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عدد المساهمات : 18990 التقييم : 35476 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب A Hands-On Introduction to SOLIDWORKS 2023 السبت 08 يونيو 2024, 1:57 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب A Hands-On Introduction to SOLIDWORKS 2023 Kirstie Plantenberg University of Detroit Mercy CSWA
و المحتوى كما يلي :
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: BASIC MODELING IN SOLIDWORKS x Cylinder Tutorial x Angled Block Tutorial x Connecting Rod Tutorial CHAPTER 2: BASIC PART PRINTS IN SOLIDWORKS x Angled Block Part Print Tutorial x Defining a Front View Tutorial CHAPTER 3: INTERMEDIATE PART MODELING IN SOLIDWORKS x Flanged Coupling Tutorial x Tabletop Mirror Tutorial CHAPTER 4: INTERMEDIATE PART PRINTS IN SOLIDWORKS x Connecting Rod Part Print Tutorial x Flanged Coupling Part Print Tutorial CHAPTER 5: CONFIGURATIONS IN SOLIDWORKS x Connecting Rod Configurations Tutorial x Flanged Coupling Configurations Tutorial x Rigid Coupling Design Table Tutorial CHAPTER 6: FEA IN SOLIDWORKS x Connecting Rod FEA Tutorial CHAPTER 7: BASIC ASSEMBLIES IN SOLIDWORKS x Flanged Coupling Assembly Tutorial CHAPTER 8: ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS IN SOLIDWORKS x Flanged Coupling Assembly Drawing Tutorial[ A Hands-On Introduction to SOLIDWORKS ] Table of Contents - 2 CHAPTER 9: ADVANCED MODELING IN SOLIDWORKS x Microphone Base Tutorial x Microphone Arm Tutorial x Boat Tutorial CHAPTER 10: INTERMEDIATE ASSEMBLY IN SOLIDWORKS x Tabletop Mirror Assembly Tutorial x Microphone Assembly Tutorial x Linear Bearing Assembly Tutorial CHAPTER 11: TOLERANCING AND THREADS IN SOLIDWORKS x Vise – Stationary Jaw Tutorial x Vise – Screw Tutorial CHAPTER 12: PARAMETRIC MODELING IN SOLIDWORKS x Vise – Spacer Tutorial x Vise – Jaw Insert Tutorial CHAPTER 13: ADVANCED ASSEMBLY IN SOLIDWORKS x Vise Assembly Tutorial x Gear Assembly Tutorial CHAPTER 14: 3D SKETCHES IN SOLIDWORKS x Handlebar Tutorial CHAPTER 15: RENDERING IN SOLIDWORKS x Glass Vase Tutorial x Light Bulb Tutorial[ Chapter 1: Basic Part Modeling in SOLIDWORKS ] 1 - 1 CHAPTER 1 BASIC PART MODELING IN SOLIDWORKS CHAPTER OUTLINE 1.1) WHAT IS SOLIDWORKS 3 1.2) STARTING SOLIDWORKS, USER INTERFACE, AND FILE TYPE . 4 1.2.1) Starting SOLIDWORKS 4 1.2.2) SOLIDWORKS user interface . 6 1.2.3) File types 8 1.3) NEW PART, USER INTERFACE, AND SET UP . 9 1.3.1) New Part 9 1.3.2) Part user interface 10 1.3.3) Setting up your part file 11 1.3.4) Saving your part file . 13 1.4) SKETCHING .13 1.4.1) Sketching on a plane or face .14 1.4.2) Editing a sketching . 14 1.4.3) Lines 15 1.4.4) Rectangles .15 1.4.5) Circles 16 1.4.6) Arcs 16 1.4.7) Slots . 16 1.4.8) Polygon 17 1.4.9) Sketch Chamfer/Fillet 18 1.5) DIMENSIONS AND RELATIONS 19 1.5.1) Sketch relations . 19 1.5.2) Smart Dimension . 20 1.5.3) Editing a Dimension . 20 1.6) FEATURES . 22 1.6.1) Extrude and Extrude cut 22 1.6.2) Fillet and Chamfer 24 1.7) FEATURE MANAGER DESIGN TREE 26 1.7.1) Editing a Feature 27 1.7.2) Editing a Sketch . 27 1.7.3) Rollback Bar .27 1.8) VIEWING YOUR PART 28 1.9) ASSIGNING MATERIAL 30 1.10) EVALUATE .31[ Chapter 1: Basic Part Modeling in SOLIDWORKS ] 1 - 2 1.11) CYLINDER TUTORIAL 33 1.11.1) Prerequisites 33 1.11.2) What you will learn? . 33 1.11.3) Setting up the part 34 1.11.4) Sketching and Extrude Boss/Base 39 1.11.5) Sketching and extrude cut .42 1.12) ANGLED BLOCK TUTORIAL 44 1.12.1) Prerequisites 44 1.12.2) What you will learn? . 44 1.12.3) Setting up the project . 45 1.12.4) Creating the part 45 1.12.5) Adding material 49 1.13) CONNECTING ROD TUTORIAL .51 1.13.1) Prerequisites 51 1.13.2) What you will learn . 51 1.13.3) Setting up the project . 52 1.13.4) Base extrude 53 1.13.5) Adding features 57 1.13.6) Adding material 59 BASIC MODELING IN SOLIDWORKS PROBLEMS . 61[ Chapter 1: Basic Part Modeling in SOLIDWORKS ] APPENDIX A USEFUL COMMANDS AND SHORTCUTS A.1) VIEW COMMANDS Command Short-Cut Key, action, or status Fit All F Pan Ctrl + Press mouse wheel and move Rotate x Ctrl + Arrow key x Click mouse wheel and move Rotate, 90o Shift + Arrow key Switch windows Ctrl + Tab View Cube Space Bar View, isometric Ctrl + 7 View, normal Ctrl + 8 Zoom Scroll mouse wheel Zoom in Z Zoom out z A.2) SKETCHING COMMANDS Command Short-Cut Key, action, or status Copy x Ctrl + click and drag x Ctrl + c Editing sketch plane Click on the sketch you wish to transfer to another plane, select the Edit Sketch Plane command, and then select the new plane or face. Line, multiple click + release + click Line, single click + hold + drag Paste Ctrl + v Previous command s Reference planes, adding Hold the Ctrl key down, click, and drag to create a reference plane. Sketch relations, adding Hold the Ctrl key down and select the entities that you wish to constrain. In the Properties window, select the relation you wish to apply. Sketch relations, suppress Press Ctrl while sketching Sketch status x Fully defined = black x Under defined = blue x Over defined = red[ Appendix A – Useful commands and shortcuts ] A - 2 A.3) FEATURE COMMANDS Command Short-Cut Key, action, or status Editing a feature To edit the properties of a feature, click on the feature in the Feature Manager Design Tree and select Edit Feature Rebuild Ctrl + b A.4) SELECTION COMMANDS Command Short-Cut Key, action, or status Filters o Edges = e o Faces = x o Vertices = v o Hide/Show all filters = F5 o Off/On all selected filters = F6 Select, multiple Hold Ctrl key and select A.5) DRAWING COMMANDS Command Short-Cut Key, action, or status Dimensions, copying to another view Ctrl key + click and drag Dimensions, moving to another view Shift key + click and drag Dimensions, moving within view Hold the Alt key down when dragging dimensions to make them move smoothly. A.6) ASSEMBLY COMMANDS Command Short-Cut Key, action, or status Copy component Ctrl + click and drag Mate, smart Alt + drag a component[ Appendix B - Index ] B - 1 APPENDIX B INDEX B.1) USER INTERFACE Command or concept Chapter Adding commands to the command manager 14 Command manager 1 Feature manager design tree 1 Pull-down menu 1 Quick access toolbar 1 Quick unit switching 1 Status bar 1 Task pane 1 View (heads-up) toolbar 1 B.2) SETUP, FILE MANAGEMENT, AND HELP Command or concept Chapter File types 1 Help 1 New drawing 2 New part 1 Options 1 Resources 1 Save 1 Units 1 B.3) SKETCH Command or concept Chapter 3D Sketch 14 Arcs 1, 9 Centerline 1 Centerline, dimensioning to 3 Chamfer, sketch 1 Circles 1 Conics 9 Construction geometry 3 Convert entities 3, 9 Dimension, editing 1 Dimensions, naming 5, 12 Dimension, smart 1 Equations 12 Fillet, sketch 1 Intersection curve 3, 9 Lines 1 Mirror entities 9[ Appendix B - Index ] B - 2 Offset entities 3 Polygon 1 Rectangles 1 Scale 9 Silhouette entities 9 Sketch editing 1 Sketching on a plane or face 1 Sketch relations 1 Sketch tab 1, 3, 9 Slots 1 Spline 14 Tolerances 11 Trim entities 3 B.4) FEATURES Command or concept Chapter Chamfer 1 Configuration, add 5 Cosmetic threads 11 Design table 5 Dimension names 5, 12 Dimensions, show feature 12 Dimension, show name 5, 12 Dome 9 Equations 12 Extrude boss/base, Extruded cut 1 Feature manager design tree 1 Feature suppression 12 Feature, editing 1 Feature tab 1, 3 Fillet 1 Hole wizard 3 If Statement 12 Lofted boss/base & Lofted cut 9 Mirror 3 Parametric modeling 12 Patterns 3 Reference geometry 3, 9 Revolve boss/base, Revolve cut 3 Rib 9 Rollback bar 1 Shell 9 Stud Wizard 11 Swept boss/base & Swept cut 9 Thread 11 Tolerances 11[ Appendix B - Index ] B - 3 B.5) VIEW Command or concept Chapter Pan 1 Rotate 1 View cube 1 View (heads-up) toolbar 1 Viewing your part 1 B.6) MATERIAL AND PROPERTIES Command or concept Chapter Material, applying 1 Properties, mass 1 B.7) DRAWING Command or concept Chapter Annotation tab 2, 4 Assembly drawing 8 Ballooning 8 Bill of materials 8 Center line 2 Center mark 2 Datum feature 4 Detail view 4 Dimensions 2 Display style 2 Layers, Layer toolbar 2 Model items 2 New drawing 2 Note, leader 4 Projected view 2 Section view 4 Sheet format, edit 2 Sheet, edit 2 Sheet size 2 Sketch tab 4 Standard 3 view 2 View Layout tab 2, 4 B.8) ASSEMBLY Command or concept Chapter Assembly visualization 10 Copy. part 7 Exploded view 7 Feature manager design tree 7 Fix 7 Float 7 Insert component 7, 13 Interference detection 10[ Appendix B - Index ] B - 4 Mate 7, 10 Mates, advanced 10 Mate, mechanical 13 Mates, standard 7 New assembly 7 New part 13 Sensors 10 Toolbox components 7 B.9) SIMULATION Command or concept Chapter Add-Ins 6 FEA/FEM 6 New study 6 Report 6 Simulation study tree 6 Static simulation 6 Strain 6 Stress 6 Tensile strength 6 Yield strength 6 B.10) RENDERING Command or concept Chapter Appearance 15 Camera 15 Final render 15 PhotoView 360 15 Preview window 15 Render region 15 Render tools tab 15 Rendering 15 Scene 1 #Solidworks,,#Tutorial,,#سولدورك,,#سولدوركس,,#سولدوورك,,#سولدووركس,,#سوليدورك,,#سوليدوركس, ,#سوليدوورك,,#سوليدووركس,#سولد_ورك,#سوليد_وركس,#,#سولد_وركس,#سوليد_ورك,#,#سولد_ورك,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب A Hands-On Introduction to SOLIDWORKS 2023 رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب A Hands-On Introduction to SOLIDWORKS 2023