كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users
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 كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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SOLIDWORKS 2023 A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users
John Willis, Sandeep Dogra, Cadartifex

كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users  S_w_2_34
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Chapter 1, “Introduction to SOLIDWORKS,” introduces
SOLIDWORKS interface, different SOLIDWORKS environments,
various components of SOLIDWORKS, and methods for
invoking and customizing the shortcut menu, saving
documents, and opening documents in SOLIDWORKS.
Chapter 2, “Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS,” discusses
how to invoke the Sketching environment, and methods for
specifying unit system, grids and snaps settings. It also
introduces the various sketching tools such as Line, Arc,
Circle, Rectangle, and Spline for creating sketches.
Chapter 3, “Editing and Modifying Sketches,” introduces
various editing and modifying operations such as trimming
unwanted sketched entities, extending sketch entities,
mirroring, patterning, moving, and rotating sketch entities by
using various editing/modifying tools of the Sketching
environment.Chapter 4, “Applying Geometric Relations and Dimensions,”
introduces the concept of fully defined sketches, and creating
fully defined sketches by applying geometric relations and
dimensions. It also introduces different methods for applying
geometric relations and dimensions. Methods for modification
of the already applied dimensions and dimension properties
such as dimension style, tolerance, and precision have also
been discussed in addition to introduction to different sketch
Chapter 5, “Creating Base Feature of Solid Models,” discusses
how to create extruded and revolved base features by using
the Extruded Boss/Base and Revolved Boss/Base tools. This
chapter also introduces you to various navigating tools such
as Zoom In/Out and Zoom To Fit. Moreover, it explains how to
manipulate the orientation of a model. Additionally, this
chapter also elaborates changing the display style and view
of the model.
Chapter 6, “Creating Reference Geometries,” introduces
three default planes: Front, Top, and Right. As these may not
be enough for creating models having multiple features
therefore, the chapter discusses how to create additional
reference planes. Additionally, this chapter also elaborates
creating reference axes, coordinates systems, and points.
Chapter 7, “Advanced Modeling - I,” introduces advanced
options for creating extruded and revolved features. Inaddition, this chapter discusses how to create cut features
and, how to work with different types of sketches, along with
creating multiple features by using a single sketch having
multiple contours, projecting edges of the features, editing
individual features of a model, and importing 2D DXF and
DWG files into current file as reference sketches. Moreover,
this chapter also elaborates measuring distance and angle
between lines, points, faces, planes, and so on by using the
Measure tool, as well as assigning appearance and material
properties to a model. Additionally, calculation of the mass
properties of a model is also discussed.
Chapter 8, “Advanced Modeling - II,” discusses how to create
sweep features, sweep cut features, lofted features, lofted cut
features, boundary features, boundary cut features, curves,
split faces, and 3D Sketches.
Chapter 9, “Patterning and Mirroring,” introduces various
patterning and mirroring tools. After successfully completing
this chapter, you can create different type of patterns such as
linear pattern, circular pattern, and curve driven pattern.
Also, you can mirror features, faces, or bodies.
Chapter 10, “Advanced Modeling - III,” discusses how to
create standard and customized holes such as counterbore
and countersink. Creating cosmetic threads, real threads on
holes, fasteners, and cylindrical features have also been
discussed. Additionally, this chapter explains how to createstud features, constant and variable radius fillets, chamfer,
rib features, and shell features.
Chapter 11, “Working with Configurations,” discusses how to
create multiple variations of a model within a single file by
using the configurations. Creating configurations by using the
Manual method and the Design Table method have been
explained. This chapter also teaches how to save
configurations as a separate file and how to suppress and
unsuppress features of a model.
Chapter 12, “Working with Assemblies - I,” discusses how to
create assemblies by using the bottom-up assembly approach
and how to work with standard, advanced, and mechanical
mates. It also explains how to move and rotate the individual
component within the Assembly environment, detect
collisions between the components of an assembly, and
working with SmartMates.
Chapter 13, “Working with Assemblies - II,” discusses how to
create assemblies by using the top-down assembly approach.
Methods for editing the individual components of an
assembly within the Assembly environment or in the Part
environment as well as editing the existing mates applied
between the components have been discussed along with
methods for creating different types of patterns. The chapter
also introduces you to mirroring components in the Assembly
environment, creating assembly features, suppressing orunsuppressing the components of an assembly, and inserting
components in the Assembly environment having multiple
configurations. It also discusses how to create and dissolve
sub-assemblies, and include components as envelopes into
sub-assemblies. This chapter also discusses creating, editing,
or collapsing the exploded view of an assembly. Animating
the exploded/collapse view, adding exploded lines in an
exploded view, detecting interference and creating BOM is
also explained.
Chapter 14, “Working with Drawings,” discusses how to
create 2D drawings from parts and assemblies. This chapter
introduces the concept of angle of projections, defining the
angle of projection, and editing sheet format. In addition, this
chapter discusses the application of reference and driving
dimensions, adding notes, surface finish symbol, weld
symbols, hole callouts, and so on in drawing views. In this
chapter, adding Bill of Material (BOM) and balloons have also
been introduced.


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