘Asbestosis’ 27.19
SC judgement on ‘Occupier’ 27.20
SC judgement on Radiation Protection 27.21
Scaffolding 16.1
Scaffolding, Ladders and Staircase 22.15
Sch. 24, Rule 102 GFR 20.31
Schedule 26, Rule 102, GFR 20.10
Scope of Safety in Construction Work 22.1
Scrapping of Worker 30.12
Screw Conveyor Opening 30.9
Scrubbing Media 32.31
Section wise Citations 27.19
Segregation & Isolation 12.14
Selection and Care of Cutting tools 20.27
Selection and Classification 25.3
Selection of Remedy 4.20
Selection, Care and Maintenance of Equipment and Instruments 20.34Selection, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair 17.9
Selection, Instruction, and Training in the use of Respirators 25.22
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 25.19
Separation Distanced 7.11
Shadow 9.6
Ship Building, Repairing and Breaking 23.33
Shoring and Underpinning 22.14
Sight and Light .2
Signaling 15.17
Significance & drawbacks of injury rates 5.16
Silk Industry 323.34
Site Planning and layout 21.4
Sitting Criteria 7.9
Size, Status and Functions of the Safety Department 6.43
Sizing machines 21.20
Silver and Ribbon Lap Machines 21.17
Soap Industry 23.35
Social 4.3
Social Accountability 29.2
Social Security for Unorganized Workers 9.2
Social Security Legislation 29.1 – 29.16
Solvent Extraction Plant 23.35
Some Abstract of the Act & Rules 27.12
Some Design Factors 10.14
Some Fatal Accidents 30.3
Sound Absorption & Silencers 12.15
Sound Proofing 12.16
Sources of Industrial Noise 12.9
Sources of Information on Safety, Health & Accidents 5.39
Span of Management 6.11
Special Control Measures 24.33
Specific Instruments 18.47
Specific Safety laws 28.1 – 28.52
Spread of Fire 13.3
Stages of Fire 13.3
Stairways 16.4
Standard (Safe) Operating Procedure (SOP) 19.14
Standards & Codes of Practice 27.27
Standards and Codes of Practice for Plant & Equipment 6.18
Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels Rules, 1981 `18.13
Static Electricity 11.19
Statistical Tables (India & Gujarat) and their Conclusion 5.23
Status and Future Goals of Computer Utilization I SHE Services 5.46
Statutory and other standards 13.9
Statutory Duties of the Management 6.32
Statutory Provisions 10.4
Statutory Provisions 11.2
Statutory Provisions 12.12
Statutory Provisions 13.9
Statutory Provisions 15.10
Statutory Provisions 15.2
Statutory Provisions 16.3
Statutory Provisions 17.1
Statutory Provisions 18.3Statutory Provisions 19.64
Statutory Provisions 20.2
Statutory Provisions 21.4
Statutory Provisions 22.7
Statutory Provisions 24.62
Statutory Provisions 25.2
Statutory Provisions 26.1
Statutory Provisions 8.1
Statutory Provisions 9.8
Statutory Requirement 14.1
Statutory Requirements 24.61
Statutory Requirements under the Factories Act & the Gujarat Factories Rule s7.2
Steel Manufacture, Hazards and Safety Measures 20.5
Storage and Handling of Materials 15.6
Storage Hazards & Controls 18.21
Storing and Retrieval of Information 5.43
Structural Frames, Formwork and Concrete Work 22.16
Structural Steel work and Erection 22.17
Studies, Statistics and Results 22.2
Subjects of the Forms 27.11
Subjects of the Schedules 327.10
Substitution 10.24
Substitution of less noisy processes 12.14
Sugar industry 23.36
Supervision by Qualified Supervisors 18.16
Supervisor’s Role 8.10
Supervisor’s Safety Contact 6.59
Surry’s Decision Theory 4.13
Systems Model Theory 4.12
TAC Regulations for Electrical Systems 11.4
Technical Co-operation Activities 27.28
Technique for Human Error Rate prediction (THERP) 19.15
Techniques of Training 6.50
Temperature Measurement 10.4
Tempering, Safe Ending, Dressing and Handles of Tools 17.7
Ten Commandments 26.3
Terminology (IS : 3786 – 1983) 5.13
Testing and Maintenance of ventilation systems 10.26
Testing, Inspection & Maintenance 15.17
Tests for Physical Fitness 24.39
The Accident Problem 4.1
The Act and Rules at a Glance 27.8
The Case Law 27.14
The Concept Described 1.23
The Concept of Management 6.2
The Concept of Safety 1.1 – 1.26
The Concept of SHE or HSE 1.24
The Factories (Amendment) Act, 1954 27.5
The Factories (Amendment) Act, 1976 27.6
The Factories (Amendment) Act, 1987 27.6
The Factories Act 1881 27.3
The Factories Act 1891 27.3
The Factories Act 1911 27.3The Factories Act 1922 27.4
The Factories Act 1934 27.4
The Factories Act 1948 27.5
The Foreign Origin 6.3
The Government’s Role 6.41
The Gujarat Factories (Amendment) Rules, 1995 27.7
The Problem Employee 3.9
The Problem of Traffic Safety 31.1
The World Scenario 30.1
Theories of Accident Causation 4.7
Theories of Motivation 3.14
Thermal Environment and its Measurements 10.4
Thermal Limits for Comfort and efficiency 10.7
Thermic Fluid Fire 30.13
TISCO Case of Imprisonment 27.21
Tobacco Industry 23.38
Tolerance Limits for Effluent Discharge 32.19
Toluene Distillation 30.7
Tool boxes, Kits & Tool maintenance 24.46
Tools housekeeping 8.7
Total Loss Control (TLC) 19.3
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 20.28
Toxic Reactions 18.41
Toxic Release at Seveso 30.5
Toxicity and Relevant terms 24.15
Training Methods & Strategies 6.52
Training of Operators 15.30
Training of Workers & Supervisors 6.54
Training, Maintenance, Precaution and Care of PPE 25.24
Transport, Earth – moving and Material Handling Equipment 22.10
Transportation by Different Models 18.55
Travel Chart 7.13
Tunneling and shaft Sinking 22.15
Types & Safe Use of Hand Tools 17.1
Types & Safety aspects of Lifting Machines 15.17
Types & Safety aspects of Lifting tackles 15.21
Types & Uses 15.12
Types and Consequence of MAH 19.54
Types and Degrees of Toxic Effects 24.16
Types and Objectives (Need) 6.40
Types and Procedures 19.20
Types and Selection of Guards 14.10
Types of Accidents 4.14
Types of Furnaces, Uses and
Types of Guards and Selection 14.11
Types of Hot and Cold Processes 20.4
Types of Light 9.11
Types of Light, Sources 9.12
Types of, Light Sources Fittings and Installations 9.11
Types of Lighting Fittings 9.14
Types of Lighting Installations 9.15
Types of Monitoring 24.24
Types of Noise 12.4
Types of Processes & Operations 18.37Types of Safety Training 6.53
Types of Tests, Certificates & Records 18.74
Types of Textile Industry 21.3
Types of Training Aids 6.55
Types of Ventilation 10.15
Types, Causes & Control of Fall Accidents 16.2
Types, Hazards and Safe Use 17.8
Typical Accidents due to Bad (poor) Housekeeping 8.2
Underground works 22.12
Underwater works 22.18
Uniform Lighting 9.6
Unit Operations 18.39
Unit Processes 18.38
Unsafe Respirator Connection 30.9
Use of Colour as an Aid 8.7
Use of Personal Protective Equipment 17.10
Use of Vessels, Equipments & Control Room 18.43
Usefulness of Electricity 11.1
Utility & Limitation of Cost Data 5.7
Utility Hazards & Controls 18.45
Ventilation and Heat Control 10.1 – 10.30
Ventilation for Special Operations 10.24
Vessel Entry Permit 16.17
Vibrating Equipment & Measurement 12.22
Vibration Damping 12.23
Vulnerability Analysis 19.47
Wall and Floor Openings 22.16
Warping Machines 21.19
Water (PCP) Act, 1974, 28.40
Water (PCP) Rules, 1975 & Gujarat Water (PCP) Rules 1976 28.41
Websites on Safety 5.40
Welding & Fire Safety 20.29
Welding and Cutting Operations 20.28
Welding and Cutting Operations 22.18
Welfare 22.23
Welfare Provisions 21.6
Welfare Provisions 27.13
Well-Sinking 22.18
What is Philosophy ? 2.1
Winding Machines 21.19
Wire Drawing Operations 20.21
Woodworking Industry 23.38
Work co-ordination between Industrial Hygienist, Safety Officer and Factory Medical Officer for the
purpose of Safety 23.3
Work Permits for Hazardous work 18.83
Work Station Design 24.46
Work Suggestions for Safety Officers 6.46Worked Examples 10.27
Worked Examples 12.20
Worked Examples 13.33
Worked Examples 24.62
Worked Examples 5.17
Worker’s and Union’s Participation 6.59
Worker’s Role 8.10
Working at Different Levels 16.1- 16.20
Working at Height 16.1
Working at the Same level 16.19
Working in a Confined Space 16.15
Working of Combustible Gas Monitors 25.28
Working of Different Gas Monitors 25.29
Working on Roofs 16.11
Working Underground 16.19
Workmen’s Compensation Act, Rules & Worked Examples 29.3
Workplace or Area Monitoring 24.24
Wrong Connection of Gas-cylinder 30.14Fundamentals of Industrial Safety and Health 1- 1 The concept of Safety

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