كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial First Level - 2D Fundamentals
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 كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial First Level - 2D Fundamentals

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عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial First Level - 2D Fundamentals
Randy H. Shih, Luke Jumper
Oregon Institute of Technology

كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial First Level - 2D Fundamentals  A_2_0_22
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Section 1: Introduction to AutoCAD
Objectives: Describe and set the Workspace.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Precision 1-4
Zoom Extent .1-5
Drawing Limits .1-5
Status Bar .1-10
GRID Display .1-10, 1-11
PAN Realtime 1-20
Precision 2-10
UCS Icon Origin .2-10
Point Style .3-15
Drafting Settings .3-23
Snap and Grid .3-23
Ortho Mode .3-24
Use a Wizard .4-4
Zoom Realtime .4-22
Layer Visibility 4-25
Show All Constraints .9-34
Show Dynamic Constraints .9-34
Section 2: Creating Drawings
Objectives: Create and edit geometry using the Dynamic Input interface.
Use running Object Snaps and object snap overrides to select Snap
points in the drawing.
Use Polar Tracking and PolarSnap efficiently and effectively.
Use Object Tracking to position geometry.
Use the Units command to set drawing units.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Format .1-5
Units Setup 1-5
Line Command 1-8
Coordinates .1-8
Certified User Reference GuideAutoCAD Certified Associate Examination Overview v
Interactive Input Method .1-9
SNAP Option 1-10
World Space 1-15
User Coordinate System 1-15
World Coordinate System .1-15
UCS Icon Display .1-16
TTR, Circle .1-16
Relative Coordinate 1-17
Coordinate Systems 1-17
Cartesian Coordinate System 1-17
Absolute Coordinates 1-17, 1-18
Positions, Defining 1-18
Line, Close Option 1-19
Circle Command .1-23
TTT, Circle .1-23
Dynamic Input 2-3
Drawing Limits .2-6
Direct Distance Option .2-6
Startup Dialog Box, Show 2-7
Dynamic Input Settings .2-7
Start from Scratch .2-9
World Space 2-12
User Coordinate System 2-12
Circle – Center, Radius .2-13
Tangent, Snap to .2-15
Object Snap Toolbar 2-14
Endpoint, Snap to 2-14
TTR, Circle .2-17
Polygon .2-20
Center, Snap to 2-22
Start from Scratch .3-4
Geometric Construction 3-5
Bisection of a Line or Arc .3-5
Snap to Perpendicular .3-5
Snap to Midpoint .3-5
Bisection of an Angle 3-8
Construction Line 3-8
Snap to Node .3-15
Circle through Three Points 3-16
3-Point Circle 3-16
Line Tangent to a Circle from a Given Point .3-17
Circle of a Given Radius Tangent to Two Lines .3-18
Fillet Command .3-19
Multiline Style 4-7
Multiline .4-11
Snap From .4-15
Certified User Reference Guidevi AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 2D Fundamentals
Rectangle 4-23
Ellipse .4-24
Running Object Snaps 5-9
Object Snap Tracking 5-13
Snap From .5-16
Miter Line Method 5-19
Geometric Constraints .9-10
Dimensional Constraints 9-13
PolarTracking 10-12
Snap Overrides .11-8
Tangent .11-8
Hor. Construction Line .11-11
Section 3: Manipulating Objects
Objectives: Use several different Selecting Objects methods to select objects.
Select Objects for grip editing and identify the type of editing that can
be done using grips.
Move objects in the drawing using Object Snaps, Coordinate entry,
and Object Snap Tracking for precise placement.
Use the Copy command to copy objects in the drawing.
Use the Rotate command to rotate objects in the drawing.
Use the Mirror command to mirror objects in the drawing.
Use the Array command to pattern objects in the drawing.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Erase Command 1-13
Selection Window 1-14
Trim Command 2-19
Move Command 3-6
Rotate Command 3-8
Transfer of an Angle .3-8
Copy Command 3-11
Dividing a Given Line into Equal Parts 3-14
Point, Divide .3-14
Extend Command 3-29
Multiline Edit .4-16
Open Tee, Multiline 4-17
Moving Objects to a Different Layer .4-26
Mirror Command 8-20
Array Command 8-21
Geometric Constraints .9-11
Dimensional Constraints 9-13
Mirror Command .9-26
Auto Constrain Command .9-29
Grips Editing .10-6
Copy Selections, Grips .10-6
Certified User Reference GuideAutoCAD Certified Associate Examination Overview vii
Rotate, Grips .10-7
Quick Select .11-19
Deselect All 11-20
Copy 12-13
Paste 12-13
Quick Select 12-14
Paste as Block 12-17
Copy with Base Point .12-20
Section 4: Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands
Objectives: Use Layer tools.
Describe the use and effect of the ByLayer property.
Use the Match Properties command to apply the Properties from a
source object to destination objects.
Use the inquiry commands (Distance, Radius, Angle, Area,
List, and ID) to obtain geometric information from the drawing.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
QuickCalc Command 2-24
Measure Distance Command 2-24
Measure Area and Perimeter 3-35
Layers .4-19
Layers Properties .4-20
Layers Control .4-22
List Command .5-26
Properties Command .5-27
Viewport Properties .8-24
Layers Controls .9-6
Layers Controls .10-5
Linetype Scale .11-14
Section 5: Altering Objects
Objectives: Use the Offset command to create parallel and offset geometry.
Use the Fillet command to create radius geometry connecting two
Use the Join command to combine multiple objects into a single
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Offset Command .3-34
Edit Polyline .3-33
Explode .3-37
Mirror Command .9-26
Trim Command .9-27
Certified User Reference Guideviii AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 2D Fundamentals
Trim Command 10-18
Stretch .11-15
Rotate Command .12-17
Explode Command 12-18
Section 6: Working With Layouts
Objectives: Create a new layout.
Create and manipulate Viewports.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Layout Mode .8-10
Viewports 8-23
Section 7: Annotating the Drawing
Objectives: Use the Multiline Text command to create and format paragraphs of
Create and use Text Styles.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Single Line Text 7-24
Special Characters .7-25
Section 8: Dimensioning
Objectives: Create different types of Dimensions on linear objects.
Create and modify Dimension Styles to control the appearance of
Create and edit Multileaders.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Dimensions Toolbar 7-16
Dimension Style 7-16
Fractional Dimension 7-18
Overall Dimension Scale 7-18
Center Mark 7-20
Linear Dimension 7-21
Angular Dimension .7-22
Radius Dimension .7-22
Dimension Update 8-26
Scale Dimension to Layout .8-26
Multileader 11-17
Multileader Style .12-21
Add Leader 12-23
Certified User Reference GuideAutoCAD Certified Associate Examination Overview ix
Section 9: Hatching Objects
Objectives: Create Hatch patterns and fills.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Hatch .11-21
Section 10: Working With Reusable Content
Objectives: Use the Block command to create a block definition.
Use the Insert command to insert a block reference in a drawing.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Purge Blocks .7-26
Template File 8-13
Use a Template .11-4
Make Block .12-9
Insert Block .12-11
Paste as Block .12-17
Section 11: Creating Additional Drawing Objects
Objectives: Work with polylines.
Edit polylines.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Polylines 3-32
Table Style 12-26
Table Command 12-27
Section 12: Plotting Your Drawing
Objectives: Create and modify Page Setup.
Certification Examination Covered in this book on
Performance Task Chapter – Page
Plot Style .8-7
Plot Style Table Settings 8-5
Plot Command 8-27
solute coordinates, 1-17, 1-18
Add Leader, 12-23
Angular dimensioning, 7-21
Arc, 1-33
ARRAY command, 8-3, 8-21
Arrowhead, 12-22
Assembly drawing, 12-3
Associative dimensions, 7-3
Auto Constrain, 9-16
AutoSnap, 5-12
AutoTrack feature, 5-12
Auxiliary view, 10-3
OCK, 7-25, 12-3
Insert, 12-11
Make, 12-9, 12-10
Multileader, 12-21
Purge, 7-25
Border, 8-10
Buttons, Mouse, Intro-12
D files, Intro-6, Intro-14, 1-26
Canceling commands, Intro-12
Cartesian coordinate system, 1-17
Cell Style, 12-27
Center Mark, 7-19
Chamfer, 4-29
Characters, special, 7-24
CIRCLE command, 1-23
Multileader, 12-21
TTR, 2-17
Clipboard, 12-3, 12-13
Coincident Constraint, 9-11
Color, 4-20
Command Prompt, Intro-8, Intro-10, 1-6
Computer Aided Design, Intro-2
Computer Aided Engineering, Intro-2
Computer Aided Manufacturing, Intro-2
Concentric Constraint, 9-31
Constraints, Hide All, 6-34
Construction lines, 5-6
Coordinate systems, 1-17
Coordinates, 1-10
COPY command, 3-11
Copy and paste, 12-13, 12-16
Copy Selection, 10-6
Copy with Base Point, 12-20
Cursor, Intro-10
Customization icon, 6-7
Cutting plane line, 11-16
select All, 11-20
Drawing Limits, 1-6
Drawing Screen, Intro-8
Diameter Dimensional Constraint, 9-30
Center Mark, 7-19
Fractional, 7-17
Line, 7-18
Set Current, 7-18
Style Manager, 7-15
Text, 7-17
Toolbar, 7-15
Dimensional constraints, 9-3
Dimensioning, 7-14
angular, 7-15, 7-21
diameter, 7-15, 7-22
leader, 7-16, 11-17
linear, 7-15, 7-20
radius, 7-15, 7-22
styles, 7-15
units, 7-17
update, 7-15, 8-27
Direct distance option, 1-18
Drafting Settings, 3-23
Draw Toolbar, 2D, Intro-11
Drawing Limits, 2-11
Dynamic Input, 2-4
Dynamic Input Settings, 2-4I-2 AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 2D Fundamentals
LIPSE command, 4-24
Endpoint, Snap to, 3-26
ERASE command, 1-13
EXIT command, Intro-14
EXPLODE command, 3-37
EXTEND command, 3-29
Extension line, 7-16
LLET command, 3-32
FILTER, Quick Selection, 11-19
Files folders, Intro-14
Fix Constraint, 6-32, 9-11
Format, 1-5
Fully constrained, 9-3
ometric constraints, 9-3
Geometric constraints panel, 9-9
GRID, 1-7, 1-10, 1-11, 2-10
Grid Intervals setup, 3-23
Grips, 10-3
Grips Editing, 10-3, 10-6, 11-15
TCH command, 11-3, 11-21
Heads-up Design interface, 1-14
Horizontal Constraint, 9-10
nfer Constraints, 9-34
INSERT BLOCK command, 12-11
Insert Row above, 12-29
Insert Row below, 12-29
Interactive method, 1-10
Isocircle, 6-14, 6-15
Isometric projections, 6-2
yers, 4-3, 4-19
Deleting, 7-25
New, 4-20
Setup, 5-5
Visibility, 4-25
Layout tabs, 8-10
Layout plotting feature, 8-28
Leader, 7-16, 11-17
LIMITS, Drawing, 1-6
LINE command, 1-8
Close option, 1-22
Linear Dimensional Constraint, 9-12
Linear dimensioning, 7-15, 7-20
Linetype scale, 11-14
List, 5-25
atch Properties, 4-27
MAXIMIZE icon, 12-9
Midpoint, 4-14
MIRROR command, 8-3, 8-20
Miter Line, 5-18
Modify Toolbar, Intro-11
Mouse Buttons, Intro-12
MOVE command, 11-15
Multileader Style, 12-21
Multilines, 4-7
Edit, 4-17
Multiview drawing, 5-3
amed objects, 7-25
Named Plot Style feature, 8-5, 8-6
NEW file, 8-7
ject Snap, 2-14, 3-27
OFFSET command, 3-34
Open-Tee, 4-17
ORTHO, 3-24, 3-25
Orthographic views, 5-3
OSNAP, 5-9
OTRACK, 5-12Index I-3
N Realtime, 1-20
Paper size, 8-10
Paper space, 8-10
Parallel Constraint, 9-15
Parametric Tools tab, 9-8
Parts List, 12-26
Paste, 12-13
Paste as Block, 12-17
Perpendicular, snap to, 10-19
Perpendicular Constraint, 9-17
PLOT, 8-5, 8-28
Plot Style Table, 10-24
Editor, 10-25
Polar coordinate system, 1-17
Polar Tracking, 10-12
Settings, 10-12
Polygon, 2-21
Polyline, 3-33
Positions, defining, 1-18
Precision, 1-6
Properties, 5-26, 8-25, 11-14
Pull-down menus, Intro-8, Intro-9
PURGE command, 7-25
ick Keys, 2-29
Quick Select, 11-19
Quick setup, 4-4
Quit, Intro-14
dius Dimensional Constraint, 9-19
RECTANGLE command, 4-23
Rectangular array, 8-21
Relative Coordinates, 1-17
Repeat the last command, 1-14
Resize Drawing Window, 12-12
ROTATE, 3-11, 10-7
Rough sketch, 9-6
Running Object Snaps, 5-8
VE command, 1-25
Screen, AutoCAD, Intro-8
Section views, 11-3, 11-21
Selection window, 1-14
Show Dynamic Constraints, 9-33
SNAP, 1-10, 2-10
Snap Overrides, 11-8
Standard toolbar, Intro-8, Intro-9
Startup dialog box, Show, 2-8
Status Bar, Intro-8, 1-10
STRETCH, 11-15
Surface modelers, Intro-4
ble command, 12-26
Table direction, 12-26
Table Style, 12-26
TANGENT, Snap to, 2-15
Tangent Constraint, 6-33, 9-18
Templates, 8-3
Template File, English 8-13
Template File, Metric, 10-27
Text, 7-23
Single Line, 7-23
Special character, 7-24
Tile Horizontally, 12-8
Title Block, 8-10, 8-12
Toolbars, Intro-8
List, 3-26
TRIM command, 2-19, 11-9
Trimetric projections, 6-2
TTR, circle, 1-23, 2-17
TTT, circle, 1-23
CS icon Display, 1-16
UCS icon Origin, 2-11
UNDO command, 9-11
Units, 2-9, 3-22
Units Setup, 1-5
Use a wizard, 4-4
User coordinate system, 1-15
rtical Dimensional Constraint, 9-32
Creating, 8-24
Hiding, 8-26I-4 AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 2D Fundamentals
Properties, 8-25
Viewports, 8-24
Visibility, Layer, 4-25
reframe Modeler, Intro-3
World coordinate system, 1-15, 2-12
World space, 1-15
Active, 12-8
Tiled, 12-8
Wizard, 4-4
WYSIWYG plotting feature, 8-3
All, 1-7
Extent, 2-12
Realtime, 4-22
Window, 8-18

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